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1、(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED(19) World Intellectual Property OrganizationInternational BureauUNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT)(10) International Publication NumberWO 2009/157817 Al(43) International Publication Date30 December 2009 (30.12.2009)(51)International Patent Classificat

2、ion:(81)Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ,EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM

3、, KN, KP, KR,KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of re

4、gional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,MC, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI(BF, BJ,

5、CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).FOlD 9/04 (2006.01)B23P 15/04 (2006.01)FOlD 25/24 (2006.01)(21)International Application Number:PCT/SE2008/000413(22)International Filing Date:26 June 2008 (26.06.2008)English English(25)(26)(71)Filing Language:Publication Language:(84)Applican

6、t: VOLVO AERO CORPORATION SE/SE;S-461 8 1 Trollhattan (SE).Inventor; and(72)(75)Inventor/Applicant (for US only):GUSTAVSSON,Henrik SE/SE; Hdrngatan 43, S-46 1 50 Trollhattan (SE).(74)Agent: FROHLING, Werner; Volvo Technology Cor poration, Corporate Patents, 06820, Ml. 7, S-405 08 Gdteborg (SE).Conti

7、nued on next page(54) Title: VANE ASSEMBLY AND METHOD OF FABRICATING, AND A TURBO-MACHINE WITH SUCH VANE A SSEMBLY(57) Abstract: The invention relates to a vane as sembly (100) for a turbo-machine comprising a multitude of vanes (20) arranged between a first case (10) and a second case (40), wherein

8、 each vane (20) comprises a vane body (22) between a first and a second end portion (24, 26). At least one of the first and second end portions (24, 26) of the at least one vane (20) comprises an elliptical head portion (30) which is fixedly connected to the re spective case (10, 40) dedicated to th

9、e at least one of the first and second end portions (24, 26). The invention relates also to a turbo- machine with a vane assembly and a method for fabricating a vane assembly.Fig. 1 bPublished:-Vaneassemblyand methodo f fabricating,and a turbo-machinewithsuchvaneassemblyDESCRIPTIONTECHNICAL FIELDThe

10、 invention relates to a vane assembly for a turbo-machineand a turbo-machinewith a vane assembly according to the preambles of the independent claims.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONTurbo-machines are generally known in the art. Turbo-machines can be employede.g. as compressors, turbines, gas turbine eng

11、ines and the like. A turbo machine can be a single-stage machine or a multi-stage machine. A single stage of the turbo- machine comprises a pair of a guide vane arrangement with a multitude of vanes and a rotor blade arrangement with a multitude of blades. The rotor blades are arranged on a rotatabl

12、e shaft. The guide vanes are fixedly connected to the housing of the turbo machine and guide the fluid flow to the rotor blades so that the fluid flow impinges on the rotor blades under an optimum angle. In each stage the vanes in the stages of a turbo-machine transform the enthalpy per stage totall

13、y or nearly totally into kinetic energy of the fluid. The rotor blades transform the kinetic energy of the impinging fluid flow into a circumferential force due to thedeviation which the rotor blades exert on the impinging fluid flow.Several methods are known in the art for fabricating a vane arrang

14、ement of suchturbo-machines.US 4,940,386 A 1 discloses a multiple flow turbojet engine. The guide vanes of the fan outlet are arranged between an inner case and an outer case. An outer ring is shrunk onto the case at the fan outlet. The outer ring provides slots for receiving the head parts of the g

15、uide vanes. The head parts are covered with elastomeric end caps with circumferential lips which engage with the slots in the outer ring andwhich attach the vanes to the outer ring._US 3,992,127 A 1 discloses a guide vane assembly in a gas turbine. The vanes are arranged between an inner case and an

16、 outer case. The engaging surfaces of the vanes are provided with adjacent end caps forming engaging pivot and seatsurfaces.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONIt is an object of the invention to provide an improved vane assembly for a turbo- machine which can particularly manufactured by robot welding. It is a

17、nother objectof the invention to provide an improved turbo-machine with a vane assembly.The objects are achieved by the features of the independent claims. The otherclaims and the description disclose advantageous embodiments of the invention.According to a first aspect of the invention a vane assem

18、bly for a turbo-machine is proposed, the vane assembly comprising a multitude of vanes arranged between a first case and a second case, wherein each vane comprises a vane body between a first and a second end portion. At least one of the first and second end portions of the at least one vane compris

19、es an elliptical head portion which is fixedly connected to the respective case dedicated to the at least one of the first and second end portions. The elliptically shaped head portion allows for favourable conditions during connecting the vane end portion to its dedicated case. The elliptical shape

20、 provides relatively large radii which result in a smaller risk duringe.g. welding the vane end portion to the dedicated case. The elastic stress is reduced and thus the risk of deformation can be diminished. The geometry of the head portion is particularly advantageous for an automated welding proc

