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中小企业融资难相关问题分析中小企业融资难相关问题分析 一、中小企业融资难现状一、中小企业融资难现状 改革开放30 年来,我国的中小企业得到了迅速的发展,中小企业已经成为 繁荣经济、扩大就业、调整结构、推动创新和形成新的产业的重要的力量。 目前融资难、贷款难已经成为制约中小企业发展的瓶颈, 中小企业生产经 营面临着严峻困难,据国家统计局和工信部统计到08 年底,全国中小企业中歇 业停产或者倒闭的大约占7 .5,城镇就业更加困难,这个状况不仅影响我国经 济的复苏,而且直接影响保增长、保民生、保稳定的发展目标。从这个意义上 说,国际金融危机冲击下的我国经济能否真正的走出低谷,关键是广大中小企 业的活力能否得到完全恢复。 二、中小企业融资难原因分析二、中小企业融资难原因分析 中小企业融资难、贷款难应该说也是一个世界性的难题,从我国看,既有 体制机制问题,也有中小企业自身的问题,主要有三个方面的原因:第一个, 中小企业自身的问题, 中小企业一般规模小,实力弱,它的信誉不是太高。中 小企业普遍诚信意识薄弱,类似的一家企业几套报表的现象屡见不鲜,可能在 税务这边报表难看一些, 少交点税,在银行这边可能表好看一些,多贷点款, 这样信息是否真实可靠就成了问题。而这种做法对企业反而是很不利的,对中 小企业的发展是不健康的,我们试想一下,如果几个部门把这些表全拿在一起, 那首先这个企业是不诚信的,他就没有立足之地了。我们的制造型和外向型中 小企业在人才、技术、资金、市场环境等方面面对着金融危机,存在着巨大的 发展压力,它的根本原因是企业的科技含量不够高,创新的能力比较弱,进入 市场的门槛比较低,市场竞争的激烈也增加, 这些都不利于中小企业的发展壮 大。第二个,从银行方面来看,对于中小企业的贷款条件更加严格,因为我们 的银行大部分是商业银行,它也考虑自身的风险,自身的利润。到2008 年末, 小企业不良贷款率是11.6%,高于整个银行业七八个百分点, 像国有的大企业, 一旦出了问题,国家还会来并购重组,解决一些贷款难的问题,但是这些中小 型的企业,特别小企业,一旦产生问题破产的话,就没人管,所以银行的贷款 质量就没有办法得到保证,因此在这样的经营体制下,银行为降低风险,必然 会要求中小企业在提供了足够的抵押物后才敢放款。另外银行从运营成本考虑, 做中小企业贷款将付出更多的人力物力,因此也不愿意向中小企业发放贷款。 2 一个银行经营的成本,有一半左右是劳动力成本,做中小企业特别是做小企业 的劳动力成本非常高,无论是五百万还是五千万,是五个亿还是五十个亿的一 笔贷款,它的工作量是相同的,但是它所产生的效益是成百倍的不同。第三个, 中小企业融资渠道太窄,中小企业在资本市场上直接融资的途径有证券市场、 包括中小板和创业板;还有私募股权基金、产业投资基金、创业投资基金、风 险投资基金,以及债券市场等等。 三、中小企业融资难解决之道三、中小企业融资难解决之道 ( ( 一一) ) 从政府角度而言从政府角度而言 1、政府应该放松管制,降低市场准入壁垒,让更多的小银行,以服务中小 企业为战略定位的那些小银行能够蓬蓬勃勃的发展起来。现在我国有大概一百 多家村镇银行,村镇银行的成立对改善县经济投资的瓶颈,包括改善中小企业 和支持三农发展将会起到非常重要的作用。对现有五大国有银行, 应鼓励其大 力发展自己有利于小企业融资的专门机构,放松其下设分支机构的审批环节, 鼓励它们在地、县,甚至乡,来提供更接近、更方便的金融服务。 2 、政府应该帮助银行建立一个信用体系,进一步降低他们的信息成本, 在我国,央行从1998 年起就开始启动了企业征信体系建设,由专门机构采集、 保存、整理、分析、使用企业的信用信息,以防范信用风险,保持金融市场稳 定。2006 年开始,央行又着手建立中小企业信用体系,希望把征信体系覆盖到 那些和金融机构没有信贷关系的中小企业。当然,信用体系也不是只靠政府, 现在有一些网络公司,比如阿里巴巴在尝试用网上交易的信息变成中小企业的 信用指标,这个信用指标如果出来了以后,可以进一步降低银行的信息成本。 3 、政府应该多方面的对银行进行风险补偿, 目前各地出台的利益补偿机 制和风险补偿基金政策,仅仅是解决中小企业融资难的一种办法,并不能从根 本上解决。例如到去年末为止,福建省小企业贷款的不良贷款率是 6.71%,而 整个银行业,平均的水平是百分之二点一几, 而风险补偿金,只是给 0.8 个百 分点, 只解决一小部分。因此需要多方面的对银行进行风险补偿。例如凡是给 中小企业贷款的,那么就根据银行的贷款量,减少它的税收,减少营业税、所 得税; 国家可以帮助企业贴息,提高银行风险收益; 如果贷款形成损失,政府用 风险补偿基金把它补起来,这就使大企业的贷款和中小企业的贷款能够达到比 较收益率是基本平衡的。 4 、政府应该积极推进多层次资本市场体系建设, 以更好的满足包括中小 企业在内的各类企业的融资需求。中小企业类型不一,所处的发展阶段不尽相 同,决定了中小企业的融资需求也不一样。因此中小企业群体的差异化决定了 企业融资需求的多元化,那么满足中小企业融资需求也需要形式多样的资金提 供方式,比如银行贷款、债券融资、股权融资等等。 ( 二二) 从银行角度而言从银行角度而言 如果依靠我国银行业的现有金融产品和对中小企业贷款的相关规定,要想 解决中小企业融资难问题是不可能的,我们改变不了中小企业的现状,那么我 们就改变我们银行的信贷方式,金融创新迫在眉睫。目前银行业正在通过组织 架构创新,风险管理技术创新,担保抵押创新,和产品创新等多种途径改变中 小企业融资难的现状。 1、担保抵押创新。抵押品不足是中小企业最大软肋, 他们不可能买一堆房 子然后准备做担保,这是不现实的,对于高新企业而言核心的资产应该是他们 的知识产权, 专利权和一个在技术、在市场上创新的团队,是最重要的资产, 可以使他们每年高速增长,但是资金就像血液一样支撑其发展,这几块都需要 资金,而抵押物不足,银行不给放贷。目前全国很多省份的中小银行都开展了 面向中小企业的金融创新实验,如江苏农信社广泛推广仓单质押,通过库存产 品作为抵押取得贷款;天津滨海农村商业银行积极开展企业股权质押贷款; 北 京银行新近推出知识产权作为质押从银行获得贷款。 2、信用评级创新。大银行做业务的时候,通常看资产负债表、损益表、现 金流量表,中小企业有的连这三表都没有,银行信息成本很高,导致惜贷, 浙 江泰隆商业银行进行创新, 他们就看水表、电表、海关报关表,大量降低成本, 使得小额贷款还能够有钱可赚。又如深圳发展银行, 他们通过关注企业交易对 手的信用,关注企业的真实性, 选择了一种新的对企业的信用评级方式。在对 企业的信用评级方法里边,对企业自身的信用评级权重只有 15,更加关注交 易对手和交易的真实性。大部分企业都是在贸易链中,在供应链中生存的,它 一定有上游的原材料供应和下游的产品或者是半成品的服务或者是运输或者是 物流的管理,那么在这个过程当都能够检索到企业的信用记录,用这些东西就 可以比较容易的选择到好的重信用的有真实贸易背景的这些企业,向其提供足 够好的服务,调动各种各样的金融工具,在企业发展的过程中,深发展也创造 了利润。 3、业务流程创新。我国商业银行大都是官办的银行,习惯在房子里坐等客 户,一笔贷款要审批一个月、三个月,这样一种管理、这样一种审批效果是不 可能适应中小企业金融服务,也不可能来改善中小企业的融资困难。银行一方 面要降低门槛,另一方面必须简化程序、减少环节,建立高效的审批机制, 这 样才能适应小企业对信贷资金短、平、快的要求。中国银行四月底推出了信贷 4 工厂。就是把银行当作工厂,中小企业是原材料,进入流水线后经过营销、销 售、业务申报、审批、支用、客户维护和贷后管理,获得贷款。而银行也不是 一个人从头到尾完成所有环节,而是派出 7 组工人,每人把住流水线上的一个 环节,批量生产。通过这样的方式简化审批的流程。通过这种流程安排使其对 于中小企业信贷审批的周期从过去 2、3 个月,缩短到现在的 3、5 天。 4、加强人员培训。在机制建设以后就要有一批人能够做这件事情,而且把 它做得很好,这就要加强员工的培训,进一步加强对中小企业、微小企业贷款 以及高新技术的中小企业的贷款工作的培训和交流的力度,加大整个产品应变 研发的力度,用新的激励约束的办法来培养一支专业的队伍和新的服务文化。 (三三) 从企业角度而言从企业角度而言 1、企业应加强管理、提高素质。要正确认识当前形势,正视风险,树立靠 管理求效益、谋发展的观念, 要更加注重技术改造、科技创新,注重新产品研 发、质量改进和品牌建设,不断拓展新产品,提高产品附加值,以内在质量的 提高,赢得市场。努力节能降耗、降本增效、增收节支。加大市场开拓能力, 降低“产成品、应收账款”两项资金占用,加快资金周转。通过转变发展方式, 不是单靠产量的扩张,而是靠质的提高实现工业增加值的较快增长。 2、企业应加强诚信体系建设,建立规范透明的管理制度,建立真实可信的 财务报表,积累企业的信用制度。 