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1、Job interviews can be scary at the best of times. Even more so, if youre a non-native speaker still learning English, they can be a truly terrifying experience. What if the interviewer uses vocabulary youre not familiar with? How will you respond if you are asked something you havent practiced for w

2、ith your teacher beforehand? Knowing what to say, and perhaps more importantly, what NOT to say, can work miracles for your confidence levels and allow you to show your best side when it really matters.即使在你状态最佳时工作面试也有些可怕。更何况,如果你的母语不是英语,还处在学习英语的阶段,它们能成为真正吓人的经历。如果面试官用你不熟悉的词汇怎么办?如果你被问了一些你没有事先和老师练习过的问题怎

3、么办?知道要说什么,或许更重要的是,知道不该说什么,会奇迹般地提高你的自信并在关键时刻帮助你展示你的最佳风采。This article explores the most common job interview questions which you are likely to encounter while job-hunting. Underneath each question, Ive included a short explanation of what the question really means and how to give the best possible ans

4、wer. There are also some useful examples to show what grammatical forms you can use for each answer. 这篇文章将讨论你在找工作时可能遇到的最常用的工作面试问题。在每一个问题下面,我添加了这个问题真正含义的解释并给出了最佳答案。这还有一些有用的例子来说明你应使用的语法形式。 1.Tell us a bit about yourself. “介绍一下你自己” So, youve got a goldfish called Pebbles and you once met Serena William

5、s? Interesting stuff, but not really what theyre looking for. This is where you want to give a concise, factual overview of your educational and professional history. 你有一个叫Pebbles的金鱼,你有一次见过Serena Williams?这些是挺有趣的,但不是他们所想知道的。在这个问题上你需要给一个关于你的教育和职业背景的简洁的事实概述。Where did you go to college/university? What

6、 did you study? Have you taken any relevant postgraduate qualifications? How long have you been working in this field? What is your job role? Keep it short and stick to the facts. Youll have an opportunity to tell them how wonderful you are later. 你在哪里上的学院/大学?你学习了什么?你有没有相关的研究生证书?你在这个领域工作多久了?你的工作职责是什

7、么?注意简洁,不偏离事实。以后你将有机会告诉他们你有多优秀。Language to use: 使用的语言Past simple: I completed a postgraduate diploma in journalism.一般过去时:我完成了新闻学研究生文凭。Present perfect continuous: Ive been working professionally as an engineer for six years.现在完成进行时:我作为一名专职工程师已经工作了六年。2. Why are you interested in working for this compan

8、y? “你为什么对为这个公司工作感兴趣?”Of course, the honest answer may be, “I need to pay my rent and Im hoping to buy a 72 plasma TV.” But this is no time for honesty. The interviewer wants to hear that youre an ambitious go-getter who is enthusiastic about learning new things and genuinely passionateabout this fie

9、ld of work.当然,诚实的回答将是,“我将付我的租金,并且我希望能买一个72寸等离子电视机。”但是这里没有时间说真话。面试官想听到的是你是一个有雄心的能手,对学习新鲜事物有激情,并真心对这个领域的工作感兴趣。 The key phrase here is a new challenge. You should let the interviewer know that youre so good at your current job that youre looking for something which will give you a chance to really push

10、 yourself. But, remember not to sound too boastful. Its also a good idea to do plenty ofresearch about the company before the interview and explain exactly why you think it would be a great company to work for. 这里的关键短语是新的挑战。你应该让面试官知道你对现在的工作很擅长,在寻找一个让你更上一层楼的机会。但是,记住不要太吹牛。另外一个好办法是在面试前对这个公司做充分的调查并准确地解释

11、为什么你认为这是适合你工作的公司。Language to use: 使用的语言:Present simple: I am fascinated by this area of work and hope to build on my existing knowledge.一般现在时:这个领域的工作非常吸引我,我希望能增强现有的知识。Present continuous: Im looking for a new challenge which will allow me to develop professionally. 现在进行时:我在寻找能让我专业发展的新挑战。 3. What has

12、been your greatest achievement? “你最大的成就是什么?”Remember to keep it professional here. You may hold the record for the greatest number of hot dogs eaten in ten minutes, but your prospective employer wants to hear about what you have accomplished in your professional life. Think about academic achievemen

13、ts, big projects youve worked on, commendations from previous employers, or moments when you have reached particular milestones in your professional life. Dont explain the what, but explain WHY it was so important to you or your company.记住你的回答一定要显得很专业。你可能持有十分钟内吃热狗最多的记录,但是你未来的雇主想要了解的是你在专业生涯中的成就。考虑一下学

14、术成就,你做过的大的项目,以前雇主的推荐信,或者你职业生涯中的里程碑事件。不要解释(你的成就)是什么,要解释为什么你的成就对你和你的公司很有帮助。Language to use: 使用的语言:Past simple: I managed a team of seven people to complete one of the largest projects my former employer had undertaken. 我领导一个七人团队完成了我前任雇主着手的最大的项目之一。My company was featured on the national news for a proj

15、ect that I led.我的公司曾因我领导的项目而在全国新闻上特载。4. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? “你最大的优势和弱点是什么?”This question is quite a tricky one. There is a fine line between criticising yourself too much and sounding boastful. When talking about your weaknesses, focus on how you have overcomethose weakn

16、esses to become a better employee. This way youre sneakily talking about strengths without sounding too big-headed. 这个问题比较难拿捏分寸。在过于自我批评和听起来像吹牛之间有一条界限。当你谈你的弱点时,集中讨论你如何克服这些弱点而成为了一个更好的职员。这样的话你是在暗中谈论你的优点而不显得太自大。For example, if youre a naturally disorganised person, tell the interviewer how you devised a

