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1、.to: 31 中高文博2010年月日vip 学员补课专用高考英语阅读吴军精品决战教案c5-1铁西区 peter 精品高分英语家教编人:吴军做题顺序 【 是 文章的重点,也是 点,一定多多 】1 描 干,确定 型,划出关 信息 。2 描文章,划出以下内容。【 文章的主要目的:抓框架,抓考点】(1) 首段、各段首句、末段末句(2) 与提干信息 相关内容(3) 因果关系 (because, thus, therefore 等 )(4) 折关系 (but, however, yet)(5) 信息: 1)绝对词汇2)比 最高 3) 句4) 信息 (6) 并列 /列 : (7

2、) 例: ,知目的(8) 指示性的具体信息:1) 比2) 有名 3) 数字3再次 目, 系文章,解决 目。4 于 以确定的 目,再次回原文反复的看相关的信息点。略读 一篇文章的主 信息通常会出 在以下几 :文章各段的首句和尾句 些 于 明 、 特殊位置的句子往往是段落和文章的主 句,具有相当大的重要性; 折 通常以 but, however, rather, yet, instead等 志, 些 后面的句子是主 性信息 ;因果关系 通常以 therefore, as a result, thus, so, that is why等 或句式 志, 些 或句式后面的句子是主 性信息; 通常以 mo

3、reover, furthermore, whats more, what s the most important, mostimportantof all, most importantly等 或短 志, 些 或短 后面出 的信息是被 的信息,即主 信息出 的地方;例 通常以 for example, for instance, lets take , consider等 、短 或句式 志, 些 、短 或句式表示 例,也是支持性的 信息,位于例子前后的句子一般都是例子要 明的主 ;并列 通常以 firstly, secondly finally, someothers ,for one t

4、hing foranother, onthe one hand onthe other hand 等 合 志, 些 合都是支持性的 信息,位于 些 合前后的句子一般都是 些 信息所要支持的主 。.跳读 可以作为略读的辅助。跳读旨在掌握文章的全貌和要点,但又不必将文章中所有的词句全部都读进眼帘,句子中期补充说明、修饰限定作用的,在跳读过程中就可以略去不读。因此, 跳读主要是为了抓住句子的主干部分,忽略次要部分, 这种阅读方法并不影响读者对于文章主题信息的把握。当主题信息处是长难句时,这种方式尤为有效。跳读可以分为以下三种形式:根据特殊的标点符号提示,采用跳读法文章中的标点符号都有其一定的含义。如

5、:两个逗号之间是插入成分或同位语;括号内表示举例或补充说明;冒号通常用来列举事物、附加解释说明性内容;破折号通常放在解释性分句或句子前,或是用来列举前面总括的若干内容,或是放在解释性的插入语之前或之后等。阅读时,可以将两个逗号之间的部分、括号内的部分、冒号后的部分、破折号后的部分和两个破折号之间的部分省略不读;根据句法结构,采用跳读法主要是在遇到长难句时,抓住句子的主干部分,即主语部分、谓语部分和宾语部分,而其它补充成分,即定语(从句 )、状语 (从句 )和补语部分可以略去不读 ;根据文章结构和组织形式及段落间逻辑关系、主题句等,采用跳读法阅读时,重点关注主题句、表明作者观点的词句,对于举例论

6、证、引用论证、数据论证、正反论证、比喻论证等部分则一带而过,跳过不读。出题顺序题目顺序基本与行文顺序一致解题技巧 :一般情况下,快速阅读的题目顺序与原文的行文顺序是保持一致的,也就是说,下一道题的出处一般位于前一道题出处后面。总体的试题顺序与文章的行文顺序一致的。把握题目顺序与行文顺序一致的基本规律,将节省我们的寻读时间。数字、年代解题技巧1 数字和年代在文章中通常以阿拉伯叔祖的形式出现,在周围都是英文字母的背景中就显得比较突出。因此,如果考题中含有数字,往往可以用来快速定位题目的出处。解题技巧2 数字和年代在文章中通常以阿拉伯数字的形式出现,但题干中可能对数字的形式有一定改动,如在数字的精确

