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1、阅读理解读什么?1、段落主题句(第一句/but后)2、出题句阅读理解不读什么?1、例子2、故事3、经历4、数字列举5、引用的话6、实验过程7、读不懂的地方【三个斩获满分的招牌动作】1、玩精读!(括号法:断句)【例】动作的顺承!(Arriving) (in the Sunshine State) was rather tiring, but I _(38) (to catch a taxi) (to my _)(39) and settle in. (Next morning), I took another _(40) (to the shopping centre) (to buy a fe

2、w souvenirs). _(41) I went to a caf to have lunch, but all the tables were _(42) .Then I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can _(43) my table.”38. A. intendedB. promisedC. managedD. deserved39. A. hospitalB. companyC. universityD. accommodation 40. A. colleagueB. passengerC. suitcaseD. taxi41. A.

3、instead作为替换B. FirstC. LaterD. Once42. A. classified分类B. occupied占C. decorated装饰D. painted 喷涂43. A. shareB. reserveC. setD. possess2、找线索!(画箭头)【例】Mrs ONeill asked _41_ questions and she didnt scold us either.41. A. no B. certain C. many D. more积累:scold 骂,批评【例】Excitement and family members _36_ the hal

4、l.36. A. filled B. visited C. attended D. decorated积累:fill填,装visit拜访attend参加;照顾(to)decorate装饰3、想画面!记叙文=情节!=画面!【例】The tables (in the inn) are so close (that theres hardly room) (for customers) (to move) (_ them).A. underB. betweenC. acrossD. behind【例】 I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) (of excitement) (inside

5、 the theatre) (as we all found our _41_). (After a few minutes), the lights went down and everybody became _42_. I could barely make out the stage in the _43_. We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band _44_ the stage. 41.A. seatsB. entranceC

6、. spotsD. space42.A. comfortableB. quietC. seriousD. nervous43. A. silenceB. noise C. darknessD. smoke44. A. went aroundB fell onC. stepped ontoD. ran across斩获满分的三个基本动作:1、玩精读(画括号)2、找线索(画箭头)3、想画面【常见线索】(1)靠主题做题(总分结构)死活看懂第一句,了解主题和态度!永远选择最符合文章主题的选项!一旦发现有题目拿不准,先反思这篇文章“讲了个啥”!Text 1Charlotte Whitehead was

7、born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family. While _21_ her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _22_ in medicine. 21A.raising Bteaching Cnursing Dmissing 22A.habit Binterest Copinion Dvoice At 18 she married and _23_

8、a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a _24_. Her husband supported her decision. 23A.invented Bselected Coffered Dstarted 24A.doctor Bmusician Clawyer Dphysicist _25_, Canadian medical schools did not _26_ women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United

9、States to study _27_ at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to _28_ her medical degree. 25A.Besides BUnfortunatelyCOtherwise DEventually 26A.hire Bentertain Ctrust Daccept 27A.history Bphysics Cmedicine Dlaw 28A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn Upon graduation, Charlotte _2

10、9_ to Montreal and set up a private _30_. Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a _31_ doctor. 29A.returned Bescaped Cspread Dwandered 30A.school Bmuseum Cclinic Dlab 31A.busy Bwealthy Cgreedy Dlucky Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and rail

11、way camps. Charlotte _32_ herself operating on damaged limbs and setting _33_bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area. 32A.helped Bfound Ctroubled Dimagined 33A.harmful Btired Cbroken Dweak But Charlotte had been practicing without a license. She had _34_ a doctors license in both

12、 Montreal and Winnipeg, but was _35_. 34A.put away Btaken overCturned in Dapplied for 35A.punished Brefused Cblamed Dfired The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an allmale board, wanted her to _36_ her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to _37_ her patients to spend

13、time studying what she already knew. 36A.display Bchange Cpreview Dcomplete 37A.leave Bcharge Ctest Dcure So in 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to _38_ a license to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte _39_ to practice without a license until 1912. She died four years later at the ag

