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英语教案where are you内容:where are you ?执教:马魏娜目的:1.词in on under beside behind 2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把)2.banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box 3.bag book pencil-box pencil4.cat (头饰)过程:一.出示小猫头饰,引起兴趣。1 good morning boys and girls.(good morning.)2 who am i ? (cat)3 yes, i am a cat !and i am a hungry cat!4 i want to eat some fish .二寻找小鱼,激发幼儿的积极性。1 where is it ?is it on the table ? (no, it isnt.)what is it ?(it is an apple.)2. is it under the table?(no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a banana.)3. is it beside chair?(no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a cake.)4. is it behind chair? (no, it isnt.) what is it ? (it is a biscuit.)5. where is it ? is it on the paino? oh, heres a box on the paino. let me take a look.6. who can find it ? please. anyone?7. oh,it is in this box.8.oh,its time to go to school.三转换场景1 where is my bag?2 who wants to help me? (it is behind the chair.)3. wher is my book?(it is under the chair.)4.where is my pencil-box?(it is on the table.)5.where is my pencil?(it is in the pencil-box.)6.what a silly cat!7.thank you ,thank you ,thank you very much!四游戏,提高幼儿的学习兴趣。1 now ,lets play a game.2 who wants to try ?3 listen, we are have fuor tables.and a pencil for each of table.4 are you ready?(yes ,sir.)5 ok.follow the instraaction.put it on the chairyou last(the game)you are winner(the game) 6.who wants to be a teacher?please. 7.once again.gamego go go1. last ,lets play a game with your father and mother.2. stand up (找自己的爸爸和妈妈)3. are you ready?(yes,sir.)4. ok, game begain.(1) go go go ,go go go ,stop.(2) stand beside the window.(3) stand behind the chair.(4) stanf on the chair.五结束1 last,lets say a rhyme.2 are you ready?(yes ,sir.)3 listen to the music.4 left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go.on on on the headin in in the handbehind behind behind the backunder under under the chair 5.ok ,so much for today.bye bye. she is my mothershe is my mother she is my mother. total: 3 lesson: 2teaching purpose: use pronouns to identify people. ask a who question use adj to describe people.teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty who is this? it is me. who is he? he is my father. he is handsome. i love my father.teaching procedures:a: revision1. singing: hello, how are you? i like coffee teddy bear2. a chant: grandfather, grandfather, old, grandmother, grandmother, healthy, father, father, handsome, mother, mother, pretty, uncle, uncle, fat, auntie, auntie, slim, sister, sister, smart, brother, brother, naughty, i am lovely.3.tonys family picture: who is he? he is