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1、1,Lean Hand Book 精益生产手册,2,Defect : X 1/10 缺陷降低90% Inventory : X 库存减半 Productivity : X 2 生产效率翻倍 Lead Time : X 生产周期减半 Scrap : X 1/10 报废降低90% Space : X 面积减半,Goal : Add Value 制程设计治具同时放置 4 块PCB板,则制程的节拍时间是 48 秒/治具。如果同时有 2 条生产线生产,制程的节拍时间则为 96 秒。,Scenario 2: If Top and Bottom product running on same line at

2、 the same time, Takt time shall be half = 48sec 情节2:如果正反面产品同时在一条生产线生产,节拍时间则为一半,48秒。,As such the Process Takt Time Calculation as following: 制程节拍时间计算如下: = Takt Time X Product Up x Process Up X Number of Line = 2 sec X 6 products per panel X 4 Panel per pallet X 2 Lines = 96 sec,9,What is Standard WIP

3、什么是标准WIP,Various types of WIP in our manufacturing process 生产过程中存在各种类型的WIP Standard WIP 标准WIP Process WIP制程WIP Process To Process WIP制程与制程间WIP Station To Station WIP工位与工位间WIP,10,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIP,WIP means INVENTORY. INVENTORY is Basically bad. WIP就是库存。库存从根本上说是“不好”的。 Standard WIP is the I

4、deal or Should be conditions for WIP 标准WIP是理想WIP或者是WIP的应有状态。 However, before you fully achieved Standard WIP Quantity, you might need to go through various stages to understand your process Muda and bottle neck 然而,在完全达到标准WIP数量前,你需要经过不同的阶段了解制程中的浪费和瓶颈。 Key Note from Sensei: 老师的重要提示: To understand the

5、above WIP definitions, go to The Genba and perform your own work towards Establishing the right WIP quantities. This is the Only way you can understand the definition. 要理解WIP定义,你需要去到现场在工作中实践正确的WIP数量。这是让你理解这个定义的唯一方法。,11,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIP,The purpose of Standard WIP is:标准WIP的目的: Separation

6、between machine job and man job 区分机器作业和手动作业 Ensures quality requirements确保质量要求 Ensures smooth flow based on Takt time确保基于节拍时间的连续流 Example 1: 例子1 WIP in the reflow oven for curing with process time 6 min and Takt time 30 sec. 在回流焊炉中固化的WIP,制程时间 6 min,节拍时间 30 sec. Standard WIP in the curing oven = Proc

7、ess Time / Takt Time 回流焊炉的标准WIP = 6 min / 30 sec = 12 Pcs,12,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIP,Example 2: 例子2 WIP in the tester at backend assembly with process time 60 sec and Takt Time 30 sec. 后段组装线测试机的WIP,制程时间 60 sec,节拍时间 30 sec. Standard WIP in the Test station = 60 sec/ 30 sec 测试工位的标准WIP = 2 pcs In

8、other words, Standard WIP in order to fulfill the above 1), 2), 3) functions, It is the compulsory WIP in the machine / process before establish standard work for the process. 换句话说,标准WIP能够确保上述1),2),3)达成,在建立标准作业前,标准WIP是机器和制程强制的WIP。,13,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIP,Process WIP 制程WIP WIP within same pro

9、cess with low variation of cycle time 同一个制程中的WIP,周期时间CT变化很小 It is all that WIP in the same process, not categorized as Standard WIP or PTP WIP. 所有在同一个制程中的WIP,不是标准WIP或制程间WIP. Example:- 例如 Before Kaizen, Manual Insert (MI) Line Process WIP =9 pcs. After Kaizen MI Process WIP is 3. Standard WIP for eac

10、h station is 1pc. 改善前,插件拉的制程WIP=9 pcs。改善后插件拉制程WIP=3pcs。每个工位的标准WIP为1pcs.,variance,After,Before,Process WIP = 3, Standard WIP = 1,Process WIP = 9, No standard WIP,14,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIP,Process To Process WIP (PTP WIP) 制程间WIP WIP between 2 different processes with big gap cycle time两个周期时间相差很大

