



1、最新 料推荐英语五大基本句型基本概念:与汉语相似,英语句子是由主语(subject), 谓语动词(verb), 宾语 (object), 表语(predicative), 状语 (adverbial), 宾语补足语 (object complement) 等成分组成,按照这些成分的组合方式英语句子可分为五种基本句型。句型一:主语+不及物动词不及物动词本身就可以表达完整的意念, 不需要宾语及补语, 但有时可有副词, 介词短语等状语修饰语。e.g. the rain stopped .the old man walks in the park .句型一的扩展:1.主语 +不及物动词 +状语e.g.

2、 the machine works smoothly. ( 机器运转正常。)2.there + 不及物动词 +主语e.g. there is some milk in the bottle .there comes the bus .3. 主语 +不及物动词 + 动词不定式e.g. they stopped to take a short rest . (他们停下来稍作休息)特别提醒 :动词stop 可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作不及物动词时, 通常后接动词不定式,表示停下来的目的是做另一件事。作及物动词时,通常后接动名词,表示停止做这件事。e.g. they stopped tak

3、ing a rest .句型二 :主语 +系动词 +表语系动词本身不能表达完整的意念没,需要形容词,名词,介词短语等来补充说明主语,也叫主语补语。e.g. my sister is a nurse .i feel quite hungry .the ball is under the desk .句型三:主语 +及物动词 +宾语及物动词本身需要一个动作的接受者(宾语),才可以表达一个完整的意念。e.g. we are learning english .do you know him ?1最新 料推荐your radio needs repairing .she hopes to see he

4、r uncle.句型四:主语 +及物动词 +间接宾语 +直接宾语有些及物动词需要两个宾语才能表达一个完整意念。e.g. her mother bought her a skirt.give me the book, please.特别提醒a. 在此句型中, 通常是间接宾语(人)在前,直接宾语(物)在后,有时直接宾语和间接宾语可以对调,这时间接宾语前应加上适当的介词。e.g. her mother bought a skirt for her .give the book to me , please .直接宾语与间接宾语对调时,间接宾语前加介词to 的动词有:give(给), tell( 告诉

5、 ) , lend(借给 ) , sell(卖 ), teach(教) , send(寄给 ), write( 写给 ), show(出示 ) , return(还给 ), bring(带给 ), pass(递给 ), leave(留给 ), offer( 提供 ), hand(交给 )间接宾语前加介词for 的动词有:buy(买), choose(选择 ), get (弄到 ), make(做), order(订购 ), sing (唱歌 ), do (做), play(演奏 )b. 如果直接宾语为人称代词那么必须把直接宾放在间接宾语前,且间接宾语前要加上适当的介词。e.g. i hande

6、d it to our teacher .不能说: i handed our teacher it .c. 此句型变为被动语态时,可分为两种情况。e.g. her mother bought her a skirt .a. she was bought a skirt by her mother .b. a skirt was bought for her by her mother.句型五:主语 +及物动词 +宾语 +宾语补足语及物动词本身需要一个宾语外, 还需要一个名词,形容词,副词 , 动词不定式,分词来补充说明宾语,才能表达一个完整的意念。2最新 料推荐e.g. we elected

7、li yang our monitor.the news made us sad.she saw the thief steal into the shop .the teacher asked me to answer the question .i found the man stealing the money .i found my money stolen .特别提醒a.现在分词为宾语补足语时, 宾语与现在分词之间是主动关系; 过去分词为宾语补足语时 ,宾语与过去分词之间是被动关系。b. 在 let(让),make(使得 ),have(请,让,使得),see(看 ),hear(听到

8、),watch(观看 ),feel(感觉到 ),listen to (倾听 ),look at (看到 ),notice(注意到 )等动词后的宾语补足语如果为不定式,则省掉 ”to 但”,变为被动语态时,则要带 ”to ”.e.g. we hear her sing next door.she is heard to sing next door .c. 此句型变为被动语态时,只有一种情况。 e.g. they saw him steal the oldmansmoney.he was seen to steal the oldmansmoney .英语五大基本句型练习1.i am sorry

