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VS2010 + OpenCV2.3.0配置配置 ; 在在 VS2010下安装配置下安装配置 OpenCV2.3.0 ; 全程截图,绝对全程截图,绝对 能配置好能配置好 操作系统:Windows XP Windows 7 (家庭,旗舰版都可以.已经安装过) ; 编译环境:Visual Studio 2010; OpenCV 版本:OpenCV-2.3.0-win、OpenCV-2.3.1-win 也可以; 步骤:步骤: 1、下载 OpenCV(必须要 superpack.exe) /download/OpenCV-2.3.0-win-superpack.exe 2、安装 解压到 E 盘根目录下。 (位置随便,不过下面的 path 需要根据实际情况自行修改了。 ) 3、设置系统环境变量 我的电脑右键“属性” ,选择“高级” ,点“环境变量” 在用户变量处,新建 PATH 和 OPENCV 两个项: PATH (只需添加下面中的一行,根据系统情况自行选择) E:OpenCV2.3buildx86vc10bin OPENCV E:OpenCV2.3build 配置好后一定要重启电脑,不然之后运行会出错(好像是说缺少什么文件来着) 4、打开 VS2010 新建一个项目(OPENCVTEST) ,然后如图单击右键,选属性 (1)点击 VC+目录,在右边配置包含目录和库目录(注。配置(C)下拉框中,建议 选择所有配置,这样 Debug 运行,Release 运行就都可以了) 包含目录: E:OpenCV2.3buildinclude E:OpenCV2.3buildincludeopencv E:OpenCV2.3buildincludeopencv2 然后是库目录: E:OpenCV2.3buildx86vc10lib (2)在“Demo 属性页”(“配置”=“Debug”)-“配置属性”-“链接器”-“输入”- “附加依赖库”中追加下面一行(包括所有分号,勿删 VS 原始数据): ;opencv_core230d.lib;opencv_highgui230d.lib;opencv_video230d.lib;opencv_ ml230d.lib;opencv_legacy230d.lib;opencv_imgproc230d.lib (3) 、在“Demo 属性页”(“配置”=“Release”)-“配置属性”-“链接器”-“输入”- “附加依赖库”中追加下面一行(包括所有分号,勿删 VS 原始数据):直接复制下面一 段就好,分号不要少 ;opencv_core230.lib;opencv_highgui230.lib;opencv_video230.lib;opencv_ml2 30.lib;opencv_legacy230.lib;opencv_imgproc230.lib 5,。完成以后就可以跑一个小程序试试啦 (1)右击源文件,添加新项,选 C+文件,随便取个名 (2)将下面代码复制上去,F5执行,希望这个程序能让你爱上 OPENCV /* 程序名?:odrawingc 功|能:o展1示?OpenCV的?图?像?绘?制?功|能 */ #include “cv.h“ #include “highgui.h“ #include #include #define NUMBER 100 #define DELAY 5 char wndname = “Drawing Demo“; CvScalar random_color(CvRNG* rng) int icolor = cvRandInt(rng); return CV_RGB(icolor int main( int argc, char* argv ) int line_type = CV_AA; / change it to 8 to see non-antialiased graphics int i; CvPoint pt1,pt2; double angle; CvSize sz; CvPoint ptt6; CvPoint* pt2; int arr2; CvFont font; CvRNG rng; int width = 1000, height = 700; int width3 = width*3, height3 = height*3; CvSize text_size; int ymin = 0; / Load the source image IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 ); IplImage* image2; / Create a window cvNamedWindow(wndname, 1 ); cvZero( image ); cvShowImage(wndname,image); rng = cvRNG(unsigned)-1); pt0 = pt1 = arr0 = 3; arr1 = 3; for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt1.x=cvRandInt( pt1.y=cvRandInt( pt2.x=cvRandInt( pt2.y=cvRandInt( cvLine( image, pt1, pt2, random_color( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt1.x=cvRandInt( pt1.y=cvRandInt( pt2.x=cvRandInt( pt2.y=cvRandInt( cvRectangle( image,pt1, pt2, random_color( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt1.x=cvRandInt( pt1.y=cvRandInt( sz.width =cvRandInt( sz.height=cvRandInt( angle = (cvRandInt( cvEllipse( image, pt1, sz, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200, random_color( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt00.x=cvRandInt( pt00.y=cvRandInt( pt01.x=cvRandInt( pt01.y=cvRandInt( pt02.x=cvRandInt( pt02.y=cvRandInt( pt10.x=cvRandInt( pt10.y=cvRandInt( pt11.x=cvRandInt( pt11.y=cvRandInt( pt12.x=cvRandInt( pt12.y=cvRandInt( cvPolyLine( image, pt, arr, 2, 1, random_color( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt00.x=cvRandInt( pt00.y=cvRandInt( pt01.x=cvRandInt( pt01.y=cvRandInt( pt02.x=cvRandInt( pt02.y=cvRandInt( pt10.x=cvRandInt( pt10.y=cvRandInt( pt11.x=cvRandInt( pt11.y=cvRandInt( pt12.x=cvRandInt( pt12.y=cvRandInt( cvFillPoly( image, pt, arr, 2, random_color( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 0; i NUMBER; i+) pt1.x=cvRandInt( pt1.y=cvRandInt( cvCircle( image, pt1, cvRandInt( cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); for (i = 1; i NUMBER; i+) pt1.x=cvRandInt( pt1.y=cvRandInt( cvInitFont( cvPutText( image, “Testing text rendering!“, pt1, cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); cvInitFont( cvGetTextSize( “OpenCV forever!“, pt1.x = (width - text_size.width)/2; pt1.y = (height + text_size.height)/2; image2 = cvCloneImage(image); for( i = 0; i 255; i+ ) cvSubS( image2, cvScalarAll(i), image, 0 ); cvPutText( image, “OpenCV forever!“, pt1, cvShowImage(wndname,image); cvWaitKey(DELAY); / Wait for a key stroke; the same function arranges events processing cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage( cvReleaseImage( cvDestroyWindow(wndname); return 0; 如上,已经完成所有配置,如果有特殊用途,需要调用到其他的 DLL 中的方法,请自 行在 bin 目录下,将相应 DLL 文件引用到项目中即可。 常见错误解决方案: 1、如遇错误提示:


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