11、的不同制程间的WIP. PTP WIP Is needed due to changeover in upstream line. 上游制程需要转拉,则需设定制程间WIP.,Not All line need PTP WIP.不是所有产线都需要制程间WIP. If Cycle time of Upstream Process is Less then Down stream process 如果上游制程的周期时间小于下游制程的周期时间 Example 1:- SMT Cycle time (30 sec) Less then Manual Insertion (60 sec) 例1:SMT周期

12、时间(30 sec)小于MI插件周期时间 (60 sec) CT (Upstream process) Need PTP WIP 需要制程间WIP If Cycle time Upstream process is Equal or greater then Down stream process, No PTP WIP required. 如果上游制程的周期时间大于或等于下游制程的周期时间,不需要制程间WIP.,15,What is Standard WIP什么是标准WIPProcess To Process WIP制程间WIP,Example 2:- Process A cycle tim

13、e 15 sec. It is faster then Process B cycle time 25sec. Process A is running 2 product models as capacity requirement. In order to Keep Process line running, process to process WIP is required between Process A and B. The calculation as below:- 例2:制程A周期时间是15sec,比制程周期时间25sec快。制程A根据生产能力需求,需要生产2种产品。为了保

14、证产线正常运作,需要在制程A和制程B之间设定制程间WIP。计算如下:,Takt Time = 30sec Changeover Time = 5 min,30sec,Process A,Process B,16,Takt Time 节拍时间,Cycle time Takt time ( 1 Station Process ) C/TTakt Time (1个工位),Cycle time than takt for single process (2 same stations needed) C/TTakt (需要2个相同工位),TAKT Time = 20s,Note注: CT TT : A

15、dditional Machine/Man needed 需要额外的机器/人员,It can be used to calculate 节拍时间可以计算 Total Operators needed员工需求数量 Total machines needed机器需求数量 Standard WIP needed & Etc标准WIP需求数量,等,17,Is the Takt time visible (with counter and triggering point)? 节拍时间可以直观地看出来吗?有没有借助工具(计数器和触发机制) 。 2) Is the Takt board defined (

16、on the board)? 节拍时间确定了吗?(把节拍时间写在白板上) 3) Are the Standard WIP defined? 标准WIP有定义吗? 4) Do you know how to separate manual (persons) from auto (the machines) work? 你知道如何区分手动作业和自动作业吗? 5) Is the Work load leveling defined for man,machine and C/O? 人工,机器以及换线使用工作负荷均衡表分析了吗? 6) Is the H/C calculated based on T

17、akt time? 人力的多少是根据节拍时间计算出来的吗? 7) Is the Std work (front page) SWCS (back page) posted in front of each operator? 每个工站前都有标准作业(前页)和标准作业合并表SWCS(背页)吗?,Operations操作,18,Operations ( continue )操作(续页),8) Is the std work being followed by the operator? 操作员有没有按照标准作业流程作业? 9) Is the std work defined for water s

18、trider? 有没有定义物料员的标准作业? 10) Is the operator idle at the station? 在作业过程中,操作员是否有等待? 11) Does the operator search for components or tools? - Locate all tools and parts within easy access or reach (Doctor & Nurse). 在作业中,操作员有没有寻找物料或工具的动作? 工具或物料应该放置在易于获取的位置,定点定位.(遵循医生和护士概念:Doctor医生,指直接作业的人员,nurse护士,指辅助作业人员

19、,如物料员) 12) Do you have std work for inspection station? 检查工站有没有标准作业书? 13) Do you have shortest cycle time for inspection? 对于检查工站,有没有定义最短周期时间?,19,Operations ( continue )操作(续页),14) At the hand load station, do you apply doctor and nurse concept? 在手工作业工站,有没有运用医生和护士理念? 15) Do you meet the target of 3 se

20、c per component during insertion at hand load? 在手插工站,有没有达到每3 秒一颗零件的插件速度? 16) SIC less at hand load station (with template). 手插工站不需要SIC(用模板来显示需要插件的位置)? Hand load manual CT Takt time nurse not required. Are there system in place to stop work when abnormal conditions arise? 当手动作业的周期时间小于节拍时间时,不需要”护士”(护士

