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1、八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )旺升学校八年级下学期第三次英语月考听力部分(共25 分)一、听力(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)第一部分听对话回答问题(计5 分)。本部分共有 5 道小题,每小题您将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。1、ABC2、ABC3、ABC八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )第二部分听对话与短文回答问题(计10 分)您将听到两段对话与一篇短文,每段对话或短文后有几个小题,请根据您所听到得内容,从所给得A 、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确得选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段对话,回答67 小题。6、 Why is the boy unhappy

2、?A、 Because he doesn t feel、wellB 、Because he failed hismath test、C、 Because he doesn t like his clothes、7、 What will the boy do?A、 Stay at home every evening、B、 Go on arguing with hismother、C、 Talk to his mother about his problem、听第二段对话,回答810 小题。8、 Who can play football very well?A、 Peter、B、Bob、C、J

3、ohn、9、 What cannot the word“ cool ” mean?A、 ModernB、 Beautiful 、C、 Clean、10、 Why does the man think that we need to use more words?A、 To make our life colorful 、B 、Tothinkofmore otherwords、C、 To find more meanings of words、听一篇短文,回答11 15 小题。11、 Where did the story happen?A、 In a fruit shop、B、 In a bo

4、okshop、clothes shop、12、 How many apples did the boy want to buy?A、 For one dollar、B、 For four dollars、C 、C 、InaFor八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版)five dollars、13、 How did the boy feel when he counted the apples?A、 Relaxed、B、 Surprised、Pleased、C、14、 Why did the shop assistant stop the boy?A、 Because the boy s mo

5、ther came to the、shopB、 Because he wanted to give the boy more apples、C、 Because the boy didn t give him enough 、money15、 How much did the boy pay for the apples?A、 Four dollars、B、 Five dollars、dollars、C 、SixC、She will have a piano lesson 、三、听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次。(5分)16 What will the boy do first?

6、A 、Have dinner 、B 、Wash his hands and face、C、Help his mother with the cooking17 Where are the speakers?A 、 In a store、B、 In a library 、C、 In a post office 、18 Who often does the housework in the boy s family?A 、 His mom 、B 、His dad、C、 His grandmother 、19 Where doesntthe boy have to go tomorrow?A 、Th

7、e zoo、B 、The school 、C、 The hospital 、20 Who will clean the window?A 、 Tom、B 、Toms momC、 Toms dad、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词,短文读两次(5 分)NameLoveVolunteeringNickplaying footballteaches the 21childrenDave22works in the zoo or animal hospitalsreading and tellingJohnfunny stories23sick kidsSallypaintingpaints f

8、or the school 24Annasingingsings for the old people or sings to raise moneyfor 25people八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )笔试部分( 100 分)笔试( 95 分)26、一单项选择( 25 分)Mary was dancing while Mike _ the piano、A 、playedB、was playingC、is playingD 、plays27、You can t drink the milk、It tastes _、A 、goodB、wellC、badD 、badly28、It s

9、not right to _ disabled(残疾得)people、A 、laughB、laugh atC、laughingD 、laughing at29、Jack asked me _ I could help him with maths or not、A 、whenB、whatC、ifD 、whether30、_ he is very young, _ he knows several languages、A 、Though, butB 、Because, soC、Though, /D 、Because, /31、Can you tell me _ yesterday?A 、what

10、 time do you arrive homeB 、what time did you arrive homeC、when you arrived homeD 、when you arrive home32、I have four good friends, but _ of them lives in the same city、A 、allB 、noneC、anyD 、neither33、 _ James _ I are big fans of LiuQian 、 We enjoy watching his matches verymuch、A 、All, andB 、Either, o

11、rC、Neither, norD 、Both, and34、 I enjoy _ to American country music、 what about you?A 、 listenB、to listenC、 listeningD、 listens35、 I am too tired 、I want to stop_and have a rest、A 、 to workB、workC 、workingD、worked36、 -It s very hot outside、-Why _you stay at home?A notB not toCdon t D didnt37、 Mary as

12、 well as her mother _ to Tibet by train next week、A 、are goingB 、goC、 is goingD 、 goes八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )38、 I wish I _ a bird、A 、amB 、 wasC、 wereD、 is39、 The boy promised _ late for school again、A 、to not beB、 not to beC、not beingD、 being not40、 -Can you tell me _ ?-He is in the library、A 、where

13、was JackB 、 where Jack wasC、where is JackD、 where Jack is41、 I don tknow _ his mother will come or not、A 、whetherB、 whatC、ifD 、how42、 -Could you tell me _ ?-They re over there、A 、 where are the restroomsB、 where were the restrooms、C、 where the restroomsD 、 where the restrooms were43、 Julies father _

14、 to London last month、He _ there three times 、A 、 went;had goneB 、 has gone;has beenC、 went;has beenD 、has been;had gone44、 How many students are there in your school?-_ the students in our school _ over two thousand、A 、The number of;isB、The number of;areC、 A number of;isD、A number of;are45、 I alway

