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1、.高考英语词块集锦想要最地道的表达吗 ?想要高考作文加分吗 ?想要用最简单的词汇表达出最生动的内容吗 ?小编偷偷告诉你,赶紧将下面这些词块记下来,为你的写作添彩吧。1 、under-the-table私下的during the 18501870 period the game was changing, however,with increasing commercialism and under-the-table payments tooutstanding players.然而, 19 世纪 50 到 70 年代, (棒球 )运动逐步职业化,杰出的运动员私下获得更多的收入。2 、big-

2、time赫赫有名的his personal history offers an inside look at aspects of financing,development and construction in big-time newyork real estate.他的个人经历为赫赫有名的纽约房地产市场的融资、开发和建设提供了一个内部视角。3 、have the spring in ones step迈着轻快的步伐she looks ten years younger and she has the spring in her step.她看起来年轻了十岁,且迈着轻快的步伐。;.4 、

3、made ones day使某人高兴一整天i m sure my son made his day.我很确定我的儿子让他高兴了一整天。5 、the last straw最终使人无法承受的事/压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草the pressure was getting to him. the last straw came when theywere on vacation in the caribbean.他的压力越来越大,当他们在加勒比海度假时,问题终于让人无法忍受了。6 、judge a book by its cover以貌取人hippos look funny, but you should

4、n t judge a book by its cover.河马看起来很有趣,但你不能以貌取人。7 、in full swing处于兴盛时期it was 1974, and the recession was in full swing.那是 1974 年,经济衰退正处于最严重时期。8 、the tip of the iceberg冰山一角these helpful apps are just the tip of the ice berg.这些有用的应用程序只是冰山一角。9 、have a lot on one s mind心事重重;.i had a lot on my mind as i

5、picked up the pieces of what had oncebeen my teddy bear on the snowiest day last year.去年当我在雪天里 起那些曾 是我的泰迪熊的碎片 ,心 复 言。10 、a tidy profit一大笔利 we sold the treasures at a tidy profit.我 以很高的利 出售 些珍品。11 、set one s sight on以 斗目 though it was a struggle, he set his sights on a new dream.尽管 ( 行 )心理上是个挑 ,他 是决心

6、投向一个新的梦想。12 、fall apart崩 while this is going on, hobson s personal life is falling apart.在 种情况下,霍布森的个人生活正在分崩离析。13 、back on track回到正 anne mahlums purpose in setting up back on my feet is to get thehomeless livesback on track.anne mahlum成立 back on my feet(跑步俱 部 )的目的是 无家可 的人重新回到正 。;.14 、take on负责when g

7、arella was hired to take on her own class in january, she stillfaced controversy.当 garella 在 1 月份被聘管理自己的班级时,她仍然面临争议。15 、nothing like完全不像the first bicycle, invented in germany in 1818, was nothing like ourbicycles today.第一辆自行车是 1818 年在德国发明的,与今天的自行车完全不同。16 、tailor-make量身定制let them tailor-make your per

8、fect trip, at the perfect price.让他们以完美的价格量身定做完美的旅程。17 、go for sb对 . 有利i do think i have three things going for me.我确实认为有三点对我有利。18 、manage a smile勉强一笑the boy, now awake, managed a smile though unable to speak.这个男孩现在醒了,虽然不能说话,但还是勉强笑了一下。;.19 、worth its weight in gold非常有价值because people need salt to liv

9、e, it was literally worth its weight ingold.因为人们需要盐来生活,所以毫不夸张地说,盐非常有价值。20 、be shortened to被简称为they called the kingdom biland ghana,“the land of thewarrior-king.” this was shortened to ghana.他们称这个国家 biland ghana,意为“战王的国度”,缩写为ghana 。21 、catch one s eye引起某人注意the businessman caught my eye and smiled.这位商

10、人引起了我的注意并对我微笑。22 、an upset stomach肠胃不适she told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and wouldthrow up continuously.她告诉我,她的女儿胃不舒服,会连续呕吐。23 、wear away消耗;.experts said multitasking with many media devices wears away thegrey matter.专家表示,使用多种媒体设备进行多任务处理会消耗灰白质。24 、bridge the gap填补空白in the early 1800s

11、 she came up with the idea of having tea in the lateafternoon to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner.在 19 世纪初,她想出了在下午晚些时候喝茶的想法,以填补午餐和晚餐之间的空白。25 、top class一流的/顶级的millions of dollars have been poured into euro disney to provide atop class attraction.数以百万计的美元被注入欧洲迪斯尼,以提供一流的景点。26 、support system后援团i

12、m very grateful to her and everyone around us who came togetherto be a support system in our time of need.我非常感谢她和我们身边的每一个人,他们在我们需要的时候组成我们的后援团。27 、mind you注意;.mind you, neither england nor france have ever been afraid toexport their own culture and values.请注意,英国和法国都不会害怕出口自己的文化和价值观。28 、reach out to sb

13、向某人伸出援手they taught me that we are responsible for reaching out to otherswith kindness, for no reason other than to help.他们教导我,我们有责任心存善意向他人伸出援助之手,除了帮助别人之外,没有别的理由。29 、a long shot不大可能获胜although she was considered a long shot, melissa represented hercountry in beijing, china.虽然 melissa 不被看好,但她代表的是她的国家中国

14、北京。30 、at will任意地they can change their size at will, shrinking to the size of an acorn orgrowing to the size of a full-grown human.他们可以随意改变大小, 缩小到橡子的大小,或者长到一个成年的人的大小。31 、spell out解释清楚;.the constitution later spelled out the basic freedoms americancitizens have.后来宪法阐明了美国公民享有的基本自由。32 、trip off轻快地走或跑my

15、 sister tripped off to school the next day proudly carrying her“ gift to the poor ” .第二天我妹妹步伐轻快地到了学校,骄傲地带着她的 “送给贫穷人的礼物” 。33 、see for oneself亲自了解hundreds of people went to mesa verde to see for themselves.成百上千的人前往梅萨维德国家公园亲自查看。34 、power up使( 机器 ) 启动 ;开机since devices must be left on a special pad while charging, it isharder to operate them while they are powering u


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