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Modules and variations New graphics guidelinesDesign proposalsRoland Berger Hamburg, November 20011Module und Variations_EContents PageA. Standard slides 3B. Lists (1) Factors, no specific number 7C. Lists (2) Factors, specific number 13D. Matrix Factors, comparisons 24E. Process (1) Factors, steps 35F. Process (2) Factors, impact 49G. Process (3) Factors, interlinked 67Annex: Nine key changes compared to the old standards732Module und Variations_EA. Standard slides3Module und Variations_EMethodological competenceKey projectsIndustry competenceProfessional experienceLanguagesEducationConsultant profile: first name, last namexxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPosition: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx German xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBorn: xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNationality: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUpdated: mm/year4Module und Variations_EOrganizational chart5Module und Variations_EOrganizational chart (including headcount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Module und Variations_EB. Lists (1) Factors, no specific number7Module und Variations_ELists horizontal (variations)Heading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading DetailsHeading Details1 23 48Module und Variations_ELists vertical (variations) 1 23 49Module und Variations_ESchedule1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Month 1 Month 2 Month 3ActivitiesA.B.C.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Month 1 Month 2 Month 3ActivitiesA.B.C.1 210Module und Variations_ESets of guidelines2345Guidelines 1Guidelines 2Guidelines 3Guidelines 4Guidelines 5Comments 1Comments 2Comments 3Comments 4Comments 5111Module und Variations_E12Module und Variations_EC. Lists (2) Factors, specific number13Module und Variations_EPyramid (3 or 4 levels)14Module und Variations_EPyramid (5 levels/centered)15Module und Variations_E3 factors (interwoven)1 2 316Module und Variations_ECommon ground17Module und Variations_E4 factors (1)18Module und Variations_E4 factors (2)19Module und Variations_E4 factors (3)1234Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3Factor 420Module und Variations_E4 factors (3a weighted)234Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3Factor 421Module und Variations_E4 factors (3b dynamic)1234Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3Factor 4Four dynamicfactors22Module und Variations_E6 factors (variation)23Module und Variations_ED. Matrix Factors, comparisons24Module und Variations_EMatrix/table (Horizontal/vertical comparison of data variations)1 23 425Module und Variations_ESpecial types of matrix opportunities/threats Opportunities Threats Opportunities Threats Opportunities Threats Opportunities Threats 1 23 426Module und Variations_ESpecial types of matrix pros and cons 1 2327Module und Variations_ESpecial types of matrix controversy1 23 428Module


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