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5t单梁桥式起重机金属结构设计摘 要:该文主要对桥式起重机的金属结构进行了设计。金属结构的设计包括其主要尺寸的确定,主梁的设计、强度验算,以及刚度验算等,端梁的计算载荷的确定、主要焊缝的计算、接接头的设计,焊接工艺设计等等。关键词:桥式起重机;金属结构;主梁the design of the 5t sigle bean bridge crane metal structure designabstract: this thesis mainly to the bridge crane metal structure for hoisting mechanism.metal structure design including the main girder, the size of the design, to determine the intensity, and stiffness checking computations, calculation of girders load determination, main calculation, after welding joint design, welding process design, etc.key words: bridge crane;metal structure; main beam。1 前言 桥式起重机是应用非常广泛的起重机械。随着社会主义建设的发展, 桥式起重机的需要与日俱增, 我国每年的桥机产量在10万吨以上。桥式起重机的桥架结构是起重机的重要组成部分, 它的重量占起重机自重的40%60% , 要使用大量的钢材。桥架自重也直接影响厂房建筑承重结构及基础的土建费用与材料消耗。在确保产品使用安全及正常使用年限的前提下, 尽最减轻桥架自重是节约金属材料的重要途径。我国生产的桥式起重机, 不论是通用桥式起重机或是冶金工厂用特种桥式类型起重机,在1958年以前由于设计力量薄弱, 基本上是沿用国外的设计, 桥架结构以箱型和四桁架型等传统结构型式为主。一直到1958年大跃进以后, 由于破除迷信, 在群众性的技术革新运动推动下, 才试制了一些新型桥架结构的桥式起重机, 其中主要的如偏轨箱型、单主梁结构、三角桁架结构等等。但是由于没有及时总结经验, 研究试验工作也做得不够, 没有在改进与提高以后进行推广, 因此桥架选型工作仍然是我们当前迫切要做的工作, 应该比较系统的有组织的研究适合我国各个产业部门采用的桥架结构型。我国在桥式起重机的产品系列化、通用化和标谁化方面虽然也做了一些工作, 但为了使桥架结构定型, 还要做大量的工作。目前生产的基本情况是550吨小起重量桥式起重机仍以箱型结构为主,箱型结构是应用最为广泛的传统结构。它具有制造简便、生产工效高、通用性强等一系列的优点, 因而迄今仍然是国内外桥式起重机的常用桥架形式。在国内, 在50年代和60年代初期, 550吨的小起重量系列产品和75250吨的大起重量系列产品都采用箱型结构。1.1总体方案拟定本次设计与以往的输送机主要有以下几点的改进: 1)吨位标注排为5t单梁桥式起重机。 1-铭牌装置;2-横梁;3-电动葫芦;4-吨位牌装置 图1 5t单梁桥式起重机简图fig.1 5t sigle bean bridge2) 主梁跨度34m ,是由上、下盖板和两块垂直的腹板组成封闭箱形截面实体板梁连接。3) 端梁部分在起重机中有着重要的作用,它是承载平移运输的关键部件。端梁部分是由车轮组合端梁架组成,端梁部分主要有上盖板,腹板和下盖板组成;端梁是由两段通过连接板和角钢用高强螺栓连接而成。在端梁的内部设有加强筋,以保证端梁架受载后的稳定性。(1)主梁的设计:主梁跨度34m ,是由上、下盖板和两块垂直的腹板组成封闭箱形截面实体板梁连接,主梁横截面腹板的厚度为6mm,翼缘板的厚度为10mm,主梁上的走台的宽度取决于端梁的长度和大车运行机构的平面尺寸,主梁跨度中部高度取h=l/17 ,主梁和端梁采用搭接形式,主梁和端梁连接处的高度取h0=0.40.6h,腹板的稳定性由横向加劲板和,纵向加劲条或者角钢来维持,纵向加劲条的焊接采用连续点焊,主梁翼缘板和腹板的焊接采用贴角焊缝,主梁通常会产生下挠变形,但加工和装配时采用预制上拱。(2)端梁的设计:端梁部分在起重机中有着重要的作用,它是承载平移运输的关键部件。端梁部分是由车轮组合端梁架组成,端梁部分主要有上盖板,腹板和下盖板组成;端梁是由两段通过连接板和角钢用高强螺栓连接而成。在端梁的内部设有加强筋,以保证端梁架受载后的稳定性。端梁的主要尺寸是依据主梁的跨度,大车的轮距和小车的轨距来确定的;大车的运行采用分别传动的方案。在装配起重机的时候,先将端梁的一段与其中的一根主梁连接在一起,然后再将端梁的两段连接起来。 本设计主要对单梁桥式起重机进行介绍,确定了其总体方案并进行了一些简单的分析。单梁桥式起重机具有加工零件少,工艺性好、通用性好及机构安装检修方便等一系列的优点,因而在生产中得到广泛采用。我国在5吨到10吨的中、小起重量系列产品中主要采用这种形式,但这种结构形式也存在一些缺点:自重大、易下挠,在设计和制造时必须采取一些措施来防止或者减少。2 主要设计尺寸计算2.1 大车轮距 k=()l=()34=4.256.8m (1)取k=5m2.2 主梁高度h=(理论值) 2.3 端梁高度 h0=(0.40.6)h=0.761.13m (2) 取h0=0.8m 2.4 桥架端部梯形高度c=()l=()34=3.46.8 (3)取c=2m2.5 主梁腹板高度 根据主梁计算高度h=1.89m,最后选定腹板高度h=1.9m2.6 确定主梁截面尺寸主梁中间截面各构件板厚推荐确定如下:腹板厚:=6mm;上下盖板厚=8mm主梁腹板内壁间距根据下面关系式来决定: 因此取b=700mm盖板宽度:b=b+40=700+26+40=752mm取b=750mm主梁的实际高度:h=1900+28=1916mm同理,主梁支承截面的腹板高度取,这时支承截面的实际高度。2.7加劲板的布置尺寸 为了保证主梁截面中受压构件的局部稳定性,需要设置一些加劲构件。主梁端部大加劲板的间距:,取=2m主梁端部(梯形部分)小加劲板的间距:主梁中部(矩形部分)大加劲板的间距:若小车钢轨采用轻轨。其对水平重心轴线的最小抗弯截面模数,则根据连续梁由钢轨的弯曲强度条件求得加劲板间距(此时连续梁的支点即加劲板所在位置;使一个车轮轮压作用在两加劲板间距的中央): (4)式中 p小车的轮压,取平均值,并设小车自重为=40000n 动力系数,查得=1.16 钢轨的许用应力,=170mpa因此,根据布置方便,取=1.5m由于腹板的高厚比,所以要设置水平加劲杆,以保证腹板局部稳定性。采用角钢做水平加劲杆3 主梁的计算 3.1 计算载荷确定此处已删除接板钻孔是应该同时钻孔。 下盖板与连接板的连接采用m18的螺栓,而角钢与腹板和上盖板的连接采用m16的螺栓。6.1.1 腹板和下盖板螺栓受力计算(1)腹板最下一排螺栓受力最大,每个螺栓所受的拉力为: n拉= = (52) =222126.7n(2)下腹板每个螺栓所受的剪力相等,其值为: n剪= = =12621.5n (53)式中 n0 下盖板一端总受剪面数;n0=16 n剪下盖板一个螺栓受剪面所受的剪力: n 侧腹板受拉螺栓总数;n=16d1 腹板上连接螺栓的直径(静截面) d0 下腹板连接螺栓的直径;d1=16mm h 梁高;h=500 mm m 连接处的垂直弯矩;m=7.061066.1.2 上盖板和腹板角钢的连接焊缝受力计算 (1)上盖板角钢连接焊缝受剪,其值为: q (54) =412147.8n (55)(2)腹板角钢的连接焊缝同时受拉和受弯,其值分别为:n腹= = =99725.8n (56) m腹= = =10159560.42nmm (57)6.2 计算螺栓和焊缝的强度6.2.1 螺栓的强度校核 (1).