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11常看协议红色:表示整体框架性协议。蓝色:表示需要经常参考的协议。typenumbertitlewg prime内容产品/部门ts21.1013rd generation mobile system release 1999 specificationssp全部协议列表rnc, node b, uets21.111usim and ic card requirementst3ts21.133security threats and requirementss3tr21.810report on multi-mode ue issues; ongoing work and identified additional workt2tr21.900technical specification group working methodssptr21.904ue capability requirements (ucr)t2tr21.905vocabulary for 3gpp specificationss13g协议词汇表rnc, node b, uetr21.910multi-mode ue issues; categories, principles and procedurest2tr21.978feasibility technical report camel control of voip servicesn2ts22.001principles of circuit telecommunication services supported by a public land mobile network (plmn)s1ts22.002circuit bearer services (bs) supported by a public land mobile network (plmn)s1业务介绍mscts22.003circuit teleservices supported by a public land mobile network (plmn)s1业务介绍mscts22.004general on supplementary servicess1补充业务整体概述mscts22.011service accessibilitys1ts22.016international mobile equipment identities (imei)s1ts22.022personalization of mobile equipment (me); mobile functionality specifications3ts22.024description of charge advice information (cai)s1ts22.030man-machine interface (mmi) of the user equipment (ue)s1ts22.034high speed circuit switched data (hscsd); stage 1s1ts22.038usim/sim application toolkit (usat/sat); service description; stage 1s1ts22.041operator determined call barrings1ts22.042network identity and time zone (nitz), stage 1s1ts22.057mobile execution environment (mexe); stage 1s1ts22.060general packet radio service (gprs); stage 1s1ts22.066support of mobile number portability (mnp); stage 1s1ts22.067enhanced multi-level precedence and pre-emption service (emlpp); stage 1s1ts22.071location services (lcs); stage 1s1ts22.072call deflection (cd); stage 1s1ts22.078camel; stage 1s1ts22.079support of optimal routeing; stage 1s1ts22.081line identification supplementary services; stage 1s122.08122.097: 补充业务介绍mscts22.082call forwarding (cf) supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.083call waiting (cw) and call hold (hold) supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.084multiparty (mpty) supplementary service; stage 1s1ts22.085closed user group (cug) supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.086advice of charge (aoc) supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.087user-to-user signaling (uus); stage 1s1ts22.088call barring (cb) supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.090unstructured supplementary service data (ussd); stage 1s1ts22.091explicit call transfer (ect) supplementary service; stage 1s1ts22.093completion of calls to busy subscriber (ccbs); service description, stage 1s1ts22.094follow me service description - stage 1s1ts22.096name identification supplementary services; stage 1s1ts22.097multiple subscriber profile (msp) phase 1; service description - stage 1s1ts22.100umts phase 1s1ts22.101service aspects; service principless1ts22.105services & service capabilitiess1ts22.115service aspects charging and billings1ts22.121service aspects; the virtual home environment; stage 1s1ts22.129handover requirements between umts and gsm or other radio systemss1ts22.135multicall; service description; stage 1s1ts22.140service aspects; stage 1; multimedia messaging services1tr22.945study of provision of fax service in gsm and umtst2tr22.971automatic establishment of roaming relationshipss1tr22.975advanced addressings1ts23.002network architectures2网络结构全体ts23.003numbering, addressing and identificationn4ts23.007restoration proceduresn4ts23.008organization of subscriber datan4ts23.009handover proceduresn1切换过程rncts23.011technical realization of supplementary servicesn4ts23.012location management proceduresn4ts23.014support of dual tone multi frequency (dtmf) signalingn1ts23.015technical realization of operator determined barring (odb)n4ts23.016subscriber data management; stage 2n4ts23.018basic call handling; technical realizationn4ts23.032universal geographical area description (gad)s2ts23.034high speed circuit switched data (hscsd); stage 2n1ts23.038alphabets and language-specific informationt2tr23.039interface protocols for the connection of short message service centers (smscs) to short message entities (smes)t2ts23.040technical realization of short message service (sms)t2ts23.041technical realization of cell broadcast service (cbs)t2ts23.042compression algorithm for smst2ts23.057mobile execution environment (mexe); functional description; stage 2t2ts23.060general packet radio service (gprs) service description; stage 2s2分组域过程uets23.066support of gsm mobile number portability (mnp) stage 2n4ts23.067enhanced multi-level precedence and preemption service (emlpp); stage 2n4ts23.072call deflection supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.073support of localised service area (solsa); stage 2n4ts23.078customised applications for mobile network enhanced logic (camel) phase 3 - stage 2n2ts23.079support of optimal routeing (sor); technical realization; stage 2n4ts23.081line identification supplementary services; stage 2n423.081-23.097: 补充业务实现mscts23.082call forwarding (cf) supplementary services; stage 2n4ts23.083call waiting (cw) and call hold (hold) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.084multiparty (mpty) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.085closed user group (cug) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.086advice of charge (aoc) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.087user-to-user signalling (uus) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.088call barring (cb) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.090unstructured supplementary service data (ussd); stage 2n4ts23.091explicit call transfer (ect) supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.093technical realization of completion of calls to busy subscriber (ccbs); stage 2n4ts23.094follow me stage 2n4ts23.096name identification supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.097multiple subscriber profile (msp) phase 1; stage 2n4ts23.101general umts architectures2ts23.107quality of service (qos) concept and architectures2介绍qosrncts23.108mobile radio interface layer 3 specification core network protocols stage 2 (structured procedures)n1ts23.110umts access stratum services and functionss2ts23.116super-charger technical realization; stage 2n4ts23.119gateway location register (glr); stage2n4ts23.121architecture requirements for release 99s2ts23.122non-access-stratum functions related to mobile station (ms) in idle moden1ts23.127virtual home environment; stage 2s2ts23.135multicall supplementary service; stage 2n4ts23.140multimedia messaging service (mms); functional description; stage 2t2ts23.171functional stage 2 description of location services in umtss2tr23.814separating rr and mm specific parts of the ms classmarkn1tr23.908technical report on pre-pagingn4tr23.909technical report on the gateway location registern4tr23.910circuit switched data bearer servicesn3tr23.911technical report on out-of-band transcoder controln4tr23.912technical report on super-chargern4tr23.923combined gsm and mobile ip mobility handling in umts ip cns2tr23.925umts core network based atm transports2tr23.930iu principless2tr23.972circuit switched multimedia telephonyn1ts24.002gsm-umts public land mobile network (plmn) access reference configurationn1ts24.007mobile radio interface signalling layer 3 - general aspectsn1业务部分mscts24.008mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; core network protocols; stage 3n1nas协议ue,mscts24.010mobile radio interface layer 3 - supplementary services specification - general aspectsn4ts24.011point-to-point (pp) short message service (sms) support on mobile radio interfacen1ts24.022radio link protocol (rlp) for circuit switched bearer and teleservicesn3ts24.030location services lcs stage 3 ss (mo-lr)n4ts24.067enhanced multi-level precedence and pre-emption service (emlpp); stage 3n4ts24.072call deflection supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.080mobile radio layer 3 supplementary service specification - formats and codingn4ts24.081line identification supplementary service; stage 3n424.081-24.097: 补充业务描述mscts24.082call forwarding supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.083call waiting (cw) and call hold (hold) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.084multiparty (mpty) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.085closed user group (cug) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.086advice of charge (aoc) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.087user-to-user signalling (uus); stage 3n4ts24.088call barring (cb) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.090unstructured supplementary service data (ussd); stage 3n4ts24.091explicit call transfer (ect) supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.093call completion to busy subscriber (ccbs); stage 3n4ts24.096name identification supplementary service; stage 3n4ts24.135multicall supplementary service; stage 3n4ts25.101ue radio transmission and reception (fdd)r4rncts25.102ue radio transmission and reception (tdd)r4ts25.104utra (bs) fdd; radio transmission and receptionr4rncts25.105utra (bs) tdd: radio transmission and receptionr4ts25.113base station emcr4ts25.123requirements for support of radio resource management (tdd)r4ts25.133requirements for support of radio resource management (fdd)r4ts25.141base station conformance testing (fdd)r4ts25.142base station conformance testing (tdd)r4ts25.201physical layer -general descriptionr1物理层整体框架ue, node b, rncts25.211physical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (fdd)r1ue, node b, rncts25.212multiplexing and channel coding (fdd)r1ue, node b, rncts25.213spreading and modulation (fdd)r1ue, node b, rncts25.214physical layer procedures (fdd)r1ue, node b, rncts25.215physical layer; measurements (fdd)r1ue, node b, rncts25.221physical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (tdd)r1ts25.222multiplexing and channel coding (tdd)r1ts25.223spreading and modulation (tdd)r1ts25.224physical layer procedures (tdd)r1ts25.225physical layer; measurements (tdd)r1ts25.301radio interface protocol architecturer2无线接口协议整体框架rncts25.302services provided by the physical layerr2物理层rncts25.303interlayer procedures in connected