综上所述, 中小企业的融资是一个全球性的难题,也是一项系统工程,需 要各方的共同努力,也更需要中小企业自身的管理进步,这件事情不管它的前 进道路上有多大的困难,只要我们大家共同努力,为破解中小企业的融资难题 贡献自己的智慧和力量,转变观念,进行大胆创新,找到解决中小企业融资难 的正确途径, 那么在这一条道路上面我们就会越走越宽广,我们的前景也会越 来越美好。 Sme financing problems related to the analysis First, small and medium-sized enterprise financing status Reform and opening up, China for 30 years of small and medium-sized enterprises obtained a rapid development of enterprise, from small and medium-sized enterprises has become the economic prosperity, expanding employment, adjusting structure, promote innovation and new industries of important strength. Current, loan financing difficult has become the bottleneck of restricting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprise production and management faced difficulties, according to the state statistical bureau of statistics and letter until the end of 2008 in the small and medium- sized enterprises of production or collapse closed accounts for about 7. 5%, the urban employment, this situation is not only more difficult economic recovery, influence and directly affect the growth and development of peoples livelihood, stable target. In this sense, the international financial crisis under the impact of Chinas economy could not really low, the key is out of small and medium-sized enterprises vitality can be fully recovered. Second, the sme financing reason analysis 6 Sme loans and financing is a cosmopolitan should say, see, both from China, and mechanism of medium and small-sized enterprises, there are three main reasons: first, the medium and small-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises generally small, weak strength, its not too much credit. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally weak awareness of honesty, similar to a few of the common phenomenon, may report on tax on some, less ugly statements in Banks, this intersection, some may form good-looking, such loans point is reliable became a problem. But this approach is very adverse instead of enterprises, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are not healthy, we imagine, if several departments with all these together, the first this enterprise is not sincere, he will have a foothold. We manufacture and export-oriented smes in human resources, technology, capital, market environment faced financial crisis, there was a huge pressure, the development of it is the root cause of the scientific and technological content of the enterprise, the innovation ability of high enough to enter the market is weak, the low threshold, the fierce competition in the market will increase, these are not good for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, from the bank, for small and medium-sized enterprise credit conditions stricter, because we are most Banks, it is also considered commercial bank, the risk of their own profits. To the end of 2008, the small bad loans is higher than that of the entire banking industry relies low percentage of state-owned enterprises, like a big problem, once, countries will still come m&a, solving some problems, but the loans of the small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those small problems, once the bankruptcy, nobody tube, so the bank loan quality cannot guaranteed, so in this management system, to reduce the risks, the bank will demand of small and medium-sized enterprises in providing enough after pawn dare loan. Another bank from the operation cost of small and medium-sized enterprises, do loans will pay more manpower, so also does not want to extend loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. A bank operating costs, the half is labor cost, small and medium-sized enterprises especially do small, very high labor costs, is five million or 50m or fifty billion billion a loan, it is the same as the workload, but it is the benefit of different times. Third, the sme financing channel is too narrow and small