孩子斜弱视治疗 5 步走 斜视,就是两眼不能同时注视目标,多发生于儿童阶段。那,为什么出生时眼睛还很灵动 的孩子居然会斜视呢?专家提醒各位家长,儿童房内的布置,玩具的摆设,很关键! 许 多家长为了逗刚出生的宝宝开心,常常在婴儿床边挂满了花花绿绿的玩具,美其名 曰是培养宝宝的审美和对颜色的认知能力,实际上是在做残害宝宝视力的事情。据 岳主任 介绍:刚出生的宝宝眼睛极其娇嫩,而且正处在发育之中,当宝宝长期盯着一个方向看时, 极其容易成为斗鸡眼或是弱视。 婴儿斜视:玩具惹祸 婴 儿在出生最初几个月内,调节眼球活动的一些肌肉发育还不完善,双眼的共同协调 运动能力较差,而婴儿喜欢用深沉和目不转睛的凝视来观察周围事物或与父母亲人 交流。 再加上婴儿时期婴儿的鼻骨未能发育,两眼距离较近,年轻的父母在与宝宝对视时总感觉 自己宝宝好像是“对眼” “斗鸡眼” (内斜视) 。其实,这对于大多 数婴儿来说,属于暂时 的正常生理现象,一般再隔几个月后婴儿双眼的共同注视能力就可以发育良好,家长要正 确认识,不要受误导。 婴儿时期,如果父母在护理照顾上不够尽心,就有可能诱发或加重婴儿的斜视和对眼。 如经常只让孩子看一侧光线,卧室光线太亮,不注意经常变换孩子体位;或者把婴儿床上 的玩具或家里小灯光挂得太近,使孩子两眼经常注视近物等等。 孩子斜弱视治疗 5 步走 1、消除抑制 斜弱视主要是发生于视觉发育期间,极大抑制视觉功能的形成。所以,治疗基本的任 务就是消除抑制。在解决屈光不正的基础上进行遮盖治疗,其原理就是遮盖健眼强迫使用 患眼,消除单眼抑制、复视和混淆视,以促进视功能的恢复。 2、提高视力 提高视力是斜弱视治疗的根本目的。高博士表示,精细目力训练可有效促进患者的视 觉发育,达到增视效果。精细目力训练有穿针,描图绘画、穿珠子等,患者可根据自身情 况选用。 3、矫正眼位 矫正眼位是消除斜弱视患者复视,预防单眼抑制、弱视的重要举措。眼位矫正,应根 据其性质选择手术和非手术治疗,以便给双眼单视创造恢复的条件,使双眼视得到正常的 发育。眼位矫正后还要继续视功能训练,并密切观察视力及眼位变化情况。 4、训练黄斑固视 2 2 弱视眼多有固视异常,并出现注视点偏移及中心盲点。高博士提醒,弱视患者测定是 否有固视异常是非常重要的,以便在治疗时选择适当方法以训练防止旁中心注视、视网膜 异常对应,达到增视的目的。 5、融合功能 视力恢复至正常,很多家长认为不必再进行斜弱视治疗。其实,这是错误的。高博士 表示,多数斜弱视患儿不仅没有双眼同时视物的功能,而且融合功能和立体视觉都存在缺 陷。当弱视眼的视力恢复正常之后,还需进行同视机训练,建立融合功能,恢复立体视觉, 最终获得正常立体视觉。 Strabismus, that is, two eyes cannot look at targets at the same time, develops in childhood. Why was born, his eyes still very clever children can strabismus? Experts remind parents, of children room decorate, the decoration of the toys, is the key! Many parents in order to amuse a newborn baby, the baby often bed full of colourful toys, euphemistically called is to develop the babys aesthetic and cognitive ability of color, destroyed the things of babys eyesight is actually doing. : according to yue, director of the newborn babys eye is extremely delicate, and is in development, when the baby for a long time staring at a direction, extremely easy to become cross- eyed or amblyopia. Infant strabismus: toys to bring calamity Baby son born in the first few months, some activities of regulating eye muscle development is not perfect, the eyes of common motion coordination ability is poor, and the baby likes to use deep and eyes stare at to observe things around or communicate with parents. Combined with nasal bone has not been able to develop infant babies, two closer distance, when young parents and babies in the eye always feel the baby seems to be “eyes“ “crossed eyes“ (type). In fact, this for most babies, belongs to the normal physiology phenomenon of temporary, general again every few months baby eyes watching common ability can be well developed, parents want to have a correct understanding, not to be misleading. Baby, if the parents on the nursing care is not enough, we may induce or aggravate the infant strabismus and eyes. Often such as light for children to see only one side, the bedroom light is too bright, often do not pay attention to transform children position; Or small toys for the baby to bed or home lighting hanging too close together, make the child looked often close, and so on. Children amblyopia treatment 5 steps 1, eliminate inhibition During oblique amblyopia was mainly occurred in visual development, greatly inhibit the formation of visual function. So the basic task is to eliminate inhibition treatment. In solving the refractive error cover treatment, on the basis of the principle is to cover the 3 3 healthy eye forced to use eye, eliminate monocular suppression, diplopia and confusion, to promote the recovery of visual function. 2, improve eyesight, The fundamental aim of improving eyesight is inclined amblyopia treatment. High, “said Dr Fine cross training can effectively promote the patients development vision, to increase visual effect. Perception training has a fine needle, tracing painting, wear beads, patients can choose according to oneself circumstance. 3, correct eye Correct eye is to eliminate inclined amblyopia patients with diplopia, the important measures for prevention of monocular suppression, amblyopia. Eye correction, should choose surgical and non-surgical treatment, according to the nature to create recovery conditions for single visual eyes, make eyes see get normal development. Eye and visual function training after a correction and closely observe the vision and eye changes. 4, training macular fixation Many eye fixations, unusual, and the fixation point offset and center blind spot. Dr High reminds, amblyopia patients to determine whether there is a fixation anomaly is very important, in order to choose the proper method in the treatment with training center other prevent at, abnormal retinal correspondence, reach the purpose of increasing apparent. 5, fusion function Vision returned to normal, a lot of parents believe that dont have to oblique amblyopia treatment. In fact, this is wrong. High, “said Dr Most inclined amblyopia in children with not only the function of the ey
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