2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 4 wildlife protection新人教版必修2_1_第1页
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1 Unit 4 Wildlife protection Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage Points .单句语法填空 1Enough attention should be paid to_(improve) your pronunciation and intonation. 答案: improving 2He came to my class every week,but his attitude suggested that he_(be) not really interested in it. 答案: was 3We hung a net round the bed,which could protect us_mosquitoes and other insects. 答案: from 4Many parents feel a sense of_(lose) when their children leave home. 答案: loss 5Does she live within walking _(distant) of her parents? 答案: distance 6She lost her handbag,_(contain) lots of money,while shopping.Luckily,an honest boy found it and returned it to her. 答案: containing 7What are you worried about? Tom didnt respond_any of my calls.Something must have happened to him. 答案: to 8She was so amused with the magicians tricks that she burst into_(laugh) 答案: laughter 9After the boats motor failed,they were_the mercy of the weather. 答案: at 10For one reason or another,many kinds of animals and plants die_every year. 答案: out 2 .阅读理解 Anyone whos held a rolledup newspaper to fight with a housefly knows just how difficult it can be to catch the fly.Flies always seem to know where youre coming fromand how to get away. “Flies are very good at what they do, ” says Michael Dickinson,a professor of biology at the University of Washington.To study the insects in action,Dickinson used a machine to run flies to a tube,where a plate was ready to catch the flies from different directionsfront,side,and back while a highspeed camera filmed the insects reactions (反应) to the unpleasant hit. After running hundreds of flies through his machine,Dickinson discovered something interesting.Within 300 milliseconds of a possible hit,the flies were well prepared.If the hit was right in front of its head,the fly would shift (挪动) its middle pair of legs forwardmoving it backward and away from danger.When the hit came from the back,the fly would shift its middle legs backward to jump forward.Flies may eat dog droppings,but these insects are also beautiful dancers. Dickinsons interest in housefly hitting goes beyond keeping his office flyfree.His research is helping others build smart microrobots that can copy the flies flight patterns (模式)The military (军队),too,is interested in Dickinsons work.It hopes to use findings like his to build planes with better reaction times,which could keep soldiers out of harms way. As for Dickinson,it should be noted that he doesnt hate flies.In fact,he goes out of his way to avoid killing them:“I get a little angry when someone brushes a fly away,since Im usually looking at it,watching it clean itself and move its little head.” 语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章是一项关于打苍蝇的研究。 1Michael Dickinson came to his conclusions_. Aby example Bby experiment Cby comparison Dby explanation 解析: 写作手法题。根据第二、三段的内容可知,Michael Dickinson 是通过实验 研究苍蝇得出结论的。 答案: B 2We can infer from Paragraph 4 that_. 3 Aflies may be used in other fields in the future Bflies provide inspiration for humans Cflies remain a danger to planes Dflies help robots improve 解析: 推理判断题。第四段谈到微型机器人要模仿苍蝇的飞行模式,军队想将苍蝇 的快速反应运用到飞机上,由此可知,人类从苍蝇身上受到一定启发。 答案: B 3What does Michael Dickinson think of flies? ADirty. BBeautiful. CUnpleasant. DInteresting. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段的 Dickinsons interest in housefly.以及最 后一段的 he doesnt hate flies 和 I get a little angry when someone brushes a fly away 可知,Michael Dickinson 觉得苍蝇很有趣。 答案: D 4Whats the best title for the text? AA strange insect BA day in the life of a fly CTo catch a fly DTo avoid a fly 解析: 标题归纳题。文章介绍了一项打苍蝇的研究,故 C 项符合文章主旨。 答案: C .