1、2020-2020 度七级班 英语教案The revision of StarterThe typeNumberTitleOf lessonsRevisionunit1-3of sectionsDesigner张斌年Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDate【 Curriculum requirements 】这三个单元为初中英语的入门阶段,主要以学习26 个字母的正确拼读与Analysisof规范书写作为切入点。同时又以我们最常见的英语日常用语作为载体将the Teaching部分基础性知识点贯穿其中,旨在培养学生学习英语的兴趣。MaterialAnalysis of the Teachin
2、g Material :This class, we will make a revision of the three units.Knowledge Objects :1. The letters A-Z.2. The new words of the three units.3. The dialogue of the three units.TeachingAimsand4. The grammar points of the three units.AbilityObjects :DemandsThe students can read and write the letters c
3、orrectlyThe students can talk with each other with the arget language.Moral Objects :Foster studentsinterests of learning English.TeachingTeachingKey PointsKeyThe letters A-Z.The dialogue of the three units.AndPointsTeachingTeach ingDifficultDifficultThe grammar points of the three units.PointsPoint
4、sTeaching aidRecorderDesign ofPeriod4periodTeaching ProceduresTeacher-studentReviseInteraction第 1页共 4页Step 1 Review the letters A -Z, pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters and their correct writing form.AaBbCcDdEe FfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQ qRrSsTt UuVvWwXxYyZz五个元音字母: a e i o uThe teacher a
5、sksthe students torewrit e the letters.Step 2 Summarize th e new words of the units.Good, Good morning, hi, hello, afternoon, GoodThe teacher dictatesafternoon, evening, Good evening, how How arethe words of theseYou? I am, fine, thanks, OK, HB, CD, BBC, what,units.Is, this, in, English, in English,
6、 map, cup, ruler, pen,Orange, jacket, key, quilt, it, a, that, spell, please,NBA, p, kg, color, red, yellow, green, blue, black,white, purple, brown, the, now, see, can, say, my, S,The studentsM, L, UFO, CCTV ,role-play theStep 3 The confirmation of the dialogue of thedialogue in pairs.three units.G
7、ood morning- Good morning.Good afternoon- Good afternoon.The students doGood evening- Good eveningsome exercisesHow are you? I am fine, thanks.about the grammarWhat s this in English?points.It s a map.Spell it, please.M -A -P.What color is it? It s red.Step 4 The revision of the grammar points of th
8、ethree units.1. The usage of“ too ” ,Too 通常放在句末,与前句用逗号隔开,表示“也” 2. The usage of a and anan, 用于以元音字母或元音音素开头的可数名词前表示数量“一”第 2页共 4页3. The usage of capital letters句子开头首字母, 文章标题虚词除;专有名词要牢记, 节日月份星期几;报刊杂志和书籍, 职业头衔和称谓;I 无论在哪里,总是大写没问题4. The usage of verb be我是 am,你是 are, is 跟着他,她,它,单数 is, 复数 areThe revision of Starter unit1-3BlackboardDesignHomeworkRecord after teachingGood morning- Good morning.What s this in English?Good afternoon- Good afternoon.It s a map.Good evening- Good eveningSpell it, please. M-A-P.How are you? I am fine, t
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