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1、选词填空Banked Cloze,Background Information,选词填空题是大学英语四级考试的新题型,考测综合能力,占整个考试分值不高。 选词填空题的文章长度在220250词左右,要求从给出的15个词中选择10个填入合适的空中。,在设计时并非拿来一篇短文随便去掉几个词, 首句不设空;一句话中不设两空;设空比较均匀,基本覆盖整个段落;设空不影响考生对文章大意的理解; 选项所提供的词皆为实义词,包括:名词、动词、形容词、副词、分词等,它们与文章的上下文紧密联系; 每个正确选项大都有干扰项,相互干扰的选项之间不是同义词或近义词,就是同词性的词。,设计者一般遵循以下原则 :,完型填空和

2、选词填空的比较,选词填空特点: 1. 近义词辨析不多, 2. 固定搭配不多 3. 词性辨析比较容易 4. 题目设计的原则是首句不设空,一句话中不 设两空,设空比较均匀,基本覆盖全文 .,选词填空难点: 1. 词性可能会变。 2. 错一题,可能会错两题。,特点和难点,第一句话完整,常为句子大意. 15选10,常考名词、动词、副词、形容词、连词. 关键是从语法角度确定选词处的词性,然后进行辨别。 篇章选词=语法+词性,考点,2006.6 厄尔尼诺现象 2006.12 女性融入职场推动经济发展 2007.6 疼痛对人产生的影响 2007.12 “和平学校”缔造和平教育 2008.6 接受挑战,相信自

3、己可以创造奇迹 2008.12 读书的意义 2009.6 其实写作并不难 2009.12 父亲对孩子语言能力发展的影响比母亲要大,题材分析,选词填空要求,熟悉选项、通读全文、把握文章结构与大意的前提下,根据所提供的词汇及句子的结构、语法和语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段最后确定答案。,选词填空时间安排:四步,时间分配:7分钟 = 25 18(18 分钟留给Section B的两篇常规阅读,选词填空题要给出7分钟) firstly:Scan全文:1 M 1分钟 (也可scan 第一段明确全文的主旨) secondly:标注词性 1m (not necessarily) thirdly:选词填

4、空: 4m fourthly:回顾检查 1m,选词填空时间安排:第一步,第一步:Scan全文:快速扫描文章,预测缺省信息的词性,对个别题目作出预测 (1分钟) 主要关注文章中涉及的人物、事件、地方、原因以及结果。 (Theme , key words, and key points) Scan 全文的时候,有些很明显的答案可以先选择。,选词填空时间安排:第二步,整理选项:标注词性,预先分组 (1分钟) 对于熟悉的单词的词性心中要有数,或简单标明。 对于动词与名词同形的词,做个特殊记号。如 a/an/the +_; vt +_.(2)空格后面是动词的,空格处应填入该动词的主语(名词); _+ 谓

5、语动词(3)空格前面是介词的,空格充当介词宾语,应填入名词或动名词。,2. 确定空格为动词(1)空格前面已经有名词/代词作主语,后面又有名词/代词作为动词的主语,空格处应为及物动词; 主语n/pron +谓语vt+宾语 n/pron(2)空格前面是名词/代词,后面没 有宾语,空格处应填不及物动词; n/pron + 谓语动词vi (3)空格前面是名词/代词,后面是副词/介词,空格处应填入不及物动词,与副词/介词构成固定搭配; n/pron + 谓语动词 +adv/prep (4)空格前面是名词/代词,后面是形容词,空格处应填入系动词或be动词; n/pron + link v + adj (5

6、)空格前面有不定式标志to,空格处应填入动词原形;若to是介词,应填入动名词。 (1)-(4) 为句中所需的谓语动词,有时态、语态和人称的变化,(5) 为非谓语动词,3. 确定空格为形容词: 修饰名词或表示状态(1)空格后面为名词,空格处应填入形容词; _ + N.(充当宾语或主语) (2)空格前面是副词,空格处应填入形容词; adv+_ (充当表语或定语) (3)空格前面是系动词,空格处应填入形容词作表语. Be ,become, fall ill, keep silent, look/seem tired, grow old, 4. 确定空格为副词: 修饰动作或状态的词(1)空格前面为动词

