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1、Unit 6 The Human Touch,TextA The Last Leaf,Unit 6 The Human Touch,Theme 主题,Analysis of Main character 主要人物分析,Text Analysis 课文分析,Revision 上一单元复习,Assignments 作 业,Teaching Procedures: 教学过程,A Brief Introduction to the Author 作者简介,Revision,1.s_ adj. not pretending, honest.,incere,2.i_n. a single fact, ev

2、ent, etc., expressing a general idea; example.,nstance,3.s_ adj. following one after the other.,uccessive,4.a_ vt. recognize the quality or significance of, value,ppreciate,Revision,5.I _ (碰见) George at a party; it was the first time I had seen him in months. (come),came across,6.Since she met some

3、disabled young girls at college, she _(开始考虑) creating movies that tell people more about their world. (get),got to thinking about,Many years ago, a college student lost his life to save an old farmers life, which aroused a heated discussion among people. Some thought that it was not worthwhile for a

4、 college student who might contribute a lot to the society in the future to risk death for an old life, while some other people held the opposite view. What is your opinion?,What is human touch?,What is human touch?,19岁少女在踌躇满志地迎接2007年高考之际,却惊闻在异乡打工的父亲身患绝症,即将被摘除双肾,生命危在旦夕。为挽救至爱的父亲,女孩作出了让常人难以想象的决定:毅然决然地

5、为父亲捐献自己的右肾。女孩的孝心延续了父亲的生命,面对无家可归、一贫如洗、债台高筑的逆境,女孩依旧笑对生活,把父亲带到学校,一边读书,一边细心照料父亲,,姚义德夫妇靠打零工收养10多名弃婴,从1988年至今,姚义德夫妇先后救助了10多名弃婴,用爱心抚养这些被遗弃的生命。而夫妇俩为养这些孩子,18年没买过一件新衣服,王梅香:“中国最美的深山女教师”,22岁的女教师和她仅有的两个学生的生活。为了仅剩的两名学生,深山 女教师要求自己的老公一定要留在大山里,她为此错过不少姻缘。,2011年10月13日下午5时30分许,一出惨剧发生在佛山南海黄岐广佛五金城:年仅两岁的女童小悦悦走在巷子里被一辆面包车两次

6、碾压,几分钟后又被一小型货柜车碾过。而让人难以理解的是,七分钟内在女童身边经过的十八个路人,竟然对此不闻不问。最后,一位捡垃圾的阿姨把小悦悦抱到路边并找到她的妈妈。,Daily motto 每日格言,Life has become richer by the love that has been lost. 生命因为付出了爱而更为丰富。,O. Henry (1862-1910),Memorial to O. Henry,A Brief Introduction to the Author 作者简介,O. Henry (1862-1910) 欧.亨利,Writing style(写作风格) :

7、O. Henry - pseudonym of William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), The typical for O. Henrys stories is a twist of plot(曲折的情节) and surprise endings(出人意料的结果) which turns on an ironic(讽刺的) or coincidental circumstance. Main works(主要作品): The Last Leaf, The Cop and the Anthem(警察与赞美诗),The Gift of the Magi(麦琪的礼物)

8、,The Cabbages And Kings (国王和白菜), The Ransom(赎金) of Red Chief (红酋长的赎金)etc.,For example, in “The Gift of the Magi” a husband(Jim)sells his watch to buy his wife(Della)a Christmas present of a pair of hair combs; but, she cuts and sells her long hair to buy him a Christmas present of a new chain for hi

9、s watch.,Representative works,Representative works,“The Cop and the Anthem”,concerns a New York City hobo(游民) named Soapy, who sets out to get arrested so he can spend the cold winter as a guest of the city jail. Despite his efforts Soapy fails to draw the attention of the police. Disconsolate, he p

10、auses in front of a church, where an organ anthem inspires him to clean up his lifewhereupon he is promptly arrested for loitering ,“The Ransom(赎金) of Red Chief” concerns two men who kidnap a boy of ten Red Chief ,the son of the mayor . Red Chief actually enjoys his stay with his kidnappers, and thi

