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心理学理论流派( the Main Theories)第一节 精神分析理论( Psychoanalysis)Sigmund. FreudlAn Austrian psychiatrist and psychologistlA founder of psychoanalysisl1900 - interpretation of dreamslProducing great influences in many fieldsVienna universityLearning hypnotherapyWhat is psychoanalysis?One of the main theories in psychologyTreatment of mental disorders by bringing repressed thoughts into conscious mindtechniques: dream analysis, transference free association, resistance The classic theory is model of the psychemodel of the psycheConsciouspreconsciousUnconsciousconscious (small)the part of above the surface of water the part of the mind what youre aware of. sensation, perception, thinking, emotionthe part which is related to realitypreconscious (small-medium) the part near the surface of water ordinary memories and stored knowledge can be brought into conscious.unconscious (enormous) The most part beneath the surface of water this part contains immoral urges ,shameful experience, irrational wishes and unacceptable sexual desiresas a dump box for urges, feelings and ideasexerting influence on our actions and our conscious awarenesscan be revealed by dreams, hypnosis and unintentional verbal error or writing errorlPersonality structure Id Ego superegoTHE ID (“It”)ufunctions in the irrational and emotional part of the mind. uthe Id is the primitive mind. uIt contains all the basic needs and feelings. libido (psychic energy).u it has only one rule the “pleasure principle”uId too strong = self-gratification and uncaring to othersTHE EGO: (“I”)ufunctions with the rational part of the mind. uthe Ego relates to the real worlduoperates via the “reality principle”. uthe Ego realizes the need for compromiseand negotiates between the Id and the Superego.uego too strong = extremely rational and efficient, but cold, boring and distantTHE SUPEREGO (“Over-I”)uthe superego is the last part of the mind to develop. uIt might be called the moral part of the mind.uIt works by principle of ideal.usuperego too strong = feels guilty all the time, may even have an insufferably saintly personality.Oral stageAnal stagePhallic stageLatency stageGenital stagePsychosexual development theory口唇期指 0 1岁发育期。这一时期婴儿原始欲力的满足,主要靠口腔部位的吸吮、咀嚼、吞咽等活动来获得满足,婴儿的快乐也多来自口腔的活动。 指 1 4岁的幼儿期。原始欲力主要靠排泄和控制大小便时所产生的刺激快感获得满足 ,对权利和意愿的躯体表达方式;卫生习惯训练的关键时期;“肛门性格 ”指 4 6岁的儿童期。这一时期原始欲力的满足主要集中于性器官的部位。 “恋父情结 ” 及 “恋母情节 ”指 6岁到青春期。 6岁以后的儿童,兴趣扩大,注意力由对自己的身体和父母的感情转变到周围的事物,因此原始的欲力呈现出潜伏状态 。男性一般 13岁左右,女性一般在 12岁左右。此时,个体的性器官逐渐成熟,生理与心理上所显示的特征,使两性差异开始显著。在这个时期以后,性的需要转向相似


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