Unit-5what are the shirts made of课件 Section A 1a-1c.ppt_第1页
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Unit-5what are the shirts made of课件 Section A 1a-1c.ppt_第3页
Unit-5what are the shirts made of课件 Section A 1a-1c.ppt_第4页
Unit-5what are the shirts made of课件 Section A 1a-1c.ppt_第5页
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1、Unit -5 What are the shirts made of ?,Period 1 Section A 1a1c,Teaching aims,掌握本课单词和短语be made of 和 be made in的用法; 了解一般现在时态被动语态的结构和用法; 归纳和掌握make 构成的短语,New words,material n. 材料;原料 chopstick n.筷子 a pair of chopsticks一双筷子 coin n. 硬币 corn玉米 fork n. 餐叉;叉子 blouse n.(女式)短上衣;衬衫,silver n. 银;银器 adj. 银色的 glass n

2、. 玻璃 glasses 眼镜 cotton n. 棉;棉花 steel /sti:l/ n. 钢;钢铁 still /stil/ 任然。还是,steel,silver,What is the thing called? It is called .,cotton,wood,What is the thing called? It is called .,silk,paper,What is the thing called? It is called .,gold,glass,gold bars,What is the thing called? It is called .,物质名词,物质

3、名词指不可分成个体的物质。下面是一些常见的物质名词: beer cake cheese cloth coffee coke cotton ice juice meat medicine metal milk oil paint paper salad salt sand sauce snow soap soil soup steel sugar tea water wine wood wool yoghurt,一般说来物质名词是不可数的,因而没有复数形式,但有一些特殊情况: *有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”,“一杯”等: A dozen beers,please. 请来一打啤酒。 ,

4、*有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一种”: It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms. 这是一种特别的茶,有橘子花味。 ,*有个别物质名词可用复数形式,表示特定的意思: The ship was in European waters. 船在欧洲水域航行。 ,另外,有少数抽象名词也可用作个体名词,因而也就可数了。试比较下面句子: 用作物质名词 用作个体名词 He was chopping wood.他在砍柴。 They entered a wood.他们走进一个树林。 Oil and water will not mix. She

5、 has begun a portrait in oils. 油与水不能混合。 她开始画一张油画画像。 Children like to play with sand. The children are playing on the sands. 孩子们爱玩沙子。 孩子们在沙滩上玩。,物质名词数量的表示:可用“a. of” 短语。 a ball of wool一团毛线 a bar of chocolate一块巧克力 a cake of soap一块肥皂 a can of beer一罐啤酒 a cube of ice一块冰 a cup of tea一杯茶 a kilo of salt一公斤的盐

6、a sheet of paper一张纸 a slice of cake一片蛋糕,What are these things called? They are called . What are they made of ? They are made of,chopsticks,bowls,wood,cups,plates,What are these things called? They are called . What are they made of ? They are made of,chopsticks,bowls,steel,cups,plates,stamp,bowls c

7、ups plates,What are these things called? They are called . What are they made of ? They are made of,paper,stamps,fork,coin,What are these things called? They are called . What are they made of ? They are made of,blouse,silk,What are these things called? They are called . What are they made of ? They

8、 are made of,1b Listen and match.,shirts chopsticks ring,cotton silver steel,Korea Thailand America,Things Made of Made in,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Susan: Hi, Anita. I three shirts for 29 dollars yesterday! Anita: Oh, really? What are they of though? Sometimes the cheap ones are made of

9、materials that dont feel very good. Susan: A hundred percent . Theyre nice and soft, and they were made in America. Anita: Oh, OK. By the way, where did you buy those ? Theyre really cool! Susan: O h, I them in Korea. Theyre nice, arent they? Anita: Yeah. Chopsticks are usually made of wood. Ive nev

10、er seen steel ones before. Susan: Oh, steel chopsticks are popular in Korea. Hey, do you think this ring looks OK? Anita: Hmmyes, I think its quite pretty. Is it made of ? Susan: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. Ill give it to my best friend for her birthday. Anita: Oh, Im shell love it.,短语翻译读记,be

11、made of what are they made of ? Materials that dont feel very good. a hundred percent cotton be made in by the way chopsticks are usually made of wood steel chopsticks are popular in Korea is it made of silver?,cotton bag America,Pair Work,Whats this called? It is called Whats it made of ? It is mad

12、e of Where is it made ? It is made in,cotton dress Japan,Pair Work,Whats this called? It is called Whats it made of ? It is made of Where is it made ? It is made in,wood chair Korea,Pair Work,Whats this called? It is called Whats it made of ? It is made of Where is it made ? It is made in,silk scarf

13、 Thailand,Pair Work,Whats this called? It is called Whats it made of ? It is made of Where is it made ? It is made in,Language points,be made of 由 . 制成 be made in 在制造/生产 This armchair is made of bamboo. 这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。 Breadismadefromcorn. 面包是小麦做的。,知识链接,1). be made of 表示“由制成”, 一般指能够看出原材料 2). be made f

14、rom也表示“由制成”,但一般指看不出原材料 Breadismadefromcorn. 面包是小麦做的。 3).bemadeinto 被制成为 Thispieceofwoodwillbemadeintoasmallbench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。 4). be made by sb. 由某人制成,根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 他的新手机是美国制造的。 His new mobile phone _ _ _ America. 2. 这台电视机是由工厂的工人们制造的。 The TV set is _ _ the workers in the factory. 3. 这些瓶子是

15、塑料做的。 These bottles are _ _ plastic. 4. 面包是小麦做的。 The bread is _ _ wheat. 5. 这种沙拉是用香蕉和苹果做的。 The salad is _ _ bananas and apples.,is made in,made by,made of,made from,made of,【2012黔西南】 - Yoursweaterlooksverynice.Whatsit made _? - Wool,anditsmade _Guiyang. A.from,on B.of,in C.of,on D.from,in 【解析】bemade

16、of后接的名词看得出原材料;bemadefrom后接的名词经过化学反应,看不出原材料;bemadein后产地。,D,Glass 名词 n.,1.玻璃 (不可数名词) Glass breaks easily.玻璃易碎。 2.玻璃器皿 People often give glass as wedding presents. 人们常常赠送玻璃器皿作为结婚礼物。,(可数名词),3.玻璃杯 He dropped his glass on the floor and broke it. 他把玻璃杯掉到地板上打碎了。 4.一杯之量 I could really want a large glass of b

17、eer.我真想要一大杯啤酒。 I used to drink three glasses of cold water in the morning. 我以前早上常喝三杯冷水。,5.眼镜(可数名词,常用复数) I need glasses when I watch television. 我看电视时需戴眼镜。 6.镜子 He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight. 他对着镜子看领带是否系正。,用的适当形式填空并翻译,._ is made of _. Does she often wear _? That pair of_ a

18、 little cheaper,用所给动词的正确形式填空,每空一词,1.The apples (send) to the factory for processing. 2. We are all ready but Tom (pack) his clothes yet. 3. The windows of the room (clean)every day. 4. The best cotton (produce) in Xing Jiang in China. 5. The song (not like) by most of us.,are sent,isnt liked,is produced,are cleaned,hasnt packed,练习,( ) 1. _last week? A. What happened to


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