11、nks hes on a camping trip. But the boy turns out to be so bratty(讨厌的) and obnoxious that the desperate men ultimately pay the boys father two hundred and fifty dollars to take him back .,Representative works,In 1896 O. Henry was charged with embezzling(盗用) funds from the First National Bank of Austi

12、n, Texas, where he had worked from 1891 to 1894. The amount of money was small and might have been an accounting error; however, he chose to flee to Honduras rather than stand trial.,O. Henry (1862-1910),O. Henry (1862-1910),Learning that his wife was dying, he returned to Texas in 1897 and, after h

13、er death, turned himself in to the authorities. He served three years of a five-year sentence at the federal penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio, where he first began to write short stories and use the pseudonym O. Henry.,He died on June 5, 1910 in New York City at the age of forty-eight. An alcoholic, h

14、e died virtually penniless. In 1919 the O. Henry Memorial Awards for the best American short stories published each year were founded by the Society of Arts and Sciences.,O. Henry (1862-1910),1) Chicory,Chicory, also called curly endive1, is a slightly bitter tasting salad green, which is excellent

15、for giving a mixed green salad a variety of tastes.,Endive: n 植菊苣 / 1endaive/ curly endive:皱叶苦苣,2) bishop sleeves,Also called lantern sleeves,Language Points,1.in tune: harmonious(ly) (often followed by with) Eg: Her ideas were in tune with mine. 她的想法与我的一样。 Her character is quite out of tune with he

16、r beauty. -This horn (这小号)_(跑调了).,is out of tune,Language Points,-Theres many a good tune played on an old fiddle.,谚提琴虽老, 仍可奏出好的曲子; 老当益壮。,tune in (to) 收听 out of tune with 与 不和谐 change ones tune 改变看法、做法等,Language Points,2. stalk: (of an evil force) move through (a place) in a threatening way; move qu

17、ietly and cautiously in order to get near Examples: When night falls, danger stalks the streets of the city. The criminal stalked his victims like a hunter after a deer.,N (草本植物的) (支持叶 子、果实和花的)梗,柄 茎; -麦秆 -A sunflowers has a long stalk.,-Lily with Green Stalk.,Language Points,3.victim: n. person, ani

18、mal, etc. suffering death, injury or loss -many people were victims of the drought/flood/road accident/war/explosion Thousands were victims of the plague in the Middle Ages.,Language Points,CF: scarcely, barely 不严谨的,散漫的, 随便的, 不牢的, 不坚固的 -Id better sew that loose button before it comes off.,2) not tig

19、ht; -Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class. 3)散装的 -I bought these chocolates loose, not in a box.,to excess line 59 He drank gin to excess :to an extreme degree -His father never smoked or drank to excess. in excess of 超过 -Never spend in excess of your income. Excessive, excessivel

20、y,Language Points,Language Points,4.for the rest: as regards other matters The working conditions in my new job are excellent, but for the rest, I am not impressed. 在其他方面,我再也没有注意到什么了。 Collocation: as to the rest 至于其他方面 and all the rest of it 以及其他等等 He is young and handsome and well-educated and all

21、the rest of it.,Language Points,5. mock v.: ridicule; make fun of (used in the pattern; mock (at) sb. / sth.) Examples: They mocked him and called him a coward. Dont mock at him just because he keeps falling off his bike. Adj. interview/ test,Language Points,6. mingle: mix (followed by with) Example

22、s: The singers style mingles jazz and country music. The smell of smoke mingles with the smell of the food.,Language Points,stand out: to be very noticeable: to be much better than other similar things or people: -We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest. Outstandi

23、ng: synonyms Noticeable,Language Points,-An outstanding success/artist /singer/writer.一鸣惊人的成就,杰出的- Collocation: stand by 支持 stand for 代表 stand well with 与相处得好 Stand up for,Language Points,7. wear away: 1) (of time) pass gradually Examples: They didnt reach an agreement. Instead they wore the afterno