15、s tell the students _ on the road because it s really dangerous、A 、 not to playB 、 to play notC、 not playingD、 not play二、完形填空(共10 小题,计10 分)Jane Scott is fourteen、 She began to study in a middle school last year 、 She likes dancing andsinging and 46a lot of time on them 、 But she hates math and does

16、not work hard at it 、 Shethinks it47sto learn math 、 She falls behind her48 and once failed the math exam 、She decided to49 、 Her father is angry50her when he finds out about it 、It was a Sunday、 Mr Scott gave a call to his51who teaches math in another school 、 Hehoped she would come and teach his d

17、aughter52to stud y math 、 The woman came andsaid,“ You are a cleverirl, gJane、 I m sure you can do well in math if you work hard at it、 ”“I m afraid I can t, Aunt, ” 、said“JaneGirls cannot be good at math、 ”“I dontagree, ”said the woman, “I was good at it when I was a girl 、 You must do more八年级下册英语第

18、三单元测试卷( 外研版 )exercises and practice math problems again and again53you master the subject、 Remember:Practice makes perfect、 Here is a math problem 、 Think about it and keep working till you get itright 、 ”“OK,” said the girl、 “I will try、 ”About an hour later, Jane took the exercise book to h er aun

19、t and said,“ I have done the problem ten54 、 ”“Well done! ” her aunt said55 、 “What result did you get?”“Ten different ones 、 ”46、 A 、 spendsB、 costsC、 takesD、pays47、 A 、 easyB、 necessaryC、 difficultD 、 exciting48、 A 、 parentsB、 subjectsC、 teachersD、 classmates49、 A 、 give awayB、 give upC、 give outD

20、、 give off50、 A 、 byB、 forC、 toD 、 with51、 A 、 brotherB、 wifeC、 sisterD 、 mother52、 A 、 howB、 whereC、 whatD、 why53、 A 、 afterB、 whenC、 ifD、until54、 A 、 timeB、 timesC、 waysD、minutes55、 A 、 nervouslyB、 quietlyC、 happilyD 、 angrily三阅读理解(共 30 分)AIn many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfa

21、st, lunch, tea and dinner 、People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning、 They eat porridge ,eggs or bread、 English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast 、Lunch comes at one oclock 、 Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinneris about half past seven、 First

22、 they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables 、After that they eat some other things, like bananas ,apples or oranges、 But not all English peopleeat like that 、 Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day 、 Their meals are breakfast,八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )dinner, tea an

23、d supper and all these meals are very necessary、()56、Many English people have meals a day 、A 、two B 、three C、four D 、three or four() 57、People may have for their breakfast 、A 、 tea and eggs B、 porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffeeC、 tea and coffee D 、 bread and eggs() 58、People have lunch at、A 、any t

24、ime B 、nine C 、five D、one()59、People don t have for their dinner、A 、porridge B 、bananas and applesC、some soup and meat D、meat and fish() 60、In many English homes dinner comes、A 、 at one o clock B 、 in the middle of the dayC、 at noon D 、 at nightBThere was a bookseller ( 书商 )、 He did not like to pay

25、for anything, One day a big box of booksfell on his foot 、“ Go to the doctor,” said his wife,“ and show that foot to him 、”“ No,” he said, “I ll wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time、 Then I ll askhim about my foot 、 If I go to see him, I shall have to pay 、”The next day the doctor came

26、to the shop to buy some books 、 The bookseller told the doctorabout his bad foot 、 The doctor looked at it and promised ( 答应 ) to help 、He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it 、“ Buy this medicine and put it on thefoot before you go to bed every night, ” he said、“ Thank you, ” said th

27、e bookseller, “And now, sir, here are your books 、” “ How much? ” asked the doctor、“ Two pounds、” “ Oh, good,” said the doctor 、 “I shall not have to pay you anythingtoday、”“ Why?” asked the bookseller、“ I look over your foot 、 I want two pounds for that 、 If people come to my houses, I ask八年级下册英语第三

28、单元测试卷( 外研版 )them to pay only one pound for a small thing like that、 But when I go to their houses, I usuallycharge (收费 ) two pounds 、 And I came here today, didn t I? Bye-bye! ”61、 The bookseller didn t want to see the doctor because _、A 、his foot wasn t hurt 、B 、He couldn t go any fartherC、He didn

29、t have any money to pay the doctorD、He didn t want to pay the doctor62、 The next day the doctor came to the shop _ 、A 、to buy some booksB、to buy medicineC、to borrow some moneyD 、to see the bookseller63、 The seller asked the doctor to pay _ 、A 、nothingB、two poundsC、only one poundD、two pound64、 The do

30、ctor paid the bookseller _、A 、many moneyB、much moneyC、nothingD 、two pounds for books65、 Which of the following is right?A、The seller didn t like to pay anything、B、The seller s wife didn t want him to go to the doctor、C、The seller was cleverer than the doctor 、D、The doctor didn t go toshopthe to buy

31、any things 、CWhen I was young, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers 、 They told meit was dangerous、 But now could we make new friends if we were like that ?And then, how can we break ice? Don t just lookhoesatyour、Gos and say“ Hi ”to the personbefore yo u、It will easier to

32、 break the ice if you know more about different cultures、British: Beautiful, isn t it ?The weather in Britain changes often、So, people often talk about it、Remember to say“ yes ”when others say this to you 、 It s just a start of a friendly talk, not real question、 French: Where did you go on holiday?