my father.a. the teacher asks and the students answer.b. boys ask and girls answer.c. girls ask and boys answer.4.singing: who is he?b: presentationa.1. a picture of myself:t: who is she? ss: she is miss zhang.t: yes, it is me.2. teach the new structure: who is this? it is me.3. a picture of our class: ( all the students ask together, and the one who is in the picture should stand up and says: it is me.) ss: who is this? s1:it is me. 4. a game: look at the screen and the one appear on the screen should stand up and say the sentence.tony, tony, can you see? tony, tony, it is me. b.1. go back to tonys family picture.2. fatherfather, handsomemothermother, prettysistersister, smartbrotherbrother, naughty3. draw the lines. naughty smart pretty handsome4. a game: who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please come to the front then chant together.e.g. charley, charley, handsome. harry, harry, handsome.5. introduce tonys family members: who is he? he is my father. he is handsome. i love my father.6. drill: he is my father. he is handsome. i love my father.7. look at your own pictures then do pairwork:a: who is she? b: she is my mother. she is pretty. i love my mother.8. drawing: draw a picture of your family, then introduce your family members.e.g. she is my sister. she is smart. i love my sister.幼儿英语教案活动内容:1.单词 hospital. post office. 2.句型where to? go to 活动目标:1.幼儿能初步掌握单词发音。 2.能正确理解句型含义。 3.踊跃地参加游戏,大胆大声练读。 活动准备:1.挂图park zoo hospital post office 2.卡片park zoo hospital post office 3.长绳5条。 重难点:1.post office的发音。 2.句型的理解。 活动过程:一.开始部分 1. 操练单词:出示挂图 t: what s this? c: park. t: what s this? c: zoo. 新单词 出示挂图 t:有一个人告诉你他生病,你应该告诉他上哪去呀? c:医院。 t: hospital c: hospital t: go to hospital. c: go to hospital. t:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢? c:邮局。 t: post office c: post office t: go to post office. c: go to post office. 二游戏部分 1. 悄悄话. 分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。反复操练2次。 评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。 2. 情景表演 两位老师情景对话“ where to? ” “ go to ” t: 刚才听到什么?看到什么? 幼儿简单回答。 操练句型 t: where to? c: go to park. t: where to? c: go to hospital. t: where to? c: go to zoo. t: where to? c: go to post office. 3火车嘟嘟嘟! 两位老师拉着长绳当火车。 “现在我们就搭上火车,去自己想去的地方。” 交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to招手上车,到站下车。游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。 三结束活动 在愉快的火车旅途中结束本次活动。 活动总结 一 情况分析 通过进行本次活动和对活动的评价给我自身带来很大的收获。本次活动我运用了多种游戏形式开展,给幼儿也带来了很多快乐。但本次活动,我只注重了教学形式的多样化,而对目标的体现及幼儿掌握情况不够仔细。在开始部分中,操练单词的时间较长,幼儿显得有点枯燥,而且两个新单词发音都比较长,幼儿掌握起来很困难。后来通过各种游戏的形式才把幼儿的积极性调动了起来。 