精制螺栓的许用抗剪承载力:n剪= = =137343.6n (58)(2)螺栓的许用抗拉承载力n拉= = =27129.6n (59)式中t=13500n/cm2 s=13500n/cm2 由于n拉n拉 ,n剪n剪 则有所选的螺栓符合强度要求6.2.2 焊缝的强度校核(1)对腹板由弯矩m产生的焊缝最大剪应力:tm=7753.02n/ cm2式中 i =5115.06 焊缝的惯性矩(2)由剪力q产生的焊缝剪应力:tq= = =3931.5n/ cm2折算剪应力:t= =7572.1 n/ cm2t=17000 n/ cm2t由表查得式中 h焊缝的计算厚度取h=6mm(3)对上角钢的焊缝t=138.8n/ cm2t由上计算符合要求。7 焊接工艺设计对桥式起重机来说,其桥架结构主要是由很多钢板通过焊接的方法连接在一起,焊接的工艺的正确与否直接影响桥式起重机的力学性能和寿命。 角焊缝最小厚度为:a0.3dmax+1dmax为焊接件的较大厚度,但焊缝最小厚度不小于4mm,当焊接件的厚度小于4mm时,焊缝厚度与焊接件的厚度相同。角焊缝的厚度还不应该大于较薄焊接件的厚度的1.2倍,即:a1.2dmin按照以上的计算方法可以确定端梁桥架焊接的焊角高度a=6mm. 定位板和弯板的焊接时候,由于定位板起导向作用,在焊接时要特别注意,焊角高度不能太高,否则车轮组在和端梁装配的时,车轮组不能从正确位置导入,焊接中采用e5015(j507)焊条,焊条直径d=3.2mm,焊接电流160a,焊角高度最大4。 角钢和腹板、上盖板的焊接采用的是搭接的方法,在焊好后再将两段端梁拼在一块进行钻孔。 由于所用的板材厚度大部分都小于10mm ,在焊接过程中都不开坡口进行焊接。参考文献1张质文.等.起重机设计手册m.北京中国铁道出版社 19982陈道南.起重运输机械m.北京 冶金工业出版社 19973陈道南.起重机课程设计m.北京 冶金工业出版社 19934东北工学院机械零件设计手册编写组.机械零件设计手册 第二版 .冶金工业出版社 19875中华人民共和国国家标准gb3811-83起重机设计规范.北京中国标准出版社19836大连起重机厂.起重机设计手册m.辽宁人民出版社 19797扬长骙.起重机械m.北京机械工业出版社,19828中国工程机械网.工程起重机产业现状及发展趋势. /news/articleview/2004-5-10/article_view_14225.htm.20039丁中立.国外工程起重机发展趋势. /gongxue/jxhg/qushi/200411/3725.html.2004.11.310成大先.机械设计手册m.北京 机械工业出版社 200411王昆等.机械设计基础课程设计m.北京 高等教育出版社 199612宋寅.起重机运行机构减速器选择中的几个问题j.铁道货运2003 2 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谢首先向机械专业的全体老师表示衷心的感谢,在这四年的时间里,他们为我们的成长和进步做出了贡献。在这次毕业设计中,有许多老师给予了指导和帮助,尤其是吴老师和全老师,在这次毕业设计的整个过程中,给了我们很大帮助,做为我们的辅导老师,尽职尽责,一丝不苟。至此,这次毕业设计也将告以段落,但老师的教诲却让人终生难忘,通过这次毕业设计,不但使我学到了知识,也让我学到了许多的道理,总之是受益匪浅。尽管我在毕业设计过程中做出了很多的努力,但由于我的水平有限,设计中的错误和不当之处仍在所难免,望老师提出宝贵的意见。最后,向文中引用到其学术论著及研究成果的学术前辈与同行们致谢!再次向敬爱的老师表示衷心的感谢。附录附录1:(装配图a01)附录2:(零件图a12)附录5:(零件图a45)您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,o(_)o谢谢!anationalsurveywasrecentlylaunchedtoevaluatetheeyehealthofchinesechildrenandteenagers.onjune6,chinasannualnationaldayforeyecare,thechinayouthdevelopmentservicecenterandzhejiangmedicine,aleadinglistedchinesepharmaceuticalcompany,jointlyannouncedthekickoffofthesurvey.inaboutonemonth,aquestionnairecompiledbytopeyecaremedicalexpertsinchinawillbedistributedthroughmultipleonlinepartners,includingh,aswellasthroughofflinesurveyeventsheldinuniversities,middleschoolsandprimaryschoolsacrossthecountry.areportwillbereleasedbasedonthesurveystatisticsandanalysis,andmostimportantly,guidelinesforparentsandyouthonhowtocarefortheeyesandpreventmyopiaagrowingprobleminchinasdigitizedsociety,willalsobeattachedonthereport.myopiaisnotonlyadiseasethatmakespeopleseethingsblurrily,butalsoleadstoseverecomplications,suchasglaucoma(increasedpressurewithintheeyeball),andcancauseblindness,saidzhouyuehua,anestablishedeyecarespecialistwithbeijingtongrenhospital.itisveryimportantforparentsandchildrentoknowabouttheriskandcarefortheireyes.thereareabout450millionmyopiapatientsinchina.amongchinesemyopiapatients,30millionareseverepatients,accordingtozhoutheprevalenceofmyopiaamonghighschoolandcollegestudentsismorethan70percent,andthesituationiscontinuouslyworsening,headded.sunzhu,directorwiththechinayouthdevelopmentservicecenter,saidlonghoursofstudy,lackofexercise,especiallyoutdooractivities,andattachmenttoelectronicscreenaresomeofthetopreasonsbehindthewidespreadmyopiaproblems,andtheincreaseofyoungerpatients,althoughchinahasmadegreatprogressinimprovingthehardwarefacilitiesandlightingconditionsinschools.hesaidhehopesthesurveywillalertpeopleonthethreateningsituation,andalsohelpmedicalexpertstobetterguidelineparentsandchildrensbehaviorstocareforeyes,basedonthetimelyandfactualstatisticsthesurveycollected.aseriesoffollow-upeventswillalsobeheldinsixcities,includingjinaninshandongprovince,andchangshainhunanprovince,toeducatepeopleonhowtocareforeyesafterthesurveystarted. more