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1、Module 5 CartoonsWritten test part (共95分) . 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. The book is famous and you can find thousands of copies of it _ more than ten languages.A. with B. in C. to D. at ( )2. Although I lost the match, it taught me a _.A. lesson B. noise C. hobby D. problem( )3.

2、 Mr Wang is a very _ man. He always has interesting stories to tell us.A. important B. difficultC. humorous D. awful( )4. You cant expect _ the difficult work in such a short time.A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished( )5. Your plans for the holiday are great because they can _ everyone.A.

3、 satisfy B. forget C. beat D. hurt( )6. The mobile phone is important in our daily life. Do you know who _ it?Sorry, I dont know. A. discovered B. invented C. imagined D. moved( )7. Mike and his friends _ in the house this morning. He is helping his mother clean it up.A. made a noise B. made a messC

4、. took a walk D. took a break( )8. Its six oclock. Its time _ dinner. A. have B. having C. to have D. had( )9. She couldnt help _ when she heard the sad news.A. crying B. cry C. to cry D. cried( )10. I have a pet cat _ Mimi. A. call B. called C. calling D. to call ( )11. Mr Smith _ in China since on

5、e year ago.A. worked B. worksC. has worked D. was working ( )12. Does your mother like dancing?Sure. She _ every day to keep fit.A. is dancing B. will danceC. danced D. dances( )13. Can I see Jeff now?Im afraid not. He _ back to Germany yesterday.A. goes B. is going C. went D. has gone( )14. Is your

6、 father at home?No. He _ the museum. He _ twenty minutes ago.A. has gone to; left B. has gone to; leavesC. has been to; left D. has been to; leaves ( )15. I think the movie is interesting._. We all think it is boring.A. Dont worry B. I dont think we agree C. Have a try D. Sure, no problem. 完形填空(共10分

7、,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Barnyard is an American cartoon. It has been 16 for many years. It has a few funny characters and they can always make people 17 .There is a beautiful barnyard with lots of sunflowers (向日葵) around it. The owners (主人) of the barnyard 18 many cows,

8、pigs, pandas, goats, sheep, ducks and chickens. These 19 like driving, singing and dancing a lot. The cows are very smart. They lead other animals in the barnyard. Ben is the head cow. He has won the 20 of other animals. He asks all the animals to walk on their two legs just 21 people. One day, a gr

9、oup of wolves (狼) came to the barnyard. The animals and their home were in 22 . Ben didnt know what to do. But his son Otis was very 23 . He had a good idea. So Otis and his friends started a 24 with the wolves. And at last, they beat the wolves and Otis became a 25 . Since then he has been the new

10、head cow.( )16. A. ancient B. popular C. lovely D. serious( )17. A. laugh B. agree C. sleep D. dream( )18. A. help B. watch C. eat D. have( )19. A. flowers B. people C. animals D. robots ( )20. A. hearts B. heads C. hands D. eyes( )21. A. by B. like C. for D. on( )22. A. pain B. surprise C. danger D

11、. condition( )23. A. clever B. healthy C. awful D. shy( )24. A. talk B. fight C. game D. fire( )25. A. cow B. member C. queen D. hero. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Hi, Mike. (26)_ B: I watched TV at home. A: Did you watch a cartoon on TV?B: Yes. I watched two cartoons.A:

12、(27)_ B: Yes, I watched it. (28)_ It is funny, but the other one I watched is much funnier.A: (29)_B: Tom and Jerry.A: Oh, I have already watched it. B: (30)_A: It is really interesting.A. Did you watch the cartoon about a lovely chicken? B. Whats the name of it? C. Do you like cartoons? D. What did

13、 you do last night? E. What do you think of it? F. When did the cartoon begin? G. The chicken wants to eat a special pie. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) A Monday 12thWind from southwest. We sailed (航行) 300km. We took the nets (网) in early this morning and they were almost full. All of us were very happy. Ron sent

14、 a message to his mother. She has been ill recently. Unluckily, some of our food fell off the boat and it was impossible to get them back.Tuesday 13thWind changed now from northeast. The rain started at about 7:00 am. The wind became stronger soon, and then the storm came. It became difficult to con

15、trol (操控) the boat. The crew (全体船员) were inside the boat. The storm got really strong in the afternoon. The crew had to cut the nets because there was a serious risk of the boat sinking (沉没).Wednesday 14thWind from south. During the night, the boat moved 190km northwest in the storm. The wind became

16、 weak in the afternoon. At 5:00 pm, we began to sail back. Then we saw a small boat not far away. There were two people in it, a father and his son. Their boat was broken because of the storm, and they didnt know where they were. We took them with us and sailed back. We bought new nets and more food

17、. Tomorrow we will go west to look for more fish.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. What fell off the boat on Monday? A. Some clothes. B. A radio. C. Some food. D. A book.( )32. The crew cut the nets because _.A. the nets were going to be brokenB. the boat was going to sinkC. the nets were brokenD. the boat sank (

18、 )33. When did the crew start to go back? A. At 7:00 am on Tuesday. B. At 7:00 pm on Wednesday.C. At 5:00 am on Tuesday. D. At 5:00 pm on Wednesday.( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material? A. The storm became strong on Tuesday afternoon.B. The writer was good at making nets.C

