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1、Unit 1,Art,dance,What are they about?,opera,architecture,sculpture,seal cutting,paper cutting,calligraphy,embroider,art,painting,sculpture,architecture,photography,pottery,jewelry,music,dance,literature,opera,calligraphy,embroider,clothing,seal cutting,What do we call these things? -,paintings,Brain

2、storming,Can you name some famous painting and painters?,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,Judas kiss,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) 拉斐尔,The School of Athens,Masaccio (1401-1427),Madonna with Child and Angels,Crucifixion,Masaccio的作品:,凡高,Sunflower,清明河上图 北宋张择端,东晋顾恺之洛神赋图,Mogaoku,Xu B

3、eihong,Qi Baishi,Zhang Daqian,Crane,Lotus (Lian-Hua, He),Tiger,western art,Which style of paintings do you prefer, western or Chinese? Why?,It is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc.,It has an air of living in nature, harmony (和谐) and peace.,Chinese painting,Western pai

4、ntings:,About religion, human Abstract, rich in color, oil, line and shape,oil painting water color landscape cartoon figure drawing sketch,油画 水彩画 风景画 卡通 人物画 素描,If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?,oil painting是以用快干性的植物油(亚麻仁油、罂粟油、核桃油等)调和颜料,在画布亚麻布,纸板或木板上进行制作的一个画种。,水彩画是用水调和透明颜

5、料作画的一种绘画方法,简称水彩,,风景画是以自然景观及村庄、都市为题材的绘画,figure drawing,Sketch,If you have three of the paintings on the walls of your classroom, what kind of pictures would you choose? Why?,Discuss your reasons.,realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line rich religious unfinished modern colour shape,This wo

6、rds may help you in your discussion,a. realistic,b. abstract,c. existence,d. detailed,e. religious,f. traditional,1. accurate, minute,2. State or fact of existing,3. Being in thought but having a physical or practical existence,4. lifelike, true to life,5. classical, of old beliefs,6. Sincere to believe in a god or gods,traditional,religious,abstract,realistic,Impressionists,shape,Discussi


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