9、 to have kept you _.a. waitb. to waitc. waitingd. waited2.she found her dog _over by a car on the road.a. runb. rand. to rund. running3. rose is going to have her hair _.a. dob. donec. didd. doing4. she felt somebody _her.a. touchedb. touchesc. touchd. to touch5. she taught him _speak english.a. how

10、b. how could hec. how he couldd. how to6.he didn tenjoy the play because he _.a. was boringb. boredc. was boredd. boring7.i will make your dream _.a. comes trueb. to come truec. coming trulyd. come true8.he warned _home .a. us to not gob. us not to goc. we not god. us not go9. canned food does not g

11、o _.a. bed easily b. badly easy c. bad easy d. badly easily 10.the sad news kept her _all the night.a. awakeb. wakenc. waked. to wake3最新 料推荐11.i think _a bad habit to get up late .a. thatb. itc. thisd. its12.he found his money _.a. stealb. stealingc. stolend. to steal13.roses in bloom smell _.a. swe

12、etlyb. sweetc. sweetend. sweetness14.we must have the machine _.a. to repairb. repairingc. repaird. repaired15.she was lying in the sofa _a book.a. readingb. readc. to readd. to reading16.a television set will keep us _of the news of the day.a. informb. to informc. informedd. informing17.the speaker

13、 found himself _all alone.a. leftb. leavec. leavingd. to leave18.the speaker found himself _.a. misunderstandb. misunderstandingc. misunderstoodd. to misunderstand19.-my watch is broken.why don tyou _.a. take a repairer your watchb. take your watch a repairerc. take to a repairer itd. take it to a r

14、epairer20.i heard you went to the museum yesterday and couldn tfind _the hotel.a. how to return tob. how you could go forc. the way back ford. the way back to21.yesterday was my birthday. my mother _.a. made a cake to meb. made a cake mec. made for me a caked. made me a cake22. the teacher _john a g

15、ood student.a. believesb. knowsc. suggestsd. considers23.itsafine day. let sgo boating, _?a. will web. don twec. wontwed. shall we24.don tsmoke in the classroom, _?a. will youb. do youc.don tyoud. wontyou25.he seldom has lunch at home, _he?a. hasb. hasn tc. doesd. doesn t26.we had to get up early, _

16、we?a. didn tb. don tc. hadd. did27.you had tom do the job, _you?a. didb. didn tc. hadd. hadn t28.let us have another look, _you?a. willb. wouldc.wontd. wouldn t29.nobody came, _?a. didn theb. didn ttheyc. did hed. did they30.we ought to hand it in today, _we?a. oughtn t b. don t c. shouldn td. wont4

17、最新 料推荐31.we dbetter wait for ten more minutes, _?a. hadn tweb. don twec. didn twed. wouldn twe32. i dlike a sandwich, _?a. would youb. do youc. couldn tyoud. don tyou33.this is the third time this week john has had to study late, _?a. hasn the b. isn the c. hasn titd. isn tit34.you and i did it toge

18、ther, _?a. didn ti b. didn tyouc. did youd. didn twe35.they should have completed it earlier, _?a. should they b. shouldn tthey c. have they d. haven tthey 36. you may take it if you want to, _?a. mayntyoub. don tyouc. shouldn tyoud. wontyou37.you must have told mr. smith the secret, _?a. mustn tyou

19、b. must youc. haven tyoud. have you38.she disliked the skirt his father bought her, _?a. did sheb. didn tshec. was shed. wasntshe39.tom said he was not there then, _?a. didn theb. did hec. wasnthed. was he40. i suppose he is honest , _?a. don tib. do ic. isn thed. is he41. i don tthink he is serious, _?a. don tib. do ic. isn thed. is he42.she sfinished the job, _she ?a. doesn tb. isn tc. wasntd. hasn t43. you aren tateacher, are you?a. yes, i


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