19、. The rain started on Monday morning.D. Rons father was in bad health.( )35. You may find the material in a _. A. dictionary B. guidebook C. notice D. diaryB Erin Brockovich grew up in Kansas, US. She studied at a business college for a year, and then she went to California.In 1990, when she was thi

20、rty years old, she had a car accident. A law firm (律师事务所) helped her after the accident, so she started to work for them later. Her job was to organize papers (组织文件). One day Erin realised that there were lots of very sick (生病的) people in a place called Hinkley. She felt it was unusual, so she start

21、ed to look for more information about the town.Erin worked very hard for five years. She visited lots of sick people in Hinkley and listened to their stories. All the sick people lived near a big factory called Pacific Gas and Electric. Then she discovered that there was something called chromium in

22、 the water they drank. It was from the factory and Erin believed that the people were sick because of the chromium in their drinking water. She planned to help them.Erin started a law case (诉讼) against Pacific Gas and Electric. The factory wasnt happy about this. They didnt agree that the people wer

23、e ill because of the water but in 2019 the judge (法官) ordered Pacific Gas and Electric to pay the people in Hinkley $500,000 each.In 2019, there was a film about Erin Brockvich. Julia Roberts played Erin and the film was very successful. Now Erin is famous she has her own firm and she gives talks al

24、l over the world.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )36.Erin worked for a law firm because_.A.she studied law in collegeB.she wanted to help sick peopleC.the firm paid her lots of moneyD.the firm helped her after a car accident( )37. How might Erin feel when she found many papers had to do with Hinkley?A.Strange. B. Ha

25、ppy.C.Angry. D.Worried. ( )38.Erin found the people in Hinkley were sick because of_.A.the food they ateB.the water they drankC.the house they lived in D.the factory they worked in( )39. What does the underlined word “ordered” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?A. 阻止 B. 考虑 C.命令 D.抱怨( )40. The passage is

26、 mainly about _.A.Erins life experience B.a film in 2019 C.how to work on a law case D.how to help sick people . 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。41. How many _(书包) do you have? 42. My uncle is very _(英俊的).43. Both Susan and Linda want to be _(艺术家) in the future. 44. Although hes only five, hes v

27、ery _(聪明的).45. Jack had his _(私人的) lab when he was 11 years old.B) 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。create, sky, own, cool, lead46. Theres a plane in the _.47. Do you know who _ Mickey Mouse? 48. Can you tell me your _ phone number? 49. Mr Wang _ a group of students to plant trees yesterday.50. Mr Smith l

28、ikes wearing _ sunglasses. . 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 咱们明天爬山吧。Lets _ the mountain tomorrow.52. 我们应该互相帮助。We should help _.53. 我看过100多部卡通片。Ive watched _ 100 cartoons. 54. 这位作家在全世界都很出名。This writer is very famous _. 55. 张楠为一家美国公司工作。Zhang Nan _ an American company. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)根据材料内容,从

29、方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。luck, country, mix, time, improve, what, I, final, begin, moneyAfter learning to become an agent in Berlin, I decided to go to Britain. I wanted to (56)_ my English, get some work experience and also make some friends.I applied (申请) to colleges in Britain, whi

30、ch offered business courses. I was (57)_ and a few months later, I joined a course in Oxford for six months. The course I took (58)_ English and business. It was just (59)_ I needed. Then I took a one-year course at the same college. And thanks to (多亏) the European Union, it didnt cost any (60)_.It

31、was hard work, but I enjoyed my (61)_ at college. It was very interesting and I made a lot of friends from other (62)_, some even from China.At the end of the course, I (63)_ sending out letters of application and very soon I got some interviews (面试). (64)_ I got a job offer from Medical Plan. Ive b

32、een with them for two years now. Its a really good job. Now they are training (65)_ to work in International Sales, and I like it very much. 书面表达(10分) 小杰是一个卡通迷,他还喜欢编故事。下面的表格是他最新编的一个故事的梗概,请你根据表格内容写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍小杰和他的新故事。Little Pig and Little Horse角色Little Pig,Little Horse,Old Tiger故事梗概Little Pig和Lit

33、tle Horse与破坏森林的Old Tiger斗争,保护森林_附 加 题 (共10分)Years ago I went to a festival called “Le Festival du Court Mtrage”. It was a festival of short films. There were competitions and prizes for the best short films. Although it was of great interest, the night of animation (动画片) was the one that everyone wo

34、uld remember.It was a night of animated films from 9 pm on Saturday to 6 am on Sunday. Every audience (观众) could get a free breakfast with their tickets on Sunday morning. There were three parts running through the night. Each part had several animated films and music videos. Some films were so good

35、 that the audience couldnt take their eyes off the screen even for a minute. I was surprised when I found even the night staff (全体职员) were very happy and friendly. You could tell that all the people there enjoyed themselves. Once inside the theatre, it was difficult to get a seat because you had to

36、climb over other seats.Some audience threw around paper planes to show their happiness. By the third part of the night you could tell that everyone was getting tired. People were drinking coffee during the break. I tried to stay up (熬夜) until the end. I think it was a really wonderful experience.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。1. How long was the night of animation?_


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