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1、 大理学院成人高等教育2012级医学类专升本各专业大学英语1课程作业一1课程名称:大学英语1 2适用专业:大理学院成人高等教育医学类专升本各专业第一学期3选用教材:英语(非英语专业专科用)(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)第3册,孔庆炎主编,英语教材编写组编,高等教育出版社出版。参考书:英语学习辅导书3(非英语专业专科用)(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),孔庆炎主编,英语教材编写组编,高等教育出版社出版。课程教学参考网站:第一部分:交际用语(共20小题) 此部分共有20个未完成的对活,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D

2、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1一Sam,this is my friend,JaneAIm Jack BWhy? How are you? C. Glad to meet you, Jane D. Very well, thank you2一May I use your bike to go shopping?AYes,I give it to you B CertainlyThere it is C. Yes, Id love to D. Im not sure3一Could I talk to ProfLee7AYes,speaking BOh,its you C. Im w

3、aiting for you D. I am the operator here4Can you tell me where I can park the car?AYes,please BIt is made in America C. Well, just over there D. The park is not very far5. How was the journey to London?AIt went very well BIt was a ninehour plane journeyCI flew there D1 was very well6. -How are you t

4、his morning? - _ .A. Its still good B. Its too early C. Very well,thank you D. Its a lovely morning7. -You may have seen this film. - _ .A. Its said to cost much B. It will be shown the next week C. Actually,I haven tD. You may too8. whats the fare to the museum? - _ . A. Five hours B. Five oclock C

5、. Five miles D. Five dollars9. - Are you on holiday here? - _ .A. we are 0n holiday here,too B. we live here,too C. No,we arent. We live hereD Yes, we live here10. - Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? - _ .A. Good news for you B. Go ahead, pleaseC Yes, sure D No, I cantI1. So sorry to

6、 trouble you. - _ . A. Its a pleasure B. Its your fault C. I dont think so D. Im sorry, too12. - Would you like a tea? - _ . A. Yes, please B. I like green tea C. Yes, I prefer coffee D. No, I dont mind13. - What do you think of his suggestion? - _ . A. No,I dont believe it B. Its hard to say,actual

7、ly C. Sorry, I cant remember him D. I never think of him14. What time is the next flight to Washington? - _ . A. Its a smaller one B Its too late C. Its 1:45 pm D. It sounds good15. How long will you be away from Italy? - _ .A. Yes. I11 be in Italy B. About a monthC. Yes, its a long way to Italy D.

8、Since last month16. Whats the weather like in this area? _ .A. Very well B. Its rainy C. Yes,its fine D. Thats all right17. I really enjoy pop music. Whats your favorite?A. No, not at all B. Neither do IC. So did I D. Well, actually I like classical music18. 一Have you ever been to Tokyo? _ .A. No, I

9、 didnt go there last year B. No, but 1 hope to go there next year C. Tokyo is a busy city D. Yes. Ill do it next time19. Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? _. A. Its not sure B. Of course notC. Its on the right corner just ahead D. Thats all right 20. _ Northwestern Airline

10、s. May I help you? _ .A. Yes, Id like some information about morning flights from Beijing to DetroitB. Yes, Id like to have two pints of beer, pleaseC. Well, theres flight at 11:00 am. Its a nonstop flightD. Well, all the seats have been reserved第二部分 词汇与结构 此部分共有100个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、

11、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. Its _ to judge a person only by the appearanceA. reliable B. able C. enable D. capable2. The university granted a scholarship _ the top qualified students. A. on B. in C. at D. to3. The researchers are more and more _ the environmental pollution. A. involved in B. concerned

12、about C. conducted against D. dealt with4. The consequence was not _ for a long period until recently. A. noticeable B. responsible C. reasonable D. respectable5. Most teachers _ bright students. A. favorite B. favored C. favorable D. favoring6. _ troubled me most was that I forgot my ID card and my

13、 passport. A. That B. What C. Which D. How7. _ had he got off the train _ his daughter ran towards him. A. No sooner when B. No sooner than C. Hardly than D. The moment when8. He is _ to be the best surgeon doctor in Paris this town. A. reputed known B. replied to know C. required knowing D. researc

14、hed knew9. _, have you received that letter? A. By all means B. By no means C. By this means of D. By the way10. The country has become _ in food production since the 1980s. A. self-reliance reliant B. self-sufficient C. self-serviced D. self-respected11. The winter vacation is _. A. at once B. at h

15、and C. at least D. at large12. She is much _ his sister. A. tall than B. tallest of C. taller than D. taller of13. You should _ what you do. A. be responsible for B. responsible with C. be response to D. are responsible of14. The summer vacation is round the corner. They decided to _ the holiday and