二 小结 在今后的游戏活动中,我会特别注重内容的选材,适合本班幼儿掌握,以达到目标为重点,多种游戏形式丰富内容,同时结合自身的经验丰富课堂用语,让英语活动更加有色彩!new housenew house 活动内容: new house (大班) 执教教师:马魏娜 活动目标: 通过游戏活动布置新房,复习对日常生活中常用单词,介词及句型 i need i put it 进一步掌握 通过描述日常生活中幼儿所熟悉的物和事情,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣 活动准备: 房子图片 平面示意图组合图(幅) 平面示意图教师示范幼儿操作图(大小) 小超市所需图片若干 活动过程: 一幼儿边唱“happy home”边进教室,并引导幼儿与老师招呼 today, we have so many guests in our classroom. lets say “ hello” to them. all right! sit down, please! 二(一)引出活动 出示房子图片,引起兴趣:look! whats this? 复习各种房间的名称:this is the bedroom ( bathroom living room kitchen) 以布置房间的形式引起幼儿兴趣 now, i want to decorate them. first, i want to decorate my living room. can you help me? 请名幼儿先商量布置客厅,引导幼儿去超市购买所需要的物 品 i need something to decorate it. can you help me? look ! the supermarket is beside my new house. you can get there and buy something we need. who can help me? a.要求幼儿通过商量,购置布置客厅所需的物品 think about it. what we need! b.复习句型i need c.请幼儿将所购买的物品布置到客厅内,并复习句型i put 及各种介词的用法 are you ready? come on! you do it! tell us, where do you put it? (二)幼儿分组操作,教师指导 a .引起幼儿布置其他房间的兴趣 i so believe you. look at my bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. they are almost empty lets decorate them, ok? b.引导幼儿布置其他房间 this is bedroom. (bathroom kitchen) what we need? 引导幼儿自由组合并讨论怎样布置其他房间,并学习去超市购买所需物品 if you want to decorate the bedroom ( bathroom kitchen). you can go there and here. the supermarket is beside you. you can get there and buy something you need. 幼儿分组操作,教师巡回指导 you do it! its up to you! 引导幼儿把图纸讲述给客人老师听 say something about your picture to our guests. 听音乐安静入座 三通过竞赛的形式进一步复习巩固介词的用法及句型i need i put it 任意选组讲述 come on! lets have a race. tell us something about your picture. (we need i put it ) 四结束活动 鞭炮起,教师发糖 welcome to my new house song: 出教室 english song “do you know the fireman”英语活动设计 活动名称:english song “do you know the fireman” 活动目标: 1、感受歌曲节奏特点,喜欢和老师小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戏。 2、结合图片实物了解歌曲中人物的职业。 活动准备: 1,图片:医生、护士、警察、司机、厨师 2,玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘、锅铲 玩具箱 3,已掌握一些职业的名称 活动过程: 1、师生问候,引出主题,并复习以前掌握的人物职业名称。 t:hello, boys and girls. c:hello, jane. t:your are my good friends. but i have lots of friends. gue ! who are they? (逐一出示图片,引出新单词fireman.) t: whats her/his job? c: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver. 2、发现新的图片,接触新名称fireman. 由教师的提问:whats his job? 引发小朋友关于消防员工作的讨论,了解他们的辛苦和勇敢。 t:so, if someone ask me : do you know the fireman? i can say: oh, he is my best friend. 3、结合图片欣赏歌曲。listen to the tape, and show kids the picture. 4、teacher sings a song again. - do you know the fireman?(向左边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作) - the fireman, the fireman?(手指图片) - do you know the fireman? (向右边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作) - oh, he is my best friend.(先指图片再指自己) 5、根据歌曲内容提问,幼儿将听到的词句反馈出来。