and medium-sized enterprises in the capital markets have direct financing ways of securities market, including small plate and gem, And private equity funds, industrial investment funds, venture investment funds, risk investment funds, and the bond market, etc. Third, the sme financing difficulty in solving the problem (a) from the Angle of the government 1, the government should relax market access control, reducing barriers, let more smaller Banks, small and medium-sized enterprises in service for the strategic positioning of those small Banks to bitter fleabane bitter fleabane. Dynamic development Now China is probably more than a hundred villages and towns of the bank, bank established to improve the bottleneck of the economic investment county, including improving agriculture development of small and medium-sized enterprises and support will play a very important role. For existing five state-owned Banks, should be encouraged to develop their own businesses for the financing of the specialized agencies, relax its has branches and encourage them in the land, and county, township, even closer to provide financial services and more convenient. 2, the government should help Banks to establish a credit system, further reducing their information cost, in our country, the central bank since 1998 enterprise credit system construction was started by the specialized agencies, collection and storage, sorting, analysis, and use of enterprise credit information, to guard against credit risks, maintain stable financial markets. In 2006, the central bank and small and medium- sized enterprise credit system to establish the credit system, hope to cover those and financial institutions have no credit relations of small and medium-sized enterprises. Of course, the credit system is not only by the government, and now have some network company, for example, try to use in online transaction information into small and medium-sized enterprise credit index, the index of credit, if out of the bank to further reduce the cost of information. 3, the government should various of bank risk compensation, the local interest risk compensation mechanism and policy, just compensation fund is to solve the sme financing way, and cannot be fundamentally solved. As to the end, fujian province of bad loans is small loans 6.71%, but the average level of banking, is a two percent, while a few risk compensation, just to 0.8 percent, only a small part. So many of bank risk compensation. As all of the loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, then according to the bank loans, reduce its tax, business tax, income tax reduction, Countries can help enterprises to improve bank interest, risk and return, If the loan losses, the government formed by risk compensation fund to patch up it, this makes big business loans and small and medium-sized enterprise loan to achieve the balance 8 is the basic yields. 4, the government should actively promote the multi-level capital market system, in order to better satisfy all kinds of small and medium-sized enterprises include the financing needs of enterprise. Different types of small and medium-sized enterprises, the development stage is endless and same, determines the sme financing needs is not the same. So small and medium-sized enterprise groups of differentiation determines the diversified financing needs, then satisfy sme financing demand also needs the various forms of financing mode, such as bank loans, bonds, equity financing, etc. (b) from the bank Angle If rely on the existing in banking financial products and sme loans, to solve the difficulty in financing smes is impossible, we cannot change the present situation of small and medium-sized enterprises, so we would change our bank credit, financial innovation is imminent. Currently banking is through the organization innovation, risk