21、nurse:辅助作业人员) 当异常情况出现时,有没有系统来控制停止作业? 18 ) Does the supervisor respond in a quick/crude manner? 当异常发生时,管理人员的反映是快速还是迟钝? 19) Do you have 6S implemented on your line? 线上有实行6S吗 ?(6S=5S+Safety),20,Operations ( continue )操作(续页),20) Is the production qty for the day defined? 日产量有没有定义? 21) Is the Multi skill

22、 charts visible and available? 有没有显示和使用多技能培训表? 22) Do you allow banana peeling on the line? 允许在线拆卸物料包装吗? 23) Are you able to detect bottleneck station at a glance? 瓶颈工站能一眼看出来吗? 24) The operator must not re-orient the part 操作员不允许重新调整零件方向,防止零件极性弄错.(这里操作员指辅助作业人员,即nurse) 25) Change over : 快速换型 a) Intern

23、al time 内部时间d) Adjustment time调整校准时间 b) External time 外部时间e) Clean清洁 c) Trial run试运行,21,Operations ( continue )操作(续页),26) ETE Operation criteria: 端到端运行标准 The line should run based on Takt time 生产线必须按照客户需求节拍合理安排生产 The H/C should be loaded based on Takt time 生产线应按客户需求节拍时间合理安排人员 Material should be load

24、ed based on Takt time 按客户需求节拍时间备置原材料 The line should be configured to zero defects 配置生产线时需满足零缺陷 Supermarket should meet all the 15 criteria 超市必须符合15个设置准则 27) ETE consists of : 端到端包括: a) Productivity improvement (MLT,H/C, WIP, Space) 提高生产效率(生产前置期,科学的人员配置,适当的在线库存,有效的空间利用) b) Material replenishment (Wa

25、ter strider, Min- Max, Supermarket) 灵活精益的原材料供给方式(水蜘蛛补货原则,设置最低最高库存,超市) c) Quality improvement (Zero defects) 提高质量(零缺陷) d) C/O (if the time more than 10 minutes) 换型时间(如果时间超过10分钟),22,Operations ( continue ) 操作(续页),28) 4 functions of Conveyor, Say NO to Conveyor if below criterias not meet “传送带”的4个功能, 如

26、果不符合以下条件则不能使用“传送带” Function as a Pace Setter ( Takt Manufacturing ) 节拍调节器(节拍生产) Function as a Value adding work station ( Value being added as it moves) 增值工位(传送带移动时产品可以增值,如在传送带上作业) Function as a Jidoka ( Stop every abnormal ) 自働化(异常时停止作业) Function as a transportation mode ( 5% of the function ) 传送作用

27、(只占5%的功能),23,Layout 布局,1) Insure the short walking distance. 确保产线行走距离短. 2) Do you have 3 TEI implemented on your line? 产线有没有对物品实施三定原则? a) Fix place 定点 b) Fix things 定位/定物 c) Fix qty 定量 3) Is the safety aisle easily accessed by the operator? 安全通道是否易于员工通过? 4) Are there trash bins inside the cell? 单元生产

28、线内有没有垃圾箱? 5) Do you have cell concept implemented on your line? 有没有在生产线上应用单元生产的概念 .,24,Layout ( continue ) 布局(续页),6) The operator movement in a cell : is it counter clock wise(1) or clockwise(0). Counter clock wise is recommended 操作员在单元内的移动是逆时针还是顺时针(逆时针为佳) 7) The gap in a cell : is it wider(0) or na

29、rrower(1) (narrower recommended). 单元内工站间的间距合适的吗?宽(0) 还是窄(1) (推荐用窄). 8) Is the station made of crefoam material and is it on the wheel for flexible movement? 工作台是由复合管做成的吗 ?是否有滑轮易于移动呢? 9) The flow of a layout must be like a single stroke, no zigzag. 产线布局的流向必须是单行程的,而不是弯曲交错的。 10) Do you use 7 ways when

30、designing tools, jigs, fixtures, layout or process? 在设计工具,夹具,治具,工厂布局和流程时有没有采用7种方法(7 ways)? 11) Do you use Pugh matrix to evaluate 7ways? 有没有使用Pugh matrix来评估7种方法? .,25,Layout ( continue ) 布局(续页),12) Hand load station should meet the below requirements :手动作业工站应该满足以下要求: a) Part presentation 物料摆放方式 b) Z