moder2连接模式下层间流程rncts25.304ue procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected moder2小区选择和重选rncts25.305stage 2 functional specification of ue positioning in utranr2lcs算法rncts25.306ue radio access capabilities definitionr2ue接入能力rncts25.307requirements on ue supporting a release-independent frequency bandr2ts25.321medium access control (mac) protocol specificationr2mac层rncts25.322radio link control (rlc) protocol specificationr2rlc层rncts25.323packet data convergence protocol (pdcp) specificationr2pdcp层rncts25.324broadcast/multicast control (bmc)r2ts25.331radio resource control (rrc) protocol specificationr2rrc无线资源控制协议rnc, ue, node bts25.401utran overall descriptionr3utran整体描述rncts25.402synchronization in utran stage 2r3同步rncts25.410utran iu interface: general aspects and principlesr3ts25.411utran iu interface layer 1r3ts25.412utran iu interface signalling transportr3ts25.413utran iu interface ranap signallingr3iu口信令rncts25.414utran iu interface data transport & transport signallingr3ts25.415utran iu interface user plane protocolsr3ts25.419utran iu-bc interface: service area broadcast protocol (sabp)r3ts25.420utran iur interface: general aspects and principlesr3ts25.421utran iur interface layer 1r3ts25.422utran iur interface signalling transportr3ts25.423utran iur interface rnsap signallingr3iur口信令rncts25.424utran iur interface data transport & transport signalling for cch data streamsr3ts25.425utran iur interface user plane protocols for cch data streamsr3ts25.426utran iur and iub interface data transport & transport signalling for dch data streamsr3ts25.427utran iur and iub interface user plane protocols for dch data streamsr3iub口dch用户面rncts25.430utran iub interface: general aspects and principlesr3ts25.431utran iub interface layer 1r3ts25.432utran iub interface signalling transportr3ts25.433utran iub interface nbap signallingr3iub口信令rncts25.434utran iub interface data transport & transport signalling for cch data streamsr3ts25.435utran iub interface user plane protocols for cch data streamsr3iub口cch用户面rncts25.442utran implementation specific o&m transportr3tr25.831study items for future releaser3tr25.832manifestations of handover and srns relocationr3切换和srns迁移rnctr25.833physical layer items not for inclusion in release 99r1tr25.853delay budget within the access stratumr3接入层时间预算分析rnctr25.921guidelines and principles for protocol description and error handlingr2tr25.922radio resource management strategiesr2无线资源管理策略rnctr25.925radio interface for broadcast/multicast servicesr2tr25.931utran functions, examples on signalling proceduresr3utran信令流程例子rnctr25.941document structurer4tr25.942rf system scenariosr4仿真用的一些场景rnctr25.944channel coding and multiplexing examplesr1信道编码和复用的一些例子rnctr25.990vocabulary for utranr4ts26.071amr speech codec; general descriptions4amr语音整体介绍rncts26.073amr speech codec; c-source codes4ts26.074amr speech codec; test sequencess4ts26.090amr speech codec; transcoding functionss4ts26.091amr speech codec; error concealment of lost framess4ts26.092amr speech codec; comfort noise for amr speech traffic channelss4ts26.093amr speech codec; source controlled rate operations4rncts26.094amr speech codec; voice activity detector for amr speech traffic channelss4ts26.101amr speech codec; frame structures4rncts26.102amr speech codec; interface to iu and uus4rncts26.103codec listss4ts26.104ansi?c code for the floating-point amr speech codecs4ts26.110codec for circuit switched multimedia telephony service; general descriptions4ts26.111codec for circuit switched multimedia telephony service; modifications to h.324s4ts26.131narrow band (3,1khz) speech & video telephony terminal acoustic characteristicss4ts26.132narrow band (3,1khz) speech & video telephony terminal acoustic test specification.s4tr26.911codec for circuit switched multimedia telephony service;terminal implementors guides4tr26.912codec for circuit switched multimedia telephony service; quantitative performance evaluation of h.324 annex c over 3gs4tr26.915echo control for speech and multi-media servicess4tr26.975performance characterization of the amr speech codecs4rncts27.001general on terminal adaptation functions (taf) for mobile stations (ms)n3ts27.002terminal adaptation functions (taf) for services using asynchronous bearer capabilitiesn3ts27.003terminal adaptation functions (taf) for services using synchronous bearer capabilitiesn3ts27.005use of data terminal equipment - data circuit terminating equipment (dte-dce) interface for short message service (sms) and cell broadcast service (cbs)t2ts27.007at command set for 3g user equipment (ue)t2ts27.010terminal equipment to user equipment (te-ue) multiplexer protocol user equipment (ue)t2ts27.060packet domain; mobile station (ms) supporting packet switched servicesn3ts27.103wide area network synchronizationt2tr27.901report on terminal interfaces - an overviewt2tr27.903discussion of synchronization standardst2ts29.002mobile application part (map) specificationn4ts29.007general requirements on interworking between the public land mobile network (plmn) and the integrated services digital network (isdn) or public switched telephone network (pstn)n3ts29.0


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