14、e of 73. 38A.sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow 39A.continued Bpromised Cpretended Ddreamed In 1993, 77 years after her _40_, a medical license was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman”. 40A.birth Bdeath Cwedding Dgraduation (2

15、)并列关系:碰到and画个圈!如果 Aand B, 则 A=B。赵俊吃苹果和香蕉. 赵俊吃苹果和喝水。方法:先找B,后找A!A and Band, or, neithernor, eitheror, likewise, similarly, in the same way, that is to say,as well as, the sameas【例】But the seventeenth-year-old girl could not accept or even _48_ the invitation. 48.A. hear B. make C. present D. refuse【例】

16、The boy in my class often _36_ (about her) and laughed their heads off.36. A. jokedB. caredC. trainsD. worried“刻板翻译法”!【例】Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and _ half learning drawing.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. other积累:加the表剩余的全部,带s的是纯名词。another另一个(并非全部)n/adj. I love another. I l

17、ove another man.the other剩余的全部n./adj the other hand; the other students. the others 剩余的全部 n. the others = the other studentsother 其他的(并非全部) n./adj others其他的(并非全部)n. other students, other stories【例】Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies with low accident rates plan their safety programs, w

18、ork hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them _1_ and active.1. A. alive活着 B. vivid生动形象 C. mobile移动的 D. diverse有差异的(3)转折关系:如果A but B,则A和B相反。But, however, yet, unfortunately, 不幸的是today , now 现在.on the contrary, 相反by contrast, 作为对比on the other hand 另一方面.while 然而whereas 然而rather than = i

19、nstead of 而不是instead 作为替换Although, 尽管though, 尽管even though = even if 尽管 nevertheless 尽管如此despite = in spite of = 尽管存在 / 尽管【例】He couldnt read his own handwriting. _(22) he was a bright student.22.A.OrB.And C.ButD.So【例】It has been many years since I was last in LondonI still remember something that ha

20、ppened during that visit.A. and B. for C. but D. as【例】(2015海淀三模)Life has not been _ to him, yet hes giving it his best shot.A. richB. kindC. unfairD. bad【例】(2014江苏)He tried _(42) the football team,but the coach turned him down (for being too _)(43) .42.A.onB.for C.inD.with43.A.lightB.flexible C.opti

21、misticD.outgoing(4)复现关系:A B; AC,则B = C赵俊每天吃苹果。赵俊有次在吃 的时候,咬着舌头了。(In September), California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act (to allow autonomous vehicles) (on the roads) (of his state). “Today were looking at science fiction becoming tomorrows realitythe driverless car.” The technology for these ca

22、rs includes cameras, radar and motion sensors. The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the US government agency DARPA. Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.13. We learn that Governor of California Jerry Br

23、own_. A. helped design self-driving cars B. supports self-driving cars on roads C. considers self-driving cars science fiction D. improved the self-driving car systems【例】Vitamins are similar (because they are made) (of the same elements)-usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and _1_ nitrogen. They are d

24、ifferent _2_ their elements are arranged differently1. A. mostly绝大多数 B. partiallyC. sometimes D. rarely稀少2. A. in that B. so that C. such that D. except that sometimesoften usually (5)修饰关系:i. _n._ (of XXX) 或 _n._ (that XXX), 则空格取决于后面的修饰成分。I am taking a _course_ (of English literature).JJ is a _teach

25、er_ (that teaches math).线索往往出现在空格后面的括号里(介词短语/从句/非谓语动词短语)!【例】Soon I heard a _ (like that) (of a door) and then a climb (of feet).A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shoutii.如果两个修饰语都修饰X,则这两个修饰语等价。autonomous carsdriverless carsself-driving cars蒋介石没有头发,他是_.A. 政治家 B.军事家 C. 国民革命军总司令 D. 秃子JJ is a _busy/hardworking