31、ero defect 物料品质零缺陷 c) Layout /Ergonomic, 插件的顺序/根据人机工程学来安排 d) Both hands of operator have to be used during insertion 插件时要双手作业 13) Are the cables, wires and network using the overhead drop point for flexibility? 电线,网线,信号线是否架设在线体上端并连接到产线,易于灵活使用? 14) Do you use the Spaghetti Chart to do the layout, pro

32、cess, movement? 在设计layout,流程,行走路线时有没有使用到Spaghetti Chart(意大利面条图)工具,清晰的画出人流、物流及产品流路线? 15) Is the line visibility clear for the supervisor? (boarder post defined for clear visibility) 对于管理者来说,产线可视化吗?(定义看板使其清晰可视化) 16) Do you use mock-up layout? 有没有模拟layout实施后的情况吗? 17) Tree and Branch connecting sub asse

33、mbly & main assembly 主干和枝条 主装配线和辅助装配线的合理衔接,26,Layout ( continue ) 布局(续页),18) Short Takt time 1minute, multiply takt time by (x) factor and duplicate the backend cell accordingly 客户节拍时间太短小于 1 分钟时,增大节拍时间 X 倍并建立相应数量的相同的单元产线。 19) Do your work stations are in same height ? 工作台都是同一个高度吗? 20) Do you carry o

34、ut “rope test” to validate the continuous value flow ? 有实施“绳子测试”验证连续价值流吗?,27,Zero Defect 零缺陷,Can normal and abnormal be visually differentiated? 正常和异常现象易于区分吗 ? 2) Are the escalation paths well defined if abnormality occurs? 针对异常的发生,有没有制定出逐级上报的流程? 3) Are the defects allowed to escape to down stream?

35、有没有不良流入下一工站? a) Do not pass defect ( Downstream Internal or To End Customer ) 不流出不良品 (内部下游客户或终端客户) b) Do not make defect( In Own Process ) 不制造不良品(自己的工位) c) Do not accept defect ( From Upstream) 不接收不良品(从上游工序) d) Do not rework ( Not Build Product Via Rework ) 不允许返工(不通过返工生产产品) 4) Do you have a common a

36、rea to view the defect (fish market)? 有没有特定的地点来检讨不良?(fish market 鱼市场),28,Zero Defect ( continue ) 零缺陷(续页),5) Do you apply 3 Gens? 有没有做到三 现? a) Genba - Actual place 现场 b) Genbutsu - Actual product 现物 c) Genjitsu - Actual fact 现实 6) Do you use 5 W ( who, what , where, when, why)+1H (how) where rule an

37、d regulation applied? 规章制度的制定有没有运用5W+1H的方法? 7) Do you have hand free inspection station? 视检工站,有没有不需要用手的? 8) Do you have template with navigation or pointer to guide inspection operators? 有没有模板来辅助视检作业?,29,Zero Defect ( continue ) 零缺陷(续页),9) Do you apply SDCA,PDCA? and for defects do you apply PDCA? (

38、Problem,Display,Clear & acknowledge) SDCA ( Standardize, Do, Check & Action ) 工作中有没有运用 SDCA、PDCA方法?针对不良现象,有没有运用PDCA的方法? 10) Do you have Kaizen Newspaper displayed? 改善活动的海报有没有展示出来? 11) Do you have 1hr, 2hr, 4hr, 8hr tracking system on the floor? (lead to zero defect) 产线有没有跟踪系统,随时了解每1小时,每2小时,每4小时,每8小时

39、的状况?(向零缺陷靠近) 12) Identify POO & POD to solve the problem 当问题发生时,鉴别出问题的起源(POO)和问题的发现点(POD)来解决问题. POO=point of origin (where is the first point are the cause problem) POD=point of detection (where the point the problem been captured) 13) Learn how to make the defect to understand root cause 研究如何会产生不良,

40、 从而了解根本原因。,30,Zero Defect ( continue )零缺陷(续页),14) Do you have Auto Jidoka implemented in your line? 产线有没有运用自働化系统? 15) Talk to the defect to understand the root cause 深入研究不良或缺陷,找出根本原因 16) Duplicate the defect to understand the root cause 多次重复不良现象的发生,找到根本原因。 17) Do you have mean test ? - challenge the

