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Youth Volunteer CorpsYouth Volunteer Corps of America,(formally called YVCA, now YVC), is a national non-profit organization created to introduce, encourage and support the spirit of volunteerism in youth ages 11 to 18 through consistent, well-organized volunteer opportunities. It began in 1987 as a single organization in Kansas City, Missouri, sponsored by the Heart of America United Way and was funded by numerous public and private sources.Since then YVC has grown to more than 50 affiliated sites in the United States and Canada, sponsored locally by diverse community-based organizations such as Volunteer Centers, HandsOn, YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, Camp Fire USA, United Way, City Parks there are 12 attendees. 1991: Several new YVC sites open across the US including several in Michigan. 1992: On May 1, YVC becomes an independent national not-for-profit organization based in Kansas City, with Dr. Rich Davis as founding Board Chairman. 1993: YVC opens its 30th site. 1994: YVCs first group of AmeriCorps members begins in September under the direction of Joe Gonzales. Dr. Lynne Ford publishes positive results in her independent evaluation of the YVC model and its impact on youth. 1995: YVC Canada is formed with headquarters in Calgary, Alberta. 1996: The first YVC International Conference is held in San Antonio, Texas, with 150 attendees including several from Canada. Don Sloan becomes YVC Board Chairman. 1997: Representatives from the YVC network, including Battey and three Board members, attend the Presidents Summit on Volunteerism in Philadelphia and commit to doubling the number of YVs to 40,000 by the end of 2000. 1998: YVC launches its cars for cause vehicle donation program with strong support from H it is highly promising career.” Since its implementation, the program has carried out many forms of effective voluntary services focusing on the basic needs of production and peoples livelihood, on the training of young talents, on community construction, poverty-alleviation development, environmental protection as well as large events and rescue activities. It implemented a number of key projects and set up a fairly complete organizational system, yielding significant successes in serving the society, educating young people and promoting development. Implementation of the “one-to-one” long-term pairing plan: Such a plan envisaged CYL and CAYV organizations helping to link up young volunteers with the needy on a long-term and one-to-one basis. The pairs thus formed have become a constant form of basic work for young volunteers. By the end of 1999, over 2 million such pairs had been set up. Address:NO.10,Qianmen Dongdajie,Beijing,100051,ChinaTel:(8610)67018132 Fax:(8610)67018131Volunteer WorkHKYHAs volunteer network is made up of individuals from all walks of society. People of different age groups, with different occupations and backgrounds engage in community service to realise their potentials and support the development of HKYHA.Major events Ngong Ping Charity WalkNgong Ping Charity Walk is a large-scale fundraising outdoor experience organised by HKYHA to enhance public awareness of environmental protection and heritage conservation,as well as encourage youngsters participation in all-round development and cultural exchange. The annual event owes its success to the support and participation of volunteers.Flag DayOn Flag Days, volunteers are recruited to help HKYHA raise funds through selling flags. These events bring youngsters closer to society and inspire them to have an open mind. They join hands to contribute to the sustainable development of local youngsters as well as the conservation of nature. At the same time, HKYHA fulfils its mission, “Encourage youngsters to broaden their horizons, realise their potentials and care for nature, as well as promote travelling and cultural exchange.” The funds raised on Flag Days are used to enhance hostel facilities, so as to provide improved hostelling experience to youngsters.YHA Volunteer Founded in 1973, YHA Volunteer has developed into a systematic volunteer group with multiple talents. The group works closely with HKHYA to promote the Associations mission and services. Meetings are held periodically to discuss seasonal activities and other relevant matters. In addition, YHA Volunteer has organised professional volunteer training programmes and established various working groups, such as Recreation Group, Map Study Group and Summer Outdoor Adventure Group, giving volunteers the opportunity to fulfil their potentials.Meanwhile, YHA Volunteer periodically organises outdoor recreational activities in the youth hostels, such as expeditions and travel talks. In the 1990s, new elements were added to the groups activity portfolio: night squid fishing trips were organised for the first time and a pig


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