and more chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. the beijing olympic forest park is one of the most popular spots. it is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at weekends. jogging after a whole days work can be a way to unwind. it is true for he wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. she discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years. i come to jog almost every day after work, whenever i have time. i think jogging is good for my health. and for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim, he said. he says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. she loves jogging, even during beijings smoggy days. if the smog is severe, ill hold off jogging for a while. but if i really want to get away from work, ill wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging, she said. for those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. wu houbin started roughly two years ago, when he was severely obese. within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. the success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. jogging does not require speed, but stamina. if you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a habit, and then eventually a hobby, wu said. but persevering with jogging is not always easy. jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially the knees and ankles. excessive jogging wears down the body, and harms ones health. poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. and, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems, said lu zhiyong, attending doctor, sports hospital, general admin. of sports.dr. lu has some tips for joggers, and those who are thinking of taking it up.he says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. conrad macao will run special programs for the entire month of october this year to support the hong kong cancer funds pink revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. a major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, conrad macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund, including those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in october. in addition, on fridays that month, members of the management and staff will add something pink to their uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in hong kong and is also of significant concern in macao and around the world, regardless of age, general manager bede barry said in a statement. the hotel has enlisted the support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including south korean actor jung suk won. this year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by arte madrid, a spanish jewelry brand. women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. as a doctor i see much suffering because of this imbalance. xiao ying, 36, works for a large law firm. her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of meetings, so her schedule is hectic. she has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasnt conducive to raising a child. she planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for her baby. after 10 years, xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. i conducted comprehensive physical checkups. the results suggested that xiaos ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning that in vitro fertilization is