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1、,Industrial Solid Waste,工业垃圾,Municipal Engineering,Road and Bridge engineering,李杨,priority prairti n.优先,优先考虑的事disposal dispuzl n. 清理;处理;支配;,Thus, never producing the waste is the top priority while land disposal is the least preferred alternative. 因此,不产生废弃物是最优先考虑的,而地面处理是最后的选择。,The best means to get

2、rid of waste is to reduce the amount generated at the source, a process known as source reduction. 减少废弃物的最好办法就是减少源头产生的废物量,这一过程被称作减少源污染。,Waste minimization activities such as reusing and recycling seek to return the waste stream into a production process or alternative use, thus leading to both econo

3、mic and environmental benefits. 废弃物减量化的措施,如再利用和再循环,都是力图使废物返回到生产过程或者进行选择性(替代)使用,从而获得经济与环境效益。,Each of the methods used to dispose of waste presents challenges for the environment and human health. 每一种用来处理废弃物的方法都对环境和人类健康提出了挑战。,hazardous hzds adj. 冒险的;有危险的,Industrial solid wastewhich may be solid, liqui

4、d or gases held in containersis divided into hazardous and non-hazardous waste. 工业固体废弃物,可以是固体、液体或者贮存在容器中的气体,被划分为有害废弃物和无害废弃物。 工业固体废弃物被划分为有害废弃物和无害废弃物,包括固体、液体或者贮存在容器中的气体。,Hazardous waste may result from manufacturing or other industrial processes. 有害废弃物可能来自制造业或其他工业生产。,discard disk:d vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃 pestic

5、ide pestisaid n. 杀虫剂,Certain commercial products such as cleaning fluids, paints or pesticides discarded by commercial establishments or individuals can also be defined as hazardous waste. 被商业公司或个人丢弃的某些商品,如清洗液、油漆或杀虫剂,同样被认为是有害废弃物。,leakage li:kid n. 泄漏;渗漏物;漏出量 vapors veip n. 蒸汽;烟雾 offensive fensiv adj

6、. 攻击的;讨厌的 n. 攻势;攻击 odors ud n. 气味;名声 exposure ikspu n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列 nuisance nju:sns n. 讨厌的人;麻烦事;,Hazardous waste shall be stored in containers or facilities or in some other manner which in all case will prevent leakage of liquid and the concentration or generation of harmful or explosive vapors or

7、materials, offensive odors, any harmful exposure or nuisance conditions. 有害废弃物应该贮存在容器或设备中,或者用其他方式处理,这些处理方式在任何情况下都要防止液体泄漏,危害、爆炸性气体或物质和刺激性气体聚集或产生及任何有害的暴露或麻烦的情况(发生)。,corrosion krun n. 腐蚀;腐蚀产生的物质; watertight w:ttait, adj. 水密的;不漏水的 无懈可击的 tightfitting taitfiti adj. 贴身的;紧身的 lid lid n. 盖子;眼睑;限制 vt. 给盖盖子 tam

8、per tmp n. 填塞者;捣棒,Containers shall be constructed of durable, corrosion-resistant, watertight construction, provided with tightfitting lids or covers, properly labeled and kept in a safe location protected from tampering by unauthorized persons. 容器应该具有耐用性,耐腐蚀性,防水性,良好的密封性,加以适当的标注,并将其放置在安全的地点以防止非授权人员的

9、接触。,consultation knsltein n. 咨询;磋商,The storage of hazardous waste shall be subject to the approval of the health officer with consultation from the fire department as appropriate. 有害废物的贮存应该得到卫生部门和消防部门酌情协商后的批准。,Hazardous waste shall be collected and removed from the premises where produced or stored

10、as often as necessary to prevent harmful or nuisance conditions,with such collection and removal frequency subject to the approval of the health officer with consultation from the fire department as appropriate. premise primaiz n. 前提;上述各项 必要时应该尽可能经常地将有害废物从其产生或存储的地方收集和转移,以防止有害的或麻烦的情况(发生),通过这种收集和频繁的转移

11、(收集和转移的频率)来达到上述批准。,The transportation of hazardous waste from the premises where produced or stored shall only be accomplished in a special truck designated by the health officer and approved by such health officer for the specific hazardous waste involved. 从产生或贮存的地点运输有害废物只能由卫生部门指定的特殊车辆来完成,包括特殊的有害废物

12、也要得到此类卫生部门的认可。(特殊有害废弃物的运输同样需得到此类卫生部门的批准),lade leid vt. 装载;装(船) modification ,mdifikein n. 修改,修 正;改变 render rend vi. 给予补偿,The hazardous waste being transported shall be identified by a container label, bill of lading or some other satisfactory method, and may be subject to modification or rendering h

13、armless, all as required and determined by the health officer. 运输中的有害废弃物应该用容器标签、装载清单或其他令人满意的方法加以识别,以达到减少污染或使其无害化,所有这些正如卫生部门所要求和决定的。(所有这些都按照卫生部门的要求和决定),The hazardous waste shall be disposed of at a site and in accordance with methods approved by the health officer. 有害废物应该按照卫生部门批准的方式在(批准的)处置地点进行处理。,spill spil n. 溢出,溅出,Accidents or spills of hazardous waste or hazardous materials during transportation or otherwise shall be reported immediately to the health officer or the fire department chief. 有害垃圾或者有毒物质在运输途中或其他情况下发生的事故或泄漏,应立即向卫生部门或消防部门报告。,thereof rv adv. 在其中;关于,Disposal and cleanup


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