24、on away in arguing. 2) (cause to) become thin or damaged by constant use Examples: The steps have been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. Constant dripping water wears away the stone.,Language Points,8.acute: 1) (of diseases) coming quickly to the critical stage (antonym: chronic) Examp

25、les: She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis (阑尾炎). 2) severe Examples: The company is said to be suffering from acute financial difficulties.,Text Analysis 课文分析,The doctor,Green leaf: Yellow leaf: Falling leaf:,What do leaves usually symbolize?,Symbolize: Pigeon Symbolizes p

26、eace.,Leaf may be A symbol of : Life hope vitality low mood Being sentimental end of a circle of life loneliness,杜甫:登高 风急天高猿啸哀, 渚清沙白鸟飞回。 无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客, 百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓, 潦倒新停浊酒杯,贺知章 :咏柳 碧玉妆成一树高, 万条垂下绿丝线。 不知细对谁裁出, 二月春风似剪刀。,Where and when did this story happen? At the top of a three-story

27、building in November. According to the doctor, how would Johnsy be able to recover from pneumonia? Be optimistic/ have a strong will.,Global reading,What was Johnsys ambition before shes ill? Paint the Bay of Naples Why did Johnsy count the leaves? She thought she would die after the fall of the las

28、t leaf in the old ivy wine,Global reading,Who died finally and why? Behrman, because of his illness and terrible cold night. How did Behrman save Johnsy from despair? By drawing a leaf on the wall outside the window, which looks like a real one.,Global reading,Whats Behrmans ambition? Was it realize

29、d? To paint a masterpiece/ Yes. Why did Sue call the painted leaf Behrmans masterpiece? Because it was so perfect that the girls mistook it as a real one.,Global reading,Text Analysis 课文分析,Style of the text(文章题材): narration(记叙文). The three elements of novel: characters(人物): Johnsy: a sick young arti

30、st Sue: an artista friend of Johnsy Behrman: an old artista neighbor of the two girls Doctor:in charge of Johnsys illness Setting and Atmosphere(环境): the three-storybrick building a cold, unseen stranger stalked about the district, Johnsy was among his victims. Plot(情节) :,“The Last Leaf”,Text Analys

31、is,Plot:,In fact, if we look closely enough, we can find some other “threads” .E.g. The doctors three visits indicate three stages of Johnsys illness .,The story is, as indicated by its title, built around the last ivy leaf. In other words, the last ivy leaf is the main thread that runs through the

32、whole story. Questions,Questions:,What was, at first, Johnsy determined to do if the last ivy leaf should fall?,She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.,2. What did she decide to do when she saw the last leaf still cling to the vine after two nights rain and wind?,She decided not to give

33、 up her life,3. How was it that the cold fierce wind did not blow away the last leaf?,Questions:,Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsys state of mind, risked death to paint the last leaf and save her.,1 趣味相投的两个年轻画家Sue和Johnsy成了好朋友,拥有一间共同画室。,2 Johnsy得了肺炎,很虚弱,只能隔着小窗看着窗外那棵几乎光秃秃的常青藤,并在不停数着树上的

34、叶子。,3 Johnsy情绪很低落,跟Sue说,树上最后一片树叶落下的日子就是她离去的日子,Sue很担心她。,4 Sue把Johnsy的想法告诉了也很关心她的老画家Behrman。,5 一夜疾风暴雨后,Johnsy看到树上仍留有一片树叶,便有了活下去的勇气。,6 Behrman冒着风雨在墙上画了一片树叶,因感风寒,得了肺炎死了。,Analysis of Main character 主要人物分析,Behrman Behrman was an old man with long white beard. He was called as a painter, only because he lo

35、oked the part. For 40 years, he had been always about paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little by serving as a model. He drank gin to excess, and always talked of his coming masterpiece. He was a fierce little old man mocked terribly at softness in any one. He regarded him

