有关青少年网络社交行为的媒介环境分析的中英文对照 Media environment on teenagers online social behaviour analysis contrast in both Chinese and English 一、青少年社会交往媒介的网络化 A, the adolescent social media network 数百年来传播技术的发展,尤其是上世纪 70 年代出现的信息技术革命,使现代媒介环 境呈现出信息全球化、信息海量化、媒介网络化、形式视觉化和交流分离化的传播特征。 Spread for hundreds of years to the development of technology, especially in the 1970 s emerging information technology revolution, the modern media environment brings out the information globalization, the quantification, visualization and communication media network, form the separation of transmission characteristics. 日新月异的传播媒介和无穷无尽的信息传达,空前改变了人们的生活方式甚至是生存方式。 在这一的媒介环境下,青少年的交往方式和生活环境势必会走入一个全新的社会交往空间 The ever-changing media and endless information convey, unprecedented changed peoples way of life and even way of life. In this media environment, interactions and the living environment of teenagers are bound to walk into a new social space 。 . 青少年时期是人身体发育的高峰期,该时期的青少年具有半儿童、半成人、半优质、 半成熟的特殊心理特征。由于青少年的心理发展速度滞后于生理发展速度,生理、心理水 平 Adolescence is the peak period of physical development, the period of the teenagers has a half children, adults, and high quality, and special psychological characteristics of maturity. The psychological development of teenagers speed lags behind the physiological development, physiological and psychological level 处于一种非平衡状态,容易引起心理发展上的种种矛盾。在这种情况下,青少年逐渐从 “自我中心”向“去自我中心”转变,呈现出心理:上“断乳”症状:他们开始尝试脱离 家庭 In a non-equilibrium state, easy to cause the contradictions on the psychological development. In this case, the teenagers gradually from “self center“ to “self center“, presents a psychological: on “ablactation“ symptoms, they start trying to from family 自己去适应并改造世界;与父母、家庭渐行渐远,而希望从社会和同辈处获得帮助;越来 越注重他人对自己的看法,越来越强烈的寻求“自尊”与别人对他们的“尊重” 。 To adapt and transform the world; Drifting away with the parents, family, and hope to get help from society and their peers; More and more pay attention to others opinion of himself, more and more strong to seek “self-esteem“ and others “respect“ for them. 通常意义上来讲,媒介环境不仅可以满足青少年的认知需求、情感需求和舒解压力需 求,而且可以满足个人整合需求和社会整合需求。社会交往是青少年社会整合的重要方式, Generally speaking, the media environment can not only meet the demand of adolescents cognitive, emotional needs and requirements to reduce pressure, and can meet the demand of individual needs and social integration. Social interaction is an important method of adolescent social integration, 对青少年尤为重要。青少年的社会交往主要包括两个部分:青少年群体内交往和青少年群 体外交往。他们通常是在校内环境和社会环境两种环境下进行的。文化环境是青少年社会 环 Is particularly important for adolescents. Adolescent social interactions mainly consists of two parts: youth groups inside outside contacts and youth groups. They are usually under the environment of the campus environment and social environment. Social cultural environment is the teenagers 境的重要方面,是指由人创造的、非自然提供的、社会性的人所接触的包括物质文化、制 度文化和精神文化在内的总体环境。文化环境中对青少年影响最大的是媒介环境,即社会 中 Of the important aspects, which is created by people, not natural to provide for the people, social contact, including material culture, system culture and spiritual culture, the overall environment. Cultural environment is the biggest effect on young people in the media environment, namely in the society 个人或群体接触可能的媒介及其传播活动的总体环境,而当下的青少年已然完全生活在这 一媒介环境中,并时时刻刻在改变着自己的社会交往方式。 Individual or group may contact media and its communication activities of the overall environment, right now, the youth already live entirely in the medium environment, and all the time in changing their social interactions. 二、社交网络媒介的发展状况及技术特征 Second, the social development status and technical characteristics of network media (一)社交网络的发展状况 (a) the development of social networks “社交网络” ,是网络与社交的合称,也可称“社会化网络”是 “社会化网络服务” (Social Networking Services, SNS)的简称,它是致力于建立接近现实社会交往的互 “The Social network“, is called the Internet and Social Networking, can also be called “Social network“ is a “Social Networking Services“ (Social Networking Services, SNS) abbreviation, it is committed to build realistic Social interaction each other // // 联网应用和服务的系统。这些服务往往是为了建立网际社会关系,但这种解释还不能完全 覆盖那些社会化网站(SNS 网站)的功能,因为社会化网络已经渗透到互联网的各个角落。 Network application and service system. Often these services are designed to build the social relationship, but this explanation can not completely cover the function of social sites (SNSS), because of the social network has penetrated into every corner of the Internet. 