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1、Lost Civilizations,Unit,Look at the following pictures and information, then answer the questions.,奥林匹斯山的宙斯神像是古希雕刻家菲迪亚斯的杰作。他用象牙来制作宙斯神像的躯体,用黄金制成宙斯神像的长袍。 建造时间:大约公元前457年 建造地点:希腊奥林匹亚城,宙斯神像 The statue of Zeus,巴比伦空中花园 The Hanging Gardens,空中花园是新巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒二世在公元前600年左右建造的。见过巴比伦空中花园的作家们都将它描述为一座层叠的平台建筑,每一层上种植了

2、棕榈和其他树木。 建造时间:大约公元前600年 建造地点:巴比伦,现在的伊拉克巴格达附近,罗德岛太阳神巨像The Colossus of Rhodes 这座巨像建在罗德市港口的入口处。它是希腊太阳神赫利俄斯的青铜铸像,高约33米。巨像铸造完工后过了56年,毁于公元前226年的一次地震中。 建造时间:公元前282年完工 建造地点:爱琴海,希腊罗德港,据说,哈利卡纳苏斯的摩索拉斯陵墓约45米高,底座上部呈阶梯形的金字塔状,卡里亚王国摩索拉斯国王的塑像可能矗立在顶端。陵墓毁于公元三世纪的一次地震中。 建造时间:大约公元前353年 建造地点:现在的土耳其西南地区,摩索拉斯陵墓 The Mausoleu

3、m,遵照亚历山大大帝(马其顿国王)的命令,亚历山大城的法罗斯灯塔于公元前300年建在一座人工岛上,它至少有122米高,用闪光的白色石灰石或大理石建成。建造时间:大约公元前300年。建造地点:埃及亚历山大港。当亚历山大灯塔建成后,它的高度当之无愧地使它成为当时世界上最高的建筑物。1500年来,亚历山大灯塔一直在暗夜中为水手们指引进港的路线。它也是六大奇迹中最晚消失的一个。十四世纪的大地震彻底摧毁了它。,亚历山大灯塔 The Lighthouse of Alexandria,Why these wonders disappeared? What happened?,Because of war,

4、earthquake and other reasons, they were all destroyed centuries ago.,3.What does the title Lost Civilizations mean?,Lost civilizations means ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer existed.,Where is the city of Pompeii? What happened to it? What is it like now? What else do you want

5、 to know about them?,Pompeii,Loulan,Fast,Reading,Read the diary entries quickly and answer these questions:,1.What country is the author from? 2.What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan? 3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860? 4.Who is Professor Zhang?,1.What country is th

6、e author from? Canada 2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan? Both of them became lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago.,3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860? The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli. 4. Who is Professor Zhang? An archaeologist from the local

7、cultural institute.,Please choose the best answer : 1)What happened soon after the ruins of Pompeii was found? It was well protected by the local government. It was dug by the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe. It was badly damaged by people digging in the area for treasure. The bodies of people buried

8、 were stolen.,2) Which of the following statements is NOT true? Both of the two cities are lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago. Both of the two cities were discovered by local people. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano while Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms. Pompeii was in Italy

9、while Loulan was in China.,3) The purpose of writing this passage is_. To show how happy the writer was to have such a chance to visit the sites. To arouse peoples sense of protecting civilizations to compare the civilizations of Pompeii and Loulan To tell us how Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed.,C

10、areful reading,Please read the passage carefully and try to fill the blanks.,Italy,about 2,000 years ago,a wealthy commercial city,the eruption of Vesuvius volcano,gradually covered over by sandstorms,100 years ago, the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of it as well as a lot of treas

11、ures.,stepping stones along the road,mosaic floors and wall paintings,palaces,temples, workshops and towers,an ancient water system,It was founded.,It was taken over by the Romans.,Mount Vesuvius erupted.,Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.,It existed as a commercial city.,It was

12、 covered over gradually by sand storms.,It was discovered by a Swedish explorer.,Find the historical information about Pompeii and Loulan.,Both Pompeii in _and Loulan in China became _ _ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was _ in the 8th century BC and was _ _ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _ and the city were _ _. Loulan was a _ _ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the _. There are just a few _ left. Some _, such as coins and painted pots, was found.,Fill in the blanks with proper words.,Italy,I


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