36、self as guard dog to Sue and Johnsy.,Analysis of Main character 主要人物分析,Behrman是一个性格暴躁、酗酒成性、牢骚满腹、郁郁不得志的老画家。为了使Johnsy有了活下去的信心,冒雨画了最后一片叶子,使我们看到在他平凡的甚至有点讨厌的外表下有一颗火热的爱心, 虽然穷困潦倒,却无私关怀、帮助他人,甚至不惜付出生命的代价。,What did the last leaf mean? 最后一片叶子意味着什么?,For Behrman: The medicine to save Johnsys life 挽救Johnsy生命的良药。

37、His last masterpiece 艺术生涯最后一部杰作。 The realization of his career dream. 事业理想的实现。,The meaning of the last leaf 最后一片树叶的内涵,For Johnsy: the symbol of hope 希望的象征。 “When the last leaf falls, I must go too. ” “当最后一片叶子落下来,我也要去了。” 最后一片叶子关系到Johnsy的 生死,是希望和爱的象征。 如果 叶子落了, Johnsy 也就 给自己找到了放弃抗争的理由, 如果最后一片叶子不落, 她就会有

38、所期待,在最后 一片常青藤的鼓舞下,重新 振作,直到康复。,The meaning of the last leaf 最后一片树叶的内涵,Why Johnsy finally defeat the disease? 为什么Johnsy最终能战胜病魔,摆脱死神的羁绊呢?,sues friendship,Behrmans kindness,love,Johnsy,Theme主题,The last leaf represents the spirit of kind heart and self-sacrifice. It radiates the glory of humanity, and cr

39、eates the miracle of life-saving. 最后一片叶子是同情心和自我牺牲精神的象征,它闪耀着人性的光辉,创造了挽救生命的奇迹。 Belief, friendship are strong pillar of our life. 信念、友谊是生命得以延续的坚强支柱。,We need each other,We need each other in times of private pain, of fear and stress; We need each other to share our joys, our times of happiness; We need

40、each other to hold on and be strong, and encourage when things are going wrong; We need each other to keep the faith and love, and remind each other of all the things were dreaming of; We need each other now and always.,我们需要彼此 暗自苦痛时 好承受恐惧和压力 我们需要彼此 共同分享快乐 和幸福时光 我们需要彼此 互相依靠互相扶持 危难时相濡以沫 我们需要彼此 保持忠诚和爱

41、勿忘共同的憧憬 我们需要彼此 永远永远,Greenwich village,It has been home to many famous artists, musicians, and comedians.,Greenwich village,Map of California and Maine,Language points,They had met at a cafe on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that the join

42、t studio resulted. Question: Why did the joint studio come into being? Because the two girls have so many things in common.,Language Points,In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Johnsy was

43、 among his victims. Question: What kind of rhetorical method is used here? “Personification ”.(Can you find another example in this text?),Language Points,What does “touching one here and there with his icy fingers” mean? It means the illness spread quickly from one to another. What does “victims” m

44、ean here? The “victims” were those who had got the illness.,Language Points,“I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.” Translate the sentence into Chinese. “

45、只要是科学能做到的,我会尽一切努力的。可是,但凡病人开始计算她出殡的行列里有几辆马车的时候,我就要把医药的疗效减去一半。”,Language Points,What can you infer from the sentence? Johnsy was seriously ill. The doctor held out little hope for her because she seemed to lose the will to hang on to life.,Language Points,For the rest he was a fierce little old man, w

46、ho mocked terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as guard dog to the two young artists in the studio above. What kind of person was Mr. Behrman? Mr. Behrman was a kind of person who laughed greatly at anyone who showed weakness in front of him.,Language Points,But, Lo! after the b

47、eating rain and fierce wind that had endured through the night, there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf. Question: What does “endure” mean? It means “continue”. What is the function of “that had endured through the night”?,Language Points,It is an attributive clause used to modify “the beating rain and fierce wi


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