16、 study French. A. made a good use of B. make good use of C. makes use for D. made use of15. The desk _ a piece of white cloth. A. covers B. is covering on C. is covered with D. be covered16. When he was in the middle school, Mr. Wang _ a room _ his foreign friend, Tom. A. rented with B. shared with

17、C. lived with D. stayed with17. I often think of the years _ I lived in the countryside. A. where B. when C. who D. which18. In her class, Mary is the only girl _ is under the age of 18. A. that B. which C. whose D. whom19. _ the businessmen advertise are their products. A. Whether B. What C. When D

18、. Whoever20. If it _ fine tomorrow, we will go to the park. A. be B. was C. were D. is21. The old man keeps swimming in winter, _ he is over 70. A. in case B. though C. as soon as D. as long as22. Since youve forgotten to _ your document, you cant come back to it. A. select B. save C. switch D. set2

19、3. _ an answer, she decided to call again. A. Receiving not B. Not receiving C. Having not received D. Not having received24. We have a one-year _ on our new car. A. guarantee B. gratitude C. gull D. gimmick25. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine _ inven

20、ted. A. yet B. ever C. as D. thus26. Learning to repair a bicycle is often easier _ competent people to do it. A. as to find B. as finding C. than to find D. than finding27. _ quite recently, most mothers in Western countries didnt take paid jobs outside the home. A. From B. Since C. Before D. Until

21、28. Because of the hard work, his health has _ completely. A. broken in B. broken down C. broken through D. broken out29. The singer _ the public on television. A. has widely exposed to B. has been widely exposed to C. widely exposing to D. being widely exposed to30. They wanted to rent a house, mod

22、ern, comfortable, and _, in a city center. A. at all B. all in all C. above all D. after all31. _ people are very friendly and enjoy talking to others.A. Pessimistic B. Sociable C. Relaxed D. Depressing32. Through science weve got the idea of _ progress with the future.A. representing B. associating

23、 C. establishing D. preferring33. The children reacted differently _ the news.A. with B. on C. to D. for34. You could go your own way _ follow their footsteps.A. rather than B. on the other handC. as well as D. at least35. Everything is almost ready for me to make another _ on the record.A. energy B

24、. power C. object D. attempt36. People of different _ may speak different languages.A. personalities B. feelings C. nationalities D. moods37. “Mrs. Williams can speak French.” “Yes. But she would rather _ English with us.”A. have spoken B. speaking C. spoke D. speak38. The Bill will allow parents th

25、e right to express a(n) _ for the school their child attends.A. attempt B. influence C. preference D. opinion39. The meeting _ so successful if we _ adequate preparations.A. wouldnt have been; didnt makeB. wouldnt have been; hadnt madeC. would have been; madeD. would have been; should make40. He pre

26、ferred _ rather than _ .A. to act; stand by B. to acting; to stand byC. acting; stand by D. acting; to stand by41. He spoke so fast that I could _ understand a word.A. nearly B. seldomly C. hardly D. almost42. It was _ any flu I had experienced before.A. unlike B. dislike C. unusual D. different43.

27、Their parents proudly claim they are excellent girls _ .A. half the way B. in every wayC. all their way D. on each way44. She doesnt appreciate _ her all the time.A. a dog to follow B. a dog followC. a dog followed D. a dog following45. He is going to write _ composition.A. a 3-page-long B. a 3-page

28、s-longC. 3-page-long D. 3-pages-long46. The poison _ causing death within a few minutes.A. is able to B. is used toC. is capable of D. used to47. The lake _ a bright blue mirror.A. likes B. is like C. is likely D. is to like48. Through the fog, we saw a _ outline of the ship.A. soft B. difficult C.

29、clean D. vague49. He would not _ himself to answer such silly questions.A. let B. lower C. need D. adjust50. Dogs can _ to amuse their owners.A. play dead B. play death C. play died D. play deadly51. Only in this way _ .A. you can learn English well B. can you learn English wellC. learn you English

30、well D. can English learn well52. Old people are usually more _ than young people.A. instant B. active C. conservative D. potential53. There are many kinds of _ noodles in the supermarket.A. distant B. instant C. hurry D. rapid54. Egyptian art _ as a topic when you visit that place.A. comes down B.

