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1、cover,美心英语,实用英语,contents,unit 5,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,focus 1 section 1 :text: was it a dream? background information warm up vocabulary intensive reading exercises: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii section 2: listening and speaking focus 2 section 1: text: david swan exercises: i , ii language points section 2:

2、 practical writing directions for using health care products,enjoying cambridge(iii),background information focus1 section 1,focus 1 section i,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,some basic facts about human nature,background information,enjoying cambridge(iii),is human nature good or evil? many arguments have been made

3、 on this issue. by “good” i mean behavior that is altruistic (无私心的), intentionally beneficial to other people more than yourself, socially commendable, benevolent and generally nice behavior. by “evil” i mean killing, selfishness, fear, lust, the urge to reproduce, violence and mankind behaving as a

4、 primitive animal. in fact human nature is very complicated. on one hand, a person may be honest, kind, hardworking, and sympathetic. on the other hand, the same person could be selfish, hypocritical and cruel. as we all know people who will claim to be good or caring, and who, in reality, can be ve

5、ry petty, hypocritical, insensitive and downright rotten. what is the cause of the complex and multi-sided human nature? this complication is deeply rooted in our society. the society is getting more and more competitive and practical. some people are so eager to succeed that they would do whatever

6、they can, by fair means or foul. some people also believe that the good in the natural world is based on evil. even the moralistic, conscious and righteous good of human beings is based on evil and materialism. the complete picture of the living and natural world is that evil dominates: without evil

7、 there would be no good. in one word, good and evil are closely related and together make up human nature.,warm up focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,warm up,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),1. what is your opinion about human nature? 2. which of the following statements do you agree with? hum

8、an nature is good. human nature is evil. human nature is both good and evil. human nature is neither good or evil. i dont know what human nature is.,vocabulary focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,vocabulary please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading,focus 1 section i,enjoyin

9、g cambridge(iii),难道是梦? 我曾疯狂地爱着她!我遇见了她,从此每天就靠她的温柔、美丽、善良和爱而活着。我完全沉浸于有关她的一切事情之中,以至于不再关心这片古老土地上的日夜或冬夏。,intensive reading-para1 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,1 i loved her madly! i met her and lived every day on her tenderness, her beauty, her virtue, and her love. i was so wrapped up in everything abo

10、ut her that i no longer cared whether it was day or night, winter or summer, on this old earth of ours.,intensive reading,was it a dream?,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),virtue: n. c, u a particular good quality or habit 美德,德行;优点,长处 e.g. (1) among her many virtues are loyalty, courage and

11、truthfulness. 她有许多美德,诸如忠诚、勇敢、诚实。 (2) honesty is a virtue. 诚实是一种美德。 (3) plastic has many virtues. 塑料有很多优点。 短语by virtue of意为“because of sth. 因为,由于,凭借”。 e.g. (1) by virtue of your promise to lend me $5,000, i bought the car yesterday. 多亏你答应借我5000美元,我昨天才把车买下来。 (2) the boy is dependent by virtue of youth

12、. 因为年幼,这个男孩还没自立。,be wrapped up in sb./sth.: to be so involved with sb./sth. that you do not pay enough attention to other people or things全神贯注于,专心致志于,完全沉浸于 e.g. (1) he was totally wrapped up in the game. 他被比赛深深吸引了。 (2) i was so wrapped up in the story that i forgot to eat. 我沉浸在小说中以至于忘了吃饭。,intensive

13、reading-para2 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,2 and then she died. how? i do not know. i no longer know anything. she came home one evening in the rain. she coughed, and then had a high fever. there were doctors and prescriptions. there were tablets and injections. i dont remember

14、anything! i have forgotten everything! everything! everything! shes gone. they put her in a coffin after the memorial service! the sound of the hammer that nailed the coffin sealed is still thundering in my head! shes buried in the ground! i dont believe it!,后来她死了。怎么死的?我不知道。我再也不知道任何事了。有天晚上她淋着雨回到家里。她