management technical innovation, innovation, and security collateral product innovation so as to change the status of financing for smes. 1,guarantee mortgage innovation. Collateral shortage is small and medium-sized enterprise biggest soft rib, they could not buy a heap of the house and then prepare for security, it is not realistic to high-tech enterprise, as the core of assets should be their intellectual property rights, the patent right and one on the market in technology, creative team, is the most important asset, can make their annual growth, but the capital like the blood to support its development, as well as several pieces of the mortgaged property, but all need money to lend, bank. The small and medium-sized Banks are many provinces in the face of financial innovation of small and medium- sized enterprises, such as jiangsu cooperatives experiment widely warehouse inventory impawn, through a mortgage loan product, Tianjin coastal rural commercial bank actively carry out enterprise shareholding pledge loan, Beijing bank recently launched intellectual property as a pledge from the bank for a loan. 2,credit rating innovation. Big Banks do business of time, usually see a balance sheet, an income statement and a cash flow statement, small and medium-sized enterprises have even these three tables are not high, the bank information costs, zhejiang tyrone arisen, commercial Banks, they look for innovative water meter, customs declaration form, large, reduce cost, still can make small loans to earn enough money. Like shenzhen development bank, by focusing on their opponents credit transaction, the authenticity of the enterprise, choose a new way of enterprises credit rating. For enterprises in the credit rating method for enterprise itself, the credit rating weight only 15%, pay more attention to the authenticity of the trading counterparty and. Most enterprises are in the supply chain of trade, survive, it must have upstream and downstream of the raw material supply semi-finished products or services or transportation or logistics management in this process, so as to retrieve the enterprise credit record, these things can be easier to choose good credit are true of the enterprise, trade background to provide enough good service, mobilize various financial tools, in the process of enterprise development, ShenFaZhan also created the profits. 3, business process innovation. Our country commercial bank, the bank is mostly official in the house, wait for a loan to customers approval for a month, three months, such a kind of management, such an examination result is impossible to small and medium-sized enterprise financial services, it is impossible to improve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. Banks to reduce threshold, the other is to simplify the process, reduce link, establish examination mechanism, so as to adapt to the credit fund is short and small, fast. The bank of China on April introduced credit factory. The bank is a factory, small and medium-sized enterprises is raw material, into the line after the marketing, sales, and service, with approval, and customer maintenance and post-loan management, obtain loans. But Banks are not a person from beginning to end, but complete all seven groups, each worker sent a link on guard line and batch production. Through the way of examination and approval procedures simplified. Through this process to make sure that the smes credit approval from the cycle over the past 2, 3 months, shorten to 3, 5 days now. 4, strengthening the training of personnel. After construction in mechanism to have a group of people to do it, and do it well, it is to strengthen the training of the staff, further strengthen the sme, small business loans and high-tech smes job training and the loan of communication, increasi
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