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人教版五年级上册 Unit 6 A lets learn【教材分析】本部分学习的单词:forest/ lake/ mountain/ hill/ river. 教材通过 John 和 Chen Jie谈论自然公园地图的情景呈现了单词的词性和意义。【教学目标】1. 所有学生能够在图片、教师和文本的引导下听、说、读、写上述单词;2. 所有学生能够熟练运用上述单词就自然公园展开问答。3. 大部分学生能够在本节课认识国内外名山大川,感受自然公园的美丽,并且会与家人和朋友分享这种美好感受,另外在本节课也提示学生养成保护环境的良好品格。【Teaching steps】课前:课前滚动播放英文版爸爸去哪的视频。让学生熟悉视频里的一些人物的英文名,调动学生的兴趣,并且为整节课以爸爸去哪为素材和整个故事背景的设计做好铺垫。Step1: preparation1.Warm up -T 唱” Papa, papa, when shall we travel far?Taking my telescope to see the starBaby, baby, taking the map you drewFollow me do as I do” T 指爸爸去哪 经典宣传画,问,do you like it? Ss 可能会回答:yes! T 故作神秘,where are they now? Are they in the room? lets go and have a look!2. Is there ?句型的复习。(1)用 爸爸去哪 的两个深受大家欢迎的小童星居住的房间的图片来复习此句型。T: Wow, beautiful! Is there a/an in the room? Ss: Yes, there is./No, there isnt.T 教读,板书。(2)接着快闪复习(在 is there 句型中加入 on/under/behind/in front of 等介词)设计一幅图,Ss 看整幅图 3,图消失。PPT 呈现句型: Is there on/under/behind/in front of the?操练句型的运用。方式:1. T-S 2. S1-Ss Step2: presentation1. 过渡到,爸爸和孩子们要去哪呢?T: Is Tiantian in his room? Ss: No. Is Angela in her room? Ss: NO. We can see ,they are not in their room now . Where are they?呈现 PPT,they are going to a nature park(自然公园).师在此教读 nature park。 2. Lets learn.拓展文本,如图:(情景设计:爸爸去哪 一行人,在车上的对话)(设计意图:文本重构能够让学生在完整的情景中学习词汇和句子,并且语篇的拓展能更多的输入信息,满足不同层次学生的需要。第一个文本处理的方式是“听-搜索关键信息- 回答” 。 )1. 授 river呈现:听录音,回答问题。Is there a river(加图) in the park? Ss: Yes, there is.老师设置流水的声音,附图片,启示学生,从而解释意思,教读,板书。操练:(1)机械操练,教师教读。(2)意义操练:A、语音迁移 river,water,father,mother,dinnerB、设置一个 Tongue Twister 做操练(设计意图:是学生深刻识记 river 的形和音) 。C、挖空 river,连续训练三次,如,riv_, r_ver, r_v_.D、介绍我国各名河流。 (先让学生发表意见,老师再拓展。 )情景设计:爸爸去哪一行人刚刚进入了 nature park。拓展文本:如图:Dad: Children, lets go to the nature park!Children: Yeah!Kimi: Whats in the nature park? Is there a river in the park?Dad: yes, there is. The water is clean. There are many fish in it.Children: Cool!Kimi: Papa, youre right! look, a river!Dad : Ahno, thats a lake!Patric: lake? I know West lake and Qing Hai lake.Dad2: Bingo!Kimi: Wow! There are many trees behind the lake! En fresh air!Dad: Yes! what a big forest!(设计意图:文本重构能够让学生在完整的情景中学习词汇和句子,并且语篇的拓展能更多的输入信息,满足不同层次学生的需要。第二个文本处理的方式是“读-寻找关键信息- 回答” 。 )2 . 授 lake.呈现:(1)呈现文本给学生,师和学生一起引导式的读:(2)师问: Is there a lake(加图) in the park? 生阅读文本内容,回答:Yes, there is. 师问学生是通过什么地方读出来。师接着出示。(3)师对应图片教读,出示单词,板书。操练:(1) lake 语音迁移。如:lake/take/cake 等。(设计意图:既训练了音又能训练单词的形。)师接着帮助学生巩固:Can you spell?(2)设计一个 chant,进一步操练。如:Lake, lake, lake.We can swim in the lake.(加图)We can go boating in the lake. (加图)We can eat a cake and sleep near the lake. (加图)(chant 加图的设计意图:避免无意义的机械 chant,加上图可以帮助学生理解 chant 的内容,还能进行音和形的进一步操练)(3)介绍我国的一些著名湖泊。