her only option. so, after reducing her workload, xiao underwent ivf treatment. luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. i told her to rest and carry on with the treatment (to prevent a miscarriage). as zubin zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in dujiangyan city, sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. it was part of the first india-china international yoga festival in the provincial capital, chengdu, in southwest china, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient indian regimen, from june 17-21. yoga is to india what perhaps tai chi is to china. many countries other than india and china, also held the first world yoga day on june 21, after the united nations last year agreed to indian prime minister narendra modis suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global practice of the stress-busting regimen, which is already a multibillion dollar industry in the united states. modi said in the speech: yoga is an invaluable gift of indias ancient tradition. . it is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.zarthoshtimanesh, who runs his own yoga center, iyengar yogabhyasa, in the indian financial capital of mumbai, says: chinese students are very respectful. for me, all students are the same no matter what their race is and where they come from. the most important thing is to remove mental walls. zarthoshtimanesh learned yoga from the late yogacharya iyengar and traveled with the master to different countries. consulate general of india in southern chinas guangzhou city organized the chengdu festival. a terrifying wooden bridge in china has just been replaced by a glass one. this, the worlds longest glass-bottomed walkway, is located in shiniuzhai geopark in hunan, and spans 300m (984f) and is 180m (590f) above ground. the floor is made of double-layered glass that is 24mm (0.94in), and is reportedly 25 times stronger than regular window glass. the bridge had previously been made of wood, linking the two peaks of stone buddha mountain, but 11 engineers working 12 hours a day converted it to glass. previously, you were considered brave if you steeled yourself to cross the wooden walkway; now, with its glass bottom, the bridge is already being referred to as “hero bridge.” the popular chains longtime executive chef embraces mapo tofu and other exotic elements for the burger-driven menu, liu zhihua reports.at the age of 37, shanghai native lin zhengu has become a star as a western cuisine chef in the chinese metropolis, a city that has a wealth of western restaurants. the executive chef of blue frog bar and grill, a popular burger-based restaurant and bar chain on the chinese mainland, lin is the soul of the restaurant franchises team of more than 550 chefs. many of the franchises most popular dishes are his brainchild. lin says his secret of success is innovation rooted in experience: he spends months every year traveling and eating worldwide, seeking new ingredients and inspirations that could improve the offerings of blue frog restaurants. the restaurant chain regularly launches a new seasonal menu, usually featuring eight new dishes with fresh ingredients. the best-selling seasonal dishes later replace the least popular items on the regular menu, which is usually updated in late fall and boasts a selection of about 40 dishes. food should have no boundaries, lin says. as lon
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