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1、2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,1,材料与人类文明,Time: 16 hrs,中南大学多媒体课件,The course of,材料科学与工程学院,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,2,人类文明社会的先导-新材料,一、材料的发展史,就是人类社会的发展史,二、材料的发展史,就是科学技术的发展史,第一、二讲,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,3,什么是材料(materials)?,Materials is the stuff from which a thing is

2、 made for using.,材料是人类社会所能接受的、可经济地制造有用物品的物质。,天然材料,人工材料,人工材料,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,4,材料的分类,用途:结构材料(受力,承载) 功能材料(半导体,超导体,以及光、电、声、磁、应力转换,等),物理形态:晶体材料、非晶态材料和纳米材料,属性:金属材料、无机非金属材料和有机高分子材料,几何形态:三维材料、二维材料、一维材料和零维材料,发展:传统材料(钢铁,铜,铝,水泥,塑料,陶瓷,. ) 新材料(金属间化合物,高温超导材料,非晶态合金,纳米材料, .),2020/8/6,Zhiming

3、 YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,5,The broad field of materials science and engineering seeks to explain and control one or more of the four basic elements: The structure and composition of a material, including the type of atoms and their arrangement as viewed over the range of length scales (nano-, meso-, m

4、icro-, macro-scale). The synthesis and processing by which the particular arrangement of atoms achieved. The properties of the material resulting from the atoms and their arrangement, that make material interesting or useful. The performance of the material, that is, the measurement of its usefulnes

5、s in actual conditions, taking account of economic and social costs and benefits.,Man made materials,Materials Science and Engineering,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,6,一、材料的发展史,就是人类社会的发展史。,人类历史的划分,石器时代陶器时代青铜器时代铁器时代。,现代社会,三 大 支 柱,能源、信息和材料(1998),生物工程,信息技术和新材料,Aluminum in 19th century.,Computer

6、,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,7,* 航空航天的物质基础,三高一低的结构材料(高强度、高模量、耐高温、低密度),鍛铝2014(LD10)的力学性能,卫星发射,节省1公斤重量将降低费用$20000。一次发射节约费用20%。,铝的理论强度为4700MPa,当今高强铝合金的最高强度没有超过1000MPa。,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,8,铝合金的 主要应用领域,战机,舰船,导弹,火箭,人造卫星,战车,高速列车,汽车,高层 建筑,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CS

7、U,9,导弹头罩,窗口,窗口材料: 蓝宝石 金刚石 ZnS/金刚石,导弹的眼睛 窗口材料 (ZnS, ZnSe, Al2O3, diamond, ),2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,10,二、材料的发展史,就是科学技术的发展史。,中国的四大发明:纸、火药、指南针、活字印刷,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,11,1)逻辑推理(古代哲学家,432 BC.) 2)宏观形貌观察、观测(by eye, 1669) 3)数学理论计算 4)科学测定(X-ray diffraction, electron diffra

8、ction,等),1、古代中国: “日取其半,万世不竭” “道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”(老子); “以土与金、木、水、火杂以成百物”(国语正语); “太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦,八卦交而生万物” (易经),人类对材料微观结构认识的发展过程,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,12,2、Europe: Plato (428-348 B.C.) and Euclid (330-275? B.C.) 5 regular polyhedrons stand for 5 original elements (fire, air, earth, w

9、ater, ether) which were used for describing every thing in the world.,Fire - tetrahedron,Air - octahedron,Ether - dodecahedron,Earth - cube,Water - icosahedron,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,13,介 观,宏 观,晶体的结构与形状,晶体的结构,晶体的形状,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,14,Morphology of PbS crystal w

10、ith NaCl structure,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,15,Morphology of Diamond,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,16,Snow flake,SOURCE: W. Bentley *1915s, *1987s.,电子显微镜(SEM、TEM),扫描探针显微术*(STM、AFM),2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,20,ABA,ABCA,ATOMIC PACKING,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of

11、MSE, CSU,21,Packing mode 1 (ABCABC),2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,22,Packing mode 2 (ABCABC),2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,23,Packing mode 3 (AaBbCcAaBbCc),2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,24,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,25,The structures and symmetry of 2D and 3D c

12、rystals,* (加多林), 1869. * (费多罗夫), 1890, Schoenflies (熊夫利), 1891.,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,26,量子力学:波粒二象性,“物理学最美的实验”一箭双雕,“慕尼黑事件”科学史上的大事,1912年,Laue, Friedrich, Knipping,ZnS 的劳厄衍射照片,显示其四重对称轴,显示其三重对称轴,光的波动性X射线光谱学 晶体微观周期性结构固体物理,P. Ewald,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,27,X-ray Diffract

13、ion (Bragg condition),2dsinq = l,l/2,dsinq,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,28,晶体的微观周期性结构,电子在周期势场中的运动,量子力学 Schrdinger方程,能 带 理 论 固体半导体理论,晶体点阵中的缺陷,金属材料强化理论,位错在晶体中运动,晶体的宏观 几何形貌,晶体生长理论,表 面 组 装,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,29,Crystalline Structures of Carbon,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of

14、MSE, CSU,30,A Fuller dome built for the Union Tank Car Company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Oct. 1958),Buckerminster Fuller - an American architect,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,31,The time-of-flight mass spectrum annotated by Kroto,Accident discovery,C60,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CS

15、U,32,The ultimate five-a-side soccer team,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,33,Flat sandwich structure for C60.,William Veech, the chairman of Rice Universitys Mathematics Dept.,32 faces = 20 hexagons + 12 pentagons,C60 Truncated icosahedron,2D 3D,2020/8/6,Zhiming YU, Dept. of MSE, CSU,34,Leonh

16、ard Euler (1752): V + F = E + 2,V = 60,E = 3(1/2) x 60 = 90,F = 2(1/6) x 90 = 30,V+ F = 90,E + 2 = 92,How dose the Fulleren form ?!,It seemed only slight less likely a possibility than a bunch of monkeys toying randomly with words of the English language, and coming up with a Shakespeare play. Jim Baggott, Perfect Symmetry, 1994.,2020/8/


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