15、咳嗽,接着发了高烧。后来医生来了,开了药方,然后吃药和打针。我什么都不记得了!我把所有的事都忘了!所有的事!所有的!她走了。悼念仪式后,他们把她放进了棺材!封棺材时锤子的敲击声还在我的脑海中雷鸣般回响!她已长眠地下!我无法相信!,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),question about para. 2 what happened to the writers wife after she came home one evening in the rain?,she coughed, had a high fever and died at

16、 last.,memorial: a. created or done in order to remember sb. who has died追悼的,纪念的 e.g. (1) he had a speech at the memorial ceremony. 他在追悼会上致了词。 (2) during the first week of the new semester, they visited mei lanfang memorial museum. 开学的第一周,他们参观了梅兰芳纪念馆。 memorial还可作名词,意为“a statue, stone, etc. that is b

17、uilt in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous person who has died纪念碑,纪念堂,纪念仪式”。 e.g. (1) they erected a memorial to the martyrs. 他们为烈士们竖了一座纪念碑。 (2) this is the memorial of zunyi meeting. 这是遵义会议纪念馆。,seal: vt. 密封 e.g. (1) the samples are kept in sealed plastic bags. 这些样本保存在密

18、封塑料袋里。 (2) we sealed the back of envelopes before they were delivered to the employees. 我们封上信封的背面后才把信分发给员工。 seal还可作名词,意为“an official design or mark to show that it is genuine and carries the authority of a particular person or organization图章,封印”。 e.g. the letter bore the presidents seal. 信上盖有总统的印章。,

19、thunder: vi. 轰隆响,打雷 e.g. (1) the bears footpace thundered in the forest. 熊的脚步声在森林中轰隆作响。 (2) the applause thundered in the hall. 大厅里响起了雷鸣般的掌声。 thunder还可作名词,意为“the loud noise that you hear after a flash of lightening, during a storm雷,雷声;雷鸣般响声,轰隆声”。 e.g. (1) lightning usually accompanies thunder. 打雷时通常

20、伴随有闪电。 (2) the hall was filled with thunders of applause. 大厅里回荡着雷鸣般的掌声。,intensive reading-para 3-6 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,3 after the funeral, i couldnt face the walls where we had lived. i couldnt face my friends. the next morning i left paris. 4 yesterday i returned to t

21、ake up my life again. but when i saw the rooms where we had lived and loved, i was seized by a new attack of sadness. i had to leave that place again. 5 as i left weeping, i stopped in front of a full-length mirror in the hallwaya mirror which i placed there for her. how often she stood there admiri

22、ng herself! and i, standing near her, admired her much more than she admired herself! 6 “surely this glass contains some of her reflection,” i thought. then i touched it. “its cold,” i wept. oh, what pain seizes a man when he has loved and lost!,questions about paras. 3-4 (2) what did the writer do

23、the next morning after the funeral? (3) why did the writer return yesterday?,葬礼后,我无法再面对我们生活过的房子,无法再面对我的朋友。第二天早晨,我离开了巴黎。 昨天我回来了,想再继续我的生活。但是当我看到那些房间时,顿时又悲伤不已,在那儿,我们曾经生活过、相爱过。我不得不再次离开那个地方。 我流着泪要离开时,在走廊里一面全身镜前停了下来这是我为她放在那儿的镜子。曾多少次,她站在那里,自我陶醉!而我,就站在她身旁,对她的倾慕远远超过了她自己! “这镜子里一定还藏有她的某些影子,”我想。然后我摸摸镜子。“它是冷的,”我

24、哭了。啊,一个失去至爱的男人是多么地痛苦啊!,focus 1 section i,he left paris.,enjoying cambridge(iii),he returned to take up his life again.,在这个句子中有三个admire。admiring herself是现在分词短语充当伴随状语。在第二个句子中,i admired her是主句,standing near her也是现在分词短语充当伴随状语,more than she admired herself是比较状语从句。,intensive reading-para7-10 focus1 sectio

25、n 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,7 i wandered into the street. without thinking, i went to the cemetery. i found her simple grave. it had a white marble cross with these few words: she loved, was loved, and died. 8 there should be a statue of her with a monument beside it. 9 “how horrible to thi

26、nk that she is below here!” i cried. “that beautiful body and pretty face, decayed!” 10 i wept there and didnt want to leave. then i was seized by a mad wishto spend the night there. i hid so they would not find me when they closed for the night. then it began to grow dark. “clank! clank!” the gates

