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1、鲜活农产品的供应链管理Supply Chain Managementof Perishable Products甜瓜供应链管理案例,Gansu Agricultural University April 2005,供应链管理是什么?What is Supply Chain Management?,在生产者与消费者之间建立链条Developing a chain that links producers with consumers 通过生产过程、行销过程及市场向消费者提供具有竞争力的产品Production, distribution and marketing processes provi

2、ding competitive product to consumer,供应链管理是什么What is Supply Chain Management?,两个关键点2 key functions: A)改进农产品的质量及减少损失率以提高供应链管理的效率 operational efficiency in logistics for improvement in quality and reduction in losses B)制定战略与链条成员间关系的管理 strategic decision making and relationship management between chain

3、 members,1.实施供应链管理的效率 Operational Efficiency,目的- 减少甜瓜采收后的损失率To minimize postharvest losses 方法- 通过系统分析鉴别损失率高的环节和多余的环节Identify high loss points and poor product flow through systems analysis 绘制产品流程图Map the flow of product- process flow chart 描述每个处理环节Describe each handling process 在每个环节检测损失率Measure los

4、ses at each point,产品流程的案例Example of Product Flow Chart,甜瓜从田间到市场的流程melons pass though a number of processes on way to consumer 每个环节都做些什么What happens at each point? 每个环节是否都有效Is it efficient?,步骤分析Analysis of Each Step,采收Harvest 产品质量Quality of product - 成熟度,瓜病,大小,安全杀虫剂maturity, disease, size, pesticide

5、safety 机械损伤Mechanical damage 冷害损伤Physiological damage - 温度temperature 延期采收Delays,步骤分析Analysis of Each Step,包装Packaging 分级Grading 适当的防护Adequate protection 适当的大小Suitable size,步骤分析Analysis of each Step,运输Transport 温度 Temperature 运输期Time to market 机械损伤率Mechanical losses,步骤分析运输Analysis of each Step - Tra

6、nsport,步骤分析Analysis of each Step,市场Market 市场不同对甜瓜质量要求不同Different market for different quality 温度Temperature 出售的时间Time to sell 瓶颈在哪里Bottle necks?,链条上每个环节的损失率What were losses at each step?,供应链各环节 损失率() 瓜农收获过程 9.1 收购商的收购过程 很低 批发商运输过程 11 零售商销售过程 12 消费者的消费过程 5 37.1 资料来源:根据ACIAR“甜瓜采后疾病控制甜瓜供应链管理研究”项目,如何降低损

7、失率How to Minimize Losses? 建立产品质量管理体系Implement a quality management scheme,提供产品说明书Provides specifications of product 实施说明书的过程Processes to achieve specifications 消费者始终有安全的食品Consumer has consistent and SAFE product,什么是产品的质量What is Quality?,进行预期消费者座谈Meeting consumer expectations 符合消费者的期望Conforming to ex

8、pectations 可事先确定质量一致性Predictable uniformity 对消费者来讲,安全可靠,成本较低Dependability, at low cost to consumer,哈密瓜的成熟指标标准Maturity Indices for Hami?,色泽Colour 由绿至黄green through to yellow 瓜须的干燥程度Dryness of tendrils 个体的大小与外形Size and shape 含糖量Sugar content what % is acceptable 花期后的天数Days after flowering?,哈密瓜成熟度标准Mat

9、urity Indices for Hami?,可以用瓜表皮的色泽对比看其糖分含量Can you plot colour against sugar % 可以用瓜表皮的色泽不同反应瓜的成熟度Can you develop a chart of photographs,1,2,3,4,如何进行质量管理What is quality Management?,建立一套质量标准体系Documented sets of procedures that allow consistent products of desired quality 编制质量手册Quality Manual 对每个步骤进行监视与记

10、录Monitoring and recording at each step e.g. harvest, transport and storage temp, spray records etc,2.供应链成员间的关系 Relationship Management,关键是通过合作,如何才能给消费者提供最好的产品Focus is on how to work together to deliver a top quality product to the consumer 焦点是保持长期的关系而非一次性的交易Focus on long term relationships not one-o

11、ff transactions 最核心的问题是链条成员间的信任Main key is trust between members,农产品供应链的特征Characterisitcs of SCM,合作Collaborative information flows between members on which cvs to grow, agronomic practices, how product performed in market all aimed at improving performance 交易较少Fewer involved in transactions 交易关系更稳定B

12、usiness relationships more stable,农产品供应链的特征Characteristics of SCM,通常有一个链条的管理者Often involves a channel manager e.g. wholesaler linking supply from growers to consumers 这个管理者往往会获得较大的收益Channel manager is usually one with highest profit vested interest in making it work,农产品供应链中的价值链Characteristics of SCM

13、 -Value Chain,关键问题是供应链伙伴之间的利益分配Focus on the distribution of values among supply chain partners 建立一种有益的观念或思想,即理解新技术或措施的使用及其所带来的附加成本的分担A helpful concept to understand adoption of innovations,Distribution of profits among supply chain partners when they share (C, D) or do not (B) share costs/profits of

14、 innovation.,Retailer profit Retailer cost Agent fee Grower profit Innovation cost Grower cost,A,甘肃省黄河蜜瓜的供应链The supply chains of Huang-he melon in Gansu province,GROWERS 农民,AGENTS MERCHANTS 收购商,WHOLESALERS 批发商,RETAILERS SUPERMARKETS 零售商,GROWERS 农民,RETAILERS 零售商,如何建立可行的供应链 How to form supply chains t

15、hat work,农民 Farmers,生产优良品质的甜瓜 Adopt proper cultural practices and technologies to grow quality fruit 有长远的眼光,建立声誉 Have a long term vision of their business and aim to establish a reputation and credibility for their business 农民成立团体,增加供货量,彼此学习 Work together in groups to gain a greater volume and to sh

16、are info and learn from each other,交易商 Traders,有长远的眼光, 愿意与农民长期合作 Have a long term interest in their business and develop long term relationships with farmers 参与采后技术的研发 Be interested in involved in postharvest handling technologies and issues 提供市场信息给农民 Offer market info to farmers,政府及推广人员 Extension o

17、fficers,协助农民及批发商,适时举办推广会Farmers and traders will require facilitation to make changes to form supply chains, e.g., training workshops 试用参与模式 Embrace a participatory approach 对本身的工作及角色有兴趣,不半途而废They need to be committed to their role and follow through their tasks,供应链管理的优势Advantages of SCM,竞争存在于不同的供应链

18、之间而非单个的组织Whole chains become competitive rather than individuals 在同一链条上成员之间能更公平的分享收益Those in same chain share more equitably in profits 所有的风险承担者都会给予回报Delivers benefits to all stakeholders -尽可能保护消费者利益 Optimizes benefits to consumers -尽可能回报风险投资者 Optimizes returns to stakeholders,供应链管理的优势Advantages of SCM,可以从农民处预先获得部分供应 Provides adequate and predictable supply from growers 产品包装,分级标准化Standardized pa


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