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交际英语1、- lets go for a drive. - _c_a:im busy. b:it drives me mad. c:all right. lets go. d:i dont say anything.2、- would you like to go to a concert this evening? - _a:ok. lets go. b:you are welcome.c:but i have nothing else to do. d:not bad. 3、- what can i do for you?- _.a:i want a kilo of pears b:you can do in your own way c:thanks d:excuse me. im busy 4、- excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?- _.a:dont ask i b:sorry, im a stranger here c:no, i cant say that d:no, youre driving too fast 5、- oh, sorry to bother you.- _.a:thats okay b:no, you cant c:thats good d:oh, i dont know 6、- thank you for calling.- _a:dont mention it. b:thats fine. c:nice talking to you. d:call back again7、- excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- _ oh yes! two blocks away from here at the green avenue. you cant miss it. a:i beg your pardon? b:what do you mean? c:youre welcome. d:mm, let me think. 8、- please help yourself to the seafood.- _.a:no, i cant b:sorry, i cant help c:well, seafood dont suit for d:thanks, but i dont like the seafood9、- can you go to the concert with us this evening?- _.a:no, i already have plans b:id love to, but im busy tonightc:no, i really dont like being with you d:im ill, so i shouldnt go out10、- congratulations! you won the first prize in todays speech contest.- _.a:yes, i beat the others b:no, no, i didnt do it well c:thank you d:its a pleasure 11、- hello, im harry potter.- hello, my name is charles green, but _. a:call my charles b:call me at charles c:call me charles d:call charles me 12、- how do you do?- _a:very well. b:how do you do? c:im a doctor. d:nice to have known you. 13、- must i take a taxi?- no, you_. you can take a car.a:had better to b:dont c:must not d:dont have to 14、- we are going to have a singing party tonight. would you like to join us?- _.a:im afraid not, because i have to go to an important meeting b:of course not. i have no idea c:no, i cant d:thats all set 15、- may i use your bike for a moment?- _.a:its well b:it doesnt matter c:by all means d:i have no idea 16、- how are you, bob?- _, ted.a:how are you? b:im fine. thank you. c:how do you do? d:nice to meet you. 17、- thanks for your help.- _. a:my pleasure b:never mind c:quite right d:dont thank me 18、- how do you do? glad to meet you.- _a:fine. how are you? b:how do you do? glad to meet you, too.c:how are you? thank you! d:nice. how are you? 19、- hi, is mary there, please?- _a:hold on. ill get her. b:no, she isnt here. c:yes, she lives here. d:yes, what do you want? 20、- would you mind changing seats with me?- _.a:yes, you can b:of course, i like to c:no, i dont mind d:certainly, please do 21 here on the grass or down there near the water?- _a:id rather stay here if you dont mind. b:sorry, i dont like neither.c:certainly, why not? d:yes, we like these two places. 22、- im terribly sorry that ive spilled some coffee on the carpet.- _.a:sorry b:it doesnt matter c:thats right d:dont mention it 23、- doctor, i dont feel well.- _a:you are fine. b:it doesnt matter. c:whats the matter? d:dont take it se 24、- how was your trip to london, jane? - _. a:oh, wonderful indeed b:i went there alone c:the guide showed me the way d:by plane and by bus 25、- hey, tom, whats up?- _a:yes, definitely! b:oh, not much. c:what is happening in your life? d:you are lucky. 26、- susan is absent from todays writing class.- _? as far as i know, she has never missed a class.a:how come b:so what c:why d:what for 27、- if you like i can mail this letter for you?- _.a:thats very kind of you b:you are so kind c:please give me a hand d:you are great 28、- do you mind my smoking here?- _.a:no, thanks b:yes, i do c:yes. id rather not d:good idea 29、- david injured his leg playing football yesterday. - really? _?a:who did that b:whats wrong with him c:how did that happen d:why was he so careless30、- this box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.- _.a:you may ask for help b:ill give you a hand c:please do me a favor d:id come to help31、- unbelievable! i have failed the driving test again! - _. this is not the end of the world.a:good luck b:cheer up c:go ahead d:no problem 32、- would you like another slice of christmas cake? - _ im full. a:yes, please. b:no more, thanks. c:why not? d:nothing more. 33、- how are you feeling?- much better. _. a:thanks for coming to see me b:you look great c:you are so kind d:dont mention it 34、- oh, betty, we will be having a buffet party next saturday, and wed like you to join us. - _ , susan. whats the occasion? what time do you want me to come?a:id love to b:no way c:by no means d:im afraid not 35、- tomorrow is my birthday.- _ a:oh, i have no idea. b:im glad you like it. c:many happy returns of the day! d:you must be very happy.36、- wow! this is a marvelous room! ive never known youre so artistic.- _.a:great, i am very art-conscious b:dont mention it c:thanks for your compliments d:its fine 37、- is it possible for you to work late tonight? - _.a:i like it b:ill do that c:id love to d:i think so 38、- could you be so kind as to turn down that rock n roll? im preparing for tomorrows exam. _a:its none of your business. b:what are you doing? c:sure. sorry to disturb you. d:no, i dont think so.39、- are you getting a new flat this year?- _ i cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.a:without question. b:you must be joking. c:good idea! d:are you sure? 40、- i wonder if i could use your computer tonight? - _ im not using it right now.a:sure, go ahead. b:i dont know. c:it doesnt matter. d:who cares? 词汇与语法1、tom is so talkative. im sure youll soon get tired _ him.a:of b:with c:at d:on 2、you shouldnt _ your time like that, bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.a:cut b:do c:kill d:kick 3、- the public store is to close at 9:00 p.m.- _ no need to worry; it is just 7:30 p.m.a:you have b:they have c:it is d:there is 4、todays weather is _ worse than yesterdays. a:very b:much c:very much d:much too 5、it is said that_ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. a:very little b:quite a few c:quite a bit d:quite a little 6、i dont know the park, but its_ to be quite beautiful.a:said b:told c:spoken d:talked 7、- whats his mother like? - _. a:shes very happy b:shes at home c:she likes watching tv d:shes tall and thin 8、the new order means_ overtime. a:works b:worked c:to work d:working 9、mike is better than peter _ swimming a:for b:at c:on d:about 10、she has two best friends. _ of them is in the country. a:all b:both c:no one d:neither 11、i was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk i _to half a dozen other groups. a:was giving b:am giving c:had given d:have given 12、the baby is hungry,but theres _ milk in the bottle a:little b:a little c:few d:a few 13、when the railway is completed, we _ get to town much easily.a:can b:could c:are able to d:will be able to 14、you _ buy some reference books when you go to college.a:must b:will have to c:must to d:have to 15、harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry_ his mind.a:on b:to c:with d:at 16、he didnt pass the final examination. he _ it.a:must have prepared for b:ought to prepare forc:ought to have prepared for d:should prepare for 17、neither john _his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.a:nor b:or c:but d:and 18、- when shall we meet again? - _it any day you like. its all the same to me. a:do b:get c:meet d:make 19、you dont mind _you xiao li, do you?a:call b:to call c:to calling d:calling 20、the girl is _of a film star.a:somebody b:something c:anybody d:anyone 21、_ girl dressed _ black is her sister rose a:a; in b:a; on c:the; on d:the; in 22、charles regretted _the tv set last year .the price has now gone down.a:buying b:to buy c:of d:from 23、i have the complacent feeling _im hightly intelligent.a:what b:which c:that d:this 24、the atmosphere _certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.a:composes of b:is made up c:consists of d:makes up of 25、it was on the beach _miss white found the kid lying dead.a:that b:this c:it d:which 26、we all thought _pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.a:that b:which c:this d:it 27、the sports meeting was put off till the next week _rain.a:in spite of b:so c:because d:because of 28、i had my meals _when i was ill in bed with a bad cold.a:to bring b:bring c:brought d:bringing 29、what a bad memory ive got! i even forgot _the book with me.a:to take b:taking c:take d:taken 30、_ these honours he received a sum of money. a:except b:but c:besides d:outside 31、the dean of the philosophy department requested that the visiting scholar _a lecture on sartre.a:gave b:give c:would give d:had given 32、after the minister of education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made _all sorts of awkward questions.a:answer b:answering c:answered d:to answer 33、_her and then try to copy what she does.a:mind b:see c:stare at d:watch 34、janes dress is similar in design _her sisters.a:like b:with c:to d:as 35、i was satisfied with her explanation, _.a:so my classmates were b:so were my classmatesc:so my classmates did d:so did my classmates 36、will you_ me a favor, please?a:do b:make c:bring d:give 37、i will count three hundred and not one of you _move a muscle.a:is to b:are to c:is d:are 38、his salary as a driver is much higher than _.a:a porter b:is a porter c:that of a porter d:as a porter 39、its bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.a:behavior b:action c:manner d:movement 40、its time we _ the lecture because everybody has arrived.a:will start b:shall start c:start d:started 41、would you let _ to the park with my classmate, mum?a:me go b:me going c:i go d:i going 42、- its a good idea. but whos going to_ the plan?- i think john and peter will.a:carry out b:get through c:take in d:set aside 43、therefore, other things _ equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.a:is b:are c:being d:having 44、i have been looking forward to _ from my parents.a:hear b:being heard c:be heard d:hearing 45、before the final examination, some students have shown _ of tension. they even have trouble in sleeping.a:anxiety b:marks c:signs d:remarks 46、a police officer claimed he had attempted to _ paying his fare.a:avoid b:reject c:refuse d:neglect 47、while i was in the university, i learned taking a photo, _ is very useful now for me.a:it b:which c:that d:what 48、the problem is not _ so easy as you think. its far from being settled.a:hardly b:almost c:nearly d:scarcely 49、this kind of material expands _ the temperature increasing.a:to b:for c:with d:at 50、people at the party worried about him, because no one was aware _ he had gone.a:of where b:of the place where c:where d:the place 51、- its time to tidy your room, harry!- see the tidy room, mum! _ is where it should be.a:something b:anything c:everything d:nothing 52、a sudden noise of a fire-engine made him _to the door.a:hurrying b:hurried c:hurry d:to hurry 53、i wish everybody _the meeting tomorrow.a:will attend b:would attend c:had attended d:is going to attend 54、- what will you buy for your boyfriends birthday?- i want to buy a _ wallet for him.a:black leather small b:small black leather c:small leather black d:black small leather 55、you object _, dont you?a:that they come b:that they came c:to their come d:to their coming 56、_ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription.a:having finished b:finishing c:finished d:having been finished 57、the young actor who had been thought highly of _ to be a great disappointment.a:turned up b:turned out c:turned down d:turned in 58、hardly _on stage _the audience started heering.a:he had come/than b:he had come/when c:had he come/when d:had he come/than 59、there was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldnt make himself _.a:heard b:hearing c:to hear d:hear 60、the computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the internet. a:broke down b:broke out c:broke up d:broke in 61、it is the best _ i have seen.a:that b:who c:whom d:which 62、the old lady is quarrelling as if she _ mad.a:was b:is c:are d:were 63、theres lots of fruit _ the treeour little cat is also _ the tree. a:in;in b:on;on c:in;on d:on;in 64、my wallet is nowhere to be found. i _ in the store.a:must drop it b:must have dropped it c:should have dropped it d:ought to have dropped it 65、i would rather _ two weeks earlier.a:you should come here b:you come here c:you must come here d:you came here 66、how much has the company _ this year?a:brought in b:brought down c:brought out d:brought about 67、the manager will not _ us to use his car.a:have b:let c:agree d:allow 68、he is fond of playing _ piano while his brother is interested in listening to _ music.a:/; the b:/; / c:the; / d:the; the 69、the old houses are being pulled down to _ a new office block.a:make room for b:make use of c:take the place of d:supply with 70、- dont you feel surprised to see george at the meeting?- yes. i really didnt think he _ here.a:has been b:had been c:would be d:would have been 71、children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies _ bad for their mental development.a:that is b:that are c:as is d:as are 72、- nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.- oh, really? i_. i _ visit her.a:didnt know; will go to b:dont know; will go toc:didnt know; am going to d:havent known; am going to 73、- take this medicine twice a day, peter?- do i have to take it? it _ so terrible.a:is tasting b:is tasted c:tastes d:has tasted 74、the young _ eaten up almost everything on the table.a:is b:are c:has d:have 75、important _ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.a:when b:until c:as d:although 76、- why does he look sad?- there are so many problems _.a:remaining to settle b:remained settling c:remaining to be settled d:remained to be settled 77、- the physics exam is not difficult, is it?- _. even harry _ to the top students failed in it.a:yes; belongs b:no; belonged c:yes; belonging d:no; belonging 78、professor smith promised to look _my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.a:after b:over c:on d:into 79、- hi, jane. would you like to go to the ball this evening?- sorry, frank. _ tomorrows lessons, i have no time to go out with you.a:not preparing b:not having prepared c:not to prepare d:being not prepared 80、two days is not enough for him to finish the workhe needs _ day. a:other b:the other c:the third d:a third 81、the red flower goes from one to _ in the class. a:the other b:others c:another d:other 82、how can he _ if he is not _?a:listen; hearing b:hear; listening c:be listening; heard d:be hearing; listened to 83、in _, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.a:common b:total c:general d:particular 84、_ no need _ the radio as ive used to studying with it on.a:its; to turn down b:its; turning up c:theres; to turn off d:theres; turning off 85、the chinese women volleyball players _ both in and out of china.a:are thought good of b:are highly thought of c:are well thought d:are ill thought of 86、would you like something _ ?a:drink b:to drink c:drinking d:for drinking 87、the wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.a:covering b:covered c:cover d:to cover 88、_ is the population of paris? a:how many b:how much c:how d:what 89、as the busiest woman there, she made _ her duty to look


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