



1、.英文合同中的陈述与保证条款provision of representation and warranty in contract合同中的陈述和保证一般包括两方面内容:其一是对公司是否有权签署本协议所做的陈述和保证,包括公司组建设立情况、 公司是否对签约人授权签署本合同等;其二是依据合同性质和合同标的需要合同另一方作出特别保证的内容,比如,公司是否存在正在进行的诉讼等。通过这个条款对这些信息作出保证,保证其在本协议下真实有效。如果一方违反这个保证,另一方可以采取包括终止合同在内的救济措施,从而最大限度地保护自己。一、公司是否有权签署本协议所做的陈述和保证例:卖方谨此保证下列事项属实:the

2、seller hereby represents and warrants as to itself that:本公司为依中华人民共和国法律合法组织存在、享有良好商誉之法律主体;it is a duly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the peoples republic of china;本公司订立本合约及履行因本合约所致生之义务,不违反订约时之任何中国法令,或违反其它任何本公司为当事人的合约。its entry into and performance of

3、its obligations under this agreement do not violate any legal requirements in the people s republic of china as of the date hereof or any material agreements to which it is a party.例:甲方为依照公司设立地法律依法设立并存续的有限责任公司,具备签署执行本协议、依照本协议规定行使本协议规定权利和履行本协议规定义务的所有法人权力。party a is a limited liability company duly in

4、corporated and validly existing under the laws of its place of incorporation, and has all corporate power and authority to executed this agreement, exercise the rights and perform the obligations hereunder in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.例:甲方保证如下:party a represents and warrants t

5、hat:it is duly incorporated with limited liability and validly exists under the laws of new zealand; 本公司是依照新西兰法律成立的并有效续存的有限责任公司;it has corporatepowerand has taken all necessary corporateand otheraction toenter into and completethisagreement.本公司具有法人权利,已采取必要的法人和其他行为签订和履行本协议。例乙方承诺并保证其具有完全权利签署、履行和完成本协议项

6、下所约定的义务;本协议已经被乙方适当地签署,在得到政府主管部门的批准(如果要求的话)的前提下,根据条款对甲方产生合法有效、有约束力和强制性义务。party b represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into, perform and comply with its obligations under this agreement; this agreement has been duly executed and delivered by party b and, subject to the

7、 approval by the governmental authorities (if required) constitutes legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligationsof party a in accordance with its terms.例各方声明并保证:each party represents and warrants that:它是在美国国内正式成立和注册的公司,符合各项规定,它有权力且授权签订并履行本协议及由其签署并递交的、与之有关的任何其他协议和文件(包括本合同在内统称为“文件”)。it is duly or

8、ganized and registered and in good standing in the united states, has power and authority to enter into and perform?this agreement and any other agreements and documents executed or delivered by it in connection herewith(collectively, with this agreement,“ the documents” ).二、对是否得到授权的陈述与保证例 本公司董事会已依法

9、授权本公司进行与本合约相关的订立与履行事宜,并记载于董事会记录中;its board of directors has taken all necessary action to duly authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this agreement which actions are reflected in the minutes book of the corporation; and例 文件的签署、递交和履行已经通过一切必要的行为获得正式授权。its execution, delivery and perform

10、ance of the documents have been duly authorized by all necessary action.例甲方已经得到履行本协议所必需的同意、批准和授权,所有合同文件均已提交,本协议在审批部门批准后生效。party a has obtained all consents, approvals and authorizations necessary for the valid execution and delivery of this agreement and all of the contracts referred to herein to wh

11、ich it is a party; provided, however, that this agreement shall be subject to the approval of the examination and approval authority before the same may become effective.例 受让人签署、交付、履行本协议行为和本协议规定的转让以及受让人履行完毕的行为在受让人的公司授权范围之内。the execution, delivery and performance by the transferee of this agreement a

12、nd the completion by the transferee ofthe transfer contemplated hereunder are within the transferee s corporate power and authority.例 承包商声明并保证,承包商经依法授权,本合同经承包商依法授权、签署并提交对方,对承包商形成合法、有效、具有法律约束力的合同责任,依照本合同规定具有强制执行效力。the contractor represents and warrants that the contractor is empowered legally and thi

