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1、I believe that the world is what you think it is.,Unit 2,Module 9 Friendship,Are you happy to have many friends?,Warming up,Are you afraid to make friends?,a lonely girl,I was a lonely girl ,and afraid to make friends with anyone.,I always sit in silence.,Do you often smile at others?,How do you fee

2、l when you are with your friends?,My suggestion is :smile at the world and it will smile back.,pass v. 经过; 通过,silence n. 寂静; 无声,bright adj. 欢快的; 明亮的,trea sure n. 珍宝; 珍贵之物,trust v./n. 信任;信赖,New words,circle n. (熟悉的、相关的人形成的)圈子,stick v. (stuck, stuck)粘;粘贴,glue n. 胶水,suggestion n. 提议;建议 suggest doing st

3、h.,include v. 包括;把列为一部分,day by day 一天天地,Work in pairs and answer the questions.,1 When was the last time you felt sad? 2 Who did you tell that you were sad? 3 What did you do to feel better? 4 How can you make other people feel happy?,Learning to learn,When you read a story, focus on the five wh-que

4、stions: Who is the main character? What happens? When does the main event or story take place? Where does it take place? Why?,Look through the passage and get the answers to the five wh-questions.,Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.,1. How old was Zhang Bei when she went to a new school?,She

5、was thirteen years old.,2. What changed her life?,A smile.,1. Why was the smile an important gift?,A. Zhang Beis old school was far away.,B. Zhang Bei didnt know who the girl was.,C. It made Zhang Bei feel happy ,lively and warm.,2. Why couldnt Zhang Bei talk to anyone about her problem ?,A. Because

6、 she didnt want her parents to worry about her.,B. Because she didnt have any friends in her new school.,C. Because she was in the first year at a junior high school.,Choose the best answer,(C),(A),3. Why do you think the girl smiled?,A. She was happy to see his friends.,B. She saw Zhang Bei was unh

7、appy.,C. She was a very friendly girl and smiled at everyone,4. How did the smile change her life?,A. She began to make friends.,B. She became best friends with the girl.,C. She became best friends with the boy.,A. From her old school.,B. From other people in the world.,C. From herself.,5. Where doe

8、s she now think her feeling of unhappiness came from?,(C),(A),(C),Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. Does the beginning of the passage surprise you? Why? 2. How did the writer feel in the past? 3. How does the writer feel now? 4. What advice does she give?,Yes, it does. Because I dont thi

9、nk a smile can be an important gift.,She felt very lonely.,She feels happy.,Smile at the world and it will smile back.,Look at the diagram and complete it.,At first (1)_ knew me I felt (2) _ _and was afraid to (3) _ with anyone.,Then one day A girl looked at me and (4) _ I felt (5) _ lively and warm

10、,Now The girl has become my (6) _ I believe that the world is (7) _ it is.,Fact,Opinion: Smile at the world and (8) _.,No one,very,lonely,make friends,smiled,happy,best friend,what you think,it will smile back,1. I didnt know who she was. 2. One day, I asked her why she smiled at me that day. 3. She

11、 said she could not remember! 4. Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.,Find out the object clauses in the passage.,Language points,1.every time, 表示“每次”。在本句中引导一个状语从句every time等于each time 2.in silence, 表示“安静地,沉默地”。 3.day by day, 表示“一天天地,渐渐地”。 4.turn back 转身 5.smile at 对微笑 6.trust sb.=b

12、elieve in sb.表示“信任,相信”。 7. stick to把贴到.上 8. suggestion是可数名词,表示“建议”。动词形式为:suggest。同意词:advice 为不可数名词,1. Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt even more lonely. 每次听到其他同学有说有笑,我觉得自己更加孤单了。,Language points,every time意思是“每次”。Every time也可以换成each time。,Every/each time I ask you to

13、 do something, you always say you are too busy. 每次我让你做点儿什么,你总是说太忙。,the other后接可数名词复数,意为“其余的”。anyother后接可数名词单数,意为“其他任何一个”。例如:,Jackstudiesharderthananyotherstudent inourschool. =Jackstudiesharderthantheotherstudentsinourschool. 在我们学校杰克比其他学生都努力学习。,2. Day by day, I learnt to trust people, and they inclu

14、ded me in their circle of friends. 我逐渐学会了信任他人,而他们也邀请我加入了他们的朋友圈。,day by day 一天天地,渐渐地 day after day 日复一日的 side by side 肩并肩,Day by dayshe learnt more about her job.她日益了解自己的工作了。,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,circle glue silence stick suggestion treasure trust,1. My father made the _

15、that I should find a hobby. 2. Even today, some people search for _ under the sea.,suggestion,treasure,3. You can _ them to look after the house. 4. You must make the stamp wet before you _ it to the letter. 5. Have you got any _? I want to stick these pieces of paper together. 6. Johns _ of friends

16、 includes some students from the UK. 7. I like the _ in the countryside. The city is too noisy for me!,trust,stick,glue,circle,silence,Writing,Read the passage again. Find the paragraph that describe the following stages.,What happened and when. Where she was and how she felt. Why she felt that way.

17、,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3, What happened one day. What happened suddenly. What happened after this. What happened later. What she thinks now.,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 6,Paragraph 7,Paragraph 8,1. _ I read the novel, I felt the touch of something. Every time B. Everytime C. Every

18、times 2. The boy felt _ when he stayed at home alone. A. alone B. lonely C. happily,A,B,练一练:,3. The little boy grew up day _ day. A. at B. to C. for D. by 4. I want to give you some _ about the hobby. A. suggest B. suggestion C. advices D. piece of advices,B,D,5. I am very shy. And I am afraid _ wit

19、h strangers. A. talking B. talks C. to talk D. talk 6. Listen! Can you hear somebody _ in the next room? A. sings B. singing C. to sing D. sing 7. My dream is _ a teacher. A. be B. are C. am D. to be,C,B,D,8. His words made all of us _. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed 9. Each time she smils at me, I will feel _. A. something warm B. warm something C. anything warm D. warm anything 10. Dont _ strangers easily. A. depend B.


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