21、ess, particularly for robot welding, and permits a reliable and reproducible fabrication of vane assemblies. A preferred vane can comprises a vane body arranged between the first end portion and the second end portion being provided for connection to inner and/or outer cases. At least one of the end

22、 portions can comprise an elliptically shaped head portion, wherein the elliptically shaped head portion comprises a base elliptical head area of a generally elliptical cross sectionarranged crosswise to the vane body which elliptical area is provided forconnection to a case. Preferably, the ellipti

23、cal head area of the elliptically shaped head portion can comprise a collar portion arranged crosswise to the main surfaceof the head area provided for connection to the vane body.Favourably, the at least one vane can be connected with its elliptically shapedhead portion to the outer case of the two

24、 cases. The outer case is preferably anannular ring. The outer case can be easily accessed during welding.At least one vane can be connected with its elliptically shaped head portion to the inner case of the two cases. The inner case can preferably be embodied as an annular ring. It is also possible

25、 to provide both second end portions of the vane with an elliptically shaped head portion and connect the elliptically shaped headportions to their dedicated inner or outer cases.Preferably, the at least one vane can welded with its elliptically shaped head portion to the at least one case. The elli

26、ptic shape yields large radii which allow for a better distribution of stresses occurring during welding. This results in a favourable prolongation of the lifetime of the vane assembly. Favourably it is possible to use smaller distances between the weld electrodes and the area to be welded so that a

27、 smaller amount of energy is required for welding. By reducing theenergy during welding the risk of deformation during welding can be reduced.According to a favourable embodiment, the at least one elliptically shaped headportion can be welded to the vane body. Generally, the vane with its end portio

28、ns can also be formed in one piece.The ellipse principal axis of the elliptical head portion can be oriented parallel to anaxial direction of the cases. This yields in a favourable distribution of stress during welding.The ellipse head area of the at least one elliptical head portion can be oriented

29、 parallel to a main surface of the at least one case to which it is connected. Thevane body can abut with its front face to the case surface.According to another aspect of the invention, a turbo-machine is proposed comprising at least one stage with a vane assembly with anyone of the features descri

30、bed above. The preferred vane assembly improves the conditions for robot welding thus providing a reproducibly high quality fabrication method for a turbo- machine. This is particularly useful in applications where large numbers of turbo- machines have to be produced, e.g. for series production of v

31、ehicles, particularlywork machines, in which such turbo-machines are employed.Preferably, the at least one stage can comprise a vane assembly with at least one vane comprising one or two elliptical head portions welded to an outer case.Particularly, robot welding can be used. Preferably, the at leas

32、t one stage can comprise a vane assembly with at least one vane comprising one or two ellipticalhead portions welded to an inner case.According to another aspect of the invention, a method for fabricating a vane assembly is proposed, comprising the steps of forming first or a second end portion of a

33、 vane by welding an elliptically shaped head portion to a vane body of the vane; providing an annular case with at least one elliptical slot; positioning the vane with its elliptically shaped head portion into the slot of the dedicated case for connecting the vane to the dedicated case; welding the

34、elliptically shaped head portion with its elliptical head area to the slot dedicated case. Preferably, the welding step can be performed by an automated welding process, favourably byrobot welding.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSThe present invention together with the above-mentioned and other obje

35、cts and advantages may best be understood from the following detailed description of the embodiment, but not restricted to the embodiment, wherein is shownschematically:Fig. 1a, 1ba front view (Fig. 1a) and a perspective interior view (Fig. 1b) of a preferred embodiment of a vane assembly according

36、to theinvention;-Fig. 2a, 2ban egdewise perspective view (Fig. 2a) and a prespective view on the broad side (Fig. 2b) of a preferred vane of a vane assembly according to the invention; andseveral details of a preferred vane of a vane assembly according to the invention; anda top view (Fig. 4a) and a

37、 bottom view (Fig. 4b) of a preferredelliptical head portion according to the invention.Fig. 3a-3cFig. 4a, 4bDETAILEDDESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THEINVENTIONIn the drawings, equal or similar elements are referred to by equal reference numerals. The drawings are merely schematic represent

38、ations, not intended to portray specific parameters of the invention. Moreover, the drawings are intended to depict only typical embodiments of the invention and therefore should not beconsidered as limiting the scope of the invention.Fig. 1a and 1b illustrate different views of a preferred vane ass

39、embly 100 for a turbo- machine (not shown) comprising a multitude of vanes 20 arranged in a ring between a first case 10 and a second case 40. The front view in Fig. 1a shows a ring arrangement of a multitude of vanes 20, e.g. thirteen vanes 20 in this example embodiment, which vanes 20 extend in a

40、radial direction between an inner first case 10, embodied as an annular sheet and an outer second case 40 embodied as an annular sheet. A central opening 12 provides space for a shaft of the turbo-machine (not shown). A fluid, e.g. air, enters the space between the vanes 20 and the first and the sec

