



1、.我想让你思考这四个问题。i want you to ponder these four questions.第一个问题:当你回到家之时是为了什么?the first questions to ponder when you go home is why为什么走这么远why go this far为什么试图学这么多why try to learn this much为什么要钻研?为什么要忘我?why study? why put yourself out.为什么要尝试尽可能多的学习?why try to learn as much as you can learn分享尽可能多的知识shares

2、 as much as you can share为什么要尽你所能成为最好?why try to become all that you can possibly become为什么要充实完善自己?why develop yourself to the full为什么做这一切?why try to do it all为什么要承担这个责任?why try to take on this responsibility掌握所有可能掌握的技术develop every skill you possibly can见识所有可能见识的人see every human you possibly can听每一

3、堂可能听到的课go to every class you possibly can触动每个你可能初冬的人touch everybody you possibly can;.为什么要做这么多?为什么要走这么远?why do that much? why go that far?为什么要分享这么多?为什么要奉献这么多?why share that much? why give that much away?为什么要去看着一切?为什么要去做所有事?why try to see everything? why try to do everything?为什么要尝试成为这些呢?why try to be

4、come everything?第一个问题是:当你回家时是为了什么?the first question to ponder when you go home is why?关于“为什么”的另一个很好的答案,就是第二个问题:为什么不? heresanother good answer to why, is the second question: why not?为什么不去看看你能争取多少?why not see how much you can earn?为什么不去看看你能了解多少?why not see how much you can learn?为什么不去试试你能掌握多少技能?why

5、not see how much skills you can develop?为什么不去试试你能成为什么样的人?why not see what kind of people you can become?为什么不去看看你能带来什么样的影响?why not see what kind of influence you can have?为什么不去看看你能在尘世的湮灭中拯救多少人?why not see how much people you can rescue from oblivion?我希望你能成为那个人i want you to become that personal.为什么不呢?

6、为什么不呢?why not? why not?你曾经不为所动,你现在即将出发youve got to stay here you go.;.我是说,你将要做点不同的事情i mean, what else are you ganna do.为什么不看看你能有多少成就?你能走多远?why not see how much you can do? how far you can go?好,现在是第三个问题now here snumber three为什么不是你 ?why not you?你拥有健全的大脑youve got the brains你能自己做决定,你能探讨研究you can make de

7、cision, you can study the plan.你能改变你的命运you can change your life.在接下来的年月里,你拥有无限的可能you can grow immensely in the next few years.你可以实现你的梦想you can make your dreams come true.你可以建筑一道经济长城,让你的家人衣食无忧you can build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through.你可以变得健康,变得强大you can become healthy

8、, you can become powerful为什么不是你?why not you ?我的最后一个问题my very last question想一下这个问题:为什么不现在?on the questions to ponder is why not now?这里从来没有比这更好的时间there never was a better time.;.现在我们就可以让自己的梦想变得鲜活,而非南柯一梦and what a time now for us to take this dream and not let it die.拾起我们的梦想并赋予它生命力take this dream and give it life.拾起你的梦想并让它与你共命运take this dream and br


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