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1、e-Commerce & IT in Aviation 电子商务 & 民航信息化,2004.12.15,2005.12.11,2006.5.22,新闻回放,成为 具有国际知名度的航空公司,2006.6.9,简化商务,电子客票 自助登机 二维条码 无线射频识别 电子货运,国际航空运输协会“简化商务”目标,电子商务是航空业的救命稻草!,电子商务是航空业的救命稻草?,电子商务 = (eCommerce + eBusiness),同业竞争者,替代产品和服务,行业壁垒,上游供应商 议价能力,消费者和分销渠道 的议价能力,By making the overall industry more effici

2、ent, the internet can expand the size of the market. The proliferation of internet approaches creates new substitution threats.,Eliminates powerful channels or improves bargaining power over traditional channels. Shifts bargaining power to end consumers. Reduces switching costs.,Reduces differences

3、among competitors as offerings are difficult to keep proprietary. Migrates competition to price. Widens the geographic market, increasing the number of competitors Lowers variable cost relative to fixed cost, increasing pressures for price discounting.,Reduces barriers to entry as the need for a sal

4、es force, access to channels, and physical assets anything that internet technology eliminates or makes easier to do reduces barriers to entry. Internet applications are difficult to keep proprietary form new entrants. A flood of new entrants has come into many industries.,Procurement using the inte

5、rnet tends to raise bargaining power over suppliers, though it can also give suppliers access to more customers. The internet provides a channel for suppliers to reach end users, reducing the leverage of intervening companies. Internet procurement and digital markets tend to give all companies equal

6、 access to suppliers, and gravitate procurement to standardized products that reduce differentiation. Reduced barriers to entry and the proliferation of competitors downstream shifts power to suppliers.,How the Internet Influences Industry Structure (Porter, Michael 2001),SUPPLIER,TRADITIONAL TRAVEL

7、 AGENT,ONLINE TRAVEL AGENT,COMPETITIVE INTENSITY,(Based on volume),(Based on real-time information),SELECTIVE BARGAINING POWER,COLLECTIVE BARGAINING POWER,BUYER,议价能力的转移,不透明,完全透明,“价格”是互联网上最容易被传递和比较的参数。,“Internet tends to weaken industry profitability without providing proprietary operational advantag

8、e. The time has come to see the Internet for what it is: an enabling technology. The key question is not whether to deploy internet technology companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive but how to deploy it. The internets great impact has been to enable the reconfiguration of existing

9、 industries that had been constrained by high costs for communicating, gathering information, or accomplishing transactions. (Porter, 2001),“The Internet levels the playing field.” (Tom Murphy of Royal Caribbean, 2000),不要忘记!,航空业是基于服务的行业。 电子商务的最终目的: 降低成本 提高服务,McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2003. The McGraw-Hill C

10、ompanies. All Rights Reserved,ICTs “is having the greatest impact on the marketing & distribution functions, while leaving others which need more human contact relatively untouched.” 信息技术对服务营销和分销将产生强烈冲击。 (Poon 1993, quoted by OConnor,1999),顾客消费的五个步骤,For those reasons, “airlines were the leader in de

11、veloping high volume, transaction-based computer systems and they were the first to feel the need for distribution systems on an international scale.” 基于以上原因,航空业在世界上最先开发出大规模计算机处理系统,并最早把分销系统推向国际市场。 (Fitzgerald, 2000),航空产品的特点,空间有限(相同的机舱,有限的餐饮和娱乐 设施,有限的客舱服务人员) 服务标准预定(高度管制的行业) 核心业务同质(从A点位移到B点),Low,Low,H

12、igh,High,Impact on Production,Impact on Distribution,Airline,NTO/LTO,TravelAgent,Meeting Planning,Hotel,TourOperator,Car Rental,Attractions,Bed & Breakfast,Surf BoardRentals,Restaurant,Catering,Adapted from Werthrner (2000) p. 20 and Sheldon (1997) p.12,Adapted from Hukill,TIM 603,信息技术对旅游行业的影响,Phili

