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QuizQuiz 4 4 试卷编号:试卷编号: B4-U4 B4-U4 考试时间:考试时间: 3030 分钟分钟 满分:满分: 2525 分分 PartPart 1 1 ShortShort dialogsdialogs andand multiplemultiple choicechoice questionsquestions (Each item: 1) Directions:Directions:ListenListen toto thethe shortshort dialogs,dialogs, thenthen choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answersanswers toto thethe questions.questions. YouYou willwill hearhear thethe recordingrecording twice.twice. AfterAfter thethe firstfirst playing,playing, therethere willwill bebe timetime forfor youyou toto choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answers.answers. UseUse thethe secondsecond playingplaying toto checkcheck youryour answers.answers. 1.1. A. He asks the woman to call Mr. Owen. B. He asks the woman to call Mr. Woods. C. He asks that Mr. Woods call Mr. Owen. D. He asks that Mr. Owen call Mr. Woods. 2.2. A. The mans father promoted the woman. B. The woman promoted the man. C. The mans father has been promoted to the head office. D. The mans father owns the company. 3.3. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 4.4. A. He is a self-made successful businessman. B. He inherited a large fortune. C. He is a successful young tradesman. D. He will hand his company over to his son. 5.5. A. The companies John has worked in are not large enough. B. Johns work experience is not long enough. C. John should be rewarded for his long service. D. John learned little in each job, and long service means nothing today. PartPart 2 2 CompoundCompound dictationdictation (Each item: 1) Directions:Directions:ListenListen toto thethe passage(s)passage(s) threethree times.times. WhenWhen thethe passagepassage isis readread forfor thethe firstfirst time,time, listenlisten forfor thethe generalgeneral idea.idea. WhenWhen thethe passagepassage isis readread forfor thethe secondsecond time,time, fillfill inin thethe blanksblanks numberednumbered fromfrom S1S1 toto S7S7 withwith thethe exactexact wordswords youyou hear.hear. ForFor blanksblanks numberednumbered fromfrom S8S8 toto S10,S10, writewrite downdown eithereither thethe exactexact wordswords youyou hearhear oror thethe mainmain pointspoints inin youryour ownown words.words. WhenWhen thethe passagepassage isis readread forfor thethe thirdthird time,time, checkcheck youryour answers.answers. QuestionsQuestions 6 6 toto 1515 areare basedbased onon thethe samesame passagepassage oror dialog.dialog. The West End of London maintained its top spot as the worlds most (S1) 6.6. office location last year as occupancy costs (S2) 7.7. globally due to the uncertain economic climate. West End offices (S3) 8.8. $16,682 per employee workstation (个人的工作区) last year, (S4) 9.9. with $15,700 for second-ranked Paris, a leading real estate consultancy (S5) 10.10. said in its seventh annual Global Office Occupancy Costs survey. The basis of the survey has changed to workstations, from (S6) 11.11. area previously, to give a clearer picture of (S7) 12.12. costs. During the economic downturn last year, the city of Toronto moved up three places to ninth in the “top 10“. (S8) 13.13. . In comparison, New York offices dropped out of the top three into sixth place. (S9) 14.14. . “In the UK, central London costs are down by 8.8 percent, and Londons West End is down 5.1 percent. However in international terms, the situation is distorted by significant currency movements. (S10) 15.15. ,“ said the manager of the consultancy agency. PartPart 3 3 ShortShort passagespassages andand multiplemultiple choicechoice questionsquestions (Each item: 1) Directions:Directions:ListenListen toto thethe followingfollowing recording,recording, thenthen choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answersanswers toto thethe questions.questions. YouYou willwill hearhear thethe recordingrecording twice.twice. AfterAfter thethe firstfirst playing,playing, therethere willwill bebe timetime forfor youyou toto choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answers.answers. UseUse thethe secondsecond playingplaying toto checkcheck youryour answers.answers. QuestionsQuestions 1616 toto 2020 areare basedbased onon thethe samesame passagepassage oror dialog.dialog. 16.16. What may workaholics do? A. They bring work home. B. They keep working until after midnight. C. They bend over their work on weekends. D. all of the above. 17.17. Which of the following does the speaker recommend doing? A. Concentrate on one thing a week. B. Concentrate on one thing a day. C. Concentrate on one thing at a time. D. Do just a few things at a time. 18.18. What should one do first, according to the passage? A. What is important. B. What one understands. C. What is easy. D. What is difficult. 19.19. What does the speaker say about working at home? A. One should not bring too much work home. B. One can work in the living room if one has a home office. C. One should not bring confidential files home. D. One should work only within the usual working hours. 20.20. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Bad habits of a workaholics. B. Tips for workaholics. C. Good habits of a devoted worker. D. Cultivation of a devoted worker. PartPart 4 4 ShortShort passagespassages andand multiple-choicemultiple-choice questionsquestions (Each item: 1) Directions:Directions:ListenListen toto thethe followingfollowing recording,recording, thenthen choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answersanswers toto thethe questions.questions. YouYou willwill hearhear thethe recordingrecording twice.twice. AfterAfter thethe firstfirst playing,playing, therethere willwill bebe timetime forfor youyou toto choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answers.answers. UseUse thethe secondsecond playingplaying toto checkcheck youryour answers.answers. QuestionsQuestions 2121 toto 2525 areare basedbased onon thethe samesame passagepassage oror dialog.dialog. 21.21. What does the man mean by saying “No one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar“? A. With a good memory you will be a successful liar (说谎人). B. If the listener has a bad memory, you will succeed in lying. C. If you lie, you will forget what you said and be found out. D. If you remember your lie well, nobody can see through it. 22.22. Why did the man call the woman into his office? A. To praise her good appearance. B. To give her money. C. To reprimand her for being late. D. To reprimand her for telling a lie. 23.23. What is the woman? A. A secretary. B. An assistant manager. C. The office manager. D. The accountant. 24.24. What does the man say he has noticed over the past year? A. The woman has grown lazier. B. The woman has become more interested in money. C. The woman has grown prettier. D. The woman has improved her work. 25.25. What does the passage say about the training courses? A. The woman has paid a lot to attend them. B. The man has paid a lot to attend them. C. They have improved the womans work. D. They have turned out to be a failure. Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分) 小题 得分 对错我的答案客观 1.1CC 2.1DD 3.1BB 4.1AA 5.1DD Part 2 Compound dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) 小题 得分 对错我的答案客观 1.1expensiveexpensive 2.1declineddeclined 3.1averagedaveraged 4.1comparedcompared 5.1agencyagency 6.1floorfloor 7.1accommodationaccommodation 8.0But the biggest clame of all wasBut the biggest climber


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