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1、Chinese Tea Culture,中国茶文化,Scope,Origin and Culture Leo 起源及文化 the Types of Tea Liya 类别及品种 Tea Sets Angela 茶具 Making Tea Violet 沏茶步骤 Savoring Tea Water 品茶,A Chinese old saying gose : Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day. 开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶,The origin of

2、 Chinese tea,Tea was discovered by ShenNong and become popular as a drink in the state of Lu The Classic of Tea “茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公。” 茶经,Shennong,Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and he ate 72 poison herbs someday,he found tea to make himself safe and sound. Shennong Ben Cao Jing “神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之。

3、” 神农本草经,oblation,medicine,food,drink,祭品 药品 食品 饮品 Western Zhou Spring and Autumn Warring States Han Dynasty period period 西周 春秋 战国 汉,Development of tea,As a kind of drink,tea became popular and flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty. We can say, the events of tea in other countries, dire

4、ctly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become our national drink.,In china , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our health, thats why it is loved by so many people from ancien

5、t time till now.,Custom of Tea,China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them.,To express thanks to the elders on ones wedding day. 谢父母养育之恩,Pay respect to a master and seek for knowledge. 拜师

6、学艺,the Type of Tea,green tea black tea dark tea Oolong tea yellow tea white tea,the Type of Tea,green tea,black tea,processing:Fresh tea leaves -Withered -Rolled- Fully fermented- Dried,feature:red soup, red leaves,sweet, mellow, reduce the incorporation of cholesterol into mixed micelles,Qihong,Dar

7、jeeling tea,dark tea,Fixed -Rolled -Pile渥堆 -fermented -Dried,Oolong tea,yellow tea,Maojian,Huoshan Huangya,Fixed -Rolled -Yellowed 闷黄-Dried,white tea,Withered -Air dried or baked Re-fired,White Peony Tea,Shou Mei tea,cancers, heart disease,Tea sets,茶具的构成,茶壶 Teapot 茶杯 Teacup 茶盘 Teaboard 茶托Teacup Hold

8、er 茶海 Warm pitcher 茶洗 Tea Wash 茶仓 Tea Canister 茶荷 Tea Holder 茶巾 Tea Cloth 茶夹 Tea Clip 水方 Water vessel 渣匙 Tea Spoon,茶具的种类,陶土茶具clay tea sets 瓷器茶具porcelain 漆器茶具lacquer 玻璃茶具vitreous 金属茶具metallic 竹木茶具baboo,陶土茶具,Porcelain tea sets,紫砂壶Sand-fired Pot,瓷器茶具,Porcelain tea sets,白瓷茶具White Porcelain,青瓷茶具Celadon,黑

9、瓷茶具Black Porcelain,漆器茶具,Lacquer tea sets,玻璃茶具,Vitreous tea sets,金属茶具,Metallic tea sets,竹木茶具,Baboo tea sets,Making Tea,- Intorduction about Making Tea,Scope,- How to make tea,- Appreciating Art,Make Tea,Tea appeared in some poems, and also was given to others as a present, it was precious in ancient

10、time. Chinese people love tea and tea is a kind of spirit to chinese people.,Bride-price 聘礼,Faience ware pot 彩陶壶,Hot Pot 烫壶,Put in tea 置茶,Warm the cup 温杯,Wash the tea On high 悬壶高冲,Make tea in the low spot 低泡,teapot,Teacup and fragrance-smelling cup,Gongdao Bei 公道杯,Tea Tray,Divide tea 分茶,Offer the tea 敬茶,appreciating art,Savoring the Tea,Look at the colour of the tea in teacup.,鉴尝汤色 (看 茶),Smell the fragrance of tea 闻茶香,品啜甘霖 (喝 茶),We should drink the tea slowly to Savoring it.,we should drink the tea slowly to Savoring it. Slightly bitter first, and then comes th


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