27、 were closed. i was alone, perfectly alone.,我在街头徘徊,不知不觉来到了墓地。我找到了她素朴的坟墓。一个白色大理石十字架立在那里,上面刻着:“她爱过,被爱过,死了。” 这儿应该有一座她的雕像,旁边再放一座纪念碑。 “想想她就在这下面,真是太可怕了!”我大叫道,“那曼妙的身躯,姣好的面容,都香消玉殒了!” 我哭泣着,不想离开那儿。接着我突然有了一个疯狂的想法在那里过夜。我躲了起来,以免他们在晚上关门时发现我。然后天开始逐渐黑了。“哐!哐!”门被关上了。我成了一个人,完完全全是一个人。,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambrid

28、ge(iii),questions about paras. 7 & 10 (4) where did the writer go after he left home and wandered into the street? (5) what did he see at the grave of his wife? (6) what was the mad wish that seized the writer?,he went to the cemetery.,he saw a white marble cross with these few words: she loved, was

29、 loved, and died.,he decided to spend the night in the cemetery.,decay: vi. to rot, to gradually become inferior 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰退,衰落 e.g. (1) vegetables that are decaying cant be eaten. 腐烂的蔬菜不能吃。 (2) his teeth began to decay. 他的牙齿开始被蛀蚀了。 (3) what made the roman empire decay? 罗马帝国为何衰亡? decay还可用作名词,意为“the

30、natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of something腐烂,腐朽;衰败(或衰退)状态”。 e.g. the house had stood empty for years and smelled of decay. 这座房子已经空了好多年,有股朽烂的气味。,intensive reading-para 11-12 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,11 when it was quite dark i left the place where i

31、 had been hiding. i began to walk softly, slowly, quietly through that place full of dead people. then i tried to find her grave again but could not. 12 i felt my way around, madly knocking against the graves with my hands, my feet, my knees, my chest, even my head! but i was unable to find her. i g

32、roped like a blind man on a windy day. i felt the stones, the crosses, the fences, the wreaths and faded flowers!,夜色很浓时,我离开藏身的地方。我开始迈着轻缓的脚步,悄悄穿过这片魂灵栖身之地。我努力寻找她的坟墓,却没找到。 我摸索着周围的路,疯狂地用手、脚、膝盖、胸膛甚至头敲打着坟墓!但我却找不到她!我像风中的盲人一样胡乱摸索。我摸到了石头、十字架、围栏、花圈和凋谢的花朵!,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),grope: vi. t

33、o try and find sth. that you cannot see by feeling with your hands 摸索,搜寻,探寻 e.g. (1) i groped for the light switch. 我摸索着找电灯开关。 (2)she groped through the darkness towards the door. 她摸黑朝门口走去。,intensive reading-para 13-14 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,13 graves! graves! graves! noth

34、ing but damp graves! i was frightened as i struggled in those narrow rows between them. i tried to read the names with my fingers, for in the blackness my eyes were of no use. there was no moon! it was so dark! 14 i sat down. “why am i here,” i asked, “the one living person in this place of the dead

35、?” i could hear my heart beat. then i heard something else. what was it? it seemed that the piece of marble on which i was sitting was moving! it was movingrising! i got up as fast as i could. then i saw a naked skeleton arise from the grave and read aloud in a scary voice what was written on the st

36、one: “here lies jacques olivant, who died at the age of fifty-one. he loved his family, was kind and honorable, and died in the grace of the lord.”,坟!坟!坟!只有潮湿的坟墓!我在坟墓间的小道上艰难地行走着,感到毛骨悚然。我努力用手指“解读”碑文上的名字,因为在黑暗中我的眼睛毫无用处。没有月亮!到处漆黑一片! 我坐了下来。“为什么我要在这里?”我问自己,“一个活人,呆在这个死人的地方!”我听得到自己的心跳声。然后我听到了其他的声音。是什么?我坐着的

37、那块大理石好像在移动!它在动往上升!我飞快地站了起来。接着我看到一个裸露的骷髅从墓穴中站立起来,用骇人的声音读着碑文:“这里躺着雅克奥利文特,他在51岁时去世。他爱他的家人,是友善且受人尊敬之人,在上帝的恩典中去世。”,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),questions about para. 14 (7) what happened to the marble on which the writer was sitting? (8) what did the writer see afterwards?,it was moving and