17、 system to organise all of your workload as efficiently and clearly as possible. Or maybe one of your weaknesses is a lack of experience in a certain area of work? Tell the interviewer how you are enthusiastic about plugging that gap by working more in this area. 比如,如果你天生没有条理,告诉你的面试官你是如何想出一个系统来尽可能高效

18、而清晰地管理你的工作任务。或者你的弱点可能是缺乏这一领域的工作经验?告诉你的面试官你是多么地充满激情通过在这领域多加工作来填补差距。Language to use: 使用的语言:Used to/no longer do: I used to have problems organising my workload until I came up with a system for clearly categorising all my tasks.曾经/不再做:我曾经在组织我的工作任务时有困难,直到我想出了一个系统能够清晰分类我所有的任务。Present perfect with “alway

19、s”: Ive always been very good at communicating ideas to people.用“一直”的现在完成时:我一直擅长和他人交流想法。5. What did you like best and least about your last job? “对于你上一个工作,你最喜欢和最不喜欢的方面是哪个?”You may have hated your last job and everyone who worked there, but this is not the place to reveal that. Prospective employers

20、want to hear positivity and good vibes from you. So remember to focus on work-related aspects that you enjoyed; for example, you could say you enjoyed opportunity to learn from more experienced employees and the supportive environment created by the managers. 你可能讨厌你上一个工作和所有在那工作的人,但是在这里不是你揭露你真实想法的地方。

21、你未来可能的雇主想要从你这听到积极和好的反响。所以记住要专注于你享受的与工作有关的方面;比如,你可以说你享受从有经验的员工身上学习的机会和管理者营造的互相支持的气氛。When talking about what you liked least, use it as an opportunity to show how enthusiastic you are about new challenges you would face in the new job (see question two). For example, talk about how you would have like

22、d to work on more varied projects or to have been given more responsibility. This will make you sound ambitious and proactive. 当我们讨论你最不喜欢的方面时,使用这个机会来表现你对在新的工作中会遇到的新挑战(见第二个问题)的激情。比如,你可以讨论你是如何想从事不同的项目,或者承担更多的责任。这将使你显得更有雄心而积极主动。Language to use: 使用的语言:Past simple: I really enjoyed working with such expe

23、rienced colleagues. They taught me so much.一般过去时:我真的很享受和有经验的同事共事,他们教了我很多。Would have + past participle: I would have loved to work on bigger projects that pushed my abilities more.(要不)应该会+过去分词:我应该会喜欢从事更大的项目来增强我的能力。6. Give an example of a problem you faced at your last job and how you solved it. “举例说明

24、你在上一个工作中曾遇到过的困难及你是如何解决它的。”This is the opportunity youve been waiting for to show the interviewer you really know the job inside and out. Give concrete, real-life examples of when youve used your skills to solve a problem. Try to focus on something which shows you as resourceful (creative and flexibl

25、e),dynamic (proactive and engaging) and full of initiative (actionable and self-driven). 这是一个你一直等待的机会来给你的面试官展示你非常透彻地理解这份工作。给出具体,结合实际生活的例子来阐明你如何用你的能力解决了一个问题。尝试着把重点放在能表现你足智多谋(有创造力,灵活),有活力(主动,积极参与),充满首创精神(随时准备付诸实践,自我驱使)的方面。If you are applying for a job in the same industry you work in now, feel free to

26、 use technical language to explain the problem and the solution. If its a different industry, remember that your interviewer may not know what youre talking about; so instead use common every-day terms to explain what you did. 如果你在申请一个和你现在工作在同一个领域的工作,不要拘束使用技术用语来解释问题和解决办法。如果这是一个不同的行业,要记住你的面试官可能不了解你在说

27、什么;因此,要使用日常用语来解释你做过什么。Language to use: 使用的语言:Past simple: I worked out a way of reducing waiting times for our customers.一般过去时:我找出了减少我们的顾客等候时间的办法。I analysed the problems with the ordering system and came up with a better alternative.我用有条理的系统分析了问题所在并想出了更好的解决办法。7. What would you like to be doing five

28、years from now?“你从现在起五年想要做什么?” Ambition is a key requirement of any employee. If your prospective boss thinks you want to be successful, then he or she will presume youre going to work pretty hard. So, what should you say here? Well, this questions depends on the role you are applying for and the op

29、portunities for career progression. 雄心是对任何一个雇员的关键要求。如果你未来可能的雇主认为你想要成功,那么他或她就会假定你会努力工作。所以,你应该怎么回答呢?这个问题取决于你申请的职位及职场发展的机遇。Is this a corporate job where you can see a clear line from your lowly position to chief executive within ten years? Or is it more of a technical job where progressing means acquir

30、ing more skills and knowledge so you can work in more fields? Its best to have a good idea about this before you start the interview. Make sure youre confident about what opportunities are available to you, and be realistic! Saying you want your bosss job within five years may sound a little arrogan

31、t if youre applying for a relatively junior position. 这是一个你能清晰看到一条在十年内从基层升到主管的路线的共同工作吗?或者这是一个技术工作,取得进步可以获得更多的能力和知识从而使你能在更多的领域工作?在面试前最好了解清楚。对你面前的机遇要有信心,并且要实际一点!如果你在申请一个较为基层的职位,说你想要在五年内当上领导就显得有些太自大了。Language to use: 使用的语言:Would like to have + past participle: I would like to have worked on much bigger

32、 projects and perhaps be leading a team.Would like to have+过去分词:我想在更大的项目里工作,或许领导一个团队。Would like to + be + verb-ing: I would like to be working more in a managerial role.Would like to+be+动词ing形式:我想要更多在管理职位上工作。8. Would you rather be in charge of a project or work as part of a team? “你更想领导一个项目还是作为成员在团队内工作?”Is there a correct answer here? Or is this a bit of


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