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2018/6/5,第二章 热力学第一定律,2.1 热力学基本概念,2.2 热力学第一定律,2.9 化学计量数、反应进度和标准摩尔反应焓,2.3 恒容热、恒压热、焓,2.4 热容,恒容变温过程、恒压变温过程,2.5 焦尔实验,理想气体的热力学能、焓,2.6 气体可逆膨胀压缩过程,理气绝热可逆过程,2.7 相变化过程,2018/6/5,第一章 热力学第一定律,2.10 标准摩尔反应焓的计算,2.11 节流膨胀与焦尔-汤姆逊效应,2018/6/5,2.1 热力学基本概念,系统与环境系统的分类热力学平衡态状态和状态函数系统的性质,几个基本概念:,2018/6/5,1.系统与环境,系统(System),在科学研究时必须先确定研究对象,把一部分物质与其余分开,这种分离可以是实际的,也可以是想象的。这种被划定的研究对象称为系统,亦称为物系或体系。,环境(surroundings),与系统密切相关、有相互作用或影响所能及的部分称为环境。,2018/6/5,系统分类,根据系统与环境之间的关系,把系统分为三类:,(1)封闭系统(closed system) 系统与环境之间无物质交换,但有能量交换。,2018/6/5,系统分类,(2)隔离系统(isolated system) 系统与环境之间既无物质交换,又无能量交换,故又称为孤立系统。有时把封闭系统和系统影响所及的环境一起作为孤立系统来考虑。,2018/6/5,系统分类,(3)敞开系统(open system) 系统与环境之间既有物质交换,又有能量交换。,2018/6/5,系统分类,2018/6/5,2.状态和状态函数,状态(state)指静止的,系统内部的状态。 也称热力学状态 用各种宏观性质来描述状态 如T,P,V, 等 热力学用系统所有性质描述系统所处的状态状态固定,系统的所有热力学性质也就确定了,例如,理想气体 T,P,V,n,2018/6/5,2.状态和状态函数,状态函数(state function) 系统的各种性质,它们均随状态确定而确定。 如 T, p, V,n 又如一定量n的理气 V=nRT/P V= f (T, P) T, P是独立变量 推广 X=f (x, y) 其变化只与始末态有关,与变化途径无关。,2018/6/5,2.状态和状态函数,状态函数的重要特征:状态确定了,所有的状态函数也就确定了。状态函数在数学上具有全微分的性质。,2018/6/5,系统的性质,广度量(extensive properties) 性质的数值与系统的物质的数量成正比,如V、m、熵等。这种性质具有加和性。,强度量(intensive properties) 性质的数值与系统中物质的数量无关,不具有加和性,如温度、压力等。 两个广度量之比为强度量如 = m/n,2018/6/5,热力学平衡态,当系统的诸性质不随时间而改变,则系统就处于热力学平衡态,它包括下列几个平衡:,热平衡(thermal equilibrium) 系统各部分温度相等。,力学平衡(mechanical equilibrium) 系统各部的压力都相等,边界不再移动。如有刚壁存在,虽双方压力不等,但也能保持力学平衡。,2018/6/5,热力学平衡态,相平衡(phase equilibrium) 多相共存时,各相的组成和数量不随时间而改变。,化学平衡(chemical equilibrium ) 反应系统中各物的数量不再随时间而改变。,当系统的诸性质不随时间而改变,则系统就处于热力学平衡态,它包括下列几个平衡:,2018/6/5,3.过程和途径,系统从一个状态变到另一个状态,称为过程。前一个状态成为始态,后一个状态称为末态。实现这一过程的具体步骤称为途径。,2018/6/5,3.过程和途径,系统变化过程的类型:(1)单纯 pVT 变化 (2)相变化 (3)化学变化常见过程: 恒温过程 T=T环境=定值 恒压过程 P=P环境=定值 恒容过程 V=定值 绝热过程 无热交换 循环过程 始态始态,第二章 作业P30: 1.4、5、9; P94:2.1题;,2018/6/5,2.2 热力学第一定律,功,热力学能,热,热力学第一定律,2018/6/5,1.热,系统吸热,Q0;,系统放热,Q0;,系统对环境作功,W Q2 ,所以系统的末态温度应不低于0 。过程(2)可以进行完全。 而 Q10 经节流膨胀后,气体温度降低。,称为焦-汤系数(Joule-Thomson coefficient),它表示经节流过程后,气体温度随压力的变化率。,是系统的强度性质。因为节流过程的 ,所以当:,0 经节流膨胀后,气体温度升高。,=0 经节流膨胀后,气体温度不变。,2018/6/5,JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE,JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE (1818-1889) English physicist,had the strength of mind to put science ahead of beer.He owned a large brewery but neglected its management to devote himself to scientific research.His name is associated with Joules law,which states that the rate at which heat is dissipated by a resistor is given by I2R.He was the first to carry out precise measurements of the mechanical equivalent of heat;and the firmly established that work can be quantitatively converted heat.,2018/6/5,JOSEPH LOUIS GAY-LUSSAC,JOSEPH LOUIS GAY-LUSSAC (1778-1850) French chemist,was a pioneer in balloon ascensions. In 1804,Gay-Lussac made several balloon ascensions to altitudes as high as 7000 m,where he made observations on magnetism,temperature,humidity,and the composition of air.He could not find any variation of compositions with height.In 1809,he pointed out that gases combine in simple proportions by volume;and this is still called Gay-Lussacs work on chlorine brought the scientist into controversy with Sir Humphry Davy.,2018/6/5,JOSEPH LOUIS GAY-LUSSAC,Gay-Lussac assumed chlorine to be an oxygen-containing compound,while Davy correctly considered it an element ,a view that Gay-Lussac eventually accepted .He showed that prussic acid contained hydrogen but no oxygen.Lavoisier had insisted that oxygen was the critical constituent of acids,and Gay-Lussac. Gay-Lussac was one of the tubing,all of which had to be imported from German,and the French had an import duty on glass tubing.He instructed his German supplier to seal both ends of each piece of tubing and label the tubes “German air.” The French government had no duty listed for “German air”, and he was able to import his tubing duty free.,2018/6/5,WILLIAM THOMSON,Lord Kelvin,WILLIAM THOMSON,Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) Irish-born British physicist,proposed his absolute scale of temperature,which is independent of the thermometric substance in 1848.In one of his earliest papers dealing with heat conduction of the earth,Thomson showed that about 100 million years ago, the physical condition of the earth must have been quite different from that of today.He did fu


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