26、/diligent_ teacher (who works 14 hours a day).(6)动宾关系:赵俊_苹果。A. 吃 B. 喝 C. 打 D. 拉【例】And video cameras can be used to _ peoples actions at home.A. keep B. make C. record D. watch(7)动作顺序关系:做动词题时,要考虑“跟前后动词”的顺序。1. 睁眼 2.起床 3.穿衣服 4.刷牙洗脸 5.吃早饭 6.出门上学【例】The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box “This S

27、ide Up”.A. carriedB. deliveredC. pressedD. packeddeliver 运,递送press 压;出版社pack 打包;包【例】The professor _37_ the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar (filled) (with dried beans) (豆), and invited the students (to _38_) (how many beans the jar contained). (After _39_ shouts) (of wildly wrong guess

28、es) the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the _40_ answer, and went on saying, You have just _41_ an important lesson (about science). That is: Never _42_ your own senses.37.A. searched for B. looked atC. got through D. marched into38.A. count B. guessC. report D. watch39.A. warning B. g

29、ivingC. turning away D. listening to40.A. ready B. possibleC. correct D. difficult41.A. learned B. prepared C. taught D. taken42.A. lose B. trustC. sharpen D. show【例】Joe 33 into a large crevasse (裂缝) in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldnt walk, but he 34 to

30、 get out of the crevasse and started to 35 towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers 36 .33. A. jumpedB. fellC. escapedD. backed34. A. managedB. plannedC. waited D. hoped35. A. runB. skateC. moveD. march36. A. aroundB. awayC. aboveD. along (8)解释关系:下文总在解释上文注意:段落首句设空,看完全段再填!【例】If no surplus盈余 is avail

31、able可利用的, a farmer cannot be _1_. He must either sell some (of his property) or seek extra funds (in form of loans借贷). Naturally he will try (to borrow money) (at a low rate of interest利率), but loans (of this kind) are not frequently经常 obtainable可获得.A. self-confident自信 B. self-sufficient自己足够的C. self

32、-satisfied自我满意 D. self-restrained 自我设限(9)前后逻辑:although;because; while;so._句子1, 句子2.句子1. _, 句子2.句子1. 主语 _however_,谓语+宾语.LiHui speaks English fluently. Zhaojun, however, speaks English like a horse. (转折)LiHui teaches English, _while表对比_ Zhaojun teaches Math.(对比)(10)固定搭配:1. show respect _for_ sb2. Toda

33、ys approach (to advertising) is very different (from _) (of 20 years ago).A. thatB. itC. someD. anythat/those:同一事物在不同时间/不同地点/不同人那儿的比较!The students in my school are different from those in yours.3. No reader _ take a book out of the library without permission of the librarian. A. mightB. mustC. shall

34、D. couldshall:表示“法律、规章、制度”的要求!【为什么错?】1、选项没看全2、线索没找清【怎么做对?】1、四个选项都带入本句,并做排除;2、结合上下文中的线索,继续排除。【十个线索】1、靠主题做题2、并列关系3、转折关系4、复现关系5、修饰关系6、动宾搭配7、动作顺序8、解释关系9、前后逻辑10、固定搭配Text 1Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family. While _21_ her ill

35、elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _22_ in medicine. 21A.raising Bteaching Cnursing Dmissing 22A.habit Binterest Copinion Dvoice At 18 she married and _23_ a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a _24_. Her husband supported her decision. 23A

36、.invented Bselected Coffered Dstarted 24A.doctor Bmusician Clawyer Dphysicist _25_, Canadian medical schools did not _26_ women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study _27_ at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to _28_ her medical

37、 degree. 25A.Besides BUnfortunatelyCOtherwise DEventually 26A.hire Bentertain Ctrust Daccept 27A.history Bphysics Cmedicine Dlaw 28A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn Upon graduation, Charlotte _29_ to Montreal and set up a private _30_. Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she wa

38、s once again a _31_ doctor. 29A.returned Bescaped Cspread Dwandered 30A.school Bmuseum Cclinic Dlab 31A.busy Bwealthy Cgreedy Dlucky Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte _32_ herself operating on damaged limbs and setting _33_bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area. 32A.helped Bfound Ctroubled Dimagin


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