教师特别讲解do you know xxx 的用法,以及best friend的含义。 6、集体演唱歌曲。 7、分小组选择不同图片,改编歌词,自编动作演唱。 8、玩游戏:do you know 大家问一个幼儿do you know doctor?这个幼儿就从玩具箱中摸出相应的玩具听诊器,作看病的动作。 延伸活动: 布置一个装扮区,提供各种职业的服装和用具,幼儿在自由装扮中,加深对各种职业的了解,并用到相应的对话。 what do you want?i wantwhat do you want?i wantteaching plan what do you want?i want teaching aims: 1、复习水果的英语名称,初步掌握句型what do you want?i want 2、在游戏中感知新句型并体验英语游戏的乐趣。 teaching aids: a basket some fruits some fruits cards a dice two trees teaching ste : 一、greeting t: hello,good noon,boys and girls! c: hello,good noon,melody!. t:what do you see?look,i have a beautiful basket.there are some fruits in it!look,whats this? :its a 二to learn 1 show a pu et to students.teacher and pu et each other say: “what do you want?i want 2 show a dice to students. t:whats this? ice. t:now,ill ask:what do you want?youll a wer:i want ok?(the teacher first turn the dice,as turn as ask: “ what do you want?”then the students ask:“i want”) 3 show the fruits cards on the blackboard. t:what are these? :some fruits. t: what do you want? :i want(if theyll say great,then put down the fruits cards from the blackboard and give them.) 4将小朋友分成红队和蓝队,请两队摘树上的水果.每队各选5名代表上来,分别为no.1no.5,当下面的小朋友说: “what do you want?”时,no.1no.5的小朋友根据老师的指令说: “i want”哪个队的代表说得又快又好,采下的水果就归哪个队. 5 将小朋友分成5个小组,每个小组一个球,抛的说: “what do you want?”接的说: “i want”. t:cla is over.lets stand up and turn back.to other teachers say:thank you,bye-bye.大班英语:red yellow blue and green大班英语:red yellow blue and green 活动目标:1、在复习颜色red、yellow、blue和green,的基础上,让幼儿学会听懂问句“what color?”并能用“red、yellow、blue”来回答。 2、能将所学四种颜色的英语名称:red(红)、yellow(黄)、blue(蓝)、green(绿) 用于学过的单词前或一句话中。如it is a red bird 3、通过多种游戏后活动激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣. 活动准备1、四色气球各一个,红绿灯,圆形颜色大转盘。 活动过程:一、导入,复习四种颜色。 游戏:以小组的形式开展比赛,小组叫红队,蓝队,黄队和绿队。 (孩子们,欢迎你们来到幸运35的现场,我是主持人 mi zhong,我将和你们一起度过一个愉快的35分钟,你们准备好了吗?)(每个幼儿手臂上系上一根有四中颜色的带子,分别以它们的颜色命名。) 比赛一 出示颜色大转盘,上面有各种颜色,老师捐到什么颜色,请小朋友用英语说出来,速度由慢到快。比赛二老师:“boys and girlslets play a game! whats mi ing?”(现在我们来玩个游戏,什么花不见了?) please close your eyes(教师任意取走一种颜色,然后请幼儿)please open your eyes,请幼儿观看后说出red(yellow、green、blue)flower不见了。二、学习听问句1、老师“我们知道了四种颜色的英语名称,那如果我们问一种东西是什么颜色,应该怎样说呢?”应该这样问:what color is it? (它是什么颜色的?)回答是:its red(是红色的)its yellow(是黄色的)its blue(是蓝色的)its green(是绿色的)2、老师分别指着花和颜色转盘上的颜色,提问:what color is it? 幼儿用its回答。 寻找书上的红黄蓝绿。(比赛) colour game: colour the card. t: this is a picture, who is she? c: she is mermaid. t: please colour the hair yellow. colour the hand pink t: please put your picture in the basket. 3、游戏:搭汽车 教师出示一个红色的圈“its a ringwhat color is it?”幼儿回答:教师手持红色圈作开车状“i am a driver”(我是一名司机,现在我的汽车开到谁的面前,回答对了我的问题,就请上车) 教师随小司机音乐手持方向盘开车,绕场一周,停到任意一个幼儿面前,指着其衣服颜色提问:“what color is it?”幼儿回答:its回答正确。