



Goal Setting 确立目标 Long-Term and Short-Term Goals 长期目标和短期目标 中英文对照(英澜英语) One of the most important things you will do during the career planning process is set goals. A goal is something you want to achieve; a desired end- point in some sort of assumed development. In order to achieve a goal, you will need to exert some energygenerally a lot of it. 登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课 You Should set both long-term and short-term goals: Long-term goals: these are goals that you should be able to achieve in about three to five years. Short term goals: these are goals that you should be able to reach in one to three years. In order for your goals to be achievable, they must meet certain criteria. Your goals must be: Concerivable:you must be able to put your goal into words; Achievable: you must have the attributes,energy,and time to accomplish your goal; Believable: you must believe you can reach your goal; Achievable Within a Certain Time Frame: you must be able to state how long it will take you to reach your goal; Clearly Defined: you must know exactly what your goalies; Flexible: you must be willing to modify your goal as necessary; Once you have defined both your long-term and short-term goals, you can go on to develop a career action plan. The career action plan will list all your goals and the steps you must take to reach them .if your goals meet the criteria listed above, you are more likely to be successful in achieving them. 登录英澜英语官网领取免费试听课 职业规划中最重要的步骤之一就是确立目标。目标是你想实现的、经过一系列 发展达到的终点。为了实现目标,你需要付出一些努,通常甚至是很多的努。 确立长期目标和短期目标 长期目标:指需要花3到5年左右的时间来实现的目标 短期目标:指需要花1到3 年左右的时间来实现的目标 为了实现 目标,确立目标时需要符合一定的标准。 你的目标必须: 可想到的:你的目标必须能用语言表达清楚 能实现的:你必须有相应的特质、精力、时间去实现目标; 能相信的:你必须相信自己能实现目标; 在一定期限内能实现的:你必须要明确这个目标需要多久能实现: 确立清楚:你必须清楚地知道自己的目标是什么; 有灵活度:必要时你得愿意去修改目标 一旦确立了自己的长期目标和短期目标后,你就


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