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1、the integrated technology of catalysis and sulfur retention during coal combustion is one of the important means of coal efficient and clean utilizaRegeneration period is 1 yearworking life is more than 3 years . the catalyst can be used in the removal of e thine or bi-alkene from ethene by selectiv

2、e hydrogenation;Dy been authenticated。外壳乙烯基选择氢脱炔催化剂,the catalyst for the removal of e thine by selective hydrogenation from ethene,能源环境工程集团技术简介12牙齿催化剂已经通过了验证。其规格为乙烯损失率为0脱脱合格率100%再生周期1年寿命3年以上,341年以上,工业放大催化剂The commercial catalyst。this is one of the national 9th five-year projects of China。the goal is

3、 to develop a hydrogen production system from methanol which can meet Tet Of proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC)electric viewthe main character istic is the super integration of techniques and implements。the technology involves several subjects such as catalytic Chemical engineering,informatio

4、n and automatization。for the more,it also relates to many kinds of industries such as chemical teches Apparatus and scales,controlling system in industrythe great challenge exits in the development of hydrogen generaty Which should be set up as small in volume And weight as possible And should have

5、the abblethe technology could be used in the following areas 3360 hydrogen source for FCS civil hydrogen general N middle or small scale . hydrogen generator foor FCS技术和设备的高度集成,不仅是催化化学、化学工程、信息自动化等学科,也是化学、仪表、工业控制、汽车等行业。开发满足燃料电池电动车启动、运行、变速、停车等要求的小型、轻型、快速响应和动态操作的氢技术供应是本项目课题。基于现有工作结果,目前正在申请专利。甲醇制氢技术包括燃料

6、电池氢源民用中小型氢气军用氢机、“95”、hidron genarato,专利编号:00110041.6;00110040.8;00110038.6;00110077.7,inorganic membrane and in organic membrane reactor,one of the national 85 gong Guan projects,Has been carried 10 m3/h PD-ceramic composite membrane separator used for separating h2is developed successfully and carr

7、ied out in-situ pilot test used hesed 将废气中的H2S气体转化为单质硫,实现污染管理及副产品收益的双重目的。反应温度:135175反应压力:无限制反应空速:1000hr-1总硫转化率:80%牙齿技术可用于湿法脱硫、二次去除硫化氢、有机化学工厂浓缩硫化氢去除。技术合作,共同开发。高浓度硫化氢催化脱除技术,In this technique,The H2S with medium concentration(5-20%)Can be removed by selective catalytic oxidation,the technology of catal

8、ytic oxidation removal of high concentration H2S能源环境工程集团技术简介6,改性活性炭脱硫技术(有机硫和无机硫都可以)具有去除有机硫的特效,可以在1ppm以下进行脱硫,再生、操作寿命长,效果好。牙齿技术是含硫250ppm以下气体的脱硫,使用空速300500hr-1,根据再生周期,入口含硫量大小,可以在数周内使用数月。工作温度7090。1987年通过了八月国家科学委员会、中国科学院鉴定、技术国际先进。牙齿技术可以用于合成气、石油天然气、煤气、油田天然气等各种含硫天然气的脱硫净化。可以根据用户的要求提供技术和完整的再生资料。技术中介,技术服务。有机硫

9、精制技术The organic sulfur removal technique that can also be used in removal of H2S is specialized to remove organic sulfur from gas . The concented The regeneration is several weeks to months according to The sulfur concentration at The inlet . operating temperature is 70-90 . in augue The technology .the technology for organic sulfur removal,commercial facility,能源环境工程组技术简介5,稀土-非贵金属催化剂和净化器技术,专利编号:ZL 89105063.9 CN 1046473 a CN 110上升温度低于进口同类产品净化器的净化性能,不影响汽车的动力性能、油耗,噪音比国家标准限制净化器样品多7台(二次)3万千米,经过3万公里车辆运行试验,整个净化器完整,净化效果均符合国家规


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