教师作请上车手势,幼儿跟在老师身后开汽车,游戏反复进行。 4、游戏红绿灯 教师“刚才老师扮演了司机,你们也来当一回小司机好吗?请小司机们每人拿一个塑料圈当作方向盘,小司机们先想想,在十字路口看见红绿灯应该怎样做。”幼儿手握圆圈随小司机音乐开汽车,音乐停。红灯亮:教师提问:little drivers,look! what color is it? its red red light stop (红灯停)黄灯亮:教师what color is it? its yellowyellow light wait (黄灯等)绿灯亮:教师what color is it? its greengreen light go (绿灯行)游戏可反复一次 游戏:我说你做,给每个幼儿一张纸,在纸上给邮局,消防车,大海,圣诞树上涂上颜色。 结束: 出示三原色,做变色的实验,引出新的颜色,下一节课再学习。 thats all for todaycla is over. byebyeboys and girls 大班英语活动:colour game大班英语活动:colour game教学目标:在游戏活动中,复习已学过的颜色单词,学习新单词:purple(紫色)、pink(粉红色)。 鼓励幼儿大胆运用已学过的颜色、物品的单词进行组合,培养幼儿思维的灵活性。 教学准备:多媒体软件、色卡、彩色板、各种玩具等。 教学重点:运用颜色单词来描述物品。 教学难点:用新单词与物品进行组合。 教学流程:复习颜色 翻板游戏找说玩具竞赛游戏 复习颜色 多媒体电脑出示颜色,请幼儿用英语说,复习颜色单词。 red yellow green blue orange black white brown. 引出新单词:purple pink. 开火车玩色卡,每人一张色卡用英语说。可交换色卡再玩一次。 翻板游戏: 教师示范介绍游戏玩法:每块板的反面都有动物图片,请幼儿用英语说出动物名称和颜色。如red cat(红色的猫)。 幼儿分成红、绿两队进行游戏比赛,看看哪队赢得的板多。 游戏:屋中找玩具 教师交代游戏规则:幼儿到玩具屋中随意拿一样玩具,回到座位上后,音乐一停抢先站在板上用英语介绍自己的玩具。如:yellow car(黄色的汽车)。 幼儿游戏比比谁的反应快说得正确。 竞赛:比比谁的星星多? 鼓励幼儿用英语说一种想象中颜色和物品组合的词语,如:green house(绿色的星星)。说正确就可得一颗星。鼓励幼儿说得与别人不同和说一句完整的句子。shoes大班英语教案shoes大班英语教案shoes 刘岚 目标:1.学会新单词: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight 2.运用新单词简单的组成句型,并适当的进行对话。 准备:运动鞋,拖鞋,磁带 过程: 一 greeting hello ,how are you ? what s the weather like today ? what the day is today ? 二 warming the sun、the moon 三 新授 1 gue whats in the bag ? its they are 2one by one 3. 示范 (1)老师示范:let me try them on. 1. they are tight . they are not my size. 2. they are just right. they are my size. (2) 幼儿示范: t:how do you feel? s:they are tight . they are not my size they are just right. they are my size. 4. game 幼儿围成圈,把自己的鞋子脱下来放在面前,听音乐,听老师指令。 do you want to try? ok ,take off your shoes stand up. 听音乐,幼儿围圈走,音乐停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。 how do you feel? 多遍游戏,开始可由老师问,幼儿熟练以后可让幼儿问。 5结尾 sing a song “the more we get together ” 边唱边继续转圈,演唱结束 find your shoes, put them on. 音乐活动ten little india children音乐活动ten little india children 设计意图: l 音乐活动是我园的特色之一,它带给幼儿的感觉是自由、轻松而愉悦。本次活动是将双语渗透于音乐活动的一种新的尝试,教师希望通过此次活动能让幼儿学习双语的积极性得以最大限度地发挥。在一次很偶然的谈话中,我从幼儿的谈话中了解到,幼儿对童话故事白雪公主中的“小矮人”形象非常喜爱,而且平时也总是饶有兴趣地哼唱十个小矮人这首歌。于是,我便抓住幼儿这一兴趣,设计了这个活动,从幼儿的主体出发,让幼儿能主动、积极地参与双语活动,活动中教师能与幼儿上下互动,能让幼儿自信地发音并能自如地、心情愉快地学习乐曲。 活动目标: 1、初步学习歌曲ten little indian children,能大声地用英语来演唱。 2、复习双语单词oneten,会与数字110相对应。 3、通过音乐游戏复习第57册英语句子提高幼儿学习双语的兴趣。 4、培养幼儿感受音乐,热爱大自然的美好情感。 教学重难点: 1、认识单词oneten,会与数字110相对应。 2、学习新的乐曲ten little indian children,初步掌握歌词与旋律。 活动准备: 1、印有英语单词oneten的车票两套。 2、情景布置图及汽车座位上粘上数字110两排。 3、画有印第安小朋友的图片若干。 4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一个小孩 one little 。 5、幼儿人手一个小背包,包内放有英语句子纸条两份。 6、幼儿水笔人手一份,教师事先在十个小指上画有简单的脸谱。 活动过程: 一、开始部分: up2; 以旅游售票的游戏导入,复习数字110的英语单词。(播放背景音乐) t:小朋友,今天天气真好,让我带你们去旅游吧!lets go! (跟着音乐做简单的律动) t:瞧,孩子们!