38、rising.,he saw a naked skeleton arise from the grave and read aloud in a scary voice the words written on the stone.,句型nothing but,意为“只有,除了什么都没有”。用法相似的还有nobody but,nowhere but等。 e.g. (1) i want nothing but ice cream. 我只想要冰激凌。 (2) i want to marry nobody but mike. 我只想嫁给迈克。 damp: a. slightly wet, often

39、 in a way that is unpleasant 潮湿的 e.g. (1) i dont like damp weather. 我不喜欢潮湿的天气。 (2) he slept between damp sheets. 他睡在潮湿的被单里。 damp还可作名词,意为“the state of being damp潮湿,湿气”。 e.g. there is much damp here. 这里太湿。,of no use: useless无用 e.g. (1) the method is of no use. 这种方法没用。 (2) much of the information is of

40、 no practical use. 许多情报没有实际用途。,arise: vi. to stand up 起立,起身,起床;出现,发生;由引起,起源于 它的过去式为arose,它的过去分词是arisen。 e.g. (1) he arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。 (2) new problems arise every day. 每天都有新的问题产生。 (3) how did this quarrel arise? 这场争吵是由什么引发的?,honorable: a. showing or characterized by honor and integrity正直的,诚实的,尊敬

41、的 e.g. (1) he is an honorable man. 他是一个正直的人。 (2)his conduct proves him honorable. 他的操守表明他是可敬的。,intensive reading-para 15 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,15 then i heard this body of bones give out a cry of deep pain as he took a stone from the path and scratched out the writing he

42、had just read. he then took the tip of the bone that had been his forefinger and wrote in big, bright letters: here lies jacques olivant, who died at the age of fifty-one. he hastened his fathers death with his unkindness because he wanted his money. he was cruel to his wife and children. he deceive

43、d his neighbors, robbed everyone he could, and died a miserable man.,接着,我听到这具骷髅发出痛苦的叫声,他从小路上拿起一块石头,刮掉刚才所读的碑文,然后用他食指骨尖写下了又大又亮的字: 这里躺着雅克奥利文特,他在51岁时去世。因为想要父亲的财产,他对父亲很不孝顺,从而加速了父亲的死亡。他对妻子和孩子残忍无情。他欺骗了他的邻居,掠夺了所有能够掠夺的人的钱财,最后凄惨地死去。,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),question about para. 15 (9) what di

44、d the skeleton do after he read what was written on the gravestone?,the skeleton gave out a cry of deep pain as he took a stone from the path, scratched out the writing he had just read and took the tip of the bone that had been his forefinger and wrote some other words.,tip: n. c 尖端,末端;小费 e.g. (1)

45、it lies on the southern tip of the island. 它位于岛的最南端。 (2) the eagle measured six feet from tip to tip. 那只老鹰翼展长6英尺。 (3) the waiter always gets some generous tips. 这个服务生总能得到慷慨的小费。 tip还可用作动词,意为“to give a tip or gratuity to sb. in return for a service给小费;轻触,轻碰”。 e.g. (1) remember to tip the waiter. 记得要给服

46、务员小费。 (2) the sword tipped his shoulder. 剑轻轻触到他的肩。 e.g. (1) he hastened his steps. 他加快了步伐。 (2) you must hasten and publish your result. 你必须赶快公布你的结果。,hasten从名词haste派生而来,haste意为“overly eager speed急速,急忙”。 e.g. (1) she made haste to tell her mother the good news. 她赶忙将好消息告诉了她母亲。 (2) he went off in haste.

47、 他匆忙地走了。,intensive reading-para 16 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,16 when the skeleton finished writing, he looked at what he had written. he seemed satisfied that he had finally done an honest thing! then i heard the moving of the gravestones and rattling of bones all around me.

