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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?,Section B,一.知识目标: 1. clothes store buy sale sell all very price boy a pair of 2. 掌握价格的表达方式和物品颜色的表达方式。 二.能力目标 能用英语表述用于宣传,促销的表达方式,并尝试写出英语广告。 三.情感态度 挣钱不容易,要节约用钱。,$12,$13,$16,$24,$30,$37,$10,Ask and answer:,$20,How much is ?,Its dollars.,How much are ?,Theyre dollars.,th

2、irteen tin,sixteen skstin,twenty twent,twenty-four twenti:f:r,thirty-one tiwn,ten ten, 30,clothes store kl()z st,服装店,thirty t,Big Sale!,I f you want to buy something cheap, how can you get the information?,Let think.,如果你们想要买便宜的东西,你们如何获取信息呢?,By asking my friends, by reading newspapers,ads,Mr. Cools c

3、lothes store,时装店,1. a skirt _ 3. socks _ 5. shorts _ 2. a sweater _ 4. trousers _ 6. shoes _,How much do you think these things cost?Match each clothing item with a price.,Thinking,2a,a. $3 c. $30 e. $22 b. $15 d. $20 f. $25,Activity 2,Read the first, the second sentence ,and the last sentence in th

4、is ad and answer the question: What s the type of the text?,读这篇广告的第一句,第二句和最后一句并回答问题:这篇文章的类型是(),A. news B.ads C .letters,Listen to the tape carefully, find the phrase “at our great sale “and guess whats the meaning of it.,Activity 3,仔细听录音,在文中找到词组 at our great sale,根据短文猜测意思,Mr. Cools Clothes Store Com

5、e and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in p

6、urple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30! And we have black shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs! Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now!,at a good prices意为“以合理的价格(出售)”。price 用作名词,意为 “价格”。 如: Whats the price of the book? 这本书多少钱?,Skirts in purple意为“紫色的裙子”,相当于purple skirts.

7、 In意为“穿.颜色的,穿着.” 如:in red 穿红色的 in a red skirt 穿着红裙子,at a great sale=on sale,Back,Read the text quickly and fill the price tags.,Read the ad and fill the price tags.,阅读指导: 首先,读短文过程中,可用“_”划出广告中所售的衣物,并用“ ”圈出该物品的价格。 然后,看图片中的物品并注意其颜色,与短文中所描述的物品相对应。 最后,将衣物名称与价格一一对应,填入价签中。,2b,Read the ad and fill the price

8、 tags.,$ 12,$ 22,$ 16,$ 30,$ 28,$ 2,$ 20,$ 15,Work in pairs,Fill in the blanks according to the ad :,(2 minutes),根据广告,完成表格,sweaters,green,$15,sweaters,yellow,$12,trousers,black,$22,for boys,shorts,$16,for girls,skirts,purple,$20,for girls,jackets,$30,shoes,black,$ 28,socks,$ 2for there pairs,Work in

9、 groups,Read the ad carefully and answer the questions,(5 minutes),仔细阅读广告,回答问题,1.What can we buy at Mr. Cools store? 2.How much are the yellow sweaters there? 3.For boys, what color trousers do they sell? How much are they? 4.If(如果)you want to buy six pairs of socks, how much do you have to pay?,We

10、can buy sweaters, trousers, shorts, skirts, jackets, shoes and socks.,They are only 12.,They sell black trousers.,They are only 22.,pay 4.,Role play the conversation between assistant and customer. Compare who sold most and who bought most.,Role play(角色扮演),Work in pairs,角色扮演售货员和顾客,比比谁卖的最多,谁买的最多。,Ass

11、istant: Hello,_I help you? Customer: Yes,please. I need a_. Assistant: How about the _one? Customer: Oh,I like it. How much_? Assistant: Its only _. Customer: Oh,good.Ill take it. Assistant: And what do you need? Customer: Well,I need a pair of _. Assistant: What about this pair? They are only_. . C

12、ustomer: Ok,Ill take them.,One possible version,Suppose you have a clothes store next to Mr.Cool Write an ad for your own store. What sentences will you use in your ad? Please discuss with your partners and try to write an ad about 3 sentences to 5 sentences. (假设你在Mr. Cool旁边也有一间服装店,请给你的店写个广告,和你的同伴讨论

13、一下你们会在广告中采用哪些句子,并试着写一篇3-5句的广告),One possible version:,Miss Suns Clothes Store,Come and buy your clothes at ! Do you like ? We have_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Come to our store now.,Sale at _,our great sale,T-shirts,T-shirts at very,good price for only10. Do you need bags? We also have great bags for only 8! For bo

14、ys, we have T-shirts in white and yellow for only15. Shorts are only10! For girls, you can buy green skirts for12.,Sale,¥4,¥30,¥2,你打算在学校附近开一家文具店,请为你的文具店写一篇促销广告,homework,Watch and think,Its difficult to make money. We should save money.,挣钱不容易,我们应节约用钱,Come and buy at s great sale! Come to Clothes Stor

15、e. Do you like?We have. Do you need?We have. We have at a very good price-only¥ We sell.for only ¥ We have great for only¥. For boys/girls, we havefor only. You can buyfor only ¥each. Anybody can afford our prices.,You may need these sentences:,a hat,How much is this white hat?,-Its 4 dollars.,Whats

16、 this?,What color is it?,$4,a white hat,Helen,How much are these red socks?,-Theyre 2 dollars.,$ 2,$10,$30,What color are they?,Whatre these?,socks,red socks,Helen,10,15,21,18,21,31,13,25,16,Whats this?,Quick reaction快速反应,Congratulations,Congratulations,Lets play a number game! 数字游戏,1, 2, , 4, 5, 7, 8, .31,I am happy.,逢3的倍数,说“I am happy.”,Congratulations,1a,Listen and repeat. B 1a.mp3,1c,Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.,hat,Pairwork(分组问答物品价格),A: How much is/are the black/white ? B: Its/Theyre .,T-shirt,$14,$30,$28,$15,trousers,sweater,A: Can I help y


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