13、s contract has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by the contractor, and constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation of the contractor, enforceable in accordance with its terms.三、对是否有权力履行合同义务或承担合同责任的陈述与保证例:甲方谨在此声明及保证甲方为出租房屋的合法拥有人并有合法地位出租此房屋予乙方。就本合同及出租此房屋予以乙方之事, 甲方已取得所有有关机构的批准, 包括政府

14、批准及抵押权人的同意。甲方于本合同所做出的声明及保证,如有错误或违反者,甲方须就因此而引起的任何损失、损害、支出及费用做出全部补偿。party a hereby represents and warrants that party a is legal owner of the leased property and has the necessary legal capacity to lease the property to party b. party a has also obtained all the necessary authorizations from all relev

15、antauthorities in the people s republic of china in respect of this agreement and the leasing of the property to party b, including government approval and/or mortgagee consent ( if applicable) party a shall be liable to keep party b be fully indemnified against any costs, expenses, losses and damag

16、es incurred to suffered by party b as a result of any breach of party a s representations or warranties herein ( including but not limited to legal costs)房东保证本约期间不将租赁标的物出售或抵押给第三人。the landlord hereby covenants that the premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this

17、 agreement.四、对是否存在债务纠纷或者是否存在对履行合同的能力产生障碍的陈述与保证例发包商再次保证:the subcontractor hereby represents and warrants:发包商是根据中国法律依法成立,合法经营和良好续存的公司,在中华人民共和国工商管理机关注册。1) the subcontractor is a company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of thepeople republics of china, being registere

18、d at the state administration for industry and commerce of the people s republic of china.本分包合同的签订与履行是在本公司的经营能力和范围内,不违反任何法律、法规和签约的其他协议。2) the conclusion and performance of this subcontractare within the corporate powers and authority of the subcontractor and do not contravene any laws, regulations o

19、r any agreements to which the subcontractor is a party.不存在任何对发包商的经营、财产、资格、 财务和其他状况产生负面影响并进而将影响到分包商履行本协议义务的能力的任何未决案件、诉讼、被法院或行政机关立案。3) there is no pending action or issue in or action by any court or administration authority which could exert a material adverse impact on the business, property, status

20、, finance and other aspects of the subcontractor so as to affect the capability of the subcontractor to carry out its obligations under this agreement.例 各方保证如下:each party hereby represents and warrants that:本协议已由各方代表签署,具有合法有效、约束力以及强制性义务,其效力除非以下情况可以例外:申请破产,资不抵债或其他类似的法律影响债权人的权利实施。this agreement has be

21、en duly executed and delivered on its behalf and constitutes its legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation, except to the extent that enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency orother similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditor rights;不存在涉及第三方的、有碍于本协议签署或者妨碍本协议义

22、务履行的安排或约定。there are no existing arrangements or agreements with third parties, the terms of which prevent the parties from entering into this agreement or which would impede the performance of its obligations under the agreement.五、对产品质量或者保障的陈述与保证例: warranties 质量保证条款the seller guarantee that the equi

23、pment supplied under this contract is made of the best quality materials with first class workmanship, brand new, up to standard in all respects and in good condition.卖方保证提供的设备是全新制造的,用最好的材料及新设计,符合各方面的标准并状况良好。例:让与人将保证按合同要求向引进方提供的技术资料和软件是让与人实际使用的和最新的并被证实了的技术资料和软件,并保证在合同执行过程中及时向引进方免费提供改进、修改和开发的新的技术资料和软

24、件。the licensor shall guarantee that the technical documentation and software supplied by the licensor to the licensee in accordance with the contract shall be of the latest and well-proved technical documentation and software which are actually used by the licensor and that the improved, modified an

25、d developed technical documentation and softwareshall be supplied in time by the licensor to the licensee in the course of implementation of the contract, without charge.例:许可方保证是本专有技术的合法所有者或持有者,并且有权许可被许可方使用licensor guarantees that it is the legitimateowner or holder of know-howand in the lawfulposit

26、ionto grant thelicense to licensee.例:许可方保证本专有技术是最新的现代化用的,能依照合同附件二的规定予以开发。licensor guarantees that know-how is well developed and industrialized, and is exploitable in accordance with technical documentation specified in appendix 2.例:许可方保证合同附件一规定的合格的合同产品能在工作现场采用本专有技术制造出来。licensor guarantees that qualified contract products as specified in appendix 1 can be manufactured by exploiting know-how at job site.例:许可方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的


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