



与外国人聊天的注意事项 Introduction: Standard American English Tips Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar. To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken. Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States. 说英语不仅仅要语法正确。想要有效的使用英语,你需要了解语言使用国的文 化。如果你在美国说英语,那么下面这些注意事项是你应该了解的。 * Most Americans only speak English: While it is true that more and more Americans speak Spanish, most Americans only speak English. Dont expect them to understand your native language. 大部分美国人只说英语:现在越来越多的美国人能说西班牙语是事实,但是大 部分的美国人只说英语,所以别指望他们能听懂你的母语。 * Americans have difficulties understanding foreign accents: Many Americans are not used to foreign accents. This requires patience from both of you! 美国人理解外国口音有困难:很多美国人不习惯外国口音,所以你们交谈双方 都需要有耐心。 Conversation Tips * Speak about location: Americans love to talk about location. When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place. For example: “Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. He says its a beautiful place to live.“ Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that particular city or area. 谈论地点:美国人喜欢谈论地点。和陌生人说话的时候,可以问问他们从哪里 来然后找到自己跟那个地方的联系。比如可以说:“啊,我有个朋友在洛杉矶 学习,他说那地方很漂亮。”这时大部分美国人就会很愿意谈起他们居住或者 到过那个特殊的地方或地区的经历。 * Talk about work: Americans commonly ask “What do you do?“. Its not considered impolite (as in some countries) and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers. 谈论工作:美国人通常会问“What do you do?”在某些国家会被认为这是不礼 貌的,但美国不是的,这只是陌生人之间聊天的一个流行话题。 * Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand “American Football“, not soccer. 谈论运动:美国人超爱运动!不过,他们喜欢美国的运动。如果说到 football,大部分美国人会理解成橄榄球而不是足球。 * Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive topics: The United States is a multi-cultural society. Especially in the last few years, Americans are trying very hard to be sensitive to other cultures and ideas. Talking about sensitive topics like religion or beliefs, is often avoided in order to be sure not to offend someone of a different belief system. This is often referred to as being “politically correct“. 说到种族、宗教或者其他敏感话题要小心:美国是一个多文化的社会。特别是 近几年,美国人对其他文化和观点非常特别的敏感。像宗教或者信仰之类的敏 感话题通常都不会在谈话中提及,以免冒犯别人。这就是经常被提到的“政治 正确”。 Addressing People * Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names. 对不认识的人要称呼他们的姓:用他们的头衔(先生、女士、博士等)加上他 们的姓。 * Always use “Ms“ when addressing women: It is important to use “Ms“ when addressing a woman. Only use “Mrs“ when the woman has asked you to do so! 称呼女性的时候通常用“Ms”:称呼女性的时候用“Ms”,这很重要。如果对 方要求你称呼“Mrs” 那再照办好了。 * Many Americans prefer first names: Americans often prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very different positions. Americans will generally say, “Call me Tom.“ and then expect you to remain on a first name basis. 很多人喜欢被叫名字:美国人通常喜欢用他们的名字,即使是和身份非常不同 的人打交道。他们通常会说,“叫我 Tom”,然后真的希望你用他们的名字来 称呼他们(不是客气的哦)。 * Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans prefer informal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances. 美国人不拘小节:通常情况下,美国人喜欢非正式的问候,提到他们的同事或 者使用名字或者熟人的时候喜欢用昵称。 Public Behavior * Always shake hands: Americans shake hands when greeting each other. This is true for both men and women. Other forms of greeting such as kissing on the cheeks, etc., is generally not appreciated. 常握手:美国人相互致意的时候喜欢握手,这是男女通用的。其他的比如亲吻 脸颊之类的方式是非常不推荐的。 * Look your partner in the eye: Americans look each other in the eyes when they are speaking as a way of showing that they are sincere. 看对方的眼睛:美国人想要表达关注的时候会在说话的时候看着对方的眼睛。 * Dont hold hands: Same sex friends do not usually hold hands or put their arms around each other in public in the United States. 别


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