33、To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask his or her last holiday、French studentsenjoy a 10-to-15-dayholidayevery two months、French employees(雇员 ) get more than sixweeks of holidays every year 、American: So, Where are you from?八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )The US is so big and people move so oft

34、en 、 You can try to find something about the place theyare form to talk about 、For example, you could say,“ Oh, I have a friend studying your、 city”()66、 Why did the writer s parents tell him not to talk to strangers?A 、Because it could bring danger 、B、Because it was boring 、C、Because it was not par

35、t of the life 、D、Because their son didnto talliketostrangers、()67、 The best thing to talk with the British is _ 、A 、The foodB 、 the festivalC、 the weatherD 、 the culture()68、 To talk with a French person, the safest way is to talk about _ 、A 、 his or her familyB 、 His or her workC、 his or her friend

36、sD 、 his or her last holiday()69、 Americans talk about places often because _ 、A 、 They like travelingB 、 it s a beautiful country with amazing places、C、 they love their homeD、 the country is so big and people often move()70、 The write seems to think _ 、A 、 His parents were rightB、 he can talk with

37、strangers freely 、C、 it is important to talk with strangersD、 he is afraid of strangers四、瞧图短文填空( 15 分)Many people say dolphins (海豚)are very intelligent( 聪颖得)、 They seem to be able tothink,understand,and learn things quickly 、But are they m71like humans or more like cats ordogs?Scientists say dolphin

38、 intelligence is the s72as human intelligence in some ways 、How?Like humans ,every dolphin has a “ name”、I73 is a special whistle(哨声)、Scientiststhink dolphins,like people, “ t 74” to each other about a lot of things,such as their age,theirfeelings,or findingfood 、And,likehumans,dolphinsuse a system(

39、系统 ) ofsounds and bodylanguage to c 75、 But understanding theirconversations is not easy forhumans、 No one“ speaks dolphin” yet,but some scientists are trying to、learnDolphins are also social animals、They live in groups,and they often come to play gamesfrom different groups and have f76,just like pe

40、ople、In fact,playing t77is somethingonly intelligent animals do 、Dolphins and humans b78make plans to get something they want、 In the seas of八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )southern Brazil,dolphinsuse an interestingwayto get food 、 When fishare n79aboat,dolphins signal(发信号) to the fishermen to put their nets (

41、 网) in the water 、And the men cancatch a lot of fish 、What is the advantage for the dolphins? Why do they h80the men?Thedolphins can get some of the fish 、由于网络不便, 图片描述: 海豚很聪明, 更像人还就是猫狗呢?它们会像人类一样交流吗?它们可以帮助人们,例如帮助渔民,告诉她们船附近有鱼五信息归纳:Young Music Scene ConcertYoung musicians from all over Germany perform

42、at Young Scene Concert at Berlin sfamous Quasimodo music hall 、 The concert is part of theBerlin Festival 、Time: 15 20 Nov 、Place: 45, 18756 Berlin, GermanyCost: VariousEmail:Phone: +34 (0) 45 839 5986Documentary Film MonthCinemas, schools and libraries across France and the French-speaking world ta

43、ke partin November s Documentary Film Month、 About 120, 000 visitors take part each year 、Time: 1 20 Mar 、Place: 25 Road Pyramids, 75001 ParisCost: VariousPhone: +12 (0)1 43 38 19 73Email: infoparis-touristoffice、 comCraft ( 工艺 ) ShowYou can come to the show twice a year, in spring and at Christmas、

44、 There arehundredsof artisans ( 手艺人 ) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery, glass, ironwork andclothing 、八年级下册英语第三单元测试卷( 外研版 )Time: 26 Nov 、 7 Dec、Mon 、 Fri 、 11 am10 pmSat、 10 am 8 pmSun、 9 am 6 pmPlace: Direct Energy CentreCost: $10Phone: +7 658 198 3245Email:Canada Blo 学科王 omsToronto Gar

45、den and Flower ShowThe Canada Blooms Show every year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre is thecountry s largest indoor garden show、Time: Mar 、 9 am 6 pmSun、 11 am 5 pmPlace: Metro Toronto Convention CentreCost: $18; under 12 freePhone: +1 235 447 8768Email: infomtccc 、 com81、People canenjoymusic at Young Scene Concert from_ 、 (time)82、You can sende-mail to _ if you want to see Documentary Film、A 、B、C、i


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