13、p Alford, 2005,Leisure Traveler Business Traveler,Travel Portal,Travel Agents,Tour operator,GDS CRS Conso- Lidator Whole- saler,Airline Transfer Accomm. Cruise Car Hire Insurance Ferry Excursion Rail Other,Consumer,Distributor,Principal,Aggregator,Supplier,Internet,旅游供应链,分销 提供增值服务 创造更多就业 增加分销(中间)成本

14、割断了消费者与服务提供商之间的信息交流,中间商的作用,民航业电子商务应用发展趋势,顾客驱动的商务模式,TYPE I,TYPE II,去传统中间商,新型中间商,直销/直投广告,直接服务,信息集成商,为顾客增加价值,Adapted from Hukill,TIM 603,两种电子商务模式 TYPE I/II,Slide courtesy of Dr. Hukill,航空公司的代理,顾客的代理,机票代理的角色,Jul. 2003 Jun. 2004 Jan. 2005 Aug. 2005 Nov. 2005 Apr. 2006 Apr. 2006 Apr. 2006 May. 2006 Jun. 2

15、006,与中航信合作推出符合IATA国际标准 的ET 香港地区航线电子客票 国内 BSP ET 国际航线电子客票(北美) 国内联程电子客票(上航、山航) 国际联程电子客票(国泰) 国际B2C电子客票 首都机场自助登机设备 国外旅游分销系统GDS电子客票 新行程单(报销凭证)启用,国航 ET 实施进度,国航国内 ET 销售量及 ET 比例,从2005年1月至2006年4月,ET 销售量增长8倍, ET 销售份额由9% 增长至 52%.,ET 类型 ICS / BSP / B2C,From Jan. 2005 to Apr. 2006,BSP ET比例快速增长,B2C ET 只占全部ET的0.15

16、%.,ET 电子客票 媒介的变化 客票由纸制媒介变为电子媒介 降低客票的印刷,储运,管理,录入成本 初期投入增加,在国内降低成本有限 2007年底完成转换 B2C 电子直销(电子商务 E-commerce) 渠道的变化 借助因特网实现对单个旅客的直销 降低分销成本,加强了航空公司与顾客间的联系 初期投入增加,在境内外拓展直销渠道 低成本公司比例相对较高,网络型公司比例相对较低,B2C 业务是 ET业务的自然延伸,全球电子客票发展趋势 ET百分比,中国增长十分迅猛,Source: IATA,实现100%ET的两大障碍,Interline ET 航空公司 相互开帐金额 系统提供商 ET标准 CA

17、- Travelsky 2000.2 联盟 Code share IET HUB Multi-to-Multi 离港问题 枢纽/点到点 地面代理 离港系统 支持任何ET否 是否改 FRA,中国民航发展历程,重点解决“信息孤岛”和“行业标准”问题,Adapted from Buhalis, 2003,民航信息化水平,以新行程单为例,Unique e-Commerce Model,e-Commerce in Chinas Airlines Industry,Passengers,Cost,Technology,Transaction,Channel,Policy,Passengers,Passen

18、gers,60% passengers are business travelers paid by governments or companies. For leisure market, group tour is prevalence. Nearly 70% air traffic generated by a few population of frequent flyers. Both business and leisure travelers emphasize on convenience and good service,(Source: CAMIC 2004 domest

19、ic passengers survey),Cost,Cost,Labor cost related to issuing and delivering ticket is extremely low in China Physical labor cost is much lower than intellectual labor cost. ET infrastructure is not cheap. ,ET cant save as much money as in Western countries.,Technology,Single ICS and DCS Monopoly by

20、 Travelsky . Airlines are weak at IT and eCommerce. Low Cost Carriers are small and weak.,Technology,Transaction,Transaction,Legacy state owned bank system lack of protecting consumers right. Credit card users in big cities are increasing rapidly (110M internet users, nearly half have broadband acce

21、ss.) Transaction trust (ordered goods will arrive, payment will be made) On-site commerce (friendly conversations between the vendor and the customer),(Source:Alev M., Vincent F. Yip, 2004),Distribution Channel,80% of domestic tickets are sold by ticket agents and travel agencies, for international market, the rate is even higher. More than 14,000 registered travel agencies (1,400 with international license), even more illegal travel agencies in Chin


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