41、 current state (Potential Problem Analysis) 有运用均值检验吗? 对现状进行寻根究底(分析潜在的问题) 18) Do you use 5 Why analysis to understand the root cause? 有没有运用5个为什么来分析根本原因? 19) Landscape concept View from all angles (the mountain) ,Search for the truth (the forest), Look/Focus (the tree), See and fix it (the branch) 全局概

42、念-全方位-远看(山),寻找真相-近观(森林),细看(树),深究并解决问题(枝干),31,One Piece Flow 单件流,1) One piece flow 单件流 2) Are the line visibility clear for the supervisor? Std.WIP? Takt counter? Line flow? 对于管理者来说,产线状况可视化吗?有标准WIP?节拍计数器?产线是流动的吗? 3) One piece flow which like as the eggs inside the chicken should be one by one flow ,b

43、ut not in parallel. 单件流就像母鸡肚里的鸡蛋一样是一个一个下蛋的,而不是一起下出来的。 4) To shorten the information of defect feedback, one piece flow can reduce our lead time. 为缩短不良现象的信息反馈,单件流可以帮助减少前置时间。 5) When we set up new layout ,we must consider use the one piece flow. 当建立新的生产线布局时,必须考虑使用单件流。 6) The Ideally layout is one piec

44、e flow according our Takt time. 理想产线布局是按照节拍时间的单件流。 7) The layout of “ Y” is better than the layout “ I I I ” series “Y”型布局比“I I I ”型布局好。 8) As the quality feedback is fast and quick action taken. 品质反馈速度快,能够快速响应采取行动。,32,VSM 价值流图,Do you have value stream done on your product? 1. 产线有没有做价值流分析? a) have y

45、ou visualized improvements to the overall production flow, instead of spot improvements to single processes 有没有把所有产线流程存在改善空间的地方明显地标识出来,而不是仅标示某个地方。 b) have you created a complete material and information flow 有没有规划出完整的物料流和信息流 c) current state - how the process works today 现状-产线现在是如何运作的 d) future stat

46、e - map shows improvements towards a long term ideal state 未来的情况-价值流图表示出改善之后的理想状况 e) 3D VSM for better visualization (for office kaizen) 3D价值流图使流程更加直观(针对办公室改善),33,VSM ( continue )价值流图(续页),2) 7 types of flow must be clearly defined : 7大流程必须定义清楚 a) Material Raw物料-原材料 b) Material WIP 物料-在线库存 c) Materia

47、l - Finish Goods 物料-成品 d) Information - what info is required to move materials, what is the timing 信息-移动/搬运物料时需要什么信息,什么时间点 e) People - std.work, Takt time 人流-标准作业,节拍时间 f) Equipment - carts, conveyor, racks, andons, TPM 设备流-手推车,传送带,物料架,andons 异常停线系统,全面生产维护(TPM=Total Productive Maintenance) g) Engine

48、ering - quality, tooling, programs 工程-品质,工具,程序,34,Moonshine Shop 月光工作室,1) Do you have moonshine capability in your plant? 工厂有没有月光工作室可以自己动手制作治具或工具以及时满足产能需求的能力.?,35,Golf Score 动作评估表,Are the operators having to bent down? 操作员在作业过程中需要弯腰吗? 2) Are operators having to reach high? 操作员的手需要伸到很高的位置(获取物料或工具)来完成

49、作业吗? 3) Are operators having to twist/turn? 操作员在作业过程中需要转身吗? 4) Are operators leaving work area? 操作员在作业过程中离开工作区吗? 5) Are operators needing 3 arms?(hand being used as fixtures) 操作员必须依靠三只手才能完成作业吗?(第三只指的是治具) 6) Is the C/T set at 90% or less of the Takt time? 周期时间是设定在节拍时间的90%还是低于节拍时间? C/T= cycle time, T/

50、T=Takt time 7) Is there rework being done? 返工有没有在做?,36,Machine 设备,Are tools suspended above point-of-use? 工具有没有悬挂在使用点(触手可及之处)? 2) Are proper gauges/fixtures used? 所用到的治具是否合适? 3) Are distances between stations held at minimum? 工站间距离是否是最短的? 4) Are there 2 or more stations for each operators work? 操作员是