简单的说,这种网络使每个人都拥有自己的社交主页并成为一个信息发布的主体,根据 “六度分隔理论”与“150 定律”即你和任何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过 6 个人, 最 In simple terms, the network to make everyone have their own social homepage and become the subject of an information release, according to the theory of “six degrees of separation“ and “150 law“ interval between you and any a stranger - the one who is, wont more than 6 people, the most 多通过 6 个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。一般人可以维持稳定社交关系人数的最大值 为 150。稍微计算一下就可以发现,通过 6 个人可建立的人际关系网络人数便是 150 的 6 次方, Through six more you will be able to meet any strangers. The average person can maintain stable social relationships a maximum of number is 150. Calculate for a moment can be found by six people can establish relationships network power 6 number is 150, 即 11390625000000。这个数字远超过人类历史上所有人数之和,我们可以通过朋友的朋友 认识想认识的任何一个人。我们目前接触的许多网站都属于 SNS 性质的网站,如人人网、 开 That is, 11390625000000. This number is far more than the history of mankind all the sum of the number, we can through the friends of friends want to know anyone. Many sites are currently we come into contact with nature of SNS sites, such as renren, open 心网、新浪微博、QQ 空间、QQ 校友、51、淘江湖等等,它们提供了交友、游戏、资源共 享等种种乐趣。到 2009 年 2 月,中国网络社区(SNS 网站)月度业务用户规模已达 1632 亿人 Heart net, sina weibo, QQ space and QQ alumnus, 51, tao jianghu and so on, they provide a dating, games, resource sharing and so on all sorts of fun. By February 2009, the Chinese online community (SNS website) monthly business user scale has reached 163.2 million people ,较 2008 年 1 月 1188 亿用户,增长了 41.7。另外,SNS 业务还渐 向传统网络领域 如搜索引擎、通讯软件、下载网站等延伸,可见互联网的 SNS 化已成为一种趋势。 , in January 2008, 118.8 million users, up 41.7%. In addition, SNS also gradually to the traditional network business areas such as search engines, communication software, download sites, such as a visible Internet SNS has become a trend. (二)SNS 社交网络的技术特征 (2) technical characteristics of SNS social networking 第一,SNS 大多采用实名注册,使网络环境的真实感进一步增强。实名制注册是 SNS 社交网络最新的特征,用户信息的真实性在一定程度上得到了保障,和传统网络相比使人 更 First, the SNS mostly adopt real-name registration, sense of reality to further enhance the network environment. Real-name registration is the latest SNS social networking features, user information, to guarantee the authenticity, to some extent compared with the traditional network make people more 有安全感;第二,SNS 采用“一对多”的网际传播模式,适应现代生活快节奏的需要。在 SNS 中,每个注册者都充当了一个传播中心,这满足了现代社会人们以自我为中心的心态; A sense of security; Second, SNS use “one to many“ the propagation mode, to adapt to the needs of the fast pace of modern life. In SNS, every registered person serves as a communication center, which can meet the modern society people self-centered mentality; 第三,打破了传统的网络社交沟通模式,使资源共享更加快捷方便。与传统 QQ、MSN 不 同,国内的 SNS 网站最初是针对青年人群体设计的,因此更符合年轻人们的需要;第四, 应用 Third, broke the traditional mode of social networking communication, make the resource sharing is more quick and convenient. Unlike traditional QQ, MSN, domestic SNS website was originally designed for young groups, therefore is more suitable for young peoples needs; Fourth, the application 功能丰富多彩,进一步满足各个阶层用户的多样性需求;第五,针对目前人们对手机终端 的依赖,大多数 SNS 社交网站开发出手机终端服务功能,用户可以用手机连接互联网直接 登 Feature rich and colorful, further meet the demand of users at all levels of diversity; Fifth, in view of the present people dependent on mobile devices, most of the SNS site developed mobile terminal services function, users can connect to the Internet with your mobile phone directly 录 SNS 网站,操作自己的主页。这就在很大程度上减少了用户登录 网站的时空限制,满 足了不同用户对 SNS 的使用习惯 。 Record the SNS website, operating its own home page. It largely reduces the user login web site space and time limit, meet the different users of SNS use habit. 三、网络媒介的社会交往特征 // // Third, social interaction characteristics of network media 第一,开放性和自主性。网络作为一种交流的媒介平台是一个开放的系统。每个参与 者只要具备一定的网络知识就可以参与进来,平等自主地利用网络进行自由交流。第二, 间 First, the openness and autonomy. Network as a medium of exchange platform is an open system. Each participant as long as have a certain network knowledge involved, equal to use network to communicate freely. Second, between 接性和虚拟性。网络社会交往具有虚拟性,交往主体之间的沟通是通过网络技术作为中间 环节的。这种方式消 解了物质空间障碍,使社会交往范围扩大了。第三,动态性和偶然性 After sex and virtual sex. Social interaction with a virtual network, communication between the main body of communication is through the network technology as the intermediate links. This way letting the material space obstacle, contributed to the expansion of social communication range. Third, the dynamics and chance 。网络社交不受时空的拘束,使人际交往变得自由灵活的同时,也决定了交流场所的多样 化和多变性,这体现出网络社交的瞬时性、动态性。这一方面增强了人们对缘分的体验, 但 . Social networking is not bound by space and time, make int
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