7、性和模糊性上变化。这时需要主义从逻辑关系上正确理解数字之间的包含与被包含关系。第一次出现的人名、地名等专有名词解题技巧:专有名词以大写字母开头,在文章中显得比较突出,容易寻找。但是如果通篇都是讲与这个专有名词有关的事情时,这个专有名词有可能在全文中多次出现,而题目中也多次出现,这时就不建议用它来定位题目出处,而应该使用其他的定位词。题型与信息词1. 主旨题 :询问主旨 无需信息词 ;放于最后答题 2. 词汇题 :询问词汇、短语或句子含义 询问内容为信息词 3. 细节题: 询问文中具体细节 信息词不确定 4. 态度题: 询问作者或他人对某物的态度 一般无信息词 5. 推断题: 对段落或全文进行推

8、理 信息词不确定 . 快速阅读原文作路标(划关键词),明确题型找题区(与题干有关的句子或段落),大部分题目的题干都在原文题区的基础上进行了变通,使用了不同的表达方式:词性转化、同义、近义替代、反义叙述、状语提示、概括总结、例子证明观点等。解答细节理解题,定位能力很重要;最基本方法是:定位 +改写 =正确答案,就近原则,核心名词,缩小范围,同义替换!照抄原文的不是解,同义替换的是解。 原文、问题、选项三者相比较,重要性最高的是问题!其次是选项! !最后是原文!必要性思维正确选项未必能充分完整地表达原文意思,而只要沾边即可。反之,不沾边的必错!问题中的细节和小词是关键!注意小词,比如:题干主语是p

9、eople就在文章中找 we,they ;题干中有used to 就要找含过去式的was,而不是is ,即使就近含关键字;题干中有now 就到文章中找today ,题干中有toy lions就找shopping而不是parks或forests,定位 +改写 =正确答案 ! 概括的、抽象的、与中心思想核心名词沾边的是正确选项。在遇到两个意思很相近的选项时:特别是假设a 选项正确,还能推出b 选项也正确的时候,究竟选哪个?要选b项!因为 b 项的范围包括了a,即 b 大于 a,所以 b 正确。 somemuchsamecertainstilldifferent。被动measures should

10、be taken系表结构it is in danger!there be 句型将来时3g mobile phone is coming首末句原则 ,即首段和末段原则(不要怕重复和回读)首段的作用: 中心段 抛砖引玉 . 定位 +改写 =正确答案 ! 定位 +改写 =正确答案 ! 务必要用排除法。排除法在此类题型中发挥着不可磨灭的作用。根据在文章中找到的事实依据和常识排除错误信息,再排除和文章中一词不差的信息(文章里的原句不会是推理判断出来的结果, 但通过同义词或句型转换过的选项有可能是正确答案),最后再排除无关或偏离信息,正确答案就不言而喻了。解的十个特征1、 体现中心思想(包括段落中心)的是

11、解;2、 照抄原文的不是解,同义替换的是解;3、 含义不肯定的是解,如:cancouldmayusuallymightmostmore or lessbelikely to ;含义绝对的不是解: must always never the most all any none 含义相反的是解;4、 具体的不是解,概括性的、抽象的是解;5、 带有 some 的是解: someonesomebodysometimesomethingcertain ;6、 简单的不是解,复杂的是解,字面意思不是解,含义深刻的是解;7、 带虚词的解:anotherothermoreeitherbothalsobesid

12、eadditionalextradifferentsamenearlynot enough ;8、 “变化”是解:changedelayimproveincrease;9、 “重要的、基础的”是解:importantnecessaryessentialbasisbe based on;10、 二选一:反义项有解;形似项有解;近义项有解. 文章的两大原 :知 而退、抓大放小原文 等的思想:像【 个思想在做 要 体会, 必掌握】1、 不是 你不 的2、正确 不是 你 的3、 干也不是随便出的4、 目不是随便凑的主旨题1) 文章 重点关注文章的首段和首末句。按照西方人 性的思 方式和写作 ,他 用的

13、是演 法:即文章一开始先扔出自己的核心 点,然后具体一步步 。根据我的 ,每一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句 本段的主 句的概率分 50%、20%、20%,三句 成 主 句的概率超 九成,当然也就成 我 的重中之重。2) 关注一篇文章或者一段 中有没有重复出 的 或 、有没有黑体字或者是斜体字。如果有,通常 就是文章的核心概念。3) 句不会是主 句。 句通常作 渡或者是引子,因此 忽略,真正的主 是 个 的答案。4)关注一些表征 折关系的 “ but,yet, however, in fact, indeed, practically, virtually 等,” 些 后面 接的通常都是一段 的