西湖 West Lake 洞庭湖 Dongting lake 青海湖Qinghai lake。 (还是先让学生先表达,老师再作进一步引导。 )3. 授 forest呈现:师附一张图:有 lake 和 forest。把 forest 设置圈出。师语言带出:There is a big forest behind the lake.师强调 behind the lake,让学生在图中理解forest。师先指图教读,加深直观印象,然后出示单词。操练:(1)机械操练,A T 指图教音,开火车,原图上答出白底黑字。 (T-Ss)B 由于这个单词较长,找个小老师教读学生, (S1-Ss)(2)意义操练:A. 出现不同季节的森林,学生操练。春天和夏天的:green f_rest,colorful for_st. White f_r_s_.B. 最后巩固,Can you spell now? 使用手指进行比划。带动师生拼写。C. 画一幅图,在一片森林里,有很多小动物和植物,但是都是设计为藏头露尾的,充分发挥孩子们的想象力,PPT 中出现 There is /are 。 。 。 。in the forest.句型.让孩子们在句型中操练。3. 授 mountain 和 hill情景设置:师问 Do you like the park? Its beautiful, yes? Kimi likes the park ,too. Look, he draw a picture.呈现:截图。师小回扣复习,river,forest,lake。师接着指大山合丘陵处,问:whats this? Whats that? 呈现 mountain 和 hill.指图教读。出现词形,板书。操练:(1)机械操练:反复读。(2)意义操练:Amountain 的语音和词形: mountain:young, rain. 师:can you spell?呈现挖空:m_t_.B. hill 的语音迁移,will/bill.C. 师设置 N 组图片,边出示图片学生便一起回答图中是 mountain 还是 hill。(图出现了马上下一步出现单词)Step3: practice听音正音:Now we have known whats in the park. Can you read? Lets listen ,point & repeat.听音正音。Tasks1. 小组合作。A. 小组长带领着组员一起读单词。B. 小组长手中有图,每一组不一样,组员用 Is there 句型问,让组长可以回答。Step4: production情景设置:Cindy 因为生病没能去自然公园,天天在自然公园里给 Cindy 打电话。Can you guess what they are talking about?文本设计(在此环节,老师设计文本,并画一幅图,学生需要根据上下文内容的理解和结合图片才能做出题目,改变学生单纯看图写单词的做法,可以更大程度上扩大学生语言输出。并且让学生书写词汇,达到学生自我检测单词识记的目的。 ):Tiantian: Hi, Cindy! This is Tian tian. were in the park now.Cindy: Wow, whats in it? Is there a _ in it?Tiantian:Yes, there is. There are many trees. And its in front of the _. Cindy: Cool! Is there a _in the park?Tiantian:Yes, its in the forest. There is a long _,too. We can see many fish in it.Cindy: Oh. I really want to go.Tiantian:Dont worry(别担心). Kimi is drawing a picture for you. let me see. You will see a _in Kimis picture. There are many flowers on it.Cindy: Great ! is there a bear in the park?Tiantian:Oh, no, there isnt. And I dont want to see a bear here!答案及关键信息:Tiantian: Hi, Cindy! This is Tian tian. were in the park now.Cindy: Wow, whats in it? Is there a forest in it?Tiantian:Yes, there is. There are many trees. And its in front of the mountain. Cindy: Cool! Is there a big lake in the park?Tiantian:yes, its in the forest. And there is a long river ,too. We can see many fish in it.Cindy: oh. I really want to go.Tian tian: Dont worry(别担心). Kimi is drawing a picture for you. let me see. You will see a hill in Kimis picture. There are many flowers on it.Cindy: Great ! I love flowers!处理时采取学生讲解的方式,看看学生是不是真正掌握了。Step5: progress1. 回扣板书,整体复习。师感叹:Wow. What a beautiful nature park! There is 回扣板书,带着复习!2. 情感及文化教育:T:Do you want to go to the nature park? Ss: yes!T: Then y


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