已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Section A Unit One Language Points,1.ask sb. for help 求助某人 for a test 为考试而学习 prepare for a test 为考试做准备 3. learn English by doing sth.通过干某事来学英语 4.have conversations with sb.和某人会话 5.learn a lot that way 用那种方法学到了很多,6.improve ones speaking skills提高某人的口语技巧 7. study with a group 小组学习 aloud

2、大声朗读 9. spoken English 口头英语 10.finish doing 干完某事 11.practice doing 练习干某事,12. be a little nervous 有点紧张 be stressed out 紧张 13. get the main idea 抓住大意 14. at first=first of all 首先 15. word by word 逐个单词地 16.The +形比,the +形比 越越 eg: The more you read, the faster youll learn.你读得越多,就会学的越多。, afraid 害怕干某事

3、 eg: She is afraid to speak English in front of the class.他害怕在班上说英语。 well=too 也 as well as =and 和 30. so that以便(表目的)= in order to =so as to=to She got up early so that she could catch the early bus,to do,of sth./ doing sth.,17.find it +形容词 +to do sth.发现干某事怎么样 eg: I find it difficult to learn m

4、ath well. 我发现学好数学很难。 like a bad dream 就像一场噩梦。 19. sothat 如此以至 eg: He speaks so fast that I cant understand/follow him.=He speaks too fast for me to understand/follow.,他说得太快我听不懂。 20.most of the time 大多数时间 21.because of 由于 eg: He didnt go there because of the heavy rain.=He didnt go there becaus

5、e the rain was heavy.他没去那儿是因为天下大雨 22.hide behind躲藏在的后面 23.keep a diary 记日记 24.give a report作报告,25.fall in love with 爱上 eg: He fell in love with Beijing as soon as he got there.他一到北京就喜欢上了它。 26. key words 关键词 27.look up 查字典 eg: If you dont know how to pronounce the words,please look them up in a dicti

6、onary.如果你不知道怎样拼读那些单词,请查字典。,.=She got up early in order to /to catch the early bus.她早起是为了赶早班车。 31.body language肢体语言 32. Its a piece of cake 小菜一碟 33.It serves you right.自作自受 34.have a better understanding of 对有更好的理解,35. an English movie called Toy Story named . with the name of 一个名叫玩具总动员的电影 36. someth

7、ing interesting 有趣的事 37. It takes time.这得慢慢来。,Section B,1.increase ones reading speed增加某人的阅读速度 increase by +百分数;增加了 Eg:The number of the students increased by 50%. 学生数量增加了50% increase to 增加到 Eg:The number of the students increased to 5000.学生数量增加到五千人,2.make mistakes/a mistake in 在某方面犯错误 eg: He has ma

8、de quite a few mistakes in grammar.他在语法方面犯了许多错误。 3.get the pronunciation right 发正确的音 4.look worried 看上去着急 5. a solution to the problem解决这个问 题的办法。,6. have trouble/problems doing sth. 干某事有困难 eg: I have trouble learning math. 我学数学有困难 7.from time to time 不时,偶尔 8. on ones way to在去某地的路上 9. get much writin

9、g practice得到大量的写作练习,10. be born with the ability to do sth. 生来就有干谋事的能力 11. whetheror not 是否 12.depend on 取决于;依靠 eg: wether we can go there or not depends on the weather.是否去那儿取决于天气,We should depend on ourselves.我们应该依靠我们自己。 13.have in common 有共同的 We have some hobbies in common. 我们有一些相同的爱好。 14. be inte

10、rested in sth./doing sth.=take an interest in sth./doing sth.对感兴趣 eg: They are interested in science.,15. pay attention to 注意 Please pay attention to your spelling and pronunciation.请注意你的拼写和发音。 16. connectwith 把.和联系起来 17. be good at=do well in擅长;在某方面干得好,18. (sb.)need to do ( 某人)需要干某事 (sth.) need doi

11、ng(某事)需要被做 eg: You need to take a bus.你需要乘公汽。 My bike needs repairing. 我的自行车需要修理 19. keep doing 继续干某事 20.take notes 做笔记,.draw mind map画思维导图 2.learn from向学习 eg: We can learn from our mistakes 我们可以从错误中汲起教训。 2. explain sth. to sb.向解释 2.overnight 一夜之间 eg: He became famous overnight. 他一夜成名,2.Use it,or lose it.=If you dont use itUnless you use it, youll lose it. 不用就作废 2.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 2. the beat way to do sth.干某事的最好方法 2.unless=if not 除非 eg: Dont watch TV unless you finish your homework=If you dont finish your homework,dont watch TV.除非你做完了作业,否则你不


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