48、other graves were being opened in alphabetic sequence and others were writing the truth about their evil deeds on their gravestones. i saw that many of them had been mean, dishonest, and jealous. i saw them write how they had hated, stolen, cheated, and liedthese good fathers, faithful wives, devote

49、d sons, and pure daughters!,这具骷髅写完后,看着他所写的东西,似乎很满意自己终于做了一件诚实的事情!就在这时,我听到周围的墓碑都在移动,还有骨头撞击的咯咯声。其他的坟墓按照死者名字的字母顺序依次打开了,骷髅都在他们的碑石上写着自己的真实恶行。我看到他们中很多都曾经吝啬、狡诈和心怀妒忌。我看到他们写自己曾经如何仇恨、偷窃、欺骗和撒谎这些所谓的慈爱的父亲、忠贞的妻子、忠诚的儿子和单纯的女儿!,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambridge(iii),question about para. 16 (10) what did all the sk

50、eletons write on the gravestone?,they wrote the truth about their evil deeds.,dishonest: a. lacking honesty不诚实的,欺诈的 e.g. (1) we found him dishonest. 我们发觉他不诚实。 (2) the dishonest lawyer made up the evidence. 那个狡诈的律师伪造了证据。 它是由前缀dis- + honest派生而来的。,write后是一个由how引导的宾语从句。these good fathers, faithful wives

51、, devoted sons, and pure daughters是they的同位语。,intensive reading-para 17-19 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,intensive reading,17 i was amazed at what i saw! then i thought, “surely, she too, is writing! i must see what the love of my life is writing!” 18 i ran without fear past the half-open coffins,

52、the dead bodies, and the skeletons. i found her and recognized her once-beautiful face. as i got there she was scratching out she loved, was loved, and died. then she took the bone of her finger and wrote: having gone out in the rain one day in order to deceive her love, she caught cold and died. no

53、 doses of medicine cured her. 19 they found me at daybreak, lying on the grave, unconscious.,眼前的景象使我惊呆了!然后我想:“她肯定也在写!我一定要看看我亲爱的妻子在写什么!” 我不再恐惧了,跑着穿过那些半开着的棺材、死尸和骷髅。我找到了她,认出了那张曾经美丽的脸!我到那里时,她正刮掉“她爱过,被爱过,死了。”然后她用手指骨写下: 她在雨中外出,背叛了她的爱人,患感冒而死。没有哪一剂药救得了她。 在黎明时人们发现了昏倒在墓地中的我。,focus 1 section i,enjoying cambrid

54、ge(iii),questions about paras. 18 & 19 (11) what did the writer see when he reached his wifes grave? (12) what happened to the writer in the end?,he saw his wife scratch out the words “she loved, was loved, and died” and write the truth of her death.,he was found lying on the grave, unconscious.,dos

55、e: n. c a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time (一次)剂量,一剂,一服 e.g. (1) you must take it in small doses. 你服这药时,剂量一定要小。 (2) he took a dose of medicine. 他服了一剂药。 (3) she gave him a dose of his own medicine. 她对他是以其人之道还治其人之身。 注意英语中和“药”有关的词汇:medicine是不可数名词,通常指药水;tablet是可数名词,指药片;pill是可数名词,指药丸、胶囊

56、;drug也是可数名词,泛指药,但是现在多指毒品。,exercise i.1no.1-6 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,exercise i.1 the following questions are intended to help you get familiar with the text. try to use as much of the original text as possible in your answers.,(1) what happened to the writers wife after she came home one ev

57、ening in the rain? (2) what did the writer do the next morning after the funeral? (3) why did the writer return yesterday? (4) where did the writer go after he left home and wandered into the street? (5) what did he see at the grave of his wife? (6) what was the mad wish that seized the writer?,she

58、coughed, had a high fever and died at last.,focus 1 section i,he returned to take up his life again.,he saw a white marble cross with these few words: she loved, was loved, and died.,he decided to spend the night in the cemetery.,he left paris.,enjoying cambridge(iii),he went to the cemetery.,exerci

59、se i.1 no.7-12 focus1 section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,(7) what happened to the marble on which the writer was sitting? (8) what did the writer see afterwards? (9) what did the skeleton do after he read what was written on the gravestone? (10) what did all the skeletons write on the gravestone? (11) what did the writer see when he reached his wifes grave? (12) what happened to the writer in the end?,it was moving and rising.,focus 1 section


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