41、ond cases 10, 40 and is deflected according to the outer shape and orientation of the broad side of the vanes 20 so that the fluid can enter a rotorblade assembly (not shown) under an appropriate angle.The perspective view of Fig. 1b on the vane assembly 100 shows case segments 44 of the outer secon

42、d case 40 and illustrates a preferred embodiment of the vane assembly 100 according to the invention. A multitude of the vanes 20 are attached with a foot portion 28 to the inner case 10 and with an elliptically shaped headportion 30 of their second end portions 26 to the second case 40. The ellipti

43、cally-shaped head portion 30 is oriented parallel to a main surface 46 of the case 40 and is received in a slot 42 of appropriate shape. This can be seen by the elliptical features in a general axial extension with their large principal axis on the outermain surface 46 of the outer second case 40.It

44、 is to be understood that the vanes 20 can also be connected to the first innercase 10 in a similar way with their foot portions 28 which can be elliptically shaped (not shown).Fig. 2a and 2b show a vane 20 with an elliptically shaped head portion 30 and which is attached with its foot portion to an

45、 inner case 10 in different views. Fig. 2a shows a view on the edge of the vane 20. Fig. 2b shows a view on the broad sideof the vane 20.The vane 20 has a vane body 22 which extends between a first end portion 24 abutting to the inner first case 10 and a second end portion 26 provided for connection

46、 to the second case 40 (Fig. 1b). The second end portion 26 comprises an elliptically shaped head portion 30 which is formed as an elliptically shaped hat. The elliptically shaped head portion 30 comprises a collar portion 32 with which it is connected to the vane body 22 and a head area 34 of gener

47、ally elliptical cross section with a rim 36. The elliptically shaped head portion 30 is an integral part ofthe vane 20 an preferably welded to the vane body 22.The vane 20 is connected with the rim 36 to the elliptically formed slot 42 in thesecond case 40 (Fig. 1b). Preferably, the vane 20 is welde

48、d to the first and second case 10, 40 with its foot portion 28 and its elliptically shaped head portion 30.By way of example details of the vane assembly 100 described in Fig. 1a, 1b andFig. 2a, 2b, are depicted in Figs. 3a to 3c showing several components of a vane20 and the first and second cases

49、10 and 40. (Obs.: there isno information in thedocuments what the drawings really show. If misinterpreted what is shown, pleasecorrect and explain what is depicted in the drawings)-Fig. 3a shows a case segment 44 of the outer second case 40 into which an elliptical slot 42 has been made, e.g. by mil

50、ling. The elliptically shaped head portion 30 of a vane 20 is received in this slot 42 and welded with its rim 36 to thecircumference area of the slot 42.Fig. 3b shows the end portion 26 of the vane 20, The second end portion 26 comprises an elliptically shaped head portion 30. The elliptically shap

51、ed head portion 30 is composed of an elliptically head area 34 and a collar portion 32 which is the interface between the vane body 22 and the end portion 26. The elliptichead area 34 has an elliptic rim 36 around the end portion 26 of the vane 20.Preferably, the elliptically shaped head portion 30

52、is welded to the vane body 22 before the vane 20 is welded to the outer second case 40. Before this, the first end portion 24 of the vane has been connected, preferably welded, to the first inner case 10, which is indicated in Fig. 3c. Preferably the welding is done in an automated robot welding pro

53、cess. By way of example, a foot portion 28 can be provided at the first case 10 and the vane body 22 can be attached, preferably welded, to the foot portion 28 before the elliptically shaped head portion 30 is welded to the vane body. It is possible to form the foot portion 28 also as an ellipticall

54、y shaped head portion equivalent to the elliptically shaped head portion30.Fig. 4a and 4b show a detailed illustration of the elliptical head portion 30 as a top view in Fig. 4a and a bottom view in Fig. 4b. The elliptical head portion 30 has an elliptical head area 34 formed as a hat which covers t

55、he vane body 22, which can be hollow. The elliptical head area 34 is not necessarily plane but can be uneven and preferably provides the same curvature as the respective case 10 or 40 to which is has to fit in the respective slot 42 (Fig. 3b) in order to provide a smooth surface (Fig. 1b). The ellip

56、se principal axis 48 of the elliptical head portion 30 canbe oriented parallel to an axial direction of the cases 10, 40 (Fig. 1b).The bottom view in Fig. 3b shows a collar portion 32 of the head portion 30 whichis oriented crosswise to the elliptic head area 34. The collar portion 32 is arranged in

57、side the elliptic head area 34 so that the rim 36 of the elliptic head area 34 s surrounds the collar portion 32. The collar portion 32 forms an interface to thevane body 22 (Fig. 2a, 2b) to which it can be attached, preferably by welding.The invention provides an improved geometry of a vane 20 and

58、a vane assembly 100 which is particularly convenient for robot welding, thus providing a reproducible and cost effective production process for vane assemblies 100 andturbo-machines.C L A I M S1.A vane assembly ( 100) for a turbo-machine comprising a multitude of vanes(20) arranged between a first case (10) and a second case (40), wherein each


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