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1、,Four season,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,制作人:顾忠阳,班级:六(1)班,Catalogue 目录,Spring 春天 P2-P3 Summer 夏天 P5-P6 Autumn 秋天 P7-P8 Winter 冬天 P9-P10 Translate 翻译 P11-P14,-P1,Spring is a beautiful season, all flowers bloom together. One to the spring , the earth recovery, all things initiation .,Spring 春天,-P2,Pro

2、verb which says : Rain in spring is as precious as oil The rain like a silk yarn Light and thin Under the spring rain moisturize Crops grow better,-P3,Summer 夏天,Summer is a season of the changeable weather, May the sun was now, But it may rain to fall in a few minutes 。 But it is also possible that

3、, The east rain cats and dogs , But the sun is shining on the west 。,-P4,In summer, we can go to the swimming pool to swim , we can also get sweet ice cream to eat . We can eat watermelon and peach , For version is a very fantastic season,-P5,Autumn 秋天,Autumn is a beautiful season , too. when the fa

4、ll comes , The leaves become yellow or red ,Very beautiful 。 Countless beautiful leaves , Blowing in the wind,,-P6,Autumn, the orchard began to busy. Then well see cartloads of fruit and grain。 Chrysanthemum in full bloom, fragrance waft of the earth, refreshing 。,-P7,The coming of the winter , Peop

5、le are changed into the thick cotton-padded clothes, Isolate the cold 。 The coming of the winter, Also let all things lost vitality , Leaving people with exhaustion,Winter 冬天,-P8,The arrival of winter and the snow in the footsteps of also is near 。 Little white snow ,Like a fairy in the air and a ha

6、ndful of flour , Sparse, is like concealed 。 Couldnt see countless swirl of snow , Just like the silver stars in the sky,-P9,Translate 翻译,P2: 春天是一个美丽的季节, 百花齐放, 一到春天, 大地复苏, 万物重生,,P3: 有一句谚语说:春雨贵如油。 雨像丝线一样 ,又轻又细。 在春雨滋润下,庄稼长得更好 了。,-P10,P4: 夏天是一个天气多变的季节 , 可能现在烈日当空, 但也许几分钟后就会下起了大雨 但也有可能, 东边大雨倾盆,西边却阳光灿烂,P5: 在夏天,我们可以去游泳池游泳, 我们也可以吃到甜甜的冰淇淋, 我们还可以吃到西瓜和桃子, 对于吃货来说是一个非常梦幻的季节,-P11,P6: 秋天也是一个美丽的季节, 当秋天来了, 树叶变成黄色或红色 ,十分美丽 无数美丽的叶子随风飘荡,P7: 秋天,果园里开始忙了 然后我们会看到一车车的水果和谷物 菊花也盛开了,香气四溢,让人耳目一新,-P12,P8: 冬天的到来, 人们都穿上了厚厚的棉衣抵抗寒冷。


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