31、comes over C. comes to D. comes up55. He is a very good speaker and I have always _ him.A. thought very highly of B. thought very high ofC. very high thought of D. very highly thought of56. You may _ your hands in greeting.A. extent B. extend C. intend D. expand57. Cold weather may _ the flower _ bu

32、dding.A. keep; from B. keep; up C. result; in D. result; from58. Seven candidates have _ the position.A. applied for B. faced with C. interviewed for D. supplied for59. Although the area is very poor just now, its _ weather is great.A. present B. past C. potential D. update60. They tried to present

33、the mixed economy _ an ideal.A. for B. with C. to D. as61. He was very much _ because she had not answered his letter.A. annoying B. annoyed C. annoysome D. annoy62. In no _ should you do that again.A. circumstances B. atmosphere C. environment D. surrounding63. His main support will come from the p

34、eople who identify _ him.A. on B. of C. in D. with64. Dont be _ with your nosy old grandma; shes just being sympathetic.A. inpatient B. dispatient C. unpatient D. impatient65. Shes not the boss in the family; she dares not to interfere _ her husbands plans A. to B. in C. on D. towards66. As a distin

35、guished researcher, she is very much familiar _ those great men and women in American history.A. to B. towards C. with D. about67. He never goes to bed before midnight. That is _ hes always late for work in the morning.A. what B. how C. why D. when68. There is nothing wrong with _ jokes if the time

36、is right.A. tell B. telling C. told D. to tell69. Success depends _ your efforts and ability.A. on B. to C. in D. for70. She wanted to get to school on time, no matter _ she went without breakfast.A. what B. how C. whether D. where71. I showed the secretary the invitation which the mayor had sent me

37、_ my request for an interview.A. in response to B. in favor of C. in contrast to D. in place of72. It has been revealed that some government leaders have _ their authority and position to get illegal for themselves.A. employed C. taken C. abused D. overlooked73. This medicine is supposed to make you

38、 _ from further infection.A. immune B. open C. free D. distant74. The mayor was asked to give a rough _ of the cost of the construction of the new bridge.A. evidence B. contact C. course D. estimate75. Every society has its own peculiar customs and _ of acting.A. ways B. behavior C. attitudes D. pla

39、ns76. Her life was devoted to _ for the sick and needy.A. cared B. taking care C. cares D. caring77. The men who _ the machines of the British Industrial Revolution came from many backgrounds and many occupations.A. employed B. created C. operated D. attended78. I left for the railway station very e

40、arly in the morning _ traffic jam.A. in line with B. for the sake of C. in case of D. at the risk of79. They _ us since five oclock this morning until now.A. are helping B. have been helping C. were helping D. helped80. This is a special kind of magazine _ the science of astronomy.A. which devotes B

41、. to devote C. to devote to D. devoted to81. On his first sea,he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storms. A. trip Btravel C. tour D. voyage82. I know this is the secret between you and me,and I promise never to _ it to anyone else. A. mention B. talk C. speech D. announce83

42、. He, as well as I, _ a student. A. be B. am C. are D. is84. Last month, he paid a visit to the village _ he had once worked for five years. A. where B. which C. that D. in that85. The farmer caught the boys _ his apples.A. stealing B. stole C. to steal D. would steal86. Thats the _ gentleman Ive be

43、en telling you aboutA. rather B. quite C. very D. fairly87. After stopping for a few minutes,the bus moved _ to its next stop. A. forward B. off C. with D. on88. How the fire in the dance hall started _ a mystery. A. to remain B. remains C. remain D. is remaining89. If there were life on Mars, such

44、life forms _ unable to survive on earth.A. is B. are C. would be D. will be90Dont worry, your watch _ and you can have it in no time.A. is repaired B. has been repaired C. was repaired D. is being repaired91. The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _ what he was saying.A. take

45、 in B. take out C. take up D. take over92. In this factory each worker must receive a _ training course. A. two-month B. two months C. two-months D. two-months93. Dr. Hoffman proposed that we _ the meeting until next week. A. put off B. to put off C. putting off D. need put off94. We consider _ the

46、instrument be adjusted each time it is used.A. that it necessary B. it necessary thatC. necessary that D. necessary of it that95. Three people, _, were injured in the accident.A. included a child B. include a childC. including a child D. includes a child96. One day while Mr. King was working,he had

47、aan _ and his left leg was badly injured. A. business B. accident C. matter D. event97They handed in their paper _ . A. in line B. by turn C. at turn D. in turn98. The population of the city _ increasing fast. One third of the population here-workers A. is; are B. is; has been C. are; is D. is; was9

48、9. The work _ by the time you get there.A. will have been done B. was doneC. had been done D. has done100. The goals _ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. A. in which B. during which C. for which D. after which第三部分:阅读理解 此部分共有8篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Pa

49、ssage 1When I think of the post office, Im reminded of that awful little man who is in charge of the parking lot. He wont let me leave my car there even for a moment, unless I park exactly as he wishes. And hes very difficult to please! I hear that soon my local post office will arrange a program to

50、 have stamps sent to homes, so that I wont have to visit the post office to buy stamps when I need them. Whats more, the post office will soon install a drive-through letterbox. That way, I will hardly have to stop my car to deal with that rude little parking lot officer. I just hope I never see his

51、 face on a postage stamp!1. What is that awful little man?A. He is the person who minds the cars in the car parking lot.B. He is the person who always parks his car there.C. He is the authors friend.D. He is a clerk in the post office.2. What kind of new program of service will the local post office offer?A. To offer f


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