7、,空格处应填入副词;(2)空格后面是形容词,空格处应填入副词。,Context 中的逻辑关系?,常见的逻辑关系词如下:(1)并列关系:and, or, as well as 等(2)对比或转折关系:but, however, on the contrary, rather than,though 等(3)比较关系:as . as, like, similarly等(4)因果关系:because, for, since, as a result of, therefore, thus 等(5)举例关系:for example, for instance, such as, and so on 等

8、(6)递进关系:whats more, moreover, in addition 等,确定词性 (名词) 实例,前为冠词:Passage 1, blank 1.(P1B1) This is, however, a _. P4B3: we keep putting off a _ that we are force to take up. P3 B4: as they grow older, the _gradually diminishes. 前为形容词: P1B8: It may have been a sharp_ of the pupils technical abilities in

9、 writing.,misunderstanding,task,amount,criticism,充当主语(前面同时又是冠词) P3 B10: The _ for human beings is probably about a week. 介词宾语: P4B10: In such a _ , I work as hard as I can . (前面同时又是冠词) P2 B 10: you go by the other persons _. P3 B 2: annoyance and problems are seen in a better _. (前面同时又是冠词) * 复数代表一类人

10、 P3B3 谓语动词为sleep , 主语需要第三人称复数形式或与之相应的名字形式。选项:,Limit,situation,demand,perspective,infants,确定谓语动词实例,P3B6: Napolean, Toamas Edison and Charles Darwin apparently _ only four to six hours a night. (分析:时态过去时。唯一选择: averaged.这一句缺少谓语) P2 B5 They _”assertiveness training”courses. (有名词/代词作主语,后面又有名词,此处缺少一个谓语动词,

11、第三称的复数形式。跟course搭配。),offer,在Passages中找更多的例子,P1B5 encourage P1B9 had failed (谓语动词的一部分,完成时) P3B1 disapears P4B5 We 和it之间缺少一个动词, postpone. P5B5 share P5 B6 interviewed P5B10 might be involved. (被动语态) (谓语动词在我们的5个passages的选项中,几乎占1/5),确定非谓语动词实例,P2B9: you start to _ your own good sense. P2 B7: In one way,

12、learning to speak out is to _ fear.,doubt,overcome,More examples of infinitives,你能在5 passages 中找出更多的需要非谓语动词(不定式)中需要动词的句子吗? P1 B6 express P2B4 help people _ themselves. P4B2 compound P4B8 prevent 不定代词在所给的5篇50个选项中比例超过1/10.,确定选项为形容词实例(系动词),P1B7 This work is _.(terrible) P2B6 They learn to be more _ wit

13、hout hurting other people. (active) P4B4 Either because it is too _ or it is too difficult. (tedious) P4B9 Here we are not _ to get started but (reluctant),确定选项为副词 1,修饰动作的词 P2B1 Have you ever been afread to talk back when you were treated _. 选项E F 均为副词,要找一个修饰treated.,unfairly,确定选项为副词2,修饰形容词 P1B3 The

14、re are ,however, _ different ideas about how to teach it, or how much 分析:此句不缺少任何主要的句子成分(主谓宾),只缺少一个修饰different adj的词,表示different的程度之广。 “Vastly “为正确选择。另一个副词干扰选项为”specifically”. More example : P4 B 6,The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth and changed U.S. society in many ways. M

15、any in-home jobs that used to be done_47_ by women-ranging from family shopping to preparing meals to do ing _48_ work-still need to be done by someone .Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a _49_ that has changed the target market for many products. Or a working woman may face a crushin