14、主 句。5) 关注一些表征 性, 性的 :“ inbrief/short, above/in/after/all in all, conclusion, to sum”等, 些 后面 接的通常也都是一段 的主 句。6) 如果主 句含有show 和 suggest 等 ,重点看其后的 从句。7) 掌握一些 的重点。“ notonly ,but also *, * as well as ,more * than ,less ,than * (* 为 强 调的重点 ) ”。a. 根据文章第一段或首句确定文章的主旨。新 道的第一段一般首先概括全文的中心,另外有些 明性或 性文章也会开 山地提出文章的中

15、心或 述的 点,文章的第一句 或第一段就是 全文主旨大意的概括。后文 此 一步解 明,一般上具体的事例或信息, 全文具有先 后分的特点。 我 在捕捉文章的主 句 , 包含主 句的段落 行适当的分析。例: fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that men and animalspossess if they are properly used. iffire didn t hurt when it burned, children would play with ituntil their hands w

16、ere burned away. similarly, if pain existed but fear didn t, a child coulditself again and again because fear would not warn it to keep away from the fire that had burnt it before. a really fearless soldier-and some do exist-is not a good soldier because he is soonkilled; and a dead soldier is of no

17、 use to his army. fear and pain are therefore two guards withoutwhich men and animals might soon die out.q: the best title for this passage should be_.a. no pains, no gainsb. pain and actionsc. the value of feard. the reason why people fear 分析 :.b. 主 句在篇尾。主 句位于段末的文章的特点是作者采用了先 事 ,后下 的写作手法。 作者在表述 后, 要

18、点、 、建 或 果, 以概括主 。 我 在做 ,要判断所 内容是 性的描述 是 所涉及 的集中表达。如果文章首先提及的内容多 一般性的事 、 的描写或具体的事例, 文章中心的 或作者 点及意 的体 极有可能在最后, 可以重点 最后一段,然后回 来利用主 句 一步理解文章的 。例: free time increased considerably following the shortening of the working week, i.e.from six days to five days, and from ten hours to eight hours a day. in fact

19、, the working daycouldn t be too long, otherwise people wouldn t have the time to spend their money. the amountof a familybudgets spent on outside entertainment, such as parties, filmsand concerts hasincreased from just under 6% in ford s day% todayabout.on9 the other hand, we spend onlya quarter of

20、 what our great-grandparents paid for reading materials.it is difficult to see how ourspending patterns may change in the future. we already knowthat our population is aging and this will have an effect on the amount of money we spend onmedical care.q: what is the subject discussed in the text?a. ch

21、anging patterns in spendingb. changes in family planningc. decrease in food demandd. increase in family income分析 :c. 主旨出 在文章的中 。在有些 文或 明文中作者首先列 或 明人 的 点或 区,然后再点明自己的 点或 明的中心,最后点 , 文章的主 句就出 在篇中。例:a close friend siad:“if i could only figure this out, i think i could find happiness.” i havheard this bef

22、ore and will hear it again i am sure.many people believe that finding happiness is all about finding something else they want.not many have ever found long term happiness by achieving another goal. the answer to findinghappiness is to look within yourself.in other words, happiness is a completely in

23、side job. the most important piece to findinghappiness is to comprehend happiness is a choice and not the result of an experience. if allhappiness could be found as the result of an acquisition( 成就 ), meeting a goal, or having anything, then a person s happiness would always be subject to something

24、else.q: which of the following would be the best title for the passage?a. look within to find happiness.b. happiness, a choice or the result of an experience?c. the definition of happinessd. how can we create happiness?分析 :.细节题 理解 目中的重量 手。占的比重大,最少一篇文章考 3 个,最多考 5 个。正确 答 方法 :(1)同 改写 ,含 相同(2)同 述 含 不同,本

25、 相同答 方法 :干 (1)无中生有(2) 梁 柱(3) 自相矛盾(4) 于 第一、二种是出 人常常采用的方法,尤其以第二种最 , 于干 , 一定要掌握 “像 ” 个特征, 是核心。关 信息 定位 :同 、同形、混合定位。 出 的 理方式:(1)文章中:作 重点信息 出。(2) 干中:作 关 信息 出。(3) 中:只有与文章一致方 正确 。(4) 中:一般作 干 出 ; 假如与文章 一致,才是正确 。 : must, always, never, the most, all, no, each, only, have to, any( 任何 ), completely, totally, ha

26、rdly, every, rarely, seldom不肯定 气 (作 ):can, could, may, might, should, some, usually, might, most, often,more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, possibly, perhaps, maybe, to some degree, seema. 从原文直接找到答案所需的信息。在解答 ,我 可采用 “ 号入座 ”的方法。先找到原文的关 信息,然后把原文中的信息跟后面的 目 照,即可得到答案。例: the new strategy invo

