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1、读写任务作文指导 Guidance for task-based writing 吕四中学 崔艳秋,考情分析,【命题透视】,附2013年读写任务命题形式、命题特点、命题话题见下表,考情分析,【命题透视】 本题考场上得分率两极分化相当明显。其中,全省零分作文卷达到6万多份,占全省的10%;014分卷占全省的64%。然而2025分的优秀卷只有5.4%,满分卷共42份。所以全省读写任务写作平均分10.87分,相比2012年的省平均分11.94分降低了1.07分。,考情分析,【考情反馈】 学生习作中的主要存在问题 从2013年高考英语评卷场上反馈的情况来看,大部分考生在读写任务写作中存在如下问题: 1

2、、英语单词拼写错误频繁 2、概括部分要点不完整; 3、英语句子结构混乱,缺乏用完整的句子来表达的能力 4、原文理解出现了偏差,导致歧义 5、相当一部分考生东拼西凑,抄袭原文、原句 6、中国式英语思维表达明显 7、生搬硬套写作模板,致使写作内容空洞 8、要点理解不到位,出现离题现象 9、结构笼统,段落不分明,致使评卷教师难以找到考生的写作要点。 10、写作段首缺乏主题句 11、写作考生思维没有拓展,导致文章内容空洞,篇幅短小。 12、段落篇章缺乏语篇过渡词,致使上下文连贯性不强。,考情分析,【评分要求】 概括 (30字左右) (评分细则) 1. 完全不理解地照抄原文,连人称都不改的(0分) 2.

3、机械死板地照抄,不改变原文顺序(1分) 3. 改变主语或宾语,灵活性地抄(2分) 4. 改变原文句子的结构 ,创造性地抄(3分) 5. 改变句子、用词,重新排列组织(4-5分) 自主写作(120字) 1. 感想,语言,内容,连贯性; 2. 语言为主, 内容的相关部分,综合考虑连贯; 3. 首先看语言是否合格; 4. 内容:读后感; 5. 用了阅读理解中的素材不算抄袭; 6. 内容偏离的时候以语言为主。,【读写任务的概括】 概括包括两个部分:主题句和支撑句。前者统摄后者,主题句是关键。 概括的形式:主题句支撑句。,The best gift Della and Jim broke away fr

4、om their families to get married. Now they lived in a small attic of a cold and old building. They were now digesting the hardship of life. The only joy was their sweet love for each other. The handsome husband had to be burdened with a family though he was young. The beautiful wife took care of the

5、 shabby house with the few coins she saved. Christmas was coming. They were thinking of a good gift for each other. Della wore a waterfall of black hair, but her comb was broken. Jim had a gold watch with an old chain, which was passed from his old grandfather. The big day finally came. On arriving

6、home, Jim was surprised to find Dellas long hair cut short. But Della was also surprised to find Jims gold watch gone. She had sold her hair to buy a gold watch chain for him! He had sold his gold watch to buy an expensive comb for her!The gifts were now useless. But in fact they got the best gift.,

7、题型探究,依据前面的评分细则及要求,我们分析一下五位同学的习作,看看他们的习作中还存在什么问题,需要如何改进。,学生习作一,学生习作二,学生习作三,学生习作四,学生习作五,【参考范文】,1、主题句:The text is about a gift of love between Jim and Della. 2、支撑句:They sold what they liked best to buy a gift for the other, which was actually true love to each other.,备考策略:,写作步骤与技巧: (1)了解大意做题之前,要浏览短文,了解

8、大意。如通过浏览标题、首段及各段首句等。 (2)找关键词找关键词就是找记叙文的六个要素。一般说来,任何事情或事件(what)都会有时间(when)、地点(where)、可能涉及的人物(who)、原因(why)、经过(how)、结果(result)。在阅读时可以将关键词画出来。,(3)组词成句依照原文内容,将上述关键词扩展成完整的句子。 (4)连句成篇根据事情发生的顺序,用适当的连接性词语,将上述体现文章要点的句子连接起来,成为一篇较为通顺的短文。,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree

9、. A little boy loved to come and lay around it every day. They loved to play together. As time went by, the boy had grown up and no longer played around it. One day, he came back and the tree excitedly invited him to play. But the boy said he needed money to buy toys. “Sorry, I have no money, but yo

10、u can pick all my apples and sell them,” said the tree. The boy did as told and left happily but never came back.The tree was sad.,小试牛刀:Lets have a try,Many years passed, the boy returned and told him he had to make money to build a house for his family. The tree happily offered its branches for the

11、 boys house. With the branches, the boy left, satisfied. The tree was again lonely and sad. Then one hot summer day, the tree was delighted to see the boy back again. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Us

12、e my trunk to build your boat.” The boy cut the tree trunk and went sailing but never showed up for a long time. The tree was happy, but it was not true.,Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I dont have anything for you any more. No more apples for you.” the

13、 tree said with tears. The boy replied that he was too old and needed nothing but a place to rest. “Good! The old tree root is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears,写作内容 1以约30个词概括上述寓言故事的要点。 2以约120个词,从“小男孩”、“

14、苹果树”或者“小男孩和苹果树”之间任选一个角度发表你的看法,并包括如下要点: (1) 谈谈你对他或他们行为的评价,并说出理由; (2) 你读后的感受与启示。,写作要求 1可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容论述,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 2标题自拟。 评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。,Possible version An apple tree gave whatever a boy needed, sparing no effort, after which, it felt lonely after his leaving. It was when they were both old that the boy returned to stay with the tree again.,视频材料,应试点睛,2013年3月广州一模分析会专家明谏:“高富帅是提升高考英语写作成绩的突破口”。 考生应该努力通过作文亮点的创设,使自己的作文高端,大气,上档次,从而给阅卷老师创造良好的心理感受和主观印象。,应试点睛,1、读写任务的写作最好写成四段式的文章。 2、


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