16、g “poverty of time “ and look for help elsewhere , creating opportunities for producers of frozen meals, child care centers, dry cleaners, financial services, and the like. Although there is still a big wage _50_ between men and women, the income working women _51_ gives them new independence and bu

17、ying power. For example, women now _52_ about half of all cars. Not long ago, many cars dealers _53_ women shoppers by ignoring them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands. Now car companies have realized that women are _54_ customers. Its interesting that some leading Japanese car de

18、alers were the first to _55_ pay attention to women customers. In Japan, fewer women have jobs or buy cars - the Japanese society is still very much maleoriented. Perhaps it was the _56_ contrast with Japanese society that prompted American firms to pay more attention to women buyers.,解题须知,所谓语感,就是对语

19、言的感觉,它是在平时学习和阅读中形成的一种潜在的语言能力。有时候是你无法解释理由,但你的选项是正确的。,固定搭配:在选词填空中,约定俗成的固定搭配不是很多,诸如,我们所说的idoms等。但是,对固定搭配的另外一种理解是这种搭配很常见,比如:汉语说“学知识”,而英语不说“learn knowledge”, 而是“acquire knowledge”; 还有,要描述 rain 很大,我们用heavy修饰;当我们说heavy traffic是表示交通拥堵。此外,非常重要的一点是注意小品词,即我们通常所说的to, in , on , at ,from等等,因为在某种程度上,它们能给我们关于选择项的提示

20、。如:my for her moved her . (attitude ; love),the income gives them new independence and buying power. For example, women now _ about half of all cars. 正向并列:buying 同义词暗示 purchase.,对复杂句的结构分析能帮助我们对句子的成分更加清晰,能清楚地确定空格处所需填入词汇的词性,甚至可能的意思。,上下文逻辑关系也对选项产生影响。大家需要关注形式上的逻辑关系和意义上逻辑关系。所谓形式上的逻辑关系就是我们通常讲的因果,让步,递进等;而意

21、义上的逻辑关系就是以语篇表达的意思为线索,前后文中,意义上存在那些关系。比如说,描述一个人的心情的变化,心情好时,应该使用的是积极词汇,而心情不好时则使用消极词汇。当然,形式和意思之间存在紧密联系,不能割裂开来。,逻辑联系:并列关系,P3B1 During sleep, the fatigue of the body _ and recuperation begins. 选项: 由and 连接的并列句。需要动词,与主语fatigue一致,所以选单三形式的现在时: 全篇只有一个这样的词,无干扰项。 答案 :disappears.,对比或转折关系,P1 B1 There is a popular

22、belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. This is , however, a _. 作者的写作方法是先立(popular belief)后破(however)。作者用了however表示转折, 证明popular belief is wrong belief. 表示wrong belief 的词 一要名词,而要词义相符。 所以选择答案为: misunderstanding.,P4 B 7 The remedy is obvious, though perhaps not _ to app

23、ly. 选项应为: 1 形容词, 2, 词义与obvious形成转折,明显的,但是不见得是轻易接受的。 答案:Easy .,并列+因果,P5 B 8 Others hoped that by helping someone now, they would deserve care when they bacame old and _. Analyze: 1 需要一个与old并列的形容词。 2 需要帮助,不仅仅因为是old, 还因为他/她生活无法自理。 从词性和词义上,选 F dependent.,如何利用context 内容来确定选项,Context中的名词、代词等词,有前指或后指的功能,也有

24、彼此解释的功能。E.g 1: P2 B 8 But AT uses an even stronger _-the need to share. Analyze: “the need to share ”是对an even stronger 的内容的解释,证明这个even stronger 的内容也是一种need, 想要分享的感觉是一种 motive. 愿望,动机。,E.g 2: P3 B 10 这个选项需要从整段的context中去推测。 Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep. Several people have reached more than 115 hours, nearly five days, whereas animals kept awake from five to eight days have died of exhaustion. The _ for human beings is probably abo


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