51、否有操作2个或更多工站? 5) Is there an aisle way and cart for the water strider? 物料员是否有专用通道和专用推车? 6) Is there information being sent to the water strider in real time? 发送给物料员的信息是否实时? 7) Is there an andon lamp installed? 有没有安装异常警示灯?( Andon lamp,异常警示灯),37,Machine ( continue ) 设备(续页),8) Is a production control bo

52、ard in place? 产线有没有看板,易于及时且清楚地了解产线的状况? 9) Can you separate internal setup from external setup and externalize internal setup? 你能区分内部信息和外部信息,并使内部信息具体化吗? 比如:换线时的内部时间与外部时间 比如:某些机器的参数我们自己可以设定,有些需要求助于供应商 10) Be sure that material flows in one direction. 确保物流同方向,不迂回. 11) Is your machine 6 Sigma Process Ca

53、pability gauge R & R done? 是否有对机器做6制程能力分析,重复性与再现性分析? 注:Gauge Repetition & Reappearance 量具重复性与再现性分析。R&R是推进6 SIGMA及 QS 9000中常用的评价测定系统再现性及再生性的工具,被广泛应用于尺寸测定的工具上。 12) Is the Layout for machine and tools by process? 机台和工具的摆放布局是根据流程来安排的吗?,38,Machine ( continue ) 设备(续页),13) Are all the stations on wheels? 所

54、有的工站是可移动的吗? 14) Is the station load based on Takt time? 各工站的负荷是按节拍时间设计的吗? 15) Are the power cables suspended above the station for easy plug and play? 电源插头是否是位于工站易于插拔的地方? 16) Do you have work standard done for tester? 测试工位有没有做作业标准指导书? 17) Are there systems in place to stop work when abnormal conditi

55、ons arise? Does the supervisor respond in a quick/crude manner? 当异常发生时,有没有系统会报警并自动停止产线作业?管理人员对于异常的反映是迅速还是迟钝/拖延? 18) If a machine is identified as Bottleneck(no flow) create a flow by working on reducing the machine cycle time, manage the machine with eagle eyes or put up SM to create the flow. 如果某个机

56、器是瓶颈工位,我们应当对该工位特别关注,研究并降低它的周期时间或者设立超市,建立出一个新的流.,39,Machine ( continue )设备(续页),19) How many of your machines are built in with human intelligence (autonomation)? 有多少机器是当不良或异常出现时是会自动报警的? 20) Do you define work standard by andon for tester? 有没有通过“安灯”系统指导测试作业员达到标准作业? (Andon,日语,自动停线系统) 21) Do all the fee

57、ders have medical chit attached? 所有的FEEDERS都有表示状态的标签吗? 22) Do you have ECC(Equipment critical checklist) list defined? 有没有ECC(设备关键检查清单)? 23) Does TPM cover the whole line? No point TPM. It should be AREA TPM. 所有的产线都有做全面生产维护(TPM)吗?不是某个点的维护,而是整体的维护。 24) Do you train your operator to act as sensor to m

58、achine problem? 有没有把操作员培训成对机器的异常非常敏感?,40,Machine ( continue )设备(续页),25) Is your feeder color coded based on size? FEEDER有没有根据其大小做颜色标示? 26) Do you build the fixture based on :有没有根据以下要求来制作治具: a) Reference points 治具的相关参数 b) X and Y axis X&Y轴坐标 c) jig - hands free 不需要手来辅助作业,41,Total Productivity Mainten

59、ance ( Skill Matrix )全面生产维护(技能表),Zero Knowledge 无相关知识,Apprenticeship under training 培训中,Full Knowledge 熟练,Full knowledge, able to lead 熟练,能领导他人一起作业,Full knowledge, able to lead, able to train 熟练,能引导他人,并且有能力培训人员,Skill Matrix Good visual management tool to evaluate current organization strength and plan TPM development strategy. 技能矩阵良好的可视化管理工具,用于评估当前机制是否具有优势,计划TPM发展战略。 Example : Break down m


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