车站到了,请你们去售票员阿姨那买票,然后根据你的车票上车找相应的座位号,赶快行动吧! (幼儿进行买票入座游戏,根据票上的英文找座位上的数字相匹配) t:小朋友都找到座位了。ok!我现在要来核对一下你的车票是否和你所坐的座位号相符合,请你用响亮的声音从110的顺序报出你的车票号码。do you understand?yes!ok! you pleas! (幼儿用响亮的声音报出车票号码,教师根据幼儿所报号码进行核对,并纠正个别幼儿的发音。) t:ok! very good. 经过核对,你们的车票与座位号都相吻合。请小朋友保管好你们的票,把它放在口袋里,放好了吗?车要开了。(播放音乐,做简单律动。) 二、基础部分: up2; 引导幼儿认识、理解歌词,初步熟悉歌曲旋律。 1、以游戏性的方式引出主题。 t:小朋友快看,我们到印第安了。瞧,那边还有许多indian children 在迎接我们呢。快打个招呼吧!hello, indian children. t:拿出你们的照相机给他们拍张照片吧。(形象性的做手势照相) 2、初步熟悉歌词。 t:小朋友们我们下车了。让我们来数一数这里有几个indian children. (师生一同用英语进行点数) t:ok!ten indian children. 现在请你们来看一下我拍的照片,好吗?(边出示图片边请幼儿说出照片上有几个小孩) 非常棒,indian children都在夸你们呢,老师告诉你们一个小孩是用英语one little来表示的,跟老师说 t:老师知道你们的英语学得非常棒,请你们把旁边的中英文短句贴放在相应的照片下。(将幼儿分为两组进行匹配) 幼儿英语教案活动内容: 1.单词 hospital. post office. 2.句型where to? go to 活动目标: 1.幼儿能初步掌握单词发音。 2.能正确理解句型含义。 3.踊跃地参加游戏,大胆大声练读。 活动准备: 1.挂图park zoo hospital post office 2.卡片park zoo hospital post office 3.长绳5条。 重难点: 1.post office的发音。 2.句型的理解。 活动过程:一.开始部分 1. 操练单词:出示挂图 t: what s this? c: park. t: what s this? c: zoo. 新单词 出示挂图 t:有一个人告诉你他生病,你应该告诉他上哪去呀? c:医院。 t: hospital c: hospital t: go to hospital. c: go to hospital. t:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢? c:邮局。 t: post office c: post office t: go to post office. c: go to post office. 二游戏部分 1. 悄悄话 分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。反复操练2次。 评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。 2. 情景表演 两位老师情景对话“ where to? ” “ go to ” t: 刚才听到什么?看到什么? 幼儿简单回答。 操练句型 t: where to? c: go to park. t: where to? c: go to hospital. t: where to? c: go to zoo. t: where to? c: go to post office. 3火车嘟嘟嘟! 两位老师拉着长绳当火车。 “现在我们就搭上火车,去自己想去的地方。” 交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to招手上车,到站下车。游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。 三结束活动 在愉快的火车旅途中结束本次活动。 活动总结 一 情况分析 通过进行本次活动和对活动的评价给我自身带来很大的收获。本次活动我运用了多种游戏形式开展,给幼儿也带来了很多快乐。但本次活动,我只注重了教学形式的多样化,而对目标的体现及幼儿掌握情况不够仔细。在开始部分中,操练单词的时间较长,幼儿显得有点枯燥,而且两个新单词发音都比较长,幼儿掌握起来很困难。后来通过各种游戏的形式才把幼儿的积极性调动了起来。 二 小结 在今后的游戏活动中,我会特别注重内容的选材,适合本班幼儿掌握,以达到目标为重点,多种游戏形式丰富内容,同时结合自身的经验丰富课堂用语,让英语活动更加有色彩!put on & take offput on & take off 活动内容:put on & take off 执教教师:马魏娜 活动目标: 1 乐意参加英语活动,对英语活动感兴趣。 2 复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sport shoes 新授单词:glasses(眼镜)、pants(裤子)、scarf(围巾) 3 能结合所学单词熟练运用句型put on take off. 活动准备: 1 多媒体vcd(事先录制) 内容: a.太阳升起时小朋友起床,穿戴自己的衣物(句型练习:put on、出现新授单词glasses、pants、scarf) b.天黑了,小朋友准备上床睡觉(句型怜惜:take off) c.两名幼儿相互间发指令(复习巩固单词与句型) 2图片:glasses、pants、scarf 4实物:coat、cap、gloves、glasses、pants、scarf 活动过程: 一、warming up rhyme: coat coat coat、cold cold cold if you are cold, put on your coat. 二、观看录像,学习新单词 1.t: everybody, there is a program for y


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