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1、针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和服务Working with Large Dairy Customers,大型奶牛场的显著特性Traits of Large Operations,养殖不再是谋生之路,而是一项生意 Farming is no longer a way of life, Farming is now a Business 出于本能,奶牛场经营者都非常闯劲十足、目标明确、独立经营 By nature they are more aggressive, goal oriented and independent 有相当高专业知识并乐于寻求专家的支持 Higher knowledge bas

2、e and more access to experts 他们评价供应商的价值是供应商为他们做了什么,而非供应商给他们说了什么 Measure value by what suppliers DO, not what suppliers SAY,大型奶牛场的显著特性Traits of Large Operations,工作极其繁忙,时间不够用 Decreased time availability 所遇到的问题亦来亦复杂 Increased complexity of problems 渴望不断地改进和变化 Desire constant improvement and change 以较高的

3、价格选择提供有特点产品和服务的供应商 Will buy on Price as a revenge for indifference between suppliers 鉴于以上特性,农场主们要求不同于传统的销售和管理模式 Because of these traits they require a different approach to selling and managing,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,了解 Understanding 目标和展望 Goals and visions 全面的经营状况

4、Complete operation 目前存在和过去出现过的问题 Current and past problems 实现目标的障碍 Barriers to achieving goals 现实存在的和感觉到的 Both real and perceived 热点问题 Hot issues 经营的强项和弱点 Operation strengths and weaknesses,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,了解 Understanding 财政收入价值 Financial values 例如:奶产量增加 Suc

5、h as increased milk production 时间价值 Time values 例如:无法按时完成必要的工作 Such as not getting all work done 心理价值 Psychological values 例如:想成为该地区最好奶牛场 Such as wanting to be the best farm in the area,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,了解奶牛场经营者所追求的价值是管理大型奶牛场关系的基础 Understanding what the farm v

6、alues is the foundation for managing the large farm relationship,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,创造价值 Creating Value 一旦我们了解了客户所追求的价值是什么 Once we Understand what the customer Values 然后我们必须将普瑞纳的产品和服务与客户所追求的价值紧密地结合在一起 We then must Create Alignment between Purina products and ser

7、vices and these Customer values 让大客户能看到普瑞纳能提供最佳的解决方案来实现他们所追求的目标 Large customers must see Purina as the best solutions to help them achieve their goals.,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,创造价值 Creating Value 我们必须通过做很小的事来维持与客户的关系 We must maintain a personal relationship by doing

8、the little things 我们必须通过稳定地实现客户追求的目标来维持与客户的商业关系 We must maintain a business relationship by remaining aligned with his goals,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,创造价值 Creating Value 准确提供建议 Determining recommendations 具有良好的行为和习惯去做正确的事,而非只做容易的事 Having discipline to do what is right

9、 not what is easy 作好准备去帮助客户 Being prepared to help,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Selling/Managing the Large Farm,沟通价值 Communicating Value 提出推荐和建议 Making recommendations 分清主次、轻重缓急 Prioritizing 测量和评价结果 Measuring results 与客户一同讨论结果 Communicating results 争取所应获的成绩 Harvest credit,针对大型奶牛场客户的销售和管理要点Keys to Sellin

10、g/Managing the Large Farm,我们在理解、创造和沟通诸方面做的效果如何 Is how effective we are at UNDERSTANDING, CREATING and COMMUNICATING. 应用这一程序最好的供应商将赢得胜利 The Supplier who is the best at this process WINS. 这是你的优势,因为你的竞争对手没有想你那样努力工作。他们只做容易做的事。 This is your advantage because your competition will not work this hard, they

11、 will do what is easy. 其结果,客户不再将普瑞纳和其他供应商相提并论。因为我们工作方式和行为和他们不同。 As a result the customer will no longer position Purina with them because we dont act like them.,实例学习 Case Study,了解 Understanding 观察和提问 Seeing and asking 创造 Creating 将产品、服务和建议与奶牛经营者的需求有效结合 Aligning products, services and recommendations

12、 with farm needs 沟通 Communicating 实施计划 Proposing 评价结果 Measuring results,实例学习 Case Study,奶牛场访问 Farm Visits 对要做工作做好充分的准备 Be prepared to work 对奶牛场评估要有恰当的称述 Proper dress for farm assessment 严格执行生物安全 Follow absolute Bio-Security 穿一次性套靴或使用消毒液刷洗 Disposable boots or Disinfectant wash 奶牛场访问路径 Farm visit rout

13、e 首先,饲料和牧草 Feed and forage first 其次,从小牛到成年牛 Next youngest to oldest 最后,新产母牛到干奶牛 Finally fresh cows to dry cows 永远照此路径访问 Always follow this routine,实例学习 Case Study,奶牛场目标 = 10,000公斤牛奶/头/年 Farm goal = 10,000 kg milk /year per cow 目前 = 7,000公斤牛奶/头/年 Currently = 7,000 kg,牧草贮存区 Forage area,青贮玉米 Corn Silag

14、e,其他事实 Additional Facts,青贮压的不紧 Silage not packed well 新玉米青贮含有其他谷物 New corn silage includes grain 破碎的玉米粉碎太粗 Cracked corn ground very coarse,玉米青贮池 Corn Silage Bunk,育成母牛区 Heifer area,育成母牛体格良好 Heifer size is good 体况稍肥 BCS is a little fat 犊牛生长良好,死亡率5% Calf growth is good with Death rate of 5%,总体设计 Genera

15、l Design,总体设计 General Design,新产牛 Fresh Cows,过渡期泌乳牛 Transition Cows,泌乳早期牛群 Early Lactation Group,日粮分析 Ration analysis,泌乳早期牛群 Early lactation group,饲喂泌乳中期奶牛 Mid Lactation Feeding,泌乳后期奶牛体况平分 Late Lactation BCS,粪便 Manure,粪便 Manure,粪便分离分析 Manure Screening,粪便分离分析 Manure Screening,泌乳中期奶牛 Mid Lactation Cows

16、,实例学习 Case Study,干奶牛体况平分 Dry Cow BCS,其他事实Additional Facts,每头牛应拥有615平方英尺(大约57m2) 615 sq ft per per cow in lots 每头牛应拥有36英寸(大约91cm)饲槽长度 36 inches per cow bunk space 每头牛应拥有2英寸(大约1cm)的水面 2 inches per cow water space 奶牛被栓系站立8小时 Cows tied up to 8 hrs per day 在许多牛群,体况平分差异大 Wide BCS in many groups 泌乳高峰期产量38磅

17、(大约17.3公斤) Peak production 38 lbs 当前,日粮干物质采食量和蛋白受到限制 At current DMI protein is limiting,结果 Results,现在,我了解奶牛场的现状和有价值的解决方案 I now understand the situation and can be a valuable part of the solutions 在给出的增产目标,我针对所要解决的问题根据轻重缓急提出相应的意见 Given the goal of increased milk production I can prioritize a set of r

18、ecommendations. 我们可能提出50条以上的改进意见。但是, There are more than 50 recommendations that could be made, However, 体况管理是首要的 BCS management is #1 过渡期/新产母牛干物质采食量是第二重要的 Transition/Fresh Cow DMI #2,推荐 Recommendation,开发并实施体况管理程序 Develop/implement BCS management program 开发并实施过渡期和新产奶牛挑战饲养程序 Develop/implement a transition and fresh cow challenge feeding program 与客户并肩实施管理程序,保证取得有效成果 Work side by side with


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