27、lves fuel cells, which are devices that use chemical reactions toproduce electrical currents. researchers from st.louis university used a type of protein calledenzymes(酶). in the cells of livingthings, includingpeople, enzymes are what spark chemicalreactions. to keep up with the pace that our bodie

28、s demand, our cells constantly produce newenzymes as the old ones break down.scientists had tried using enzymes in fuel cells before, but they had trouble keeping theelectricity flowing . that s because, unlike the enzymes in our cells, the enzymes in fuel cells breakdown faster than they can be rep

29、laced.to get around this problem, the st. louis researchers inventedmolecules that wrap aroundan enzyme and protect it. inside this molecular pocket, an enzyme can last for months instead ofdays.q: researchers have molecules wraparound an enzyme in order to_.a. make the enzymes in fuel cells break d

30、own slowerb. produce enough enzymes to break downc. keep up with the pace that our bodies demandd. keep the enzymes in fuel cells from breaking down分析 :b. 信息 行加工。 目我 能 在文章中找到信息,但原文信息又不是做 所.直接需要的, 需要我 原文信息 行合理的加工 理,据此作 推理。它是介于事 和推理判断 之 的一种 型。例: in the summer of 1941, i was 5 years old. it was a time

31、when the nickles bakery sentsalesmen in red-and-white trucks door-to-door in our town of greenville, pennsylvania, selling baked goods.one day, a nickles salesman drove his truck, loaded with goodies, into our driveway. he opened the rear doors, took out his display of baked goods and went into our

32、home to offer my mother the specialties of the day.while he was inside, i sneaked around to the rear of his truck, with its doors wide open, and i took a package of oatmeal(燕麦 ) cookies, hurried to the rear of the house and ate the entire package of cookies.soon, the truck sped away, and i never gav

33、e what i had done another thought until 27 years later, during the summer of 1968.q: in the 27 years after he ate the oatmeal cookies, the author_.a. felt sorry all the timeb. tried to find the salesman and pay himc. never thought about what he had doned. often remembered the scene分析 :c. 合信息 。 目的信息不

34、 涉及文章的某一句 , 可能涉及文章的几句 ,而且有 可能散落在文章的不同段落,因此要求我 把原文提供的信息 合起来分析,不能断章取 , 冠李戴。例: i located the bakery and told the superintendent( 主管 ) my story, expecting him tounderstand my plight and tally up the charges.i d pay up and my conscience would be put at ease.instead, he laughed out loud and said, “ youmea

35、n to tell me that you want to pay forsomething that happened 27 years ago, when you were only 5 years old?”he laughed again and said,“ reverend(牧 ),consider the debt paid.”i felt relieved and my conscience was right.q: why did the author feel his conscience was right in the end?a. because he paid fo

36、r those cookies, plus 27 years of interest.b .because he was respected as a minister by the superintendent.c. because the superintendent told him the debt had been paid.d. because he was pardoned by the superintendent. 分析 :推断题.提问中需含有词汇:infer , imply , learn from ,conclude , suggest, seen from 等推断类型:

37、全文推断,局部推断。判断标准:题目出现位置;位置重于表述。什么是 推断 : (1)来自于原文相关处;(2)与其含义一致【注意,一定是原文对等】 全文推断 :判断依据 : (1) 最后一题;(2)倒数第二题:假如最后一题为主旨题或者作者对全文的态度题时。答题方法 :1. 对全文最后一段的推断 。定位三句: 最后一段最后一句 (或倒数第二句 ),最后一段主题句 (可能是第一句 ),最后一段强调句。一般来讲,四选项中有涉及全文最后一段的相关内容,特别是全文最后一句或者倒数第二句时,此为答案。2. 对全文中心观点的推断。 查找与中心观点一致的选项。3. 对文中不同信息点的推断,逐个定位,进行推断。推断

38、题目中最难的题目,数量少。 局部推断:分为两种 : (1) 根据给定段落进行推断(段落推断 );(2) 根据给定的某个信息进行推断 (信息点推断 )。答题方法 :定位信息点和作者观点。 干扰项 :无根据推断 (无中生有 ),推断过头,推断错误 (自相矛盾 )。需要强调的是 :推断的本质:一定是来自原文,且含义一致。任何一个推断题,找不到定位处,或者感觉模模糊糊,就要考虑是不是一个错误选项。a. 写作意图题。 有些文章作者不点明自己的写作意图,而是让读者自己去体会,这种情况多出现在记叙文或夹叙夹议的文章中。例: albany , new york- students who rely on wo

