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1、1,高考专题训练短文改错,2,“1126”:正确1处,多词1处,缺词2处,错词6处. “1225”:正确1处,多词2处,缺词2处,错词5处 “1117”:正确1处,多词1处,缺词1处,错词7处,3,浏览全文,掌握大意 改错题是考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语的能力,只有把握全文的命脉,如体裁、时态主线、人物和主要情节等,才有可能找出是时态错误还是上下文逻辑错误等。,二:改错步骤,4,2. 分句阅读,逐行找错 a.句子是复合句、并列句还是简单句。是复合句,找出主从句之间的从属连词,是否合乎逻辑;主从句的时态是否一致;是否是并列句,有没有and,but,or,so等并列连词,并列连词使用是否恰当,若有

2、误,需改正。 b. 若该句是简单句,那么它属于物种基本句型中的哪种呢?主、谓、宾、宾补基本结构如有误,立即改正 c. 句型若正确,按先后顺序耐心地检查每个细节,看属于我们总结的哪类错误。 d. 假若细节未发现错误,也不要急于打“”,再查看一下有没有出现上下文逻辑错误。因为一个句子单独表达时可能正确,但在具体语境中就并不一定合理了。这样逐一检查之后,就不会有纰漏了。,5,3. 检查核对,攻克难点 a.核对改后的答案能否使全文流畅、语言规范和准确。 b.核对改正的语法项目,是否有重复。因为短文改错题往往覆盖面很广,一般不出现重复考查某个考点的现象。 c.核对答题是否规范,有无漏符号、忽略字母大写等

3、问题。 d.如两行都难以找到错误,与其乱改一行,不如都划“”,确保一行正确。 4、最后通读,查错补漏。,6,错在哪里?,动词形,名词数.,还要注意形和副.,非谓语,细辨别. 习惯用法要记住.,冠词连词常光顾.,句子成分多分析. 逻辑错误须关注.,代词格, 细领悟,7,此考点归纳的是除动词时态与非谓语动词之外的动词考点,它包括被动语态、情态动词、动词形式的变化、动词用法辨析、动词 be 的误加与漏用等。,NMET2000: Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library. NMET2003:She liked it very much and

4、 reads it to the class. Of course, when my mother was asked, “Have you” _,are,_,一、动词形,read,8,(1)He lied down by the side of the path to rest. (2) Charles and Linda were seeing near the top of the building. (3) Books may be keep for four weeks.,lay,seen,kept,9,短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的数与格即名词的可数与不可数、单数形式与复数形式;

5、名词的普通格与所有格,NMET2001: so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. NMET2003: Their word were a great encouragement to me. _,subjects,words,二、名词数,10,英语中冠词只有三个,从高考英语改错题的角度来看,只能从以下几个方向出题:1)不定冠词a和an互改;2)不定冠词a或an和定冠词the互改;3)根据需要增删冠词。,三、冠词连词常光顾,After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened. (2)I dec

6、ided to climb the tree to see where we were.,an,a,11,We tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do. I told Mother, Father, Sister, all my friends here what a great time I had.,短文改错的连词考点涉及对从属连词和并列连词的考查。并列连词的考查主要涉及and, but, or, so 等几个表示并列、转折、选择、因果等关系的词语.重在句意的表达。,but,and,三、冠词连词常光顾,12,1.I got two

7、 rewards: one I could eat and another I could keep in my heart. _ 2.There are so many things I dont know about China that I hope to discover it in the furure. _,四.代词格, 细领悟,one,them,13,NMET 2004 : I would describe myself as shy and quietly. _ NMET 2005 : He asked angry if we had finished the work. _,

8、quiet,angrily,五、还要注意形和副,14,这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有现在分词、过去分词,动名词和不定式错误。,NMET2001: My parents love me and will do all they can make sure _ NMET 2003: Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express myself in simple English. _,to,talking,六、非谓语,细辨别,15,主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识,是指英语中一些不能随意更改的习

9、惯表达。,NMET2000: Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher. _,a,七、习惯用法要记住,16,不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语境要选择不同的词语。只有对句子结构和成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。,NMET 2004 : I dont know that they dont like to talk with me. _ NMET 1997:I live in Beijing,where is the capital of China. _,why,which,八、句子成分多分析,17,答题技巧,1 通读全文,

10、弄清大意,确定时态。 2 判断对错不仅看本行、本句,还要纵观全文。 3 有错则改,不能用多种表达方式互改。 4. 多词处记住在该词上划斜线。 5 缺词、错词处别忘了在原文中做记号。,18,短文改错应注意的问题,四不改: 标点符号不改。 大小写不改。 词序错误不改。 在纲外生词不改。文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错。,19,At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his 1._ father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose 2._ a big one. It was almost as taller as the r

11、oom! 3._ They put them in the corner of the sitting 4._ room. Kate was covered it with a lot of 5._ Christmas light. The sitting room looked 6. _ really beautifully at the moment. There was 7._ a fire burning in the fire place, but the Christmas 8._ tree lights were shinning brightly. Jim and his 9.

12、 _ parents singing and dancing happily. 10._,20,At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his 1._ father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose 2._ a big one. It was almost as taller as the room! 3._ They put them in the corner of the sitting 4._,_,On,_,chose,_,tall,_,it,动词形,介词短语常常考,习惯用法要记住,还要注意形和副,代词格,细领悟,2

13、1,room. Kate was covered it with a lot of 5._ Christmas light. The sitting room looked 6. _ really beautifully at the moment. There was 7. _ a fire burning in the fire place, but the Christmas 8. _ tree lights were shinning brightly. Jim and his 9. _ parents singing and dancing happily. 10._,_,light

14、s,_,beautiful,_,and,were,动词形,还要注意形和副,动词形,名词数,冠词连词常光顾,22,I often dream of a teacher. I dream of standing on the 1. _ platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys 2. _ and girls. I teach them, play with them, but watch them 3. _ growing up. I am always young when I was staying 4. _ with them. I know there is not easy to be a teacher. You 5. _ have to learn in order to teach.Without enough knowledges 6. _ you can never learn well. What is more, you have to be 7. _ friends with your pupils and take good


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