完形填空 I live in the northern suburb of San Francisco,where driving is considered the main transportation choice for most people.I still remember how _1_ I was when I first learned to drive 10 years ago._2_at night,with music calming me down,I was filled with joy and _3_in a foreign land!I had a photo taken of my hugging my _4_and sent it to my family in China.I_5_my car!Sometimes she was my only _6_in lonely nights. _7_,as time went by,that excitement wore off,and I_8_driving.So I joined the 21day Mindful Walking Challenge and began to walk.On a walking day,I said _9_ to a neighbor named June,who was watering her flowers.She _10_ my greetings and asked, “What happened to your hair?” I touched my hair and _11_ what might have gone wrong.Seeing the confusion (困惑) on my face,she then realized that shed made a _12_.She walked across the street and said, “You sounded so _13_that I thought you were Mike.” We both laughed. I_14_the new neighbor next door,and two different gardeners on different 4 days and listened to their joy in gardening after a (n) _15_dayworking all day in front of a computer.I_16_at everyone passing by me. I walked to the streets I_17_wouldnt pass through if I drove my car,and _18_a tiny free library on the sidewalk.I began to _19_if I had really lived in this town all these years.Its a completely new town I _20_so little about!Im grateful for the 21day Mindful Walking Challenge. 语篇解读 本文是记叙文,话题是人物故事类。先前喜欢开车的作者如今喜欢步行了。 步行给了他很多惊喜! 1A.disappointed Bcalm Cexcited Dshy 解析: 根据后面的I was filled with joy.可知作者现在仍然记得 10 年前刚 学会开车时的那种激动(excited)。 答案: C 2A.Running BTraveling CWalking DDriving 解析: 根据前面的when I first learned to drive 10 years ago 可知这里描 述的是 10 年前作者刚学会开车时的情景,所以这里指的是晚上开着车(Driving)。 答案: D 3A.worry Bindependence Cdoubt Dfear 解析: 作者在异国他乡一个人开着车,那是一种独立自由的(independence)快乐。 答案: B 4A.car Bkid Chouse Dneighbor 解析: 作者刚开车很开心,拍了一张拥抱着自己的车(car)的照片,然后发给了在中 国的家人。 答案: A 5A.fixed Bimproved Cloved Dmissed 解析: 根据后面的 Sometimes she was my only.in lonely nights 可推断作者喜 欢(loved)他的车。 答案: C 6A.partner Bdream Cplan Dhope 5 解析: 根据后面的in lonely nights 可推断此处指作者在晚上独自一人开着车, 陪伴(partner)他的只有他的车。 答案: A 7A.SoBYet CMeanwhile DInstead 解析: 根据后面的that excitement wore off.可知之前作者刚学会开车很兴 奋,后来这种兴奋慢慢地减弱,所以此处是转折关系,用 Yet。 答案: B 8A.suggested Bkept Cenjoyed Dhated 解析: 根据前面的that excitement wore off.以及后面的began to walk 可知作者讨厌(hated)开车。 答案: D 9A.yes Bsorry Chello Dthanks 解析: 根据后面的my greetings 可推断此处是作者向她打招呼(hello)。 答案: C 10A.returned Bignored Cforgot Drefused 解析: 作者向她打招呼,她也向(returned)作者问候。 答案: A 11A.understood Brealized C.answered Dwondered 解析: 根据前面的 I touched my hair.可推断作者不知道(wondered)头发出了什 么问题。 答案: D 12A.decision Bguess Cmistake Ddeal 解析: 根据后面的 You sounded so.that I thought you were Mike 可推断她之 前弄错了(mistake),将作者误认为 Mike 了。 答案: C 13A.friendly Bhumorous Cstrange Dbrave 解析: 作者和她打招呼,听起来很友好(friendly),所以她就认错人了。 6 答案: A 14A.played with Blooked for Cdepended on Dtalked to 解析: 根据后面的and listened to their joy in gardening.可知作者和新 邻居说话(talked to)。 答案: D 15A.special Btiring Cinteresting Dimportant 解析: 根据后面的working all day in front of a computer 可知作者一天都 在电脑前面工作,所以是疲劳的(tiring)一天。 答案: B 16.Alaughted Bsmiled Cpointed Dshouted 解析: 前面提到作者和邻居们打招呼,所以这里指作者对每一个路过的人微笑 (smiled)。 答案: B 17A.partly Breally Cnormally Dlately 解析: 作者开车的时候通常(normally)不经过这些街道的。 答案: C 18A.discovered Bexamined Cbuilt Dlearnt 解析: 根据后面的 Its a completely new town.可知在路过街道的时候作者发 现了(discovered)一家免费的小图书馆。 答案: A 19A.check Bstudy Csee Dquestion 解析: 在不常去的地方有了新的发现之后,作者开始想(question)他是否真正在这 个小镇生活。 答案: D 20A.hear Bknow Ctalk Dthink 解析: 根据a completely new town.可推断此处指作者对小镇了解(know)很 少。 7 答案: B .短文改错 Dear Jack, Im sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new school,because you find hard to make friends.Now,Id like to offer you any advice. Firstly,its normal of you to feel lonely because you were living in a new environment.Secondly,you should greet your classmates when met them on campus.Thirdly,it would be a good idea if you take an actively part in class activities,what can help them learn more about you.I believe you will be able to make new friends soon unl


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