39、rking at night to improve their gradesmight want to sleep on that strategy: a new survey in the u.s. says those who never study all night have slightly higher grades than those who do.a survey of 120 students at st. lawrence university found that students who have never pulled an all-nighter on aver

40、age have higher grades than those who have. the survey found those who do not study through the night have a grade point average of 3.2 compared to 2.95 for those who have.q: the purpose of the passage is to tell us_.a. the bad effects of pulling an all-nighter b. pulling an all-nighter leads to sle

41、ep problemsc. doubts about all-nightersd. all- nighters hurt students grades 分析 :b. 态度倾向题。作者的态度倾向往往隐含在文章中,而不会明确说明,因此态度倾向题也是比较有难度的推理判断题型。这类题目一般分为两类:一是作者对某一具体事物的观.点、看法;另一 是作者 某一人、物的 价。 文或 叙文往往考 作者的 度 向。如果是 文, 抓住作者的 点和 据;如果是 记叙文 , 特 注意作者总结性的文字。例:t he nba now has a serious image problem ; more than any

42、other sport, its pulled in twoopposite directions. as it s been for years, whites make up a majority of the fans; blacks make up amajority of the players. and as those players have benefited from ever-upward-spiraling(不断上升的 ) paychecks, they ve exercised their influence to shape the sight of the gam

43、e around them in their own image.the nba has the potential to be a bridge between cultures, a way to bring both sides togetherin cheering some of the best athletes of any color.butit sfragile bridge indeed, where everyblack or white element apparently forces out its ethnic( 种族的 ) opposite. and it no

44、ts hard toimagine a time when nobody will be interested in crossing over.q: the author s attitude towards the nba culture could be described as_.a. supportiveb. doubtfulc. criticald. neutral 分析 :c. 推断 。 推断是根据文章中所 述的 ,运用基 知 行分析、推敲,从而复出符合文章原意的 的一种推断方法。此 要求我 根据 篇关系,推断具体 ,如 、地点、人物关系、人物身份、具体信息等。解答此 要从文章提

45、供的信息出 ,抓住关 的信息 ,运用 思 、哲学原理,并借助一定的常 , 行分析、推理、判断。 行 推断,必 吃透相关文段的意思。例: in many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their people had increased rapidly in recent years. sadly, not everyone in these countries is so fortunate and many people in rich countries are homeless.the reasons for homelessne

46、ss are various, but poverty is undoubtedly one of the main causes. the homeless people may have become jobless and then unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not al

47、ways.some cynics( 世嫉俗的人 ) declare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. but who would willingly choose to live in a shop doorway, under a bridge or in a cardboard box?q: it can be inferred from the text that_.a. you will not find homeless people in countries with a high stand

48、ard of living.b. the mental ill live on the street because they want the company of other homeless peoplec. the unemployed who receive help may still be among the homelessd. the homeless are willing to live under a bridge or in a cardboad box分析 :d. 。 型 的特点是考 我 的 思 及判断能力,要求我 根据文章提供的 ,推断出合乎 的内容。解答此 我

49、首先要找出短文的主 ,然.后按 意要求 行推断。例: chapman feels it his duty to help the rural areas that get left behind. ask him aboutthe satisfaction of setting up the community wireless network and he ll mention two women whoare attending online universities-or grandparents easily e-mailing their grandchildren far away

50、.“ when the members of the community contribute their effort like this, they feel a sense of ownership, ” chapman says, “ we may operate the network,butit s owned by the citizens of thecommunity. it s for the public good.”q: from the last two paragraphs we know that_.a. west virginia broadhand only

51、does good to old citizensb. west virginia broadhand is operated by the communityc. chapman is a man of social responsibilitiesd. chapman isn t very much satisfied with his work分析 :e. 想象 。 想象型 考 的内容一般在文意中没有明确 明,因此我 要根据 篇, 把握作者的写作思路, 事件可能出 的 局后文可能涉及的内容以及上文的内容 行科学的、合理的 。例: completing a college applicat

52、ion can take some time. but answering all the questions is not enough. another important step is taking admissions tests. the sat is the college entry test that american high school students most commonly take. another one is the act.colleges and universities may also require international students to take the toefl


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