



2014 年南湖区中小学教师专业素养测试考试说明 学科名称: 小学英语小学英语 素养测试框架及考试范围说明: 一、教学理论知识 20% 1. 考试内容:义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版) 、 “学为中心”课堂转型实践指南 、 “学 习力”专栏(南湖教育科研 2013 年 4 期、2014 年 2 期)等 2. 考试题型:名词解释、简答题、分析题等 3. 例证性试题: 例题 1:分析题 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版) 中在学习策略的二级目标新增了:对所学内容能主 动复习和归纳;在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。请你选择其中一条标准,结合教学 实际说一说怎样落实。 二、教学本体性知识 40% 1. 考试内容:英语专业知识,包括英语语言知识和语言技能,重点考察英语语言运用能力。 包括听、读、写等方面的技能以及这些技能的综合运用。 2. 考试题型:听力、阅读理解、书面表达(翻译)等。 3. 例证性试题: 例题 2:听力 听下面一段材料,回答第 1 至 3 题。 1. When is the report due? A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. In three weeks. 2. How does the woman sound? A. Sorry. B. Unhappy. C. Interested. 3. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Sister and brother. B. Teacher and students. C. Boss and employee. Listening Text W: Wheres the report I asked you to finish for today, Doug? M: Im sorry, Ms. Janson, but its not quite ready. Ill have it by tomorrow. W: Thatll be too late, Doug. It is needed at the board meeting this afternoon. Youve been working on it for three weeks now. Why cant you have your work done on time? M: Ive just had a lot of other things to do, and I still havent caught up with the work I missed while I was on vacation. W: Well, Im really tired of your excuses, Doug. Your work has been getting worse for the past several months. Ive said a few things about it in the past, but nothing seems to help. M: I really am sorry. I know Im not working up to my abilities. Youll see a real improvement in my work from now on, Ms. Janson. I can promise you that. W: I certainly hope so. I know youre able to do much better than youve shown in the last few months. 例题 3:阅读理解 This is a chart about the changes of the amount of petrol in Bobbys car during a certain day. Time of day 1. The above chart shows _. A. how much Bobby paid for the petrolB. the speed the car was going C. which trip used the most petrolD. how far the car traveled 2. Jim bought petrol at _. A. 8 a.m.B. 9 a.m.C. 4 p.m.D. 6 p.m. 3. Throughout the day the car used _ of petrol. A. 10 litres B. 45 litresC. 35 litresD. 40 litres 三、教学实践性知识 40% 1. 考试内容: (1)小学英语教学专业技能:包括学为中心课堂的认识、建立起学为中心课堂的策略;英 语学科的特征要素在具体教学中的落实分析;教促进学的策略、提升教对学的积极影响的 做法等; (2)教学设计或案例分析:对指定的教学内容进行教材分析、学情分析、教学目标设计、 教学片断设计或对某一课例进行分析。 2. 考试题型:教学设计、课例分析等。 3. 例证性试题: 例题 4:教学设计 请根据下面所给新授课的内容,给出你的导入设计方案,并简要评价你的教学设想。 (PEP 五年级上册) (Read and write) Zip: Mother Goat is ill. Monkey: We can help her. Zip: What can you do? Monkey: I can sweep the floor. Zip: I can cook the meals. Rabbit: I can wash the windows. Zip: What can you do, Zoom? Zoom: I can water the flowers! Zip: OK, just do it. Goat: Thank you. You are helpful. 例题 5:课例分析 这是 PEP 三年级下册 Unit 6 How many? A Lets learn 的新授课,教学内容是学习 11 15 的英语单词,授课教师主要开展了以下四个层次的教学活动: 1. 呈现一堆实物气球,通过让学生用英语数数来教学数字 115 的英语单词,然后,教师 用阿拉伯数字和英语板书 115,110 为一列,1115 为一列,领读两遍这些数词后, 同桌之间互读两遍。接着让学生自由朗读约 3 分钟后,开展朗读比赛,老师展示单词卡